private SpecialOwnerDto MapToDto( SpecialOwnerWriteModel input, long?id = null, string createdBy = null, string modifiedBy = null) => new SpecialOwnerDto { Id = id, CreatedBy = createdBy, ModifiedBy = modifiedBy, Name = input.Name, Remark = input.Remark };
public IHttpActionResult Post(SpecialOwnerWriteModel model) { if (model == null) { return(BadRequest(Constants.MISSING_MESSAGE_BODY)); } var dto = MapToDto(model, createdBy: _shibbolethAttribs.GetUid()); long id = _repo.Insert(dto); // Refetch the data. dto = _repo.GetById(id); var readModel = MapToModel(dto); return(CreatedAtRoute("GetSpecialOwnerById", new { id = readModel.Id }, readModel)); }
public IHttpActionResult Put(long id, SpecialOwnerWriteModel model) { if (model == null) { return(BadRequest(Constants.MISSING_MESSAGE_BODY)); } if (!_repo.Exists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } var dto = MapToDto(model, id, modifiedBy: _shibbolethAttribs.GetUid()); _repo.Update(dto); // Refetch the data. dto = _repo.GetById(id); var readModel = MapToModel(dto); return(Ok(readModel)); }