Summary description for SpamDetection
Esempio n. 1
    int _minTokensInComment = 2; //  Minimum words required in the Comments Text.

    #endregion Fields

    #region Methods

    private void LoadComments(string iid)
        CommentDiv.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(gui.LineBreak));
        CommentDiv.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(gui.LineBreak));

        //  string queryString = "SELECT CID, UID, Date, Comment FROM getputs.comments WHERE IID=" + iid + " ORDER BY DATE_FORMAT(Date, '%Y-%m-%d %k:%i:%S')  DESC;";
        string queryString = "SELECT CID, UID, Date, Comment FROM getputs.comments WHERE IID=" + iid + " ORDER BY DATE_FORMAT(Date, '%Y-%m-%d %k:%i:%S')  ASC;";
        MySqlDataReader retList;

        retList = dbOps.ExecuteReader(queryString);

        if (retList != null && retList.HasRows)
            while (retList.Read())
                string cid = Convert.ToString(retList["CID"]);
                string uid = Convert.ToString(retList["UID"]);
                string date = Convert.ToString(retList["Date"]);
                string comment = Convert.ToString(retList["Comment"]);

                LinkButton userLB = new LinkButton();
                userLB.Click += new EventHandler(userLB_Click);
                userLB.Text = uid;
                userLB.CssClass = "CSS_Submitter";
                //userLB.Font.Underline = false;
                //userLB.Font.Size = FontUnit.Small;
                //userLB.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue;


                CommentDiv.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(seperator));

                string dateFormatString = gui.SmallFontStart + gui.GrayFontStart + general.GetFormattedDate(date) + gui.GrayFontEnd + gui.SmallFontEnd;
                Label dateLabel = new Label();
                dateLabel.Text = dateFormatString;
                dateLabel.CssClass = "CSS_SubmissionFreshness";
                //dateLabel.Font.Size = FontUnit.Small;
                //dateLabel.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Gray;

                CommentDiv.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(gui.LineBreak));

                CommentDiv.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(comment));

                CommentDiv.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(gui.LineBreak));
                CommentDiv.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(gui.LineBreak));

    protected void CommentButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user))
            Response.Redirect(links.LoginLink, false);
            MessageLabel.Text = string.Empty;

            string comment = CommentTB.Text.Trim();
            comment = general.EscapeCharacters(comment);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment))
                MessageLabel.Text = gui.RedFontStart + "Please enter a valid comment." + gui.RedFontEnd;
                List<string> commentTokens = tagger.GetTokens(comment, false, false, false);
                if (commentTokens.Count >= _minTokensInComment && commentTokens.Count <= _maxTokensInComment)

                    //  Get the IP Address
                    string ip = general.GetIP(this.Request);

                    //  Check if the Comment is a Spam Comment.
                    SpamDetection spamDetection = new SpamDetection();

                    if (spamDetection.IsSpam(user, ip, comment))
                        //  Spam

                        //  Store this item as spam. This DB of spam comments might be helpful in training a filter.

                        MessageLabel.Text = gui.RedFontStart + "Our Spam Filter detected this Comment to be spam." + gui.RedFontEnd;
                        //  Not Spam

                        //  Get the Tags for the Comment.
                        string commentTagString = string.Empty;
                        ////  Vatsal Shah | 2009-04-21 | Am turning tagging off for now. Not too sure whether we should have this feature.
                        //if (tagger.IsTaggingOn)
                        //    List<string> commentTags = tagger.GetImportantTagsList(commentTokens, tagger.GetPOSTags(commentTokens));
                        //    commentTagString = general.ConvertListToCSV(commentTags);

                        string date = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

                        //  string queryString = "SELECT NComments FROM item WHERE iid = " + iid + ";";

                        //  SELECT MAX(CID) FROM comments WHERE IID = 200;
                        string queryString = "SELECT MAX(CID) FROM comments WHERE IID = " + iid + ";";
                        int cid = dbOps.ExecuteScalar(queryString) + 1;

                        //  queryString = "INSERT INTO comments (CID, IID, UID, Date, Comment) VALUES(" + cid.ToString() + ", " + iid.ToString() + ", '" + user + "', '" + date + "', '" + comment + "');";
                        //  queryString = "INSERT INTO comments (CID, IID, UID, Date, Comment, IP) VALUES(" + cid.ToString() + ", " + iid.ToString() + ", '" + user + "', '" + date + "', '" + comment + "' , INET_ATON('" + ip + "'));";
                        queryString = "INSERT INTO comments (CID, IID, UID, Date, Comment, IP, Tags) VALUES(" + cid.ToString() + ", " + iid.ToString() + ", '" + user + "', '" + date + "', '" + comment + "' , INET_ATON('" + ip + "'), '" + commentTagString + "');";

                        int retValue = dbOps.ExecuteNonQuery(queryString);
                        if (retValue > 0)
                            //  Update the NComments section in getputs.item Table.
                            queryString = "UPDATE item SET NComments=NComments+1 WHERE iid=" + iid.ToString() + ";";
                            retValue = dbOps.ExecuteNonQuery(queryString);
                            if (retValue > 0)
                                MessageLabel.Text = gui.GreenFontStart + "Comment Added." + gui.GreenFontEnd;
                                CommentTB.Text = string.Empty;
                            MessageLabel.Text = gui.RedFontStart + "Please Try Again." + gui.RedFontEnd;
                    if (commentTokens.Count < _maxTokensInComment)
                        MessageLabel.Text = gui.RedFontStart + "Too few words in the comment." + gui.RedFontEnd;
                    else if(commentTokens.Count > _maxTokensInComment)
                        MessageLabel.Text = gui.RedFontStart + "Too many words in the comment." + gui.RedFontEnd;
Esempio n. 2
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        dbOps = DBOperations.Instance;
        links = Links.Instance;
        general = General.Instance;
        gui = GUIVariables.Instance;
        engine = ProcessingEngine.Instance;
        categories = Categories.Instance;
        tokenizer = Tokenizer.Instance;
        tagger =Tagger.Instance;
        imageEngine = ImageEngine.Instance;
        log = Logger.Instance;

        spamDetection = (SpamDetection)Application["spamDetection"];

        #region CookieAlreadyExists
        //  START: If a getputsCookie with the Username already exists, do not show the Login Page.

        if (Request.Cookies["getputsCookie"] != null)
            HttpCookie getputsCookie = Request.Cookies["getputsCookie"];
            UID = dbOps.Decrypt(getputsCookie["UID"].ToString().Trim());
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(UID))
            Response.Redirect(links.LoginLink, false);
        //  END: If a getputsCookie with the Username already exists, do not show the Login Page.
        #endregion CookieAlreadyExists

        StringBuilder explanationSB = new StringBuilder();


        explanationSB.Append("Posting News has never been this easy!");

        explanationSB.Append(gui.HTMLTab + "(1) Copy and Paste the Link of the news/webpage you want to Post.");
        explanationSB.Append(gui.HTMLTab + "(2) Click on the \"Get Title\" Button to automatically get the Title,");
        explanationSB.Append(gui.HTMLTab + "OR, Write a Descriptive Title.");
        explanationSB.Append(gui.HTMLTab + "(3) Select an appropriate Category.");
        explanationSB.Append("And you are done!");



        explanationSB.Append("If submitting a link, keep the text section empty.");
        explanationSB.Append("If submitting text, keep the link section empty.");
        explanationSB.Append("If there is a link, the text section will be ignored.");

        ExplanationLabel.Text = explanationSB.ToString();


        //  For the Bookmarklet.
        //  Check the Tools.aspx page for matching the Title/Link parameters.
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["title"]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["url"]))
            TitleTB.Text = Request.QueryString["title"].Trim();
            LinkTB.Text = Request.QueryString["url"];

        //  If not using ReCaptcha Project, but using the Captcha Library.
        //if (!IsPostBack)
        //    HttpContext.Current.Session["CaptchaImageText"] = general.GenerateRandomCode();
        //    //  log.Log("Inside !IsPostBack : " + HttpContext.Current.Session["CaptchaImageText"].ToString());