Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new meta data object from the specified <paramref name="site"/> and <paramref name="content"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="site">A reference to the current site.</param>
        /// <param name="content">A reference the content item representing the current page.</param>
        public SpaMetaData(SpaSiteModel site, IPublishedContent content)
            string seoTitle           = content.GetString(Constants.SkyConstants.Properties.SeoTitle);
            string seoMetaDescription = content.GetString(Constants.SkyConstants.Properties.SeoMetaDescription);

            string contentName       = content.Name;
            string contentTitleText  = content.GetSpaTitle().Replace("&shy;", "").Replace("<br />", "");
            string contentTeaserText = StringUtils.StripHtml(content.GetString(Constants.SkyConstants.Properties.Teaser) ?? "");

            MetaTitle       = GetString(seoTitle, contentTitleText, contentName) + " - " + site.Name;
            MetaDescription = GetString(seoMetaDescription, contentTeaserText);

            // Should the page be hidden from search engines?
            if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host.Contains(SkyConstants.SolutionId + "."))
                HideFromSearch = true;
                Robots         = "noindex, nofollow";
            else if (content.GetBoolean("hideFromSearch"))
                HideFromSearch = true;
                Robots         = "noindex, follow";
                Robots = "index, follow";

            string siteUrl = site.Content.GetSpaUrlWithDomain();

            string   ogTitle       = content.GetString(SkyConstants.Properties.OpenGraphTitle);
            string   ogDescription = content.GetString(SkyConstants.Properties.OpenGraphDescription);
            SpaImage ogImage       = content.TypedMedia(SkyConstants.Properties.OpenGraphImage, SpaImage.GetFromContent) ?? content.TypedMedia(Constants.SkyConstants.Properties.Image, SpaImage.GetFromContent);

            OpenGraphTitle       = GetString(ogTitle, contentTitleText, contentName);
            OpenGraphDescription = GetString(ogDescription, seoMetaDescription, contentTeaserText);
            OpenGraphSiteName    = site.Name;
            OpenGraphUrl         = content.GetSpaUrl();

            OpenGraphImages = new List <SpaOpenGraphImage>();

            if (ogImage != null)
                if (ogImage.Width >= 1200 && ogImage.Height >= 630)
                    string cropUrl = siteUrl + ogImage.GetCropUrl(1200, 630).TrimStart('/');
                    OpenGraphImages.Add(new SpaOpenGraphImage(cropUrl, 1200, 630));
                else if (ogImage.Width >= 600 && ogImage.Height >= 315)
                    string cropUrl = siteUrl + ogImage.GetCropUrl(600, 315);
                    OpenGraphImages.Add(new SpaOpenGraphImage(cropUrl, 600, 315));
        public Master GetContent(SpaSiteModel site, IPublishedContent content)
            if (content.HasProperty(SkyConstants.Properties.UmbracoInternalRedirect) && content.HasValue(SkyConstants.Properties.UmbracoInternalRedirect))
                content = new UmbracoHelper(UmbracoContext.Current).TypedContent(content.GetPropertyValue <Udi>(SkyConstants.Properties.UmbracoInternalRedirect));

            switch (content.DocumentTypeAlias)
            case SkyConstants.DocumentTypes.FrontPage:
                return(FrontPageModel.GetFromContent(site, content));

            case SkyConstants.DocumentTypes.SubPage:
                return(SubPageModel.GetFromContent(site, content));

Esempio n. 3
        public Master(SpaSiteModel site, IPublishedContent content)
            Id = content.Id;

            Title = content.GetSpaTitle();

            Url = content.GetSpaUrl();

            Meta  = SpaMetaData.GetFromContent(site, content);
            Intro = new SpaIntro(content);

            Path      = content.Path.Split(',').Select(x => Convert.ToInt32(x)).Skip(1).ToArray();
            Template  = content.GetTemplateAlias();
            Culture   = content.GetCulture().Name;
            Created   = content.CreateDate;
            Updated   = content.UpdateDate;
            NoCache   = content.GetPropertyValue <bool>(Constants.SkyConstants.Properties.NoCache);
            JsonDebug = content.HasProperty(Constants.SkyConstants.Properties.JsonData) && content.HasValue(Constants.SkyConstants.Properties.JsonData) ? JObject.Parse(content.GetPropertyValue <string>(Constants.SkyConstants.Properties.JsonData).Remove(0, 1)) : null;
 public SpaContentModel(SpaSiteModel site, string appHost, string appProtocol)
     AppHost     = appHost;
     AppProtocol = appProtocol;
     SiteId      = site.Id;
Esempio n. 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new meta data object from the specified <paramref name="site"/> and <paramref name="content"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="site">A reference to the current site.</param>
 /// <param name="content">A reference the content item representing the current page.</param>
 /// <returns>An instance of <see cref="SpaMetaData"/>.</returns>
 public static SpaMetaData GetFromContent(SpaSiteModel site, IPublishedContent content)
     return(new SpaMetaData(site, content));
Esempio n. 6
 public static SubPageModel GetFromContent(SpaSiteModel site, IPublishedContent content)
     return(content == null ? null : new SubPageModel(site, content));
Esempio n. 7
 public SubPageModel(SpaSiteModel site, IPublishedContent content) : base(site, content)
Esempio n. 8
 public FrontPageModel(SpaSiteModel site, IPublishedContent content) : base(site, content)
     Test = content.GetPropertyValue <string>("test");
Esempio n. 9
        public object GetData(string url = "", [FromUri] string parts = "", int navLevels = 1, bool navContext = false, int nodeId = -1, int appSiteId = -1, string appHost = "", string appProtocol = "")
            // Use the current URL as fallback for "appHost" and "appProtocol"
            appHost     = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(appHost) ? Request.RequestUri.Host : appHost;
            appProtocol = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(appProtocol) ? Request.RequestUri.Scheme : appProtocol;

            HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");

            Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            HttpStatusCode statusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK;

            try {
                HttpResponseMessage response;

                // if nodeId exists, prefer content from that node
                if (nodeId > 0)
                    IPublishedContent c = UmbracoContext.Current.ContentCache.GetById(nodeId);

                    if (c != null)
                        url = c.Url;

                // Try get siteId from domain
                if (appSiteId == -1 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(appHost))
                    appSiteId = Domain.GetRootFromDomain(appHost);

                #region Setup

                // Get a reference to the site node
                IPublishedContent site = UmbracoContext.ContentCache.GetById(appSiteId);
                if (site == null)

                // Parse the options from the query string
                SpaApiRequest options = new SpaApiRequest(appSiteId, url, parts)
                    Protocol = appProtocol, HostName = appHost

                if (BeforeSetup(options, site, out response))

                #region Content lookup

                IPublishedContent content = null;

                if (options.IsPreview)
                    // Get the ID from the request
                    int id = url.GetPreviewId();

                    // Attempt to set the preview context
                    if (SpaHelpers.SetPreviewContext(id))
                        // Look up the page in the content cache (with preview enabled)
                        content = UmbracoContext.ContentCache.GetById(true, id);

                    // Show the 404 page if we don't have a content page at this point
                    if (content == null)
                        // Get the culture ID
                        int cultureNodeId = GetCultureIdFromUrl(options);

                        // Lookup the culture node in the content cache
                        IPublishedContent cultureNode = UmbracoContext.ContentCache.GetById(cultureNodeId);

                        // Look for a 404 page configuration on the culture node
                        if (cultureNode != null)
                            content = cultureNode.TypedContent(SkyConstants.Properties.NotFoundPage);

                        // If we have no content at this point, we just return a simple
                        if (content == null)
                            return(CreateSpaResponse(JsonMetaResponse.GetError(statusCode, "Page not found")));
                    // Get a reference to the current page (fetched regardless of "parts" as the URL determines the culture)
                    content = GetContentFromInput(site, nodeId, url);

                    // Handle "umbracoInternalRedirectId" when present
                    if (content != null && content.HasValue(global::Umbraco.Core.Constants.Conventions.Content.InternalRedirectId))
                        content = Umbraco.TypedContent(global::Umbraco.Core.Constants.Conventions.Content.InternalRedirectId);


                #region Handle any 404/redirects URLs

                if (content == null)
                    // Got any redirects?
                    if (HandleRedirects(options, out response))

                    // Set the status code (404)
                    statusCode = HttpStatusCode.NotFound;

                    // Get the culture ID
                    int cultureNodeId = GetCultureIdFromUrl(options);

                    // Lookup the culture node in the content cache
                    IPublishedContent cultureNode = UmbracoContext.ContentCache.GetById(cultureNodeId);

                    // Look for a 404 page configuration on the culture node
                    if (cultureNode != null)
                        content = cultureNode.GetPropertyValue <IPublishedContent>(SkyConstants.Properties.NotFoundPage);

                    // If we have no content at this point, we just return a simple
                    if (content == null)
                        return(CreateSpaResponse(JsonMetaResponse.GetError(statusCode, "Page not found")));


                // If "content" matches the locale node, we get the content of the front page instead
                if (content.DocumentTypeAlias == SkyConstants.DocumentTypes.Culture)
                    content = content.FirstChild() ?? content;

                // Set the current culture
                Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture   = content.GetCulture();
                Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;

                // Initialize the main model
                SpaPartDataModel model = new SpaPartDataModel(appSiteId, content.Id);

                // Get a reference to the culture node (eg. "Dansk" or "English")
                IPublishedContent culture = content.AncestorOrSelf(2);

                // Initialize the site/culture settings
                SpaSiteModel siteModel = new SpaSiteModel(site, culture);


                #region Content

                if (options.Parts.Contains(SpaApiPart.Content))
                    SpaContentModel spaContent = new SpaContentModel(siteModel, appHost, appProtocol);
                    model.Content = spaContent.GetContent(siteModel, content);


                #region Navigation

                if (options.Parts.Contains(SpaApiPart.Navigation))
                    // to handle navigation right, we try to load the initial nodeId, so we dont get FirstChild on cultureNode
                    //IPublishedContent navContent = UmbracoContext.Current.ContentCache.GetById(nodeId) ?? content;
                    model.Navigation = new SpaNavigationModel(content, navLevels, navContext);


                #region Site

                if (options.Parts.Contains(SpaApiPart.Site) && appSiteId > 0)
                    model.Site = siteModel;


                model.ExecuteTimeMs = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

                return(CreateSpaResponse(statusCode, model));
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogHelper.Error <SpaController>("SpaController Exception: ", ex);