bool RollAbsorptionChance(SpellAbsorption absorbEffect, DaggerfallEntity casterEntity)
            int chance = absorbEffect.Settings.ChanceBase + absorbEffect.Settings.ChancePlus * (int)Mathf.Floor(casterEntity.Level / absorbEffect.Settings.ChancePerLevel);
            int roll   = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 100);

            return(roll <= chance);
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests incoming effect for spell absorption. If absorption succeeds the entity will
        /// block effect and recover spell points equal to the casting cost of blocked effect.
        /// If target does not have enough spell points free to absorb effect cost then effect will NOT be absorbed.
        /// For example if player has 0 of 50 spell points available, they can absorb an incoming effect costing up to 50 spell points.
        /// An effect costing 51 spell points cannot be absorbed. It's "all or nothing".
        /// Notes:
        ///  - There are two variants of spell absorption in Daggerfall.
        ///     - Career-based: This is the "none / in light / in darkness / always" assigned to entity career kit.
        ///     - Effect-based: Generated by having an active Spell Absorption effect from a spell or item.
        ///  - In classic effect-based absorption from spells/items will override career-based absorption. Not sure if bug.
        ///  - Career-based absorption will always succeed chance check.
        ///  - Spell-based will roll for check on each absorb attempt.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="effect">Incoming effect.</param>
        /// <param name="targetType">Source bundle target type for spell cost calculation.</param>
        /// <param name="casterEntity">Source caster entity behaviour for spell cost calculation.</param>
        /// <param name="absorbSpellPointsOut">Number of spell points absorbed. Only valid when returning true.</param>
        /// <returns>True if absorbed.</returns>
        bool TryAbsorption(IEntityEffect effect, TargetTypes targetType, DaggerfallEntity casterEntity, out int absorbSpellPointsOut)
            absorbSpellPointsOut = 0;

            // Effect cannot be null
            if (effect == null)

            // Currently only absorbing Destruction magic - not sure on status of absorbing other magic schools
            // This is to prevent something as benign as a self-heal from player being blocked and absorbed
            // With current design, absorption is checked for ALL incoming effects to entity so require some sanity checks
            if (effect.Properties.MagicSkill != DFCareer.MagicSkills.Destruction)

            // Get casting cost for this effect
            // Costs are calculated as if target cast the spell, not the actual caster
            // Note that if player self-absorbs a spell this will be equal anyway
            int effectCastingCost = GetEffectCastingCost(effect, targetType, entityBehaviour.Entity);

            // The entity must have enough spell points free to absorb incoming effect
            int availableSpellPoints = entityBehaviour.Entity.MaxMagicka - entityBehaviour.Entity.CurrentMagicka;

            if (effectCastingCost > availableSpellPoints)
                absorbSpellPointsOut = effectCastingCost;

            // Check if entity has an absorb incumbent running
            SpellAbsorption absorbEffect = FindIncumbentEffect <SpellAbsorption>() as SpellAbsorption;

            if (absorbEffect != null)
                return(TryEffectBasedAbsorption(effect, absorbEffect, casterEntity));

            // Handle career-based absorption
            if (entityBehaviour.Entity.Career.SpellAbsorption != DFCareer.SpellAbsorptionFlags.None)
                return(TryCareerBasedAbsorption(effect, casterEntity));

 bool TryEffectBasedAbsorption(IEntityEffect effect, SpellAbsorption absorbEffect, DaggerfallEntity casterEntity)
     return(RollAbsorptionChance(absorbEffect, casterEntity));