Esempio n. 1
        public Screen48(SpectrumBase machine)
            : base(machine)
            // interrupt
            InterruptStartTime = 3;
            InterruptLength    = 32;
            // offsets
            RenderTableOffset = 56;
            ContentionOffset  = 6;
            FloatingBusOffset = 1;
            // timing
            ClockSpeed       = 3500000;
            FrameCycleLength = 69888;
            ScanlineTime     = 224;
            BorderLeftTime   = 24;
            BorderRightTime  = 24;
            FirstPaperLine   = 64;
            FirstPaperTState = 64;
            // screen layout
            Border4T           = true;
            Border4TStage      = 0;
            ScreenWidth        = 256;
            ScreenHeight       = 192;
            BorderTopHeight    = 48;         // 55;// 48;
            BorderBottomHeight = 48;         // 56;
            BorderLeftWidth    = 48;
            BorderRightWidth   = 48;
            ScanLineWidth      = BorderLeftWidth + ScreenWidth + BorderRightWidth;

            RenderingTable = new RenderTable(this,

        public SpectraContainerBase(IProject parentProject, string name, IModel model, ICollection <string> spectraPaths, ICollection <GroupDefinition> groupsDefinition)
            int dataLength  = 0;
            int bufferStart = 0;

            if (model.SpectrumType.GetInterface("ISpectrum") == null)
                throw new SpectrumLoadException("invalid spectrumType. spectrumType must be implementation of ISpectrum");
            this._name          = name;
            this._parentProject = parentProject;
            this._enabled       = true;
            Assembly ass = Assembly.GetAssembly(model.SpectrumType);

            model.GroupsDefinition = (GroupDefinition[])groupsDefinition;
            this._model            = model;
            _spectra = new List <ISpectrum>();
            int stat;

            foreach (string path in spectraPaths)
                using (TextReader reader = new StreamReader(path)) {
                    dataLength += SpectrumBase.getSpectrumData(reader, true, null, -1, out stat);
            this._data    = new int[dataLength];
            this._weights = new double[dataLength];
            foreach (string path in spectraPaths)
                string       typeName     = model.SpectrumType.ToString();
                BindingFlags bindingFlags = BindingFlags.CreateInstance;
                object[]     args         = new object[] { path, this, bufferStart };
                SpectrumBase spectrum     = (SpectrumBase)ass.CreateInstance(typeName, true, bindingFlags, null, args, null, null);
                if (spectrum != null)
                bufferStart = spectrum.BufferEndPos + 1;
                if (OpenProgressChanged != null)
                    OpenProgressChanged(this, null); //new System.ComponentModel.ProgressChangedEventArgs((int)Math.Round(100 * ((double)progress / (double)spectraPaths.Count)), null));
Esempio n. 3
        public ULA128(SpectrumBase machine)
            : base(machine)
            InterruptPeriod        = 36;
            LongestOperationCycles = 64 + 2;
            FrameLength            = 70908;
            ClockSpeed             = 3546900;

            contentionTable  = new byte[70930];
            floatingBusTable = new short[70930];
            for (int f = 0; f < 70930; f++)
                floatingBusTable[f] = -1;

            CharRows           = 24;
            CharCols           = 32;
            ScreenWidth        = 256;
            ScreenHeight       = 192;
            BorderTopHeight    = 48;
            BorderBottomHeight = 56;
            BorderLeftWidth    = 48;
            BorderRightWidth   = 48;
            DisplayStart       = 16384;
            DisplayLength      = 6144;
            AttributeStart     = 22528;
            AttributeLength    = 768;
            borderColour       = 7;
            ScanLineWidth      = BorderLeftWidth + ScreenWidth + BorderRightWidth;

            TstatesPerScanline = 228;
            TstateAtTop        = BorderTopHeight * TstatesPerScanline;
            TstateAtBottom     = BorderBottomHeight * TstatesPerScanline;
            tstateToDisp       = new short[FrameLength];

            ScreenBuffer = new int[ScanLineWidth * BorderTopHeight        //48 lines of border
                                   + ScanLineWidth * ScreenHeight         //border + main + border of 192 lines
                                   + ScanLineWidth * BorderBottomHeight]; //56 lines of border

            attr = new short[DisplayLength];                              //6144 bytes of display memory will be mapped


Esempio n. 4
        public void ImportedSpectrums_SelectionChanged(SelectionChangedEventArgs args)
            var existingSeries = Plotter.GetExistingSeries("Imported");

            if (existingSeries != null)

            var existingTransition = Transitions.Where(x => x.Name == "Imported");

            if (existingTransition != null && existingTransition.Any())

            existingSeries = Plotter.GetExistingSeries("Imported Peaks");
            if (existingSeries != null)

            existingTransition = Transitions.Where(x => x.Name == "Imported Peaks");
            if (existingTransition != null && existingTransition.Any())

            SelectedImportedSpectrum = args.AddedItems.Cast <object>().Where(x => x is SpectrumBase).Count() == 1
                ? args.AddedItems.Cast <SpectrumBase>().First()
                : null;
            if (SelectedImportedSpectrum != null)
                Spectrum spectrum = new Spectrum(SelectedImportedSpectrum);
                Plotter.Plot(spectrum, null, SpectrumType.Imported);
                Transitions.Add(new ListViewTransitionItem()
                    Name = spectrum.Optimized.Name
                Transitions.Add(new ListViewTransitionItem()
                    Name = spectrum.Peaks.Name
Esempio n. 5
        public void AddToDatabase(object parameter)
            IWindowManager manager = new WindowManager();
            var            vm      = new AddToDatabaseDialogViewModel(Plotter.PlotFrame.Title);
            var            result  = manager.ShowDialog(vm, null, null);

            if (result == true)
                SpectrumBase spectrumBase = new SpectrumBase()
                    Name  = vm.SpectrumName,
                    Data  = string.Join(";", AnalyzingSpectrum.Optimized.Data.Select(x => x.X + ":" + x.Y).ToArray()),
                    Peaks = string.Join(";", (Plotter.GetExistingSeries("Peaks") as ScatterSeries).Points.Select(x => x.X + ":" + x.Y).ToArray())

Esempio n. 6
        private void Initialize()
            if (_capture != null)

            // This uses the wasapi api to get any sound data played by the computer
            _capture = new WasapiLoopbackCapture(20);
            var source = new SoundInSource(_capture).ToSampleSource();

            _capture.DataAvailable += Capture_DataAvailable;

            var notificationSource = new SingleBlockNotificationStream(source);

            notificationSource.SingleBlockRead += NotificationSource_SingleBlockRead;
            _finalSource = notificationSource.ToWaveSource();
            _rawBuffer   = new byte[_finalSource.WaveFormat.BytesPerSecond / 2];

            // Actual fft data
            _fftBuffer = new float[(int)FftSize];
            _spectrum  = new SpectrumBase()
                SpectrumProvider = new BasicSpectrumProvider(
                UseAverage         = UseAverage,
                IsXLogScale        = UseLogScale,
                ScalingStrategy    = ScalingStrategy,
                MinimumFrequency   = MinimumFrequency,
                MaximumFrequency   = MaximumFrequency,
                SpectrumResolution = FftBinCount,
                FftSize            = FftSize,

Esempio n. 7
        public Screen128Plus2a(SpectrumBase machine)
            : base(machine)
            // interrupt
            InterruptStartTime = 0;
            InterruptLength    = 32;
            // offsets
            RenderTableOffset = 58;
            ContentionOffset  = 9;
            FloatingBusOffset = 0;
            // timing
            ClockSpeed       = 3546900;
            FrameCycleLength = 70908;
            ScanlineTime     = 228;
            BorderLeftTime   = 24;
            BorderRightTime  = 24;
            FirstPaperLine   = 63;
            FirstPaperTState = 64;
            // screen layout
            Border4T           = true;
            Border4TStage      = 2;
            ScreenWidth        = 256;
            ScreenHeight       = 192;
            BorderTopHeight    = 48;         // 55;
            BorderBottomHeight = 48;         // 56;
            BorderLeftWidth    = 48;
            BorderRightWidth   = 48;
            ScanLineWidth      = BorderLeftWidth + ScreenWidth + BorderRightWidth;

            RenderingTable = new RenderTable(this,


        private void getModels(string filePath)
            Stream        stream            = null;
            ImportedModel currentModel      = null;
            IParameterSet currentSet        = null;
            IGroup        group             = null;
            bool          parametersXmlArea = true;

            //int i = 0;
            try {
                using (XmlReader reader = ProjectBase.getXmlReader(filePath, out stream)) {
                    string modelClass;
                    string name;
                    while (reader.Read() && parametersXmlArea)
                        switch (reader.Name)
                        case "spectra":
                            if (reader.MoveToFirstAttribute())
                                modelClass = String.Empty;
                                name       = String.Empty;
                                    switch (reader.Name)
                                    case "name": name = reader.Value; break;

                                    case "class": modelClass = reader.Value; break;        // AvailableAssemblies.getModel(reader.Value); break;
                                } while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute());
                                if (name != String.Empty && modelClass != String.Empty)
                                    _importedModels.Add(currentModel = new ImportedModel(modelClass, name));

                        case "spectrum":
                            //only start elemement has attributes. end elements are not analysed
                            if (reader.IsStartElement())
                                if (currentModel == null)
                                    throw new Exception();
                                //if (currentSet != null)
                                //    currentModel.parameters.Add(currentSet);
                                if (reader.ReadToFollowing("ps"))
                                    currentSet = new ParameterSet();
                                currentSet = null;

                        case "group":
                            if (reader.HasAttributes)
                                if (currentSet == null)
                                    throw new Exception();
                                //while (reader.Read()) { //groups
                                if (reader.Name == "group")
                                    XmlReader groupReader = reader.ReadSubtree();
                                    group = SpectrumBase.getGroup(groupReader, null, currentModel.model);

                        case "models": if (!reader.HasAttributes)
                                parametersXmlArea = false;
                    if (_modelNames.Count > 0)
                        _modelNames.Insert(0, "(none)");
            } catch (Exception) {
                throw new ImportException(String.Format("Failed to import parameters from {0}", filePath));
            } finally {
                if (stream != null)
            if (_modelNames.Count == 0)
                throw new ImportException(String.Format("{0}\ndoesn't contain any importable parameter values.", filePath));
        protected void ReadXml(XmlReader reader, string modelDirectory)
            int dataBufferPos = 0;

            object[] args = new object[4];
            args[2] = this;
            //reader.Read(); //declaration
            //reader.Read(); //root --> spectra node
            if (!reader.ReadToFollowing("spectra"))
            //XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            //this._name = doc.DocumentElement.Attributes["name"].Value;
            string modelClassName = "";

            this._enabled = true;
            this._data    = null;
            while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute())
                switch (reader.Name)
                case "name": this._name = reader.Value; break;

                case "class": modelClassName = reader.Value; break;

                case "enabled": this._enabled = Convert.ToBoolean(reader.Value); break;

                case "dataLength":
                    this._data    = new int[int.Parse(reader.Value)];
                    this._weights = new double[this._data.Length];
            if (this._data == null)
                throw new SpectrumLoadException("Project files are damaged or this version is no more supported (missing dataLength node)");
            //string modelClassName = doc.DocumentElement.Attributes["class"].Value; //doc.GetElementsByTagName("modelclass")[0].Attributes["name"].Value;
            this._model = AvailableAssemblies.getModel(modelClassName);
            if (this._model.SpectrumType.GetInterface("ISpectrum") == null)
                throw new SpectrumLoadException("invalid spectrumType. spectrumType must be implementation of ISpectrum");
            Assembly ass = Assembly.GetAssembly(this._model.SpectrumType);

            _spectra = new List <ISpectrum>();
            string typeName = this._model.SpectrumType.ToString();

            //int progress = 0;
            //int spectraCount = Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath), "spectra")).Length;
            while (reader.Read())    //spectrum
                if (reader.Name == "spectrum")
                    XmlReader    spectrumReader = reader.ReadSubtree();
                    BindingFlags bindingFlags   = BindingFlags.CreateInstance;
                    // = new object[] { spectrumReader, modelDirectory, this, dataBufferPos };
                    args[0] = spectrumReader;
                    args[1] = modelDirectory;
                    args[3] = dataBufferPos;
                    SpectrumBase spectrum = (SpectrumBase)ass.CreateInstance(typeName, true, bindingFlags, null, args, null, null);
                    if (spectrum != null)
                    dataBufferPos = spectrum.BufferEndPos + 1;
                if (OpenProgressChanged != null)
                    OpenProgressChanged(this, null); //new System.ComponentModel.ProgressChangedEventArgs((int)Math.Round(100 * ((double)++progress / (double)Spectra.Count)), parentProject));