// Creates a list of Spawn Zones of varrying sizes in the map
    private void GenerateSpawnZones()
        regions = mapGenerator.getRegions();
        List <Pos> regionTiles = new List <Pos>();

        int[,] grid = new int[width, height];
        int distanceBetweenZones    = 0;
        int spawnZoneRadius         = 0;
        int radiusAndDistance       = 0;
        int numOfSpawnZonesInRegion = 0;

        // Iterates through each region
        foreach (Region region in regions)
            numOfSpawnZonesInRegion = 0;
            regionTiles             = region.GetRegionTiles();

            // Checks through each tile in the region
            foreach (Pos tile in regionTiles)
                distanceBetweenZones = rng.Next(Mathf.Max(1, Mathf.RoundToInt(this.distanceBetweenZones / 2f)), Mathf.RoundToInt(this.distanceBetweenZones));
                spawnZoneRadius      = rng.Next(Mathf.RoundToInt(lowerRadius), Mathf.RoundToInt(upperRadius + 1));
                radiusAndDistance    = distanceBetweenZones + spawnZoneRadius;
                bool valid = true;

                while (!IsValid(tile, spawnZones, grid, spawnZoneRadius))
                    // If smallest radius doesn't work, then it isn't a valid spawn point
                    if (spawnZoneRadius == lowerRadius)
                        valid = false;
                        // Try a smaller radius

                if (valid)
                    SpawnZone spawnZone = CreateSpawnZone(tile, spawnZoneRadius);
                    // Checks if the number of zone tiles is acceptable
                    if (spawnZone.GetNumberOfUnpopulatedTilesInZone() >= minimumNumberOfTilesInSpawnZone &&
                        spawnZone.GetNumberOfUnpopulatedTilesInZone() <= maximumNumberOfTilesInSpawnZone)
                        // Spawn Zone is accepted and added to the list
                        grid[tile.x, tile.y] = spawnZones.Count;

            region.numOfSpawnZones = numOfSpawnZonesInRegion;