Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Construct an SPI device attached to a particular module
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="spiModule">The module this device is attached to</param>
        /// <param name="chipSelect">The chip select pin used by this device</param>
        /// <param name="chipSelectMode">The ChipSelectMode to use with this device</param>
        /// <param name="speedMhz">The speed to operate this device at</param>
        /// <param name="mode">The SpiMode of this device</param>
        public SpiDevice(Spi spiModule, SpiChipSelectPin chipSelect,
                         ChipSelectMode chipSelectMode = ChipSelectMode.SpiActiveLow, double speedMhz = 6,
                         SpiMode mode = SpiMode.Mode00)
            ChipSelectMode = chipSelectMode;
            ChipSelect     = chipSelect;
            _spi           = spiModule;
            Frequency      = speedMhz;
            Mode           = mode;

            _spi.Enabled = true;


            // Set the initial chip select state
            if (chipSelectMode == ChipSelectMode.PulseLowAtBeginning ||
                chipSelectMode == ChipSelectMode.PulseLowAtEnd || chipSelectMode == ChipSelectMode.SpiActiveLow)
                ChipSelect.DigitalValue = true;
                ChipSelect.DigitalValue = false;
 /// <summary>
 ///     Construct an LED shift register attached directly to a board SPI module
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="SpiModule">The board's SPI module</param>
 /// <param name="LatchPin">The pin to use for latches</param>
 /// <param name="OutputEnablePin">The PWM pin to use, allowing controllable global brightness.</param>
 /// <param name="ChannelCount">The number of channels this LED shift register has</param>
 /// <param name="speedMhz">The speed, in MHz, to use when communicating</param>
 public LedShiftRegister(Spi SpiModule, SpiChipSelectPin LatchPin, Pwm OutputEnablePin,
                         LedChannelCount ChannelCount = LedChannelCount.SixteenChannel, double speedMhz = 6) : base(SpiModule,
                                                                                                                    LatchPin, (int)ChannelCount / 8, speedMhz)
     oePwm = OutputEnablePin;
 public SuperNesController(Spi spi, SpiChipSelectPin ps) : base(spi, ps)
     X = new Button(new DigitalInPeripheralPin(this));
     Y = new Button(new DigitalInPeripheralPin(this));
     L = new Button(new DigitalInPeripheralPin(this));
     R = new Button(new DigitalInPeripheralPin(this));
 /// <summary>
 ///     Set up a ChainableShiftRegisterOutput connected to an SPI port.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="spiModule">the SPI module to use</param>
 /// <param name="latchPin">The latch pin to use</param>
 /// <param name="numBytes">The number of bytes to write to this device</param>
 /// <param name="mode">The SPI mode to use for all shift registers in this chain</param>
 /// <param name="csMode">The ChipSelectMode to use for all shift registers in this chain</param>
 /// <param name="speedMhz">The speed to use for all shift registers in this chain</param>
 public ChainableShiftRegisterOutput(Spi spiModule, SpiChipSelectPin latchPin, int numBytes = 1,
                                     double speedMhz = 6, SpiMode mode = SpiMode.Mode00, ChipSelectMode csMode = ChipSelectMode.PulseHighAtEnd)
     spiDevice     = new SpiDevice(spiModule, latchPin, csMode, speedMhz, mode);
     this.numBytes = numBytes;
     CurrentValue  = new byte[numBytes];
     lastValues    = new byte[numBytes];
Esempio n. 5
        public NesController(Spi spi, SpiChipSelectPin ps)
            dev = new SpiDevice(spi, ps, ChipSelectMode.PulseHighAtBeginning);

            A      = new Button(new DigitalInPeripheralPin(this));
            B      = new Button(new DigitalInPeripheralPin(this));
            Start  = new Button(new DigitalInPeripheralPin(this));
            Select = new Button(new DigitalInPeripheralPin(this));
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        ///     Construct a FLIR Lepton
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="spi">The Spi module to use</param>
        /// <param name="cs">The chip-select pin</param>
        public FlirLepton(Spi spi, SpiChipSelectPin cs)
   = new SpiDevice(spi, cs, ChipSelectMode.SpiActiveLow, 6, SpiMode.Mode11);
            this.cs  = cs;

            blackFrame = new ushort[height, width];
            for (var i = 0; i < height; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < width; j++)
                    blackFrame[i, j] = 0xffff;
Esempio n. 7
        public Nrf24l01(Spi spi, SpiChipSelectPin csPin, DigitalOut cePin, DigitalIn irqPin)
            dev         = new SpiDevice(spi, csPin);
            this.irqPin = irqPin;
            this.cePin  = cePin;
            cePin.DigitalValue          = false;
            irqPin.DigitalValueChanged += IrqPin_DigitalValueChanged;

            Task.Run(() => dev.SendReceiveAsync(new byte[] { 0x50, 0x73 })).Wait(); // enable feature register
            Task.Run(() => WriteRegister((byte)Registers.Feature, 0b00000111)).Wait();
            Task.Run(() => WriteRegister((byte)Registers.DynamicPayloadLength, 0b00111111)).Wait();

            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                pipes[i] = new Pipe(i, this);
            // set default addresses
            pipes[0].address = 0xE7E7E7E7E7;
            pipes[1].address = 0xC2C2C2C2C2;
            pipes[2].address = 0xC2C2C2C2C3;
            pipes[3].address = 0xC2C2C2C2C4;
            pipes[4].address = 0xC2C2C2C2C5;
            pipes[5].address = 0xC2C2C2C2C6;

            // set default enable state
            pipes[0].enablePipe = true;
            pipes[1].enablePipe = true;

            Task.Run(() => Task.Delay(5)).Wait();

            powerUp = true;

            Task.Run(() => Task.Delay(5)).Wait();

            // manually call the ISR just in case there's something pending
            IrqPin_DigitalValueChanged(this, new DigitalInValueChangedEventArgs(cePin.DigitalValue));
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        ///     Construct a new instance of a Max7219 device
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="SpiModule">A reference to the Treehopper SPI module</param>
        /// <param name="LoadPin">The pin attached tot he LOAD input</param>
        /// <param name="Address">The index of the Max7219 device attached to this bus</param>
        /// <param name="SpeedMHz">The SPI speed to use. The maximum is 10 MHz.</param>
        public Max7219(Spi SpiModule, SpiChipSelectPin LoadPin, int Address = 0, double SpeedMHz = 6) : base(64, true,
            if (SpeedMHz > 10)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("SpeedMhz",
                                                      "The MAX7219 supports a maximum clock rate of 10 MHz.");

            dev = new SpiDevice(SpiModule, LoadPin, speedMhz: SpeedMHz, chipSelectMode: ChipSelectMode.PulseHighAtEnd);

            address = Address;

            ScanLimit = 7;
            Shutdown = false;
Esempio n. 9
        public Pcd8544(Spi spi, SpiChipSelectPin csPin, DigitalOut dc, DigitalOut rst,
                       byte biasValue = 0x04) : base(84, 48)
            this.spi = new SpiDevice(spi, csPin, ChipSelectMode.SpiActiveLow, 6);

            this.dc  = dc;
            this.rst = rst;


            this.rst.DigitalValue = true;
            this.rst.DigitalValue = false;
            this.rst.DigitalValue = true;

            sendCommand(Command.SetVop, 0x30).Wait();
            sendCommand(Command.SetTempCoefficient, 0x00).Wait();
            sendCommand(Command.SetBias, biasValue).Wait();

Esempio n. 10
 public Mcp425x(Spi spi, SpiChipSelectPin cs) : base(spi, cs)
     scale = 256;
Esempio n. 11
 /// <summary>
 ///     Construct a DM632 16-channel, 16-bit PWM LED controller attached directly to an SPI port
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="SpiModule">The SPI module to use</param>
 /// <param name="LatchPin">The latch pin to use</param>
 /// <param name="speedMhz">The speed, in MHz, to use</param>
 public Dm632(Spi SpiModule, SpiChipSelectPin LatchPin, double speedMhz = 6) : base(SpiModule, LatchPin, 32,
Esempio n. 12
 public Mcp423x(Spi spi, SpiChipSelectPin cs) : base(spi, cs)
Esempio n. 13
 /// <summary>
 ///     Construct a new 74HC595-type shift register that is directly connected to a Treehopper's SPI port
 /// </summary>
 public Hc595(Spi spiModule, SpiChipSelectPin latchPin, double speedMhz = 6) : base(spiModule, latchPin, 8,
                                                                                    SpiMode.Mode00, ChipSelectMode.PulseHighAtEnd, speedMhz)
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        ///     Send/receive data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataToWrite">
        ///     a byte array of the data to send. The length of the transaction is determined by the length of this array.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="chipSelect">The chip select pin, if any, to use during this transaction.</param>
        /// <param name="chipSelectMode">The chip select mode to use during this transaction (if a CS pin is selected)</param>
        /// <param name="speedMhz">The speed to perform this transaction at.</param>
        /// <param name="burstMode"The burst mode (if any) to use.</param>
        /// <param name="spiMode">The SPI mode to use during this transaction.</param>
        /// <returns>An awaitable byte array with the received data.</returns>
        public async Task <byte[]> SendReceiveAsync(byte[] dataToWrite, SpiChipSelectPin chipSelect = null,
                                                    ChipSelectMode chipSelectMode = ChipSelectMode.SpiActiveLow, double speedMhz = 6,
                                                    SpiBurstMode burstMode        = SpiBurstMode.NoBurst, SpiMode spiMode = SpiMode.Mode00)
            var transactionLength = dataToWrite.Length;
            var returnedData      = new byte[transactionLength];

            if (Enabled != true)
                Utility.Error("SPI module must be enabled before starting transaction", true);

            if (chipSelect != null && chipSelect.SpiModule != this)
                Utility.Error("Chip select pin must belong to this SPI module", true);

            if (speedMhz > 0.8 && speedMhz < 6)
                    "NOTICE: automatically rounding up SPI speed to 6 MHz, due to a possible silicon bug. This bug affects SPI speeds between 0.8 and 6 MHz, so if you need a speed lower than 6 MHz, please set to 0.8 MHz or lower.");

                speedMhz = 6;

            using (await _device.ComsLock.LockAsync().ConfigureAwait(false))
                var spi0Ckr = (int)Math.Round(24.0 / speedMhz - 1);
                if (spi0Ckr > 255.0)
                    spi0Ckr = 255;
                        "NOTICE: Requested SPI frequency of {0} MHz is below the minimum frequency, and will be clipped to 0.09375 MHz (93.75 kHz).",
                else if (spi0Ckr < 0)
                    spi0Ckr = 0;
                        "NOTICE: Requested SPI frequency of {0} MHz is above the maximum frequency, and will be clipped to 24 MHz.",

                var actualFrequency = 48.0 / (2.0 * (spi0Ckr + 1.0));

                if (Math.Abs(actualFrequency - speedMhz) > 1)
                        "NOTICE: SPI module actual frequency of {0} MHz is more than 1 MHz away from the requested frequency of {1} MHz",
                        actualFrequency, speedMhz);

                if (dataToWrite.Length > 255)
                    throw new Exception("Maximum packet length is 255 bytes");

                var header = new byte[7];
                header[0] = (byte)DeviceCommands.SpiTransaction;
                header[1] = (byte)(chipSelect?.PinNumber ?? 255);
                header[2] = (byte)chipSelectMode;
                header[3] = (byte)spi0Ckr;
                header[4] = (byte)spiMode;
                header[5] = (byte)burstMode;
                header[6] = (byte)transactionLength;

                // just send the header
                if (burstMode == SpiBurstMode.BurstRx)
                    await _device.SendPeripheralConfigPacketAsync(header).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    var dataToSend = new byte[transactionLength + header.Length];
                    Array.Copy(header, dataToSend, header.Length);
                    Array.Copy(dataToWrite, 0, dataToSend, header.Length, transactionLength);

                    var bytesRemaining = dataToSend.Length;
                    var offset         = 0;
                    while (bytesRemaining > 0)
                        var transferLength = bytesRemaining > 64 ? 64 : bytesRemaining;
                        var tmp            = dataToSend.Skip(offset).Take(transferLength);
                        await _device.SendPeripheralConfigPacketAsync(tmp.ToArray()).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        offset         += transferLength;
                        bytesRemaining -= transferLength;

                // no need to wait if we're not reading anything
                if (burstMode != SpiBurstMode.BurstTx)
                    var bytesRemaining = transactionLength;
                    var srcIndex       = 0;
                    while (bytesRemaining > 0)
                        var numBytesToTransfer = bytesRemaining > 64 ? 64 : bytesRemaining;
                        var receivedData       = await _device.ReceiveCommsResponsePacketAsync((uint)numBytesToTransfer)

                        Array.Copy(receivedData, 0, returnedData, srcIndex,
                                   receivedData.Length); // just in case we don't get what we're expecting
                        srcIndex       += numBytesToTransfer;
                        bytesRemaining -= numBytesToTransfer;

Esempio n. 15
 public Mcp413x(Spi spi, SpiChipSelectPin cs)
 { = new SpiDevice(spi, cs);
     scale    = 128;
Esempio n. 16
 public SpiFlash(Spi dev, SpiChipSelectPin cs)
 { = new SpiDevice(dev, cs, ChipSelectMode.SpiActiveLow, 6);
Esempio n. 17
 /// <summary>
 ///     Construct a shift register attached to an SPI port
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="spiModule">The SPI module this shift register is attached to</param>
 /// <param name="latchPin">The latch pin to use</param>
 /// <param name="numPins">The number of pins on the shift register</param>
 /// <param name="mode">THe SPI mode to use with this shift register (and subsequent ones on this chain)</param>
 /// <param name="csMode">The chip select mode to use with this shift register (and subsequent ones on this chain)</param>
 /// <param name="speedMhz">The speed to operate this shift register (and subsequent ones on this chain) with</param>
 public ShiftOut(Spi spiModule, SpiChipSelectPin latchPin, int numPins = 8, SpiMode mode = SpiMode.Mode00,
                 ChipSelectMode csMode = ChipSelectMode.PulseHighAtEnd, double speedMhz  = 1)
     : base(spiModule, latchPin, numPins / 8, speedMhz, mode, csMode)