Esempio n. 1
    //Create new user script
    private IEnumerator newUser()
        SpacePrefs  t1     = new SpacePrefs();
        PortalPrefs t2     = new PortalPrefs();
        string      url    = "";
        string      post   = url + "spacePrefs=" + JsonUtility.ToJson(space) + "&portalPrefs=" + JsonUtility.ToJson(portal) + "&username=" + username;
        WWW         result = new WWW(post);

        yield return(result);
Esempio n. 2
    //Load data from server
    private IEnumerator loadServerData()
        //Send username to load script on server
        string url    = "";
        string post   = url + "username="******"username", username);
        //Post the request and receive the results
        WWW result2 = new WWW("", form);

        yield return(result2);

        accountType = result2.text;

        PortalAudio.output.playMusic();                  //put here to make sure it plays after loading the data
        if (accountType == "NEW" && username != "admin") //for non admin's, force them to the set password screen if accounts are new
            SceneManager.LoadScene("PortalHome");             //otherwise load portal home
Esempio n. 3
    //Saves data to the server
    private IEnumerator saveDataServer(SpacePrefs t1, PortalPrefs t2, History apple, History portal, History space, History ninja, History dino)
        string  url  = "";
        WWWForm form = new WWWForm();

        //Serialize all the objects and add them to a form
        form.AddField("spacePrefs", JsonUtility.ToJson(t1));
        form.AddField("portalPrefs", JsonUtility.ToJson(t2));
        form.AddField("portalHist", JsonUtility.ToJson(portal));
        form.AddField("appleHist", JsonUtility.ToJson(apple));
        form.AddField("spaceHist", JsonUtility.ToJson(space));
        form.AddField("ninjaHist", JsonUtility.ToJson(ninja));
        form.AddField("dinoHist", JsonUtility.ToJson(dino));
        form.AddField("username", username);
        //submit the form to the URL and have the php deliver the result
        WWW result = new WWW(url, form);

        yield return(result);        //wait for the result