Esempio n. 1
        protected TreatmentResult GetTreatment(Key key, ParsedSplit split, Dictionary <string, object> attributes, ISplitClient splitClient)
            if (!split.killed)
                bool inRollout = false;
                // use the first matching condition
                foreach (var condition in split.conditions)
                    if (!inRollout && condition.conditionType == ConditionType.ROLLOUT)
                        if (split.trafficAllocation < 100)
                            // bucket ranges from 1-100.
                            var bucket = split.algo == AlgorithmEnum.LegacyHash ? splitter.LegacyBucket(key.bucketingKey, split.trafficAllocationSeed) : splitter.Bucket(key.bucketingKey, split.trafficAllocationSeed);

                            if (bucket > split.trafficAllocation)
                                return(new TreatmentResult(LabelTrafficAllocationFailed, split.defaultTreatment, split.changeNumber));

                        inRollout = true;

                    var combiningMatcher = condition.matcher;

                    if (combiningMatcher.Match(key, attributes, splitClient))
                        var treatment = splitter.GetTreatment(key.bucketingKey, split.seed, condition.partitions, split.algo);

                        return(new TreatmentResult(condition.label, treatment, split.changeNumber));

                return(new TreatmentResult(LabelDefaultRule, split.defaultTreatment, split.changeNumber));
                return(new TreatmentResult(LabelKilled, split.defaultTreatment, split.changeNumber));
Esempio n. 2
        private void VerifyTestFile(string file, string[] sepparator, bool legacy = true)
            var fileContent = File.ReadAllText(file);
            var contents    = fileContent.Split(sepparator, StringSplitOptions.None);
            var csv         = from line in contents
                              select line.Split(',').ToArray();

            var  splitter = new Splitter();
            bool first    = true;

            var results = new List <string>();

            foreach (string[] item in csv)
                if (first)
                    first = false;
                    if (item.Length == 4)
                        var hash   = legacy ? splitter.LegacyHash(item[1], int.Parse(item[0])) : splitter.Hash(item[1], int.Parse(item[0]));
                        var bucket = legacy ? splitter.LegacyBucket(item[1], int.Parse(item[0])) : splitter.Bucket(item[1], int.Parse(item[0]));

                        Assert.AreEqual(hash, long.Parse(item[2]));
                        Assert.AreEqual(bucket, int.Parse(item[3]));
Esempio n. 3
        protected string GetTreatment(Key key, ParsedSplit split, Dictionary <string, object> attributes, long start, Stopwatch clock, ISplitClient splitClient, bool logMetricsAndImpressions)
            if (!split.killed)
                bool inRollout = false;
                // use the first matching condition
                foreach (ConditionWithLogic condition in split.conditions)
                    if (!inRollout && condition.conditionType == ConditionType.ROLLOUT)
                        if (split.trafficAllocation < 100)
                            // bucket ranges from 1-100.
                            int bucket = split.algo == AlgorithmEnum.LegacyHash ? splitter.LegacyBucket(key.bucketingKey, split.trafficAllocationSeed) : splitter.Bucket(key.bucketingKey, split.trafficAllocationSeed);

                            if (bucket >= split.trafficAllocation)
                                if (logMetricsAndImpressions)
                                    // If not in traffic allocation, abort and return
                                    // default treatment
                                    RecordStats(key,, split.changeNumber, LabelTrafficAllocationFailed, start, split.defaultTreatment, SdkGetTreatment, clock);

                        inRollout = true;
                    var combiningMatcher = condition.matcher;
                    if (combiningMatcher.Match(key, attributes, splitClient))
                        var treatment = splitter.GetTreatment(key.bucketingKey, split.seed, condition.partitions, split.algo);

                        if (logMetricsAndImpressions)
                            //If condition matched, impression label = condition.label
                            RecordStats(key,, split.changeNumber, condition.label, start, treatment, SdkGetTreatment, clock);


                if (logMetricsAndImpressions)
                    //If no condition matched, impression label = "no rule matched"
                    RecordStats(key,, split.changeNumber, LabelNoConditionMatched, start, split.defaultTreatment, SdkGetTreatment, clock);
                if (logMetricsAndImpressions)
                    //If split was killed, impression label = "killed"
                    RecordStats(key,, split.changeNumber, LabelKilled, start, split.defaultTreatment, SdkGetTreatment, clock);