Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dbSpectrogramData">The original data for decibel spectrogram.</param>
        /// <param name="nrSpectrogram">The noise-reduced spectrogram.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceRecordingName">Name of the source file. Required only to add label to spectrogram.</param>
        /// <returns>Image of spectrogram.</returns>
        public static Image <Rgb24> GetDecibelSpectrogram_Ridges(
            double[,] dbSpectrogramData,
            SpectrogramStandard nrSpectrogram,
            string sourceRecordingName)
            // ########################### SOBEL ridge detection
            var ridgeThreshold = 3.5;
            var matrix         = ImageTools.WienerFilter(dbSpectrogramData, 3);
            var hits           = RidgeDetection.Sobel5X5RidgeDetectionExperiment(matrix, ridgeThreshold);

            // ########################### EIGEN ridge detection
            //double ridgeThreshold = 6.0;
            //double dominanceThreshold = 0.7;
            //var rotatedData = MatrixTools.MatrixRotate90Anticlockwise(dbSpectrogramData);
            //byte[,] hits = RidgeDetection.StructureTensorRidgeDetection(rotatedData, ridgeThreshold, dominanceThreshold);
            //hits = MatrixTools.MatrixRotate90Clockwise(hits);
            // ########################### EIGEN ridge detection

            var frameStep  = nrSpectrogram.Configuration.WindowStep;
            var sampleRate = nrSpectrogram.SampleRate;
            var image      = SpectrogramTools.CreateFalseColourDecibelSpectrogram(dbSpectrogramData, nrSpectrogram.Data, hits);

            image = BaseSonogram.GetImageAnnotatedWithLinearHertzScale(
                $"AN EXPERIMENTAL DECIBEL SPECTROGRAM with ridges ({sourceRecordingName})",

            //var image = decibelSpectrogram.GetImageFullyAnnotated("DECIBEL SPECTROGRAM - with ridges");
        public static Image <Rgb24> FrameZoomSpectrogram(Image <Rgb24> bmp1, Image <Rgb24> titleBar, TimeSpan startOffset, TimeSpan xAxisPixelDuration, TimeSpan xAxisTicInterval, int nyquist, int herzInterval)
            TimeSpan fullDuration = TimeSpan.FromTicks(xAxisPixelDuration.Ticks * bmp1.Width);

            // init frequency scale
            int frameSize = bmp1.Height * 2; // THIS MIGHT BECOME A BUG ONE DAY!!!!!
            var freqScale = new FrequencyScale(nyquist, frameSize, herzInterval);

            SpectrogramTools.DrawGridLinesOnImage((Image <Rgb24>)bmp1, startOffset, fullDuration, xAxisTicInterval, freqScale);
            int trackHeight = 20;

            // put start offset into a datetime object.
            var dto = default(DateTimeOffset);

            dto = dto + startOffset;

            Image <Rgb24> timeBmp = ImageTrack.DrawTimeTrack(fullDuration, dto, bmp1.Width, trackHeight);
            int           imageHt = bmp1.Height + titleBar.Height + trackHeight + 1;

            Image <Rgb24> compositeBmp = new Image <Rgb24>(bmp1.Width, imageHt); //get canvas for entire image

            compositeBmp.Mutate(gr =>
                int offset = 0;
                gr.DrawImage(titleBar, 0, offset); //draw in the top time scale
                offset += titleBar.Height;
                gr.DrawImage(bmp1, 0, offset);     //draw
                offset += bmp1.Height;
                gr.DrawImage(timeBmp, 0, offset);  //draw

        /// <summary>
        /// THis method can be modified if want to do something non-standard with the output spectrogram.
        /// </summary>
        internal static void SaveDebugSpectrogram(RecognizerResults results, Config genericConfig, DirectoryInfo outputDirectory, string baseName)
            //var image = sonogram.GetImageFullyAnnotated("Test");
            var image = SpectrogramTools.GetSonogramPlusCharts(results.Sonogram, results.Events, results.Plots, null);

            image.Save(Path.Combine(outputDirectory.FullName, baseName + ".profile.png"));
Esempio n. 4
        private void WriteDebugImage(
            AudioRecording recording,
            DirectoryInfo outputDirectory,
            BaseSonogram sonogram,
            List <AcousticEvent> acousticEvents,
            List <Plot> plots,
            double[,] hits)
            //DEBUG IMAGE this recogniser only. MUST set false for deployment.
            bool displayDebugImage = MainEntry.InDEBUG;

            if (displayDebugImage)
                Image debugImage1 = SpectrogramTools.GetSonogramPlusCharts(sonogram, acousticEvents, plots, hits);
                var   debugPath1  = outputDirectory.Combine(FilenameHelpers.AnalysisResultName(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(recording.BaseName), this.Identifier, "png", "DebugSpectrogram1"));

                // save new image with longer frame
                var sonoConfig2 = new SonogramConfig
                    SourceFName   = recording.BaseName,
                    WindowSize    = 1024,
                    WindowOverlap = 0,

                    //NoiseReductionType = NoiseReductionType.NONE,
                    NoiseReductionType      = NoiseReductionType.Standard,
                    NoiseReductionParameter = 0.1,
                BaseSonogram sonogram2 = new SpectrogramStandard(sonoConfig2, recording.WavReader);

                var   debugPath2  = outputDirectory.Combine(FilenameHelpers.AnalysisResultName(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(recording.BaseName), this.Identifier, "png", "DebugSpectrogram2"));
                Image debugImage2 = SpectrogramTools.GetSonogramPlusCharts(sonogram2, acousticEvents, plots, null);
Esempio n. 5
        public static Image <Rgb24> FrameSliceOf3DSpectrogram_DayOfYear(Image <Rgb24> bmp1, Image <Rgb24> titleBar, int year, int dayOfYear, TimeSpan xInterval, int herzValue, FileInfo sunriseSetData, int nyquistFreq)
            Image <Rgb24> suntrack = SunAndMoon.AddSunTrackToImage(bmp1.Width, sunriseSetData, year, dayOfYear);

            bmp1.Mutate(g =>
                Pen pen        = new Pen(Color.White, 1);
                var stringFont = Drawing.Arial12;

                //Font stringFont = Drawing.Tahoma9;

                DateTime theDate  = new DateTime(year, 1, 1).AddDays(dayOfYear - 1);
                string dateString = $"{year} {DataTools.MonthNames[theDate.Month - 1]} {theDate.Day:d2}";
                g.DrawText(dateString, stringFont, Color.Wheat, new PointF(10, 3));

            TimeSpan xAxisPixelDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60);
            var      minuteOffset       = TimeSpan.Zero;
            double   secondsDuration    = xAxisPixelDuration.TotalSeconds * bmp1.Width;
            TimeSpan fullDuration       = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(secondsDuration);

            // init frequency scale
            int herzInterval = 1000;
            int frameSize    = bmp1.Height;
            var freqScale    = new DSP.FrequencyScale(nyquistFreq, frameSize, herzInterval);

            SpectrogramTools.DrawGridLinesOnImage((Image <Rgb24>)bmp1, minuteOffset, fullDuration, xInterval, freqScale);

            int trackHeight      = 20;
            int imageHt          = bmp1.Height + trackHeight + trackHeight + trackHeight;
            var xAxisTicInterval = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(60); // assume 60 pixels per hour
            var timeScale24Hour  = ImageTrack.DrawTimeTrack(fullDuration, minuteOffset, xAxisTicInterval, bmp1.Width, trackHeight, "hours");

            var imageList = new List <Image <Rgb24> >
            var compositeBmp = ImageTools.CombineImagesVertically(imageList);

            // trackHeight = compositeBmp.Height;
            // Image<Rgb24> timeScale12Months = ImageTrack.DrawYearScaleVertical(40, trackHeight);
            // Image<Rgb24> freqScale = DrawFreqScale_vertical(40, trackHeight, HerzValue, nyquistFreq);

            imageList = new List <Image <Rgb24> >();

            // imageList.Add(timeScale12Months);

            // imageList.Add(freqScale);
            compositeBmp = ImageTools.CombineImagesInLine(imageList.ToArray());

        /// <summary>
        /// This method only called from Indexcalculate when returning image of the sonogram for the passed recording segment.
        /// </summary>
        public static double[] ConvertSpectralPeaksToNormalisedArray(double[,] spectrogram)
            // convert spectral peaks to frequency and frames
            var tupleDecibelPeaks = SpectrogramTools.HistogramOfSpectralPeaks(spectrogram);

            // Item2 is length of Score Array and stores the bin in which the max peak is located.
            // Normalise this for display in score track
Esempio n. 7
        } //Analysis()

        //private static System.Tuple<string[], Type[], bool[]> InitOutputTableColumns()
        //    HEADERS[0] = header_count;    COL_TYPES[0] = typeof(int); DISPLAY_COLUMN[0] = false; COMBO_WEIGHTS[0] = 0.0;
        //    HEADERS[1] = header_startMin; COL_TYPES[1] = typeof(double); DISPLAY_COLUMN[1] = false; COMBO_WEIGHTS[1] = 0.0;
        //    HEADERS[2] = header_SecondsDuration; COL_TYPES[2] = typeof(double); DISPLAY_COLUMN[2] = false; COMBO_WEIGHTS[2] = 0.0;
        //    HEADERS[3] = header_avAmpdB; COL_TYPES[3] = typeof(double); DISPLAY_COLUMN[3] = true; COMBO_WEIGHTS[3] = 0.0;
        //    HEADERS[4] = header_snrdB; COL_TYPES[4] = typeof(double); DISPLAY_COLUMN[4] = true; COMBO_WEIGHTS[4] = 0.0;
        //    HEADERS[5] = header_bgdB; COL_TYPES[5] = typeof(double); DISPLAY_COLUMN[5] = true; COMBO_WEIGHTS[5] = 0.0;
        //    HEADERS[6] = header_activity; COL_TYPES[6] = typeof(double); DISPLAY_COLUMN[6] = true; COMBO_WEIGHTS[6] = 0.0;
        //    HEADERS[7] = header_hfCover; COL_TYPES[7] = typeof(double); DISPLAY_COLUMN[7] = true; COMBO_WEIGHTS[7] = 0.0;
        //    HEADERS[8] = header_mfCover; COL_TYPES[8] = typeof(double); DISPLAY_COLUMN[8] = true; COMBO_WEIGHTS[8] = 0.0;
        //    HEADERS[9] = header_lfCover; COL_TYPES[9] = typeof(double); DISPLAY_COLUMN[9] = true; COMBO_WEIGHTS[9] = 0.0;
        //    HEADERS[10] = header_HAmpl; COL_TYPES[10] = typeof(double); DISPLAY_COLUMN[10] = true; COMBO_WEIGHTS[10] = 0.0;
        //    HEADERS[11] = header_HAvSpectrum; COL_TYPES[11] = typeof(double); DISPLAY_COLUMN[11] = true; COMBO_WEIGHTS[11] = 0.4;
        //    //HEADERS[12] = header_HVarSpectrum; COL_TYPES[12] = typeof(double); DISPLAY_COLUMN[12] = false; COMBO_WEIGHTS[12] = 0.1;
        //    return Tuple.Create(HEADERS, COL_TYPES, DISPLAY_COLUMN);

        static Image DrawSonogram(BaseSonogram sonogram, List <Plot> scores)
            Dictionary <string, string> configDict      = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            List <AcousticEvent>        predictedEvents = null;
            double eventThreshold = 0.0;
            Image  image          = SpectrogramTools.Sonogram2Image(sonogram, configDict, null, scores, predictedEvents, eventThreshold);

Esempio n. 8
         * /// <summary>
         * /// Summarize your results. This method is invoked exactly once per original file.
         * /// </summary>
         * public override void SummariseResults(
         *  AnalysisSettings settings,
         *  FileSegment inputFileSegment,
         *  EventBase[] events,
         *  SummaryIndexBase[] indices,
         *  SpectralIndexBase[] spectralIndices,
         *  AnalysisResult2[] results)
         * {
         *  // No operation - do nothing. Feel free to add your own logic.
         *  base.SummariseResults(settings, inputFileSegment, events, indices, spectralIndices, results);
         * }

        /// <summary>
        /// THis method can be modified if want to do something non-standard with the output spectrogram.
        /// </summary>
        public static string SaveDebugSpectrogram(RecognizerResults results, Config genericConfig, DirectoryInfo outputDirectory, string baseName)
            var image3 = SpectrogramTools.GetSonogramPlusCharts(results.Sonogram, results.NewEvents, results.Plots, null);

            var path = Path.Combine(outputDirectory.FullName, baseName + ".profile.png");


        public void TestAnnotatedSonogramWithPlots()
            // Make a decibel spectrogram
            var actualDecibelSpectrogram = new SpectrogramStandard(this.sonoConfig, this.recording.WavReader);

            // prepare normalisation bounds for three plots
            double minDecibels = -100.0;
            double maxDecibels = -50;

            //double decibelThreshold = 12.5 dB above -100 dB;
            var normThreshold = 0.25;

            //plot 1
            int minHz                    = 2000;
            int maxHz                    = 3000;
            var decibelArray             = SNR.CalculateFreqBandAvIntensity(actualDecibelSpectrogram.Data, minHz, maxHz, actualDecibelSpectrogram.NyquistFrequency);
            var normalisedIntensityArray = DataTools.NormaliseInZeroOne(decibelArray, minDecibels, maxDecibels);
            var plot1                    = new Plot("Intensity 2-3 kHz", normalisedIntensityArray, normThreshold);

            //plot 2
            minHz                    = 3000;
            maxHz                    = 4000;
            decibelArray             = SNR.CalculateFreqBandAvIntensity(actualDecibelSpectrogram.Data, minHz, maxHz, actualDecibelSpectrogram.NyquistFrequency);
            normalisedIntensityArray = DataTools.NormaliseInZeroOne(decibelArray, minDecibels, maxDecibels);
            var plot2 = new Plot("Intensity 3-4 kHz", normalisedIntensityArray, normThreshold);

            //plot 3
            minHz                    = 4000;
            maxHz                    = 5000;
            decibelArray             = SNR.CalculateFreqBandAvIntensity(actualDecibelSpectrogram.Data, minHz, maxHz, actualDecibelSpectrogram.NyquistFrequency);
            normalisedIntensityArray = DataTools.NormaliseInZeroOne(decibelArray, minDecibels, maxDecibels);
            var plot3 = new Plot("Intensity 4-5 kHz", normalisedIntensityArray, normThreshold);

            // combine the plots
            var plots = new List <Plot> {
                plot1, plot2, plot3

            // create three events
            var startOffset = TimeSpan.Zero;
            var events      = new List <AcousticEvent>
                new AcousticEvent(startOffset, 10.0, 10.0, 2000, 3000),
                new AcousticEvent(startOffset, 25.0, 10.0, 3000, 4000),
                new AcousticEvent(startOffset, 40.0, 10.0, 4000, 5000),

            var image = SpectrogramTools.GetSonogramPlusCharts(actualDecibelSpectrogram, events, plots, null);

            // create the image for visual confirmation
            image.Save(Path.Combine(this.outputDirectory.FullName, this.recording.BaseName + ".png"));

            Assert.AreEqual(1621, image.Width);
            Assert.AreEqual(647, image.Height);
Esempio n. 10
        public static Image FrameSliceOf3DSpectrogram_DayOfYear(Image bmp1, Image titleBar, int year, int dayOfYear, TimeSpan xInterval, int herzValue, FileInfo sunriseSetData, int nyquistFreq)
            Bitmap suntrack = SunAndMoon.AddSunTrackToImage(bmp1.Width, sunriseSetData, year, dayOfYear);

            Graphics g          = Graphics.FromImage(bmp1);
            Pen      pen        = new Pen(Color.White);
            Font     stringFont = new Font("Arial", 12);

            //Font stringFont = new Font("Tahoma", 9);

            DateTime theDate    = new DateTime(year, 1, 1).AddDays(dayOfYear - 1);
            string   dateString = string.Format("{0} {1} {2:d2}", year, DataTools.MonthNames[theDate.Month - 1], theDate.Day);

            g.DrawString(dateString, stringFont, Brushes.Wheat, new PointF(10, 3));

            TimeSpan xAxisPixelDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60);
            var      minuteOffset       = TimeSpan.Zero;
            double   secondsDuration    = xAxisPixelDuration.TotalSeconds * bmp1.Width;
            TimeSpan fullDuration       = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(secondsDuration);

            // init frequency scale
            int herzInterval = 1000;
            int frameSize    = bmp1.Height;
            var freqScale    = new DSP.FrequencyScale(nyquistFreq, frameSize, herzInterval);

            SpectrogramTools.DrawGridLinesOnImage((Bitmap)bmp1, minuteOffset, fullDuration, xInterval, freqScale);

            int trackHeight      = 20;
            int imageHt          = bmp1.Height + trackHeight + trackHeight + trackHeight;
            var xAxisTicInterval = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(60); // assume 60 pixels per hour
            var timeScale24Hour  = ImageTrack.DrawTimeTrack(fullDuration, minuteOffset, xAxisTicInterval, bmp1.Width, trackHeight, "hours");

            var imageList = new List <Image>();

            Image compositeBmp = ImageTools.CombineImagesVertically(imageList.ToArray());

            // trackHeight = compositeBmp.Height;
            // Bitmap timeScale12Months = ImageTrack.DrawYearScaleVertical(40, trackHeight);
            // Bitmap freqScale = DrawFreqScale_vertical(40, trackHeight, HerzValue, nyquistFreq);

            imageList = new List <Image>();

            // imageList.Add(timeScale12Months);

            // imageList.Add(freqScale);
            compositeBmp = ImageTools.CombineImagesInLine(imageList.ToArray());

Esempio n. 11
        protected virtual Image DrawSonogram(
            BaseSonogram sonogram,
            double[,] hits,
            List <Plot> scores,
            List <AcousticEvent> predictedEvents,
            double eventThreshold)
            var image = SpectrogramTools.GetSonogramPlusCharts(sonogram, predictedEvents, scores, hits);

Esempio n. 12
        public static Tuple <BaseSonogram, AcousticEvent, double[, ], double[], double[, ]> Execute_Extraction(
            AudioRecording recording,
            double eventStart,
            double eventEnd,
            int minHz,
            int maxHz,
            double frameOverlap,
            double backgroundThreshold,
            TimeSpan segmentStartOffset)
            //ii: MAKE SONOGRAM
            SonogramConfig sonoConfig = new SonogramConfig(); //default values config

            sonoConfig.SourceFName = recording.BaseName;
            //sonoConfig.WindowSize = windowSize;
            sonoConfig.WindowOverlap = frameOverlap;

            BaseSonogram sonogram = new SpectrogramStandard(sonoConfig, recording.WavReader);

            Log.WriteLine("Frames: Size={0}, Count={1}, Duration={2:f1}ms, Overlap={5:f2}%, Offset={3:f1}ms, Frames/s={4:f1}",
                          sonogram.Configuration.WindowSize, sonogram.FrameCount, (sonogram.FrameDuration * 1000),
                          (sonogram.FrameStep * 1000), sonogram.FramesPerSecond, frameOverlap);
            int binCount = (int)(maxHz / sonogram.FBinWidth) - (int)(minHz / sonogram.FBinWidth) + 1;

            Log.WriteIfVerbose("Freq band: {0} Hz - {1} Hz. (Freq bin count = {2})", minHz, maxHz, binCount);

            //calculate the modal noise profile
            double       SD_COUNT = 0.0;                                                              // number of noise standard deviations used to calculate noise threshold
            NoiseProfile profile  = NoiseProfile.CalculateModalNoiseProfile(sonogram.Data, SD_COUNT); //calculate modal noise profile

            double[] modalNoise = DataTools.filterMovingAverage(profile.NoiseMode, 7);                //smooth the noise profile
            //extract modal noise values of the required event
            double[] noiseSubband = SpectrogramTools.ExtractModalNoiseSubband(modalNoise, minHz, maxHz, false, sonogram.NyquistFrequency, sonogram.FBinWidth);

            //extract data values of the required event
            double[,] target = SpectrogramTools.ExtractEvent(sonogram.Data, eventStart, eventEnd, sonogram.FrameStep,
                                                             minHz, maxHz, false, sonogram.NyquistFrequency, sonogram.FBinWidth);

            // create acoustic event with defined boundaries
            AcousticEvent ae = new AcousticEvent(segmentStartOffset, eventStart, eventEnd - eventStart, minHz, maxHz);

            ae.SetTimeAndFreqScales(sonogram.FramesPerSecond, sonogram.FBinWidth);

            //truncate noise
            sonogram.Data = SNR.TruncateBgNoiseFromSpectrogram(sonogram.Data, modalNoise);
            sonogram.Data = SNR.RemoveNeighbourhoodBackgroundNoise(sonogram.Data, backgroundThreshold);

            double[,] targetMinusNoise = SpectrogramTools.ExtractEvent(sonogram.Data, eventStart, eventEnd, sonogram.FrameStep,
                                                                       minHz, maxHz, false, sonogram.NyquistFrequency, sonogram.FBinWidth);

            return(Tuple.Create(sonogram, ae, target, noiseSubband, targetMinusNoise));
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates three SUMMARY INDICES - three different measures of spectral entropy.
        /// Each of them is derived from the frames of the passed amplitude spectrogram.
        /// 1. the entropy of the average spectrum.
        /// 2. the entropy of the variance spectrum.
        /// 3. the entropy of the Coeff of Variation spectrum.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="amplitudeSpectrogram">matrix.</param>
        /// <param name="lowerBinBound">lower bin bound to be included in calculation of summary index.</param>
        /// <param name="reducedFreqBinCount">total bin count to be included in calculation of summary index.</param>
        /// <returns>two doubles.</returns>
        public static Tuple <double, double, double> CalculateSpectralEntropies(double[,] amplitudeSpectrogram, int lowerBinBound, int reducedFreqBinCount)
            // iv: ENTROPY OF AVERAGE SPECTRUM - at this point the spectrogram is a noise reduced amplitude spectrogram
            // Entropy is a measure of ENERGY dispersal, therefore must square the amplitude.
            var tuple = SpectrogramTools.CalculateAvgSpectrumAndVarianceSpectrumFromAmplitudeSpectrogram(amplitudeSpectrogram);

            double[] averageSpectrum     = DataTools.Subarray(tuple.Item1, lowerBinBound, reducedFreqBinCount); // remove low band
            double   entropyOfAvSpectrum = DataTools.EntropyNormalised(averageSpectrum);                        // ENTROPY of spectral averages

            if (double.IsNaN(entropyOfAvSpectrum))
                entropyOfAvSpectrum = 1.0;

            // v: ENTROPY OF VARIANCE SPECTRUM - at this point the spectrogram is a noise reduced amplitude spectrogram
            double[] varianceSpectrum          = DataTools.Subarray(tuple.Item2, lowerBinBound, reducedFreqBinCount); // remove low band
            double   entropyOfVarianceSpectrum = DataTools.EntropyNormalised(varianceSpectrum);                       // ENTROPY of spectral variances

            if (double.IsNaN(entropyOfVarianceSpectrum))
                entropyOfVarianceSpectrum = 1.0;

            int covLength = varianceSpectrum.Length;

            double[] coeffOfVarSpectrum = new double[covLength];     // remove low band
            for (int i = 0; i < covLength; i++)
                if (averageSpectrum[i] > 0.0)
                    coeffOfVarSpectrum[i] = varianceSpectrum[i] / averageSpectrum[i];
                    coeffOfVarSpectrum[i] = 1.0;

            double entropyOfCoeffOfVarSpectrum = DataTools.EntropyNormalised(coeffOfVarSpectrum);   // ENTROPY of Coeff Of Variance spectrum

            if (double.IsNaN(entropyOfVarianceSpectrum))
                entropyOfCoeffOfVarSpectrum = 1.0;

            // DataTools.writeBarGraph(indices.varianceSpectrum);
            // Log.WriteLine("H(Spectral Variance) =" + HSpectralVar);

            return(Tuple.Create(entropyOfAvSpectrum, entropyOfVarianceSpectrum, entropyOfCoeffOfVarSpectrum));
        } // CalculateSpectralEntropies()
        } // CalculateSpectralEntropies()

        /// <summary>
        /// Only spectral peaks between the lowerBinBound and the upperBinBound will be included in calculation.
        /// </summary>
        public static double CalculateEntropyOfSpectralPeaks(double[,] amplitudeSpectrogram, int lowerBinBound, int upperBinBound)
            //     First extract High band SPECTROGRAM which is now noise reduced
            var    midBandSpectrogram     = MatrixTools.Submatrix(amplitudeSpectrogram, 0, lowerBinBound, amplitudeSpectrogram.GetLength(0) - 1, upperBinBound - 1);
            var    tupleAmplitudePeaks    = SpectrogramTools.HistogramOfSpectralPeaks(midBandSpectrogram);
            double entropyOfPeakFreqDistr = DataTools.EntropyNormalised(tupleAmplitudePeaks.Item1);

            if (double.IsNaN(entropyOfPeakFreqDistr))
                entropyOfPeakFreqDistr = 1.0;

        } // CalculateEntropyOfSpectralPeaks()
        public void TestAverageOfDecibelValues()
            var decibelArray1 = new[] { 96.0, 100.0, 90.0, 97.0 };
            var decibelArray2 = new[] { -96.0, -100.0, -90.0, -97.0 };

            // run this once to generate expected test data
            // uncomment this to update the binary data. Should be rarely needed

            var average = SpectrogramTools.AverageAnArrayOfDecibelValues(decibelArray1);

            Assert.AreEqual(96.98816759, average, AllowedDelta);
            average = SpectrogramTools.AverageAnArrayOfDecibelValues(decibelArray2);
            Assert.AreEqual(-94.11528038, average, AllowedDelta);
Esempio n. 16
        public static Image FrameSliceOf3DSpectrogram_ConstantFreq(Image bmp1, Image titleBar, TimeSpan xInterval, int herzValue, FileInfo sunriseSetData, int nyquistFreq)
            SunAndMoon.AddSunRiseSetLinesToImage((Bitmap)bmp1, sunriseSetData, 0, 365, 1); // assume full year and 1px/day

            var g          = Graphics.FromImage(bmp1);
            var pen        = new Pen(Color.White);
            var stringFont = new Font("Arial", 12);
            var str        = $"Freq = {herzValue} Hz";

            g.DrawString(str, stringFont, Brushes.Wheat, new PointF(10, 7));

            var    xAxisPixelDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60);
            var    startOffset        = TimeSpan.Zero;
            double secondsDuration    = xAxisPixelDuration.TotalSeconds * bmp1.Width;
            var    fullDuration       = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(secondsDuration);

            // init frequency scale
            int herzInterval = 1000;
            int frameSize    = bmp1.Height;
            var freqScale    = new DSP.FrequencyScale(nyquistFreq, frameSize, herzInterval);

            SpectrogramTools.DrawGridLinesOnImage((Bitmap)bmp1, startOffset, fullDuration, xInterval, freqScale);

            int trackHeight      = 20;
            var xAxisTicInterval = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(60); // assume 60 pixels per hour
            var timeScale24Hour  = ImageTrack.DrawTimeTrack(fullDuration, startOffset, xAxisTicInterval, bmp1.Width, trackHeight, "hours");

            var imageList = new List <Image> {
                titleBar, timeScale24Hour, bmp1, timeScale24Hour
            var compositeBmp = ImageTools.CombineImagesVertically(imageList.ToArray());

            if (compositeBmp == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(compositeBmp));

            trackHeight = compositeBmp.Height;
            Bitmap timeScale12Months = ImageTrack.DrawYearScaleVertical(40, trackHeight);
            Bitmap freqScaleImage    = DrawFreqScale_vertical(40, trackHeight, herzValue, nyquistFreq);

            imageList = new List <Image> {
                timeScale12Months, compositeBmp, freqScaleImage
            compositeBmp = ImageTools.CombineImagesInLine(imageList.ToArray());

        /// <summary>
        /// outputs an array of peak bins indices per frame
        /// </summary>
        public static int[] GetPeakBinsIndex(double[,] matrix, int minFreqBin, int maxFreqBin)
            // get a submatrix with min and max frequency bins defined in settings.
            double[,] targetMatrix = GetArbitraryFreqBandMatrix(matrix, minFreqBin, maxFreqBin);

            // find the peak bins in each spectral of the target matrix
            int[] peakBins = SpectrogramTools.HistogramOfSpectralPeaks(targetMatrix).Item2;

            // map the index of peak bins in the target matrix to original input matrix
            for (int i = 0; i < peakBins.Length; i++)
                peakBins[i] = peakBins[i] + minFreqBin - 1;

        /// <summary>
        ///         Taken and adapted from Spectrogram Image 5 in the method of CLASS Audio2InputForConvCNN.cs:.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dbSpectrogramData">the sonogram data (NOT noise reduced). </param>
        public static Image <Rgb24> DrawStandardSpectrogramInFalseColour(double[,] dbSpectrogramData)
            // Do NOISE REDUCTION
            double noiseReductionParameter = 2.0;
            var    tuple = SNR.NoiseReduce(dbSpectrogramData, NoiseReductionType.Standard, noiseReductionParameter);

            double[,] nrSpectrogramData = tuple.Item1;   // store data matrix

            double ridgeThreshold = 2.5;

            double[,] matrix = dbSpectrogramData;

            byte[,] hits = RidgeDetection.Sobel5X5RidgeDetectionExperiment(matrix, ridgeThreshold);

            // ################### RESEARCH QUESTION:
            // I tried different EXPERIMENTS IN NORMALISATION
            //double min; double max;
            //DataTools.MinMax(spectralSelection, out min, out max);
            //double range = max - min;
            // readjust min and max to create the effect of contrast stretching. It enhances the spectrogram a bit
            //double fractionalStretching = 0.2;
            //min = min + (range * fractionalStretching);
            //max = max - (range * fractionalStretching);
            //range = max - min;

            double truncateMin       = -95.0;
            double truncateMax       = -30.0;
            double filterCoefficient = 0.75;

            double[,] dbSpectrogramNorm = SpectrogramTools.NormaliseSpectrogramMatrix(dbSpectrogramData, truncateMin, truncateMax, filterCoefficient);

            truncateMin = 0;
            truncateMax = 50;

            // nr = noise reduced
            double[,] nrSpectrogramNorm = SpectrogramTools.NormaliseSpectrogramMatrix(nrSpectrogramData, truncateMin, truncateMax, filterCoefficient);

            nrSpectrogramNorm = MatrixTools.BoundMatrix(nrSpectrogramNorm, 0.0, 0.9);
            nrSpectrogramNorm = MatrixTools.SquareRootOfValues(nrSpectrogramNorm);
            nrSpectrogramNorm = DataTools.normalise(nrSpectrogramNorm);

            // create image from normalised data
            var image = SpectrogramTools.CreateFalseColourDecibelSpectrogramForZooming(dbSpectrogramNorm, nrSpectrogramNorm, hits);

Esempio n. 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Can be used for visual checking and debugging purposes.
        /// </summary>
        public static void DrawNormalisedIndexMatrices(DirectoryInfo dir, string baseName, Dictionary <string, double[, ]> dictionary)
            var list = new List <Image>();

            foreach (string key in ContentSignatures.IndexNames)
                var bmp = ImageTools.DrawReversedMatrixWithoutNormalisation(dictionary[key]);

                // need to rotate spectrogram to get correct orientation.

                // draw grid lines and add axis scales
                var xAxisPixelDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60);
                var fullDuration       = TimeSpan.FromTicks(xAxisPixelDuration.Ticks * bmp.Width);
                var freqScale          = new FrequencyScale(11025, 512, 1000);
                SpectrogramTools.DrawGridLinesOnImage((Bitmap)bmp, TimeSpan.Zero, fullDuration, xAxisPixelDuration, freqScale);
                const int trackHeight        = 20;
                var       recordingStartDate = default(DateTimeOffset);
                var       timeBmp            = ImageTrack.DrawTimeTrack(fullDuration, recordingStartDate, bmp.Width, trackHeight);
                var       array = new Image[2];
                array[0] = bmp;
                array[1] = timeBmp;
                var image = ImageTools.CombineImagesVertically(array);

                // add a header to the spectrogram
                var      header = new Bitmap(image.Width, 20);
                Graphics g      = Graphics.FromImage(header);
                g.SmoothingMode     = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
                g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
                g.PixelOffsetMode   = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
                g.DrawString(key, new Font("Tahoma", 9), Brushes.Black, 4, 4);
                list.Add(ImageTools.CombineImagesVertically(new List <Image>(new[] { header, image })));

            // save the image - the directory for the path must exist
            var path       = Path.Combine(dir.FullName, baseName + "__Towsey.Acoustic.GreyScaleImages.png");
            var indexImage = ImageTools.CombineImagesInLine(list);

Esempio n. 20
        public static void AssertFrequencyInSignal(WavReader wavReader, double[] signal, int[] frequencies, int variance = 1)
            var fft = DSP_Frames.ExtractEnvelopeAndAmplSpectrogram(signal, wavReader.SampleRate, wavReader.Epsilon, 512, 0.0);

            var histogram = SpectrogramTools.CalculateAvgSpectrumFromEnergySpectrogram(fft.AmplitudeSpectrogram);

            var    max       = histogram.Max();
            double threshold = max * 0.8;
            var    highBins  = frequencies.Select(f => (int)(f / fft.FreqBinWidth)).ToArray();

            bool isOk = true;

            for (int bin = 0; bin < histogram.Length; bin++)
                var value = histogram[bin];
                if (value > threshold)
                    bool anyMatch = false;
                    foreach (var highBin in highBins)
                        if (bin >= highBin - variance && bin <= highBin + variance)
                            anyMatch = true;

                    isOk = anyMatch;

                if (!isOk)

        /// <summary>
        /// Can be used for visual checking and debugging purposes.
        /// </summary>
        public static void DrawNormalisedIndexMatrices(DirectoryInfo dir, string baseName, Dictionary <string, double[, ]> dictionary)
            var list = new List <Image <Rgb24> >();

            foreach (string key in ContentSignatures.IndexNames)
                var bmp = ImageTools.DrawReversedMatrixWithoutNormalisation(dictionary[key]);

                // need to rotate spectrogram to get correct orientation.

                // draw grid lines and add axis scales
                var xAxisPixelDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60);
                var fullDuration       = TimeSpan.FromTicks(xAxisPixelDuration.Ticks * bmp.Width);
                var freqScale          = new FrequencyScale(11025, 512, 1000);
                SpectrogramTools.DrawGridLinesOnImage((Image <Rgb24>)bmp, TimeSpan.Zero, fullDuration, xAxisPixelDuration, freqScale);
                const int trackHeight        = 20;
                var       recordingStartDate = default(DateTimeOffset);
                var       timeBmp            = ImageTrack.DrawTimeTrack(fullDuration, recordingStartDate, bmp.Width, trackHeight);

                var image = ImageTools.CombineImagesVertically(bmp, timeBmp);

                // add a header to the spectrogram
                var header = Drawing.NewImage(image.Width, 20, Color.LightGray);
                header.Mutate(g =>
                    g.DrawText(key, Drawing.Tahoma9, Color.Black, new PointF(4, 4));
                    list.Add(ImageTools.CombineImagesVertically(header, image));

            // save the image - the directory for the path must exist
            var path       = Path.Combine(dir.FullName, baseName + "__Towsey.Acoustic.GreyScaleImages.png");
            var indexImage = ImageTools.CombineImagesInLine(list);

        //////public static IndexCalculateResult Analysis(
        public static SpectralIndexValuesForContentDescription Analysis(
            AudioRecording recording,
            TimeSpan segmentOffsetTimeSpan,
            int sampleRateOfOriginalAudioFile,
            bool returnSonogramInfo = false)
            // returnSonogramInfo = true; // if debugging
            double epsilon    = recording.Epsilon;
            int    sampleRate = recording.WavReader.SampleRate;

            //var segmentDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(recording.WavReader.Time.TotalSeconds);
            var indexCalculationDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(ContentSignatures.IndexCalculationDurationInSeconds);

            // Get FRAME parameters for the calculation of Acoustic Indices
            int frameSize = ContentSignatures.FrameSize;
            int frameStep = frameSize;                                 // that is, windowOverlap = zero

            double frameStepDuration = frameStep / (double)sampleRate; // fraction of a second
            var    frameStepTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromTicks((long)(frameStepDuration * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond));

            // initialize a result object in which to store SummaryIndexValues and SpectralIndexValues etc.
            var config          = new IndexCalculateConfig(); // sets some default values
            int freqBinCount    = frameSize / 2;
            var indexProperties = GetIndexProperties();
            ////////var result = new IndexCalculateResult(freqBinCount, indexProperties, indexCalculationDuration, segmentOffsetTimeSpan, config);
            var spectralIndices = new SpectralIndexValuesForContentDescription();

            ///////result.SummaryIndexValues = null;
            ///////SpectralIndexValues spectralIndices = result.SpectralIndexValues;

            // set up default spectrogram to return
            ///////result.Sg = returnSonogramInfo ? GetSonogram(recording, windowSize: 1024) : null;
            ///////result.Hits = null;
            ///////result.TrackScores = new List<Plot>();

            // ################################## FINISHED SET-UP
            // ################################## NOW GET THE AMPLITUDE SPECTROGRAM

            // Note that the amplitude spectrogram has had the DC bin removed. i.e. has only 256 columns.
            var dspOutput1           = DSP_Frames.ExtractEnvelopeAndFfts(recording, frameSize, frameStep);
            var amplitudeSpectrogram = dspOutput1.AmplitudeSpectrogram;

            // (B) ################################## EXTRACT OSC SPECTRAL INDEX DIRECTLY FROM THE RECORDING ##################################
            // Get the oscillation spectral index OSC separately from signal because need a different frame size etc.

            var sampleLength       = Oscillations2014.DefaultSampleLength;
            var frameLength        = Oscillations2014.DefaultFrameLength;
            var sensitivity        = Oscillations2014.DefaultSensitivityThreshold;
            var spectralIndexShort = Oscillations2014.GetSpectralIndex_Osc(recording, frameLength, sampleLength, sensitivity);

            // double length of the vector because want to work with 256 element vector for spectrogram purposes
            spectralIndices.OSC = DataTools.VectorDoubleLengthByAverageInterpolation(spectralIndexShort);

            // (C) ################################## EXTRACT SPECTRAL INDICES FROM THE AMPLITUDE SPECTROGRAM ##################################

            // IFF there has been UP-SAMPLING, calculate bin of the original audio nyquist. this will be less than SR/2.
            // original sample rate can be anything 11.0-44.1 kHz.
            int originalNyquist = sampleRateOfOriginalAudioFile / 2;

            // if up-sampling has been done
            if (dspOutput1.NyquistFreq > originalNyquist)
                dspOutput1.NyquistFreq = originalNyquist;
                dspOutput1.NyquistBin  = (int)Math.Floor(originalNyquist / dspOutput1.FreqBinWidth); // note that bin width does not change

            spectralIndices.ACI = AcousticComplexityIndex.CalculateAci(amplitudeSpectrogram);

            // iii: CALCULATE the H(t) or Temporal ENTROPY Spectrum and then reverse the values i.e. calculate 1-Ht for energy concentration
            double[] temporalEntropySpectrum = AcousticEntropy.CalculateTemporalEntropySpectrum(amplitudeSpectrogram);
            for (int i = 0; i < temporalEntropySpectrum.Length; i++)
                temporalEntropySpectrum[i] = 1 - temporalEntropySpectrum[i];

            spectralIndices.ENT = temporalEntropySpectrum;

            // (C) ################################## EXTRACT SPECTRAL INDICES FROM THE DECIBEL SPECTROGRAM ##################################

            // i: Convert amplitude spectrogram to decibels and calculate the dB background noise profile
            double[,] decibelSpectrogram = MFCCStuff.DecibelSpectra(dspOutput1.AmplitudeSpectrogram, dspOutput1.WindowPower, sampleRate, epsilon);
            double[] spectralDecibelBgn = NoiseProfile.CalculateBackgroundNoise(decibelSpectrogram);
            spectralIndices.BGN = spectralDecibelBgn;

            // ii: Calculate the noise reduced decibel spectrogram derived from segment recording.
            //     REUSE the var decibelSpectrogram but this time using dspOutput1.
            decibelSpectrogram = MFCCStuff.DecibelSpectra(dspOutput1.AmplitudeSpectrogram, dspOutput1.WindowPower, sampleRate, epsilon);
            decibelSpectrogram = SNR.TruncateBgNoiseFromSpectrogram(decibelSpectrogram, spectralDecibelBgn);
            decibelSpectrogram = SNR.RemoveNeighbourhoodBackgroundNoise(decibelSpectrogram, nhThreshold: 2.0);

            // iii: CALCULATE noise reduced AVERAGE DECIBEL SPECTRUM
            spectralIndices.PMN = SpectrogramTools.CalculateAvgDecibelSpectrumFromDecibelSpectrogram(decibelSpectrogram);

            // ######################################################################################################################################################
            // iv: CALCULATE SPECTRAL COVER. NOTE: at this point, decibelSpectrogram is noise reduced. All values >= 0.0
            //           FreqBinWidth can be accessed, if required, through dspOutput1.FreqBinWidth
            // dB THRESHOLD for calculating spectral coverage
            double dBThreshold = ActivityAndCover.DefaultActivityThresholdDb;

            // Calculate lower and upper boundary bin ids.
            // Boundary between low & mid frequency bands is to avoid low freq bins containing anthropogenic noise. These biased index values away from bio-phony.
            int midFreqBound   = config.MidFreqBound;
            int lowFreqBound   = config.LowFreqBound;
            int lowerBinBound  = (int)Math.Ceiling(lowFreqBound / dspOutput1.FreqBinWidth);
            int middleBinBound = (int)Math.Ceiling(midFreqBound / dspOutput1.FreqBinWidth);
            var spActivity     = ActivityAndCover.CalculateSpectralEvents(decibelSpectrogram, dBThreshold, frameStepTimeSpan, lowerBinBound, middleBinBound);

            //spectralIndices.CVR = spActivity.CoverSpectrum;
            spectralIndices.EVN = spActivity.EventSpectrum;

            ///////result.TrackScores = null;
            ///////return result;
        } // end calculation of Six Spectral Indices
Esempio n. 23
        } //Analysis()

        /// <summary>
        /// returns some indices relevant to rain and cicadas from a short (10seconds) chunk of audio
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="signal">signal envelope of a 10s chunk of audio</param>
        /// <param name="spectrogram">spectrogram of a 10s chunk of audio</param>
        /// <param name="lowFreqBound"></param>
        /// <param name="midFreqBound"></param>
        /// <param name="binWidth"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static RainStruct Get10SecondIndices(double[] signal, double[,] spectrogram, int lowFreqBound, int midFreqBound,
                                                    TimeSpan frameDuration, double binWidth)
            // i: FRAME ENERGIES -
            double StandardDeviationCount = 0.1;
            var    results3 = SNR.SubtractBackgroundNoiseFromWaveform_dB(SNR.Signal2Decibels(signal), StandardDeviationCount); //use Lamel et al.
            var    dBarray  = SNR.TruncateNegativeValues2Zero(results3.NoiseReducedSignal);

            bool[] activeFrames = new bool[dBarray.Length]; //record frames with activity >= threshold dB above background and count
            for (int i = 0; i < dBarray.Length; i++)
                if (dBarray[i] >= ActivityAndCover.DefaultActivityThresholdDb)
                    activeFrames[i] = true;

            //int activeFrameCount = dBarray.Count((x) => (x >= AcousticIndices.DEFAULT_activityThreshold_dB));
            int activeFrameCount = DataTools.CountTrues(activeFrames);

            double spikeThreshold = 0.05;
            double spikeIndex     = CalculateSpikeIndex(signal, spikeThreshold);

            //Console.WriteLine("spikeIndex=" + spikeIndex);

            RainStruct rainIndices;                                                                    // struct in which to store all indices

            rainIndices.activity        = activeFrameCount / (double)dBarray.Length;                   //fraction of frames having acoustic activity
            rainIndices.bgNoise         = results3.NoiseMode;                                          //bg noise in dB
            rainIndices.snr             = results3.Snr;                                                //snr
            rainIndices.avSig_dB        = 20 * Math.Log10(signal.Average());                           //10 times log of amplitude squared
            rainIndices.temporalEntropy = DataTools.EntropyNormalised(DataTools.SquareValues(signal)); //ENTROPY of ENERGY ENVELOPE
            rainIndices.spikes          = spikeIndex;

            // ii: calculate the bin id of boundary between mid and low frequency spectrum
            int lowBinBound        = (int)Math.Ceiling(lowFreqBound / binWidth);
            var midbandSpectrogram = MatrixTools.Submatrix(spectrogram, 0, lowBinBound, spectrogram.GetLength(0) - 1, spectrogram.GetLength(1) - 1);

            // iii: ENTROPY OF AVERAGE SPECTRUM and VARIANCE SPECTRUM - at this point the spectrogram is still an amplitude spectrogram
            var tuple = SpectrogramTools.CalculateAvgSpectrumAndVarianceSpectrumFromAmplitudeSpectrogram(midbandSpectrogram);

            rainIndices.spectralEntropy = DataTools.EntropyNormalised(tuple.Item1); //ENTROPY of spectral averages
            if (double.IsNaN(rainIndices.spectralEntropy))
                rainIndices.spectralEntropy = 1.0;

            // iv: CALCULATE Acoustic Complexity Index on the AMPLITUDE SPECTRUM
            var aciArray = AcousticComplexityIndex.CalculateAci(midbandSpectrogram);

            rainIndices.ACI = aciArray.Average();

            //v: remove background noise from the spectrogram
            double spectralBgThreshold = 0.015;      // SPECTRAL AMPLITUDE THRESHOLD for smoothing background

            //double[] modalValues = SNR.CalculateModalValues(spectrogram); //calculate modal value for each freq bin.
            //modalValues = DataTools.filterMovingAverage(modalValues, 7);  //smooth the modal profile
            //spectrogram = SNR.SubtractBgNoiseFromSpectrogramAndTruncate(spectrogram, modalValues);
            //spectrogram = SNR.RemoveNeighbourhoodBackgroundNoise(spectrogram, spectralBgThreshold);

            //vi: SPECTROGRAM ANALYSIS - SPECTRAL COVER. NOTE: spectrogram is still a noise reduced amplitude spectrogram
            SpectralActivity sa = ActivityAndCover.CalculateSpectralEvents(spectrogram, spectralBgThreshold, frameDuration, lowFreqBound, midFreqBound, binWidth);

            rainIndices.lowFreqCover = sa.LowFreqBandCover;
            rainIndices.midFreqCover = sa.MidFreqBandCover;
            rainIndices.hiFreqCover  = sa.HighFreqBandCover;

            //double[] coverSpectrum = sa.coverSpectrum;
            //double[] eventSpectrum = sa.eventSpectrum;

Esempio n. 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Do your analysis. This method is called once per segment (typically one-minute segments).
        /// </summary>
        public override RecognizerResults Recognize(AudioRecording recording, Config configuration, TimeSpan segmentStartOffset, Lazy <IndexCalculateResult[]> getSpectralIndexes, DirectoryInfo outputDirectory, int?imageWidth)
            string       speciesName            = configuration[AnalysisKeys.SpeciesName] ?? "<no species>";
            string       abbreviatedSpeciesName = configuration[AnalysisKeys.AbbreviatedSpeciesName] ?? "<no.sp>";
            const int    frameSize     = 256;
            const double windowOverlap = 0.0;

            double noiseReductionParameter = configuration.GetDoubleOrNull("SeverityOfNoiseRemoval") ?? 2.0;

            int minHz = configuration.GetInt(AnalysisKeys.MinHz);
            int maxHz = configuration.GetInt(AnalysisKeys.MaxHz);

            // ignore oscillations below this threshold freq
            int minOscilFreq = configuration.GetInt(AnalysisKeys.MinOscilFreq);

            // ignore oscillations above this threshold freq
            int maxOscilFreq = configuration.GetInt(AnalysisKeys.MaxOscilFreq);

            // duration of DCT in seconds
            //double dctDuration = (double)configuration[AnalysisKeys.DctDuration];

            // minimum acceptable value of a DCT coefficient
            double dctThreshold = configuration.GetDouble(AnalysisKeys.DctThreshold);

            // min duration of event in seconds
            double minDuration = configuration.GetDouble(AnalysisKeys.MinDuration);

            // max duration of event in seconds
            double maxDuration = configuration.GetDouble(AnalysisKeys.MaxDuration);

            // min score for an acceptable event
            double decibelThreshold = configuration.GetDouble(AnalysisKeys.DecibelThreshold);

            // min score for an acceptable event
            double eventThreshold = configuration.GetDouble(AnalysisKeys.EventThreshold);

            if (recording.WavReader.SampleRate != 22050)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Requires a 22050Hz file");

            // i: MAKE SONOGRAM
            var sonoConfig = new SonogramConfig
                SourceFName             = recording.BaseName,
                WindowSize              = frameSize,
                WindowOverlap           = windowOverlap,
                NoiseReductionType      = NoiseReductionType.Standard,
                NoiseReductionParameter = noiseReductionParameter,

            var    recordingDuration = recording.Duration;
            int    sr           = recording.SampleRate;
            double freqBinWidth = sr / (double)sonoConfig.WindowSize;
            int    minBin       = (int)Math.Round(minHz / freqBinWidth) + 1;
            int    maxBin       = (int)Math.Round(maxHz / freqBinWidth) + 1;

            // duration of DCT in seconds - want it to be about 3X or 4X the expected maximum period
            double framesPerSecond = freqBinWidth;
            double minPeriod       = 1 / (double)maxOscilFreq;
            double maxPeriod       = 1 / (double)minOscilFreq;
            double dctDuration     = 5 * maxPeriod;

            // duration of DCT in frames
            int dctLength = (int)Math.Round(framesPerSecond * dctDuration);

            // set up the cosine coefficients
            double[,] cosines = MFCCStuff.Cosines(dctLength, dctLength);

            BaseSonogram sonogram = new SpectrogramStandard(sonoConfig, recording.WavReader);
            int          rowCount = sonogram.Data.GetLength(0);

            double[] amplitudeArray = MatrixTools.GetRowAveragesOfSubmatrix(sonogram.Data, 0, minBin, rowCount - 1, maxBin);

            // remove baseline from amplitude array
            var highPassFilteredSignal = DspFilters.SubtractBaseline(amplitudeArray, 7);

            // remove hi freq content from amplitude array
            var lowPassFilteredSignal = DataTools.filterMovingAverageOdd(amplitudeArray, 11);

            var       dctScores = new double[highPassFilteredSignal.Length];
            const int step      = 2;

            for (int i = dctLength; i < highPassFilteredSignal.Length - dctLength; i += step)
                if (highPassFilteredSignal[i] < decibelThreshold)

                double[] subArray = DataTools.Subarray(highPassFilteredSignal, i, dctLength);

                // Look for oscillations in the highPassFilteredSignal
                Oscillations2014.GetOscillationUsingDct(subArray, framesPerSecond, cosines, out var oscilFreq, out var period, out var intensity);
                bool periodWithinBounds = period > minPeriod && period < maxPeriod;

                if (!periodWithinBounds)

                if (intensity < dctThreshold)

                //lay down score for sample length
                for (int j = 0; j < dctLength; j++)
                    if (dctScores[i + j] < intensity && lowPassFilteredSignal[i + j] > decibelThreshold)
                        dctScores[i + j] = intensity;

            //iii: CONVERT decibel sum-diff SCORES TO ACOUSTIC EVENTS
            var acousticEvents = AcousticEvent.ConvertScoreArray2Events(

            // ######################################################################
            acousticEvents.ForEach(ae =>
                ae.SpeciesName            = speciesName;
                ae.SegmentDurationSeconds = recordingDuration.TotalSeconds;
                ae.SegmentStartSeconds    = segmentStartOffset.TotalSeconds;
                ae.Name = abbreviatedSpeciesName;

            var plot  = new Plot(this.DisplayName, dctScores, eventThreshold);
            var plots = new List <Plot> {

            // DEBUG IMAGE this recognizer only. MUST set false for deployment.
            bool displayDebugImage = MainEntry.InDEBUG;

            if (displayDebugImage)
                // display a variety of debug score arrays
                DataTools.Normalise(amplitudeArray, decibelThreshold, out var normalisedScores, out var normalisedThreshold);
                var ampltdPlot = new Plot("amplitude", normalisedScores, normalisedThreshold);
                DataTools.Normalise(highPassFilteredSignal, decibelThreshold, out normalisedScores, out normalisedThreshold);
                var demeanedPlot = new Plot("Hi Pass", normalisedScores, normalisedThreshold);

                DataTools.Normalise(lowPassFilteredSignal, decibelThreshold, out normalisedScores, out normalisedThreshold);
                var lowPassPlot = new Plot("Low Pass", normalisedScores, normalisedThreshold);

                var debugPlots = new List <Plot> {
                    ampltdPlot, lowPassPlot, demeanedPlot, plot
                Image debugImage = SpectrogramTools.GetSonogramPlusCharts(sonogram, acousticEvents, debugPlots, null);
                var   debugPath  = outputDirectory.Combine(FilenameHelpers.AnalysisResultName(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(recording.BaseName), this.Identifier, "png", "DebugSpectrogram"));

            return(new RecognizerResults()
                Sonogram = sonogram,
                Hits = null,
                Plots = plots,
                Events = acousticEvents,
Esempio n. 25
        public static AudioToSonogramResult GenerateSpectrogramImages(FileInfo sourceRecording, Dictionary <string, string> configDict, DirectoryInfo outputDirectory)
            // the source name was set up in the Analyse() method. But it could also be obtained directly from recording.
            string sourceName = configDict[ConfigKeys.Recording.Key_RecordingFileName];

            sourceName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(sourceName);

            var result = new AudioToSonogramResult();

            // init the image stack
            var list = new List <Image>();

            // 1) draw amplitude spectrogram
            var recordingSegment = new AudioRecording(sourceRecording.FullName);

            // default values config except disable noise removal for first two spectrograms
            SonogramConfig sonoConfig = new SonogramConfig(configDict)
                NoiseReductionType = NoiseReductionType.None
            BaseSonogram sonogram = new AmplitudeSonogram(sonoConfig, recordingSegment.WavReader);

            // remove the DC bin
            sonogram.Data = MatrixTools.Submatrix(sonogram.Data, 0, 1, sonogram.FrameCount - 1, sonogram.Configuration.FreqBinCount);

            // save spectrogram data at this point - prior to noise reduction
            double[,] spectrogramDataBeforeNoiseReduction = sonogram.Data;

            const int    lowPercentile        = 20;
            const double neighbourhoodSeconds = 0.25;
            int          neighbourhoodFrames  = (int)(sonogram.FramesPerSecond * neighbourhoodSeconds);
            const double lcnContrastLevel     = 0.25;

            ////LoggedConsole.WriteLine("LCN: FramesPerSecond (Prior to LCN) = {0}", sonogram.FramesPerSecond);
            ////LoggedConsole.WriteLine("LCN: Neighbourhood of {0} seconds = {1} frames", neighbourhoodSeconds, neighbourhoodFrames);
            sonogram.Data = NoiseRemoval_Briggs.NoiseReduction_ShortRecordings_SubtractAndLCN(sonogram.Data, lowPercentile, neighbourhoodFrames, lcnContrastLevel);

            // draw amplitude spectrogram unannotated
            FileInfo outputImage1 = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(outputDirectory.FullName, sourceName + ".amplitd.bmp"));

            ImageTools.DrawReversedMatrix(MatrixTools.MatrixRotate90Anticlockwise(sonogram.Data), outputImage1.FullName);

            // draw amplitude spectrogram annotated
            var image = sonogram.GetImageFullyAnnotated("AMPLITUDE SPECTROGRAM + Bin LCN (Local Contrast Normalisation)");

            ////string path2 = @"C:\SensorNetworks\Output\Sonograms\dataInput2.png";
            ////Histogram.DrawDistributionsAndSaveImage(sonogram.Data, path2);

            double ridgeThreshold = 0.20;

            double[,] matrix = ImageTools.WienerFilter(sonogram.Data, 3);
            byte[,] hits     = RidgeDetection.Sobel5X5RidgeDetectionExperiment(matrix, ridgeThreshold);
            hits             = RidgeDetection.JoinDisconnectedRidgesInMatrix(hits, matrix, ridgeThreshold);
            image            = SpectrogramTools.CreateFalseColourAmplitudeSpectrogram(spectrogramDataBeforeNoiseReduction, null, hits);
            image            = sonogram.GetImageAnnotatedWithLinearHerzScale(image, "AMPLITUDE SPECTROGRAM + LCN + ridge detection");

            Image envelopeImage = ImageTrack.DrawWaveEnvelopeTrack(recordingSegment, image.Width);


            // 3) now draw the standard decibel spectrogram
            sonogram = new SpectrogramStandard(sonoConfig, recordingSegment.WavReader);

            // remove the DC bin
            sonogram.Data = MatrixTools.Submatrix(sonogram.Data, 0, 1, sonogram.FrameCount - 1, sonogram.Configuration.FreqBinCount);

            // draw decibel spectrogram unannotated
            FileInfo outputImage2 = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(outputDirectory.FullName, sourceName + ".deciBel.bmp"));

            ImageTools.DrawReversedMatrix(MatrixTools.MatrixRotate90Anticlockwise(sonogram.Data), outputImage2.FullName);

            image = sonogram.GetImageFullyAnnotated("DECIBEL SPECTROGRAM");

            Image segmentationImage = ImageTrack.DrawSegmentationTrack(


            // keep the sonogram data (NOT noise reduced) for later use
            double[,] dbSpectrogramData = (double[, ])sonogram.Data.Clone();

            // 4) now draw the noise reduced decibel spectrogram
            sonoConfig.NoiseReductionType      = NoiseReductionType.Standard;
            sonoConfig.NoiseReductionParameter = 3;
            ////sonoConfig.NoiseReductionType = NoiseReductionType.SHORT_RECORDING;
            ////sonoConfig.NoiseReductionParameter = 50;

            sonogram = new SpectrogramStandard(sonoConfig, recordingSegment.WavReader);

            // draw decibel spectrogram unannotated
            FileInfo outputImage3 = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(outputDirectory.FullName, sourceName + ".noNoise_dB.bmp"));

            ImageTools.DrawReversedMatrix(MatrixTools.MatrixRotate90Anticlockwise(sonogram.Data), outputImage3.FullName);
            image = sonogram.GetImageFullyAnnotated("DECIBEL SPECTROGRAM + Lamel noise subtraction");

            // keep the sonogram data for later use
            double[,] nrSpectrogramData = sonogram.Data;

            ridgeThreshold = 2.5;
            matrix         = ImageTools.WienerFilter(dbSpectrogramData, 3);
            hits           = RidgeDetection.Sobel5X5RidgeDetectionExperiment(matrix, ridgeThreshold);

            image = SpectrogramTools.CreateFalseColourDecibelSpectrogram(dbSpectrogramData, nrSpectrogramData, hits);
            image = sonogram.GetImageAnnotatedWithLinearHerzScale(image, "DECIBEL SPECTROGRAM - Colour annotated");

            Image    compositeImage = ImageTools.CombineImagesVertically(list);
            FileInfo outputImage    = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(outputDirectory.FullName, sourceName + ".5spectro.png"));

            compositeImage.Save(outputImage.FullName, ImageFormat.Png);
            result.SpectrogramFile = outputImage;

            // 7) Generate the FREQUENCY x OSCILLATIONS Graphs and csv data
            ////bool saveData = true;
            ////bool saveImage = true;
            ////double[] oscillationsSpectrum = Oscillations2014.GenerateOscillationDataAndImages(sourceRecording, configDict, saveData, saveImage);
Esempio n. 26
        public static AudioToSonogramResult GenerateFourSpectrogramImages(
            FileInfo sourceRecording,
            FileInfo path2SoxSpectrogram,
            Dictionary <string, string> configDict,
            bool dataOnly        = false,
            bool makeSoxSonogram = false)
            var result = new AudioToSonogramResult();

            if (dataOnly && makeSoxSonogram)
                throw new ArgumentException("Can't produce data only for a SoX sonogram");

            if (makeSoxSonogram)
                SpectrogramTools.MakeSonogramWithSox(sourceRecording, configDict, path2SoxSpectrogram);
                result.Path2SoxImage = path2SoxSpectrogram;
            else if (dataOnly)
                var recordingSegment = new AudioRecording(sourceRecording.FullName);
                var sonoConfig       = new SonogramConfig(configDict); // default values config

                // disable noise removal
                sonoConfig.NoiseReductionType = NoiseReductionType.None;
                Log.Warn("Noise removal disabled!");

                var sonogram = new SpectrogramStandard(sonoConfig, recordingSegment.WavReader);
                result.DecibelSpectrogram = sonogram;
                // init the image stack
                var list = new List <Image>();

                // IMAGE 1) draw amplitude spectrogram
                var recordingSegment = new AudioRecording(sourceRecording.FullName);
                var sonoConfig       = new SonogramConfig(configDict); // default values config

                // disable noise removal for first two spectrograms
                var disabledNoiseReductionType = sonoConfig.NoiseReductionType;
                sonoConfig.NoiseReductionType = NoiseReductionType.None;

                BaseSonogram sonogram = new AmplitudeSonogram(sonoConfig, recordingSegment.WavReader);

                // remove the DC bin if it has not already been removed.
                // Assume test of divisible by 2 is good enough.
                int binCount = sonogram.Data.GetLength(1);
                if (!binCount.IsEven())
                    sonogram.Data = MatrixTools.Submatrix(sonogram.Data, 0, 1, sonogram.FrameCount - 1, binCount - 1);

                //save spectrogram data at this point - prior to noise reduction
                var spectrogramDataBeforeNoiseReduction = sonogram.Data;

                const double neighbourhoodSeconds = 0.25;
                int          neighbourhoodFrames  = (int)(sonogram.FramesPerSecond * neighbourhoodSeconds);
                const double lcnContrastLevel     = 0.001;
                LoggedConsole.WriteLine("LCN: FramesPerSecond (Prior to LCN) = {0}", sonogram.FramesPerSecond);
                LoggedConsole.WriteLine("LCN: Neighbourhood of {0} seconds = {1} frames", neighbourhoodSeconds, neighbourhoodFrames);
                const int lowPercentile = 20;
                sonogram.Data = NoiseRemoval_Briggs.NoiseReduction_byLowestPercentileSubtraction(sonogram.Data, lowPercentile);
                sonogram.Data = NoiseRemoval_Briggs.NoiseReduction_byLCNDivision(sonogram.Data, neighbourhoodFrames, lcnContrastLevel);

                //sonogram.Data = NoiseRemoval_Briggs.NoiseReduction_byLowestPercentileSubtraction(sonogram.Data, lowPercentile);

                var image = sonogram.GetImageFullyAnnotated("AMPLITUDE SPECTROGRAM + Bin LCN (Local Contrast Normalisation)");

                //string path2 = @"C:\SensorNetworks\Output\Sonograms\dataInput2.png";
                //Histogram.DrawDistributionsAndSaveImage(sonogram.Data, path2);

                // double[,] matrix = sonogram.Data;
                double[,] matrix = ImageTools.WienerFilter(sonogram.Data, 3);
                double ridgeThreshold = 0.25;
                byte[,] hits = RidgeDetection.Sobel5X5RidgeDetectionExperiment(matrix, ridgeThreshold);
                hits         = RidgeDetection.JoinDisconnectedRidgesInMatrix(hits, matrix, ridgeThreshold);
                image        = SpectrogramTools.CreateFalseColourAmplitudeSpectrogram(spectrogramDataBeforeNoiseReduction, null, hits);
                image        = sonogram.GetImageAnnotatedWithLinearHerzScale(image, "AMPLITUDE SPECTROGRAM + LCN + ridge detection");

                Image envelopeImage = ImageTrack.DrawWaveEnvelopeTrack(recordingSegment, image.Width);

                // IMAGE 2) now draw the standard decibel spectrogram
                sonogram = new SpectrogramStandard(sonoConfig, recordingSegment.WavReader);
                result.DecibelSpectrogram = (SpectrogramStandard)sonogram;
                image = sonogram.GetImageFullyAnnotated("DECIBEL SPECTROGRAM");

                Image segmentationImage = ImageTrack.DrawSegmentationTrack(

                // keep the sonogram data for later use
                double[,] dbSpectrogramData = (double[, ])sonogram.Data.Clone();

                // 3) now draw the noise reduced decibel spectrogram
                // #NOISE REDUCTION PARAMETERS - restore noise reduction ##################################################################
                sonoConfig.NoiseReductionType      = disabledNoiseReductionType;
                sonoConfig.NoiseReductionParameter = double.Parse(configDict[AnalysisKeys.NoiseBgThreshold] ?? "2.0");

                // #NOISE REDUCTION PARAMETERS - MARINE HACK ##################################################################
                //sonoConfig.NoiseReductionType = NoiseReductionType.FIXED_DYNAMIC_RANGE;
                //sonoConfig.NoiseReductionParameter = 80.0;

                sonogram = new SpectrogramStandard(sonoConfig, recordingSegment.WavReader);
                image    = sonogram.GetImageFullyAnnotated("DECIBEL SPECTROGRAM + Lamel noise subtraction");

                // keep the sonogram data for later use
                double[,] nrSpectrogramData = sonogram.Data;

                // ########################### SOBEL ridge detection
                ridgeThreshold = 3.5;
                matrix         = ImageTools.WienerFilter(dbSpectrogramData, 3);
                hits           = RidgeDetection.Sobel5X5RidgeDetectionExperiment(matrix, ridgeThreshold);

                // ########################### EIGEN ridge detection
                //double ridgeThreshold = 6.0;
                //double dominanceThreshold = 0.7;
                //var rotatedData = MatrixTools.MatrixRotate90Anticlockwise(dbSpectrogramData);
                //byte[,] hits = RidgeDetection.StructureTensorRidgeDetection(rotatedData, ridgeThreshold, dominanceThreshold);
                //hits = MatrixTools.MatrixRotate90Clockwise(hits);
                // ########################### EIGEN ridge detection

                image = SpectrogramTools.CreateFalseColourDecibelSpectrogram(dbSpectrogramData, nrSpectrogramData, hits);
                image = sonogram.GetImageAnnotatedWithLinearHerzScale(image, "DECIBEL SPECTROGRAM - Colour annotated");


                ////SpectrogramCepstral cepgram = new SpectrogramCepstral((AmplitudeSonogram)amplitudeSpg);
                ////var mti3 = SpectrogramTools.Sonogram2MultiTrackImage(sonogram, configDict);
                ////var image3 = mti3.GetImage();
                ////image3.Save(fiImage.FullName + "3", ImageFormat.Png);

                result.CompositeImage = ImageTools.CombineImagesVertically(list);


        /// <summary>
        /// ################ THE KEY ANALYSIS METHOD
        /// Returns a DataTable
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fiSegmentOfSourceFile"></param>
        /// <param name="analysisSettings"></param>
        /// <param name="originalSampleRate"></param>
        /// <param name="segmentStartOffset"></param>
        /// <param name="configDict"></param>
        /// <param name="diOutputDir"></param>
        public static Tuple <BaseSonogram, double[, ], List <Plot>, List <AcousticEvent>, TimeSpan> Analysis(FileInfo fiSegmentOfSourceFile, AnalysisSettings analysisSettings, int originalSampleRate, TimeSpan segmentStartOffset)
            Dictionary <string, string> configDict = analysisSettings.ConfigDict;
            int originalAudioNyquist = originalSampleRate / 2; // original sample rate can be anything 11.0-44.1 kHz.

            //set default values - ignore those set by user
            int    frameSize          = 32;
            double windowOverlap      = 0.3;
            int    xCorrelationLength = 256; //for Xcorrelation   - 256 frames @801 = 320ms, almost 1/3 second.
            //int xCorrelationLength = 128;   //for Xcorrelation   - 128 frames @801 = 160ms, almost 1/6 second.
            //int xCorrelationLength = 64;   //for Xcorrelation   - 64 frames @128 = 232ms, almost 1/4 second.
            //int xCorrelationLength = 16;   //for Xcorrelation   - 16 frames @128 = 232ms, almost 1/4 second.
            double dBThreshold = 12.0;

            // read frog data to datatable
            var dt = CsvTools.ReadCSVToTable(configDict[key_FROG_DATA], true);                     // read file contining parameters of frog calls to a table

            double intensityThreshold = double.Parse(configDict[AnalysisKeys.IntensityThreshold]); //in 0-1
            double minDuration        = double.Parse(configDict[AnalysisKeys.MinDuration]);        // seconds
            double maxDuration        = double.Parse(configDict[AnalysisKeys.MaxDuration]);        // seconds
            double minPeriod          = double.Parse(configDict[AnalysisKeys.MinPeriodicity]);     // seconds
            double maxPeriod          = double.Parse(configDict[AnalysisKeys.MaxPeriodicity]);     // seconds

            AudioRecording recording = new AudioRecording(fiSegmentOfSourceFile.FullName);

            if (recording == null)
                LoggedConsole.WriteLine("AudioRecording == null. Analysis not possible.");

            //i: MAKE SONOGRAM
            SonogramConfig sonoConfig = new SonogramConfig(); //default values config

            sonoConfig.SourceFName   = recording.BaseName;
            sonoConfig.WindowSize    = frameSize;
            sonoConfig.WindowOverlap = windowOverlap;
            //sonoConfig.NoiseReductionType = SNR.Key2NoiseReductionType("NONE");
            sonoConfig.NoiseReductionType = SNR.KeyToNoiseReductionType("STANDARD");   //must do noise removal
            TimeSpan tsRecordingtDuration = recording.Duration;
            int      sr              = recording.SampleRate;
            double   freqBinWidth    = sr / (double)sonoConfig.WindowSize;
            double   frameOffset     = sonoConfig.GetFrameOffset(sr);
            double   framesPerSecond = 1 / frameOffset;

            BaseSonogram sonogram = new SpectrogramStandard(sonoConfig, recording.WavReader);

            //iii: GET TRACKS
            int nhLimit      = 3; //limit of neighbourhood around maximum
            var peaks        = DataTools.GetPeakValues(sonogram.DecibelsPerFrame);
            var tuple        = SpectralTrack.GetSpectralMaxima(sonogram.DecibelsPerFrame, sonogram.Data, dBThreshold, nhLimit);
            var maxFreqArray = tuple.Item1; //array (one element per frame) indicating which freq bin has max amplitude.
            var hitsMatrix   = tuple.Item2;
            int herzOffset   = 0;
            int maxFreq      = 6000;
            var tracks       = SpectralTrack.GetSpectralTracks(maxFreqArray, framesPerSecond, freqBinWidth, herzOffset, SpectralTrack.MIN_TRACK_DURATION, SpectralTrack.MAX_INTRASYLLABLE_GAP, maxFreq);

            double severity     = 0.5;
            double dynamicRange = 60; // deciBels above background noise. BG noise has already been removed from each bin.
            // convert sonogram to a list of frequency bin arrays
            var listOfFrequencyBins = SpectrogramTools.Sonogram2ListOfFreqBinArrays(sonogram, dynamicRange);
            int minFrameLength      = SpectralTrack.FrameCountEquivalent(SpectralTrack.MIN_TRACK_DURATION, framesPerSecond);

            for (int i = tracks.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                tracks[i].CropTrack(listOfFrequencyBins, severity);
                if (tracks[i].Length < minFrameLength)
            } // foreach track

            foreach (SpectralTrack track in tracks) // find any periodicity in the track and calculate its score.
                SpectralTrack.DetectTrackPeriodicity(track, xCorrelationLength, listOfFrequencyBins, sonogram.FramesPerSecond);
            } // foreach track

            int rowCount       = sonogram.Data.GetLength(0);
            int MAX_FREQ_BOUND = 6000;
            int topBin         = (int)Math.Round(MAX_FREQ_BOUND / freqBinWidth);
            var plots          = CreateScorePlots(tracks, rowCount, topBin);

            List <AcousticEvent> frogEvents = SpectralTrack.ConvertTracks2Events(tracks, segmentStartOffset);

            // v: GET FROG IDs
            //var frogEvents = new List<AcousticEvent>();
            foreach (AcousticEvent ae in frogEvents)
                double oscRate = 1 / ae.Periodicity;
                // ae.DominantFreq
                // ae.Score
                // ae.Duration
                string[] names = ClassifyFrogEvent(ae.DominantFreq, oscRate, dt);
                ae.Name  = names[0];
                ae.Name2 = names[1];

            return(Tuple.Create(sonogram, hitsMatrix, plots, frogEvents, tsRecordingtDuration));
        } //Analysis()
Esempio n. 28
        public static IndexCalculateResult Analysis(
            AudioRecording recording,
            TimeSpan subsegmentOffsetTimeSpan,
            Dictionary <string, IndexProperties> indexProperties,
            int sampleRateOfOriginalAudioFile,
            TimeSpan segmentStartOffset,
            IndexCalculateConfig config,
            bool returnSonogramInfo = false)
            // returnSonogramInfo = true; // if debugging
            double epsilon                  = recording.Epsilon;
            int    signalLength             = recording.WavReader.GetChannel(0).Length;
            int    sampleRate               = recording.WavReader.SampleRate;
            var    segmentDuration          = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(recording.WavReader.Time.TotalSeconds);
            var    indexCalculationDuration = config.IndexCalculationDurationTimeSpan;
            int    nyquist                  = sampleRate / 2;

            // Get FRAME parameters for the calculation of Acoustic Indices
            //WARNING: DO NOT USE Frame Overlap when calculating acoustic indices.
            //         It yields ACI, BGN, POW and EVN results that are significantly different from the default.
            //         I have not had time to check if the difference is meaningful. Best to avoid.
            //int frameSize = (int?)config[AnalysisKeys.FrameLength] ?? IndexCalculateConfig.DefaultWindowSize;
            int frameSize = config.FrameLength;
            int frameStep = frameSize;                                 // that is, windowOverlap = zero

            double frameStepDuration = frameStep / (double)sampleRate; // fraction of a second
            var    frameStepTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromTicks((long)(frameStepDuration * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond));

            int midFreqBound = config.MidFreqBound;
            int lowFreqBound = config.LowFreqBound;

            int freqBinCount = frameSize / 2;

            // double freqBinWidth = recording.Nyquist / (double)freqBinCount;

            // get duration in seconds and sample count and frame count
            double subsegmentDurationInSeconds = indexCalculationDuration.TotalSeconds;
            int    subsegmentSampleCount       = (int)(subsegmentDurationInSeconds * sampleRate);
            double subsegmentFrameCount        = subsegmentSampleCount / (double)frameStep;

            subsegmentFrameCount = (int)Math.Ceiling(subsegmentFrameCount);

            // In order not to lose the last fractional frame, round up the frame number
            // and get the exact number of samples in the integer number of frames.
            // Do this because when IndexCalculationDuration = 100ms, the number of frames is only 8.
            subsegmentSampleCount = (int)(subsegmentFrameCount * frameStep);

            // get start and end samples of the subsegment and noise segment
            double localOffsetInSeconds = subsegmentOffsetTimeSpan.TotalSeconds - segmentStartOffset.TotalSeconds;
            int    startSample          = (int)(localOffsetInSeconds * sampleRate);
            int    endSample            = startSample + subsegmentSampleCount - 1;

            // Default behaviour: set SUBSEGMENT = total recording
            var subsegmentRecording = recording;

            // But if the indexCalculationDuration < segmentDuration
            if (indexCalculationDuration < segmentDuration)
                // minimum samples needed to calculate acoustic indices. This value was chosen somewhat arbitrarily.
                // It allowes for case where IndexCalculationDuration = 100ms which is approx 8 frames
                int minimumViableSampleCount = frameSize * 8;
                int availableSignal          = signalLength - startSample;

                // if (the required audio is beyond recording OR insufficient for analysis) then backtrack.
                if (availableSignal < minimumViableSampleCount)
                    // Back-track so we can fill a whole result.
                    // This is a silent correction, equivalent to having a segment overlap for the last segment.
                    var oldStart = startSample;
                    startSample = signalLength - subsegmentSampleCount;
                    endSample   = signalLength;

                    Logger.Trace("  Backtrack subsegment to fill missing data from imperfect audio cuts because not enough samples available. " + (oldStart - startSample) + " samples overlap.");

                var subsamples = DataTools.Subarray(recording.WavReader.Samples, startSample, subsegmentSampleCount);
                var wr         = new Acoustics.Tools.Wav.WavReader(subsamples, 1, 16, sampleRate);
                subsegmentRecording = new AudioRecording(wr);

            // initialize a result object in which to store SummaryIndexValues and SpectralIndexValues etc.
            var result = new IndexCalculateResult(freqBinCount, indexProperties, indexCalculationDuration, subsegmentOffsetTimeSpan, config);
            SummaryIndexValues  summaryIndices  = result.SummaryIndexValues;
            SpectralIndexValues spectralIndices = result.SpectralIndexValues;

            // set up default spectrogram to return
            result.Sg          = returnSonogramInfo ? GetSonogram(recording, windowSize: 1024) : null;
            result.Hits        = null;
            result.TrackScores = new List <Plot>();

            // ################################## FINSIHED SET-UP
            // ################################## NOW GET THE AMPLITUDE SPECTORGRAMS

            var dspOutput1 = DSP_Frames.ExtractEnvelopeAndFfts(subsegmentRecording, frameSize, frameStep);

            // Select band according to min and max bandwidth
            int minBand = (int)(dspOutput1.AmplitudeSpectrogram.GetLength(1) * config.MinBandWidth);
            int maxBand = (int)(dspOutput1.AmplitudeSpectrogram.GetLength(1) * config.MaxBandWidth) - 1;

            dspOutput1.AmplitudeSpectrogram = MatrixTools.Submatrix(
                dspOutput1.AmplitudeSpectrogram.GetLength(0) - 1,

            // TODO: Michael to review whether bandwidth filter should be moved to DSP_Frames??
            // Recalculate NyquistBin and FreqBinWidth, because they change with band selection
            //dspOutput1.NyquistBin = dspOutput1.AmplitudeSpectrogram.GetLength(1) - 1;
            //dspOutput1.FreqBinWidth = sampleRate / (double)dspOutput1.AmplitudeSpectrogram.GetLength(1) / 2;

            // Linear or Octave or Mel frequency scale? Set Linear as default.
            var  freqScale     = new FrequencyScale(nyquist: nyquist, frameSize: frameSize, hertzGridInterval: 1000);
            var  freqScaleType = config.FrequencyScale;
            bool octaveScale   = freqScaleType == FreqScaleType.Linear125Octaves7Tones28Nyquist32000;
            bool melScale      = freqScaleType == FreqScaleType.Mel;

            if (octaveScale)
                // only allow one octave scale at the moment - for Jasco marine recordings.
                // ASSUME fixed Occtave scale - USEFUL ONLY FOR JASCO 64000sr MARINE RECORDINGS
                // If you wish to use other octave scale types then need to put in the config file and and set up recovery here.
                freqScale = new FrequencyScale(FreqScaleType.Linear125Octaves7Tones28Nyquist32000);

                // Recalculate the spectrogram according to octave scale. This option works only when have high SR recordings.
                dspOutput1.AmplitudeSpectrogram = OctaveFreqScale.AmplitudeSpectra(
                dspOutput1.NyquistBin = dspOutput1.AmplitudeSpectrogram.GetLength(1) - 1; // ASSUMPTION!!! Nyquist is in top Octave bin - not necessarily true!!
            else if (melScale)
                int minFreq = 0;
                int maxFreq = recording.Nyquist;
                dspOutput1.AmplitudeSpectrogram = MFCCStuff.MelFilterBank(

                dspOutput1.NyquistBin = dspOutput1.AmplitudeSpectrogram.GetLength(1) - 1;

                // TODO: This doesn't make any sense, since the frequency width changes for each bin. Probably need to set this to NaN.
                // TODO: Whatever uses this value below, should probably be changed to not be depending on it.
                dspOutput1.FreqBinWidth = sampleRate / (double)dspOutput1.AmplitudeSpectrogram.GetLength(1) / 2;

            // If the index calculation duration >= 30 seconds, then calculate BGN from the existing segment of recording.
            bool doSeparateBgnNoiseCalculation = indexCalculationDuration.TotalSeconds + (2 * config.BgNoiseBuffer.TotalSeconds) < segmentDuration.TotalSeconds / 2;
            var  dspOutput2 = dspOutput1;

            if (doSeparateBgnNoiseCalculation)
                // GET a longer SUBSEGMENT FOR NOISE calculation with 5 sec buffer on either side.
                // If the index calculation duration is shorter than 30 seconds, then need to calculate BGN noise from a longer length of recording
                //      i.e. need to add noiseBuffer either side. Typical noiseBuffer value = 5 seconds
                int sampleBuffer = (int)(config.BgNoiseBuffer.TotalSeconds * sampleRate);
                var bgnRecording = AudioRecording.GetRecordingSubsegment(recording, startSample, endSample, sampleBuffer);

                dspOutput2 = DSP_Frames.ExtractEnvelopeAndFfts(bgnRecording, frameSize, frameStep);

                // If necessary, recalculate the spectrogram according to octave scale. This option works only when have high SR recordings.
                if (octaveScale)
                    // ASSUME fixed Occtave scale - USEFUL ONLY FOR JASCO 64000sr MARINE RECORDINGS
                    // If you wish to use other octave scale types then need to put in the config file and and set up recovery here.
                    dspOutput2.AmplitudeSpectrogram = OctaveFreqScale.AmplitudeSpectra(
                    dspOutput2.NyquistBin = dspOutput2.AmplitudeSpectrogram.GetLength(1) - 1; // ASSUMPTION!!! Nyquist is in top Octave bin - not necessarily true!!

            // ###################################### BEGIN CALCULATION OF INDICES ##################################

            // (A) ################################## EXTRACT SUMMARY INDICES FROM THE SIGNAL WAVEFORM ##################################
            // average absolute value over the minute recording - not useful
            // double[] avAbsolute = dspOutput1.Average;
            double[] signalEnvelope    = dspOutput1.Envelope;
            double   avgSignalEnvelope = signalEnvelope.Average();

            // 10 times log of amplitude squared
            summaryIndices.AvgSignalAmplitude = 20 * Math.Log10(avgSignalEnvelope);

            // Deal with case where the signal waveform is continuous flat with values < 0.001. Has happened!!
            // Although signal appears zero, this condition is required.
            if (avgSignalEnvelope < 0.0001)
                Logger.Debug("Segment skipped because avSignalEnvelope is < 0.001!");
                summaryIndices.ZeroSignal = 1.0;

            // i. Check for clipping and high amplitude rates per second
            summaryIndices.HighAmplitudeIndex = dspOutput1.HighAmplitudeCount / subsegmentDurationInSeconds;
            summaryIndices.ClippingIndex      = dspOutput1.ClipCount / subsegmentDurationInSeconds;

            // ii. Calculate bg noise in dB
            //    Convert signal envelope to dB and subtract background noise. Default noise SD to calculate threshold = ZERO
            double signalBgn = NoiseRemovalModal.CalculateBackgroundNoise(dspOutput2.Envelope);

            summaryIndices.BackgroundNoise = signalBgn;

            // iii: FRAME ENERGIES - convert signal to decibels and subtract background noise.
            double[] dBEnvelope          = SNR.Signal2Decibels(dspOutput1.Envelope);
            double[] dBEnvelopeSansNoise = SNR.SubtractAndTruncate2Zero(dBEnvelope, signalBgn);

            // Calculate fraction of frames having acoustic activity
            var activity = ActivityAndCover.CalculateActivity(dBEnvelopeSansNoise, frameStepTimeSpan);

            summaryIndices.Activity = activity.FractionOfActiveFrames;

            // v. average number of events per second whose duration > one frame
            // average event duration in milliseconds - no longer calculated
            //summaryIndices.AvgEventDuration = activity.avEventDuration;
            summaryIndices.EventsPerSecond = activity.EventCount / subsegmentDurationInSeconds;

            // vi. Calculate SNR and active frames SNR
            summaryIndices.Snr = dBEnvelopeSansNoise.Max();
            summaryIndices.AvgSnrOfActiveFrames = activity.ActiveAvDb;

            // vii. ENTROPY of ENERGY ENVELOPE -- 1-Ht because want measure of concentration of acoustic energy.
            double entropy = DataTools.EntropyNormalised(DataTools.SquareValues(signalEnvelope));

            summaryIndices.TemporalEntropy = 1 - entropy;

            // Note that the spectrogram has had the DC bin removed. i.e. has only 256 columns.
            double[,] amplitudeSpectrogram = dspOutput1.AmplitudeSpectrogram; // get amplitude spectrogram.

            // CALCULATE various NDSI (Normalised difference soundscape Index) FROM THE AMPLITUDE SPECTROGRAM
            // These options proved to be highly correlated. Therefore only use tuple.Item 1 which derived from Power Spectral Density.
            var tuple3 = SpectrogramTools.CalculateAvgSpectrumAndVarianceSpectrumFromAmplitudeSpectrogram(amplitudeSpectrogram);

            summaryIndices.Ndsi = SpectrogramTools.CalculateNdsi(tuple3.Item1, sampleRate, 1000, 2000, 8000);

            // (B) ################################## EXTRACT OSC SPECTRAL INDEX DIRECTLY FROM THE RECORDING ##################################
            // Get the oscillation spectral index OSC separately from signal because need a different frame size etc.

            var sampleLength       = Oscillations2014.DefaultSampleLength;
            var frameLength        = Oscillations2014.DefaultFrameLength;
            var sensitivity        = Oscillations2014.DefaultSensitivityThreshold;
            var spectralIndexShort = Oscillations2014.GetSpectralIndex_Osc(subsegmentRecording, frameLength, sampleLength, sensitivity);

            // double length of the vector because want to work with 256 element vector for LDFC purposes
            spectralIndices.OSC = DataTools.VectorDoubleLengthByAverageInterpolation(spectralIndexShort);

            // (C) ################################## EXTRACT SPECTRAL INDICES FROM THE AMPLITUDE SPECTROGRAM ##################################

            // i: CALCULATE SPECTRUM OF THE SUM OF FREQ BIN AMPLITUDES - used for later calculation of ACI
            spectralIndices.SUM = MatrixTools.SumColumns(amplitudeSpectrogram);

            // Calculate lower and upper boundary bin ids.
            // Boundary between low & mid frequency bands is to avoid low freq bins containing anthropogenic noise. These biased index values away from biophony.
            // Boundary of upper bird-band is to avoid high freq artefacts due to mp3.
            int lowerBinBound  = (int)Math.Ceiling(lowFreqBound / dspOutput1.FreqBinWidth);
            int middleBinBound = (int)Math.Ceiling(midFreqBound / dspOutput1.FreqBinWidth);

            // calculate number of freq bins in the bird-band.
            int midBandBinCount = middleBinBound - lowerBinBound + 1;

            if (octaveScale)
                // the above frequency bin bounds do not apply with octave scale. Need to recalculate them suitable for Octave scale recording.
                lowFreqBound  = freqScale.LinearBound;
                lowerBinBound = freqScale.GetBinIdForHerzValue(lowFreqBound);

                midFreqBound = 8000; // This value appears suitable for Jasco Marine recordings. Not much happens above 8kHz.

                //middleBinBound = freqScale.GetBinIdForHerzValue(midFreqBound);
                middleBinBound  = freqScale.GetBinIdInReducedSpectrogramForHerzValue(midFreqBound);
                midBandBinCount = middleBinBound - lowerBinBound + 1;

            // IFF there has been UP-SAMPLING, calculate bin of the original audio nyquist. this will be less than SR/2.
            // original sample rate can be anything 11.0-44.1 kHz.
            int originalNyquist = sampleRateOfOriginalAudioFile / 2;

            // if upsampling has been done
            if (dspOutput1.NyquistFreq > originalNyquist)
                dspOutput1.NyquistFreq = originalNyquist;
                dspOutput1.NyquistBin  = (int)Math.Floor(originalNyquist / dspOutput1.FreqBinWidth); // note that binwidth does not change

            spectralIndices.DIF = AcousticComplexityIndex.SumOfAmplitudeDifferences(amplitudeSpectrogram);

            double[] aciSpectrum = AcousticComplexityIndex.CalculateAci(amplitudeSpectrogram);
            spectralIndices.ACI = aciSpectrum;

            // remove low freq band of ACI spectrum and store average ACI value
            double[] reducedAciSpectrum = DataTools.Subarray(aciSpectrum, lowerBinBound, midBandBinCount);
            summaryIndices.AcousticComplexity = reducedAciSpectrum.Average();

            // iii: CALCULATE the H(t) or Temporal ENTROPY Spectrum and then reverse the values i.e. calculate 1-Ht for energy concentration
            double[] temporalEntropySpectrum = AcousticEntropy.CalculateTemporalEntropySpectrum(amplitudeSpectrogram);
            for (int i = 0; i < temporalEntropySpectrum.Length; i++)
                temporalEntropySpectrum[i] = 1 - temporalEntropySpectrum[i];

            spectralIndices.ENT = temporalEntropySpectrum;

            // iv: remove background noise from the amplitude spectrogram
            //     First calculate the noise profile from the amplitude sepctrogram
            double[] spectralAmplitudeBgn = NoiseProfile.CalculateBackgroundNoise(dspOutput2.AmplitudeSpectrogram);
            amplitudeSpectrogram = SNR.TruncateBgNoiseFromSpectrogram(amplitudeSpectrogram, spectralAmplitudeBgn);

            // AMPLITUDE THRESHOLD for smoothing background, nhThreshold, assumes background noise ranges around -40dB.
            // This value corresponds to approximately 6dB above backgorund.
            amplitudeSpectrogram = SNR.RemoveNeighbourhoodBackgroundNoise(amplitudeSpectrogram, nhThreshold: 0.015);
            ////ImageTools.DrawMatrix(spectrogramData, @"C:\SensorNetworks\WavFiles\Crows\image.png", false);

            result.AmplitudeSpectrogram = amplitudeSpectrogram;

            // v: ENTROPY OF AVERAGE SPECTRUM & VARIANCE SPECTRUM - at this point the spectrogram is a noise reduced amplitude spectrogram
            var tuple = AcousticEntropy.CalculateSpectralEntropies(amplitudeSpectrogram, lowerBinBound, midBandBinCount);

            // ENTROPY of spectral averages - Reverse the values i.e. calculate 1-Hs and 1-Hv, and 1-Hcov for energy concentration
            summaryIndices.EntropyOfAverageSpectrum = 1 - tuple.Item1;

            // ENTROPY of spectrum of Variance values
            summaryIndices.EntropyOfVarianceSpectrum = 1 - tuple.Item2;

            // ENTROPY of spectrum of Coefficient of Variation values
            summaryIndices.EntropyOfCoVSpectrum = 1 - tuple.Item3;

            // vi: ENTROPY OF DISTRIBUTION of maximum SPECTRAL PEAKS.
            //     First extract High band SPECTROGRAM which is now noise reduced
            double entropyOfPeaksSpectrum = AcousticEntropy.CalculateEntropyOfSpectralPeaks(amplitudeSpectrogram, lowerBinBound, middleBinBound);

            summaryIndices.EntropyOfPeaksSpectrum = 1 - entropyOfPeaksSpectrum;

            // ######################################################################################################################################################
            // (C) ################################## EXTRACT SPECTRAL INDICES FROM THE DECIBEL SPECTROGRAM ##################################

            // i: Convert amplitude spectrogram to deciBels and calculate the dB background noise profile
            double[,] deciBelSpectrogram = MFCCStuff.DecibelSpectra(dspOutput2.AmplitudeSpectrogram, dspOutput2.WindowPower, sampleRate, epsilon);
            double[] spectralDecibelBgn = NoiseProfile.CalculateBackgroundNoise(deciBelSpectrogram);
            spectralIndices.BGN = spectralDecibelBgn;

            // ii: Calculate the noise reduced decibel spectrogram derived from segment recording.
            //     REUSE the var decibelSpectrogram but this time using dspOutput1.
            deciBelSpectrogram = MFCCStuff.DecibelSpectra(dspOutput1.AmplitudeSpectrogram, dspOutput1.WindowPower, sampleRate, epsilon);
            deciBelSpectrogram = SNR.TruncateBgNoiseFromSpectrogram(deciBelSpectrogram, spectralDecibelBgn);
            deciBelSpectrogram = SNR.RemoveNeighbourhoodBackgroundNoise(deciBelSpectrogram, nhThreshold: 2.0);

            // iii: CALCULATE noise reduced AVERAGE DECIBEL SPECTRUM
            spectralIndices.PMN = SpectrogramTools.CalculateAvgDecibelSpectrumFromDecibelSpectrogram(deciBelSpectrogram);

            // iv: CALCULATE SPECTRAL COVER.
            //     NOTE: at this point, decibelSpectrogram is noise reduced. All values >= 0.0
            //           FreqBinWidth can be accessed, if required, through dspOutput1.FreqBinWidth
            double dBThreshold = ActivityAndCover.DefaultActivityThresholdDb; // dB THRESHOLD for calculating spectral coverage
            var    spActivity  = ActivityAndCover.CalculateSpectralEvents(deciBelSpectrogram, dBThreshold, frameStepTimeSpan, lowerBinBound, middleBinBound);

            spectralIndices.CVR = spActivity.CoverSpectrum;
            spectralIndices.EVN = spActivity.EventSpectrum;

            summaryIndices.HighFreqCover = spActivity.HighFreqBandCover;
            summaryIndices.MidFreqCover  = spActivity.MidFreqBandCover;
            summaryIndices.LowFreqCover  = spActivity.LowFreqBandCover;

            // ######################################################################################################################################################

            // v: CALCULATE SPECTRAL PEAK TRACKS and RIDGE indices.
            //    NOTE: at this point, the var decibelSpectrogram is noise reduced. i.e. all its values >= 0.0
            //    Detecting ridges or spectral peak tracks requires using a 5x5 mask which has edge effects.
            //    This becomes significant if we have a short indexCalculationDuration.
            //    Consequently if the indexCalculationDuration < 10 seconds then we revert back to the recording and cut out a recording segment that includes
            //    a buffer for edge effects. In most cases however, we can just use the decibel spectrogram already calculated and ignore the edge effects.
            double             peakThreshold = 6.0; //dB
            SpectralPeakTracks sptInfo;

            if (indexCalculationDuration.TotalSeconds < 10.0)
                // calculate a new decibel spectrogram
                sptInfo = SpectralPeakTracks.CalculateSpectralPeakTracks(recording, startSample, endSample, frameSize, octaveScale, peakThreshold);
                // use existing decibel spectrogram
                sptInfo = new SpectralPeakTracks(deciBelSpectrogram, peakThreshold);

            spectralIndices.SPT       = sptInfo.SptSpectrum;
            spectralIndices.RHZ       = sptInfo.RhzSpectrum;
            spectralIndices.RVT       = sptInfo.RvtSpectrum;
            spectralIndices.RPS       = sptInfo.RpsSpectrum;
            spectralIndices.RNG       = sptInfo.RngSpectrum;
            summaryIndices.SptDensity = sptInfo.TrackDensity;

            // these are two other indices that I tried but they do not seem to add anything of interest.
            //summaryIndices.AvgSptDuration = sptInfo.AvTrackDuration;
            //summaryIndices.SptPerSecond = sptInfo.TotalTrackCount / subsegmentSecondsDuration;

            // ######################################################################################################################################################

            // return if (activeFrameCount too small || eventCount == 0 || short index calc duration) because no point doing clustering
            if (activity.ActiveFrameCount <= 2 || Math.Abs(activity.EventCount) < 0.01 || indexCalculationDuration.TotalSeconds < 15)
                // IN ADDITION return if indexCalculationDuration < 15 seconds because no point doing clustering on short time segment
                // NOTE: Activity was calculated with 3dB threshold AFTER backgroundnoise removal.
                //summaryIndices.AvgClusterDuration = TimeSpan.Zero;
                summaryIndices.ClusterCount   = 0;
                summaryIndices.ThreeGramCount = 0;

            // YES WE WILL DO CLUSTERING! to determine cluster count (spectral diversity) and spectral persistence.
            // Only use midband decibel SPECTRUM. In June 2016, the mid-band (i.e. the bird-band) was set to lowerBound=1000Hz, upperBound=8000hz.
            // Actually do clustering of binary spectra. Must first threshold
            double binaryThreshold    = SpectralClustering.DefaultBinaryThresholdInDecibels;
            var    midBandSpectrogram = MatrixTools.Submatrix(deciBelSpectrogram, 0, lowerBinBound, deciBelSpectrogram.GetLength(0) - 1, middleBinBound);
            var    clusterInfo        = SpectralClustering.ClusterTheSpectra(midBandSpectrogram, lowerBinBound, middleBinBound, binaryThreshold);

            // Store two summary index values from cluster info
            summaryIndices.ClusterCount   = clusterInfo.ClusterCount;
            summaryIndices.ThreeGramCount = clusterInfo.TriGramUniqueCount;

            // As of May 2017, no longer store clustering results superimposed on spectrogram.
            // If you want to see this, then call the TEST methods in class SpectralClustering.cs.

            // #######################################################################################################################################################

            // vii: set up other info to return
            var freqPeaks = SpectralPeakTracks.ConvertSpectralPeaksToNormalisedArray(deciBelSpectrogram);
            var scores    = new List <Plot>
                new Plot("Decibels", DataTools.normalise(dBEnvelopeSansNoise), ActivityAndCover.DefaultActivityThresholdDb),
                new Plot("Active Frames", DataTools.Bool2Binary(activity.ActiveFrames), 0.0),
                new Plot("Max Frequency", freqPeaks, 0.0), // relative location of freq maxima in spectra

            result.Hits        = sptInfo.Peaks;
            result.TrackScores = scores;

        } // end Calculation of Summary and Spectral Indices