public void OnSourceLost(SourceStateEventData eventData) { focused = false; pressed = false; if (currentlyInModal) { InputManager.Instance.PopModalInputHandler(); currentlyInModal = false; } setCurrentColor(); }
/// <summary> /// On Source lost decrement hand count and set visiblity /// </summary> /// <param name="eventData"></param> public void OnSourceLost(SourceStateEventData eventData) { InteractionSourceInfo sourceInfo; if (eventData.InputSource.TryGetSourceKind(eventData.SourceId, out sourceInfo)) { if (sourceInfo == InteractionSourceInfo.Hand) { _handCount--; _bHandVisible = _handCount <= 0; } } }
public void OnSourceLost(SourceStateEventData eventData) { //if the source lost is the current hand source if (currentInputEventData != null && eventData.SourceId == currentInputEventData.SourceId) { isScaling = false; mainCursor.OnInputUp(currentInputEventData); currentInputEventData = null; // Remove self as a modal input handler InputManager.Instance.PopModalInputHandler(); } }
/// <summary> /// On Source detected see if it is a hand and increment hand count and set visibility /// </summary> /// <param name="eventData"></param> public void OnSourceDetected(SourceStateEventData eventData) { InteractionSourceInfo sourceInfo; if (eventData.InputSource.TryGetSourceKind(eventData.SourceId, out sourceInfo)) { if (sourceInfo == InteractionSourceInfo.Hand) { _handCount++; _bHandVisible = true; } } }
public void OnSourceDetected(SourceStateEventData eventData) { //Debug.Log(gameObject.transform.GetChild(0)); //Debug.Log("Before: " + gameObject.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.activeInHierarchy); //Debug.Log("Hand detected"); Vector3 position =; uint sourceId = eventData.SourceId; eventData.InputSource.TryGetGripPosition(sourceId, out position); gameObject.transform.GetChild(0).transform.position = position; gameObject.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.SetActive(true); //Debug.Log("After: " + gameObject.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.activeInHierarchy); }
public void OnSourceDetected(SourceStateEventData eventData) { if (eventData.Controller?.ControllerHandedness == handedness) { if (eventData.Controller is IMixedRealityHand) { } else { AddControllerTransform(eventData.Controller); } } }
// Add gesture source to gesture source dictionary when detected. public void OnSourceDetected(SourceStateEventData eventData) { IInputSource inputSource = eventData.InputSource; // If dictionary already contains source with this id, return. if (_gestureSources.ContainsKey(eventData.SourceId)) { return; } var gestureSource = new GestureSource(inputSource, eventData.SourceId); _gestureSources.Add(eventData.SourceId, gestureSource); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public void OnSourceDetected(SourceStateEventData eventData) { var hand = eventData.Controller; if (hand != null && IsApplicableController(hand) && !handStack.Contains(hand)) { if (handStack.Count == 0) { onFirstHandDetected?.Invoke(); } handStack.Add(hand); } }
/// <inheritdoc /> public override void OnSourceDetected(SourceStateEventData eventData) { if (RayStabilizer != null) { RayStabilizer = null; } base.OnSourceDetected(eventData); if (eventData.SourceId == Controller?.InputSource.SourceId) { isInteractionEnabled = true; } }
/// <inheritdoc /> public void OnSourceLost(SourceStateEventData eventData) { var hand = eventData.Controller as IMixedRealityHand; if (hand != null) { handStack.Remove(hand); if (handStack.Count == 0) { onLastHandLost.Invoke(); } } }
/// <inheritdoc /> public void OnSourceDetected(SourceStateEventData eventData) { var hand = eventData.Controller as IMixedRealityHand; if (hand != null && !handStack.Contains(hand)) { if (handStack.Count == 0) { onFirstHandDetected.Invoke(); } handStack.Add(hand); } }
/// <inheritdoc /> public void OnSourceLost(SourceStateEventData eventData) { var hand = eventData.Controller; if (hand != null && IsApplicableController(hand)) { handStack.Remove(hand); if (handStack.Count == 0) { onLastHandLost?.Invoke(); } } }
public void OnSourceLost(SourceStateEventData eventData) { if (currentInputSource != null && eventData.SourceId == currentInputSourceId) { Debug.Log("sourceLost"); isRotating = false; // Remove self as a modal input handler InputManager.Instance.PopModalInputHandler(); mainCursor.OnInputUp(inputEventData); inputEventData = null; currentInputSource = null; } }
public void OnSourceDetected(SourceStateEventData eventData) { if (playing) { if (!handRecognized) { handRecognized = true; StartCoroutine(WaitForSecondSource()); } else { SetMenuVisible(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Hololens检测到手的事件 /// </summary> /// <param name="eventData"></param> public void OnSourceDetected(SourceStateEventData eventData) { if (CapturePhotoManager.Instance.GetCurrentStatus() == CurrentStatus.Ready || CapturePhotoManager.Instance.GetCurrentStatus() == CurrentStatus.WaitingTakingPhoto) { CapturePhotoManager.Instance.SetCurrentStatus(CurrentStatus.WaitingTakingPhoto); ModelManager.Instance.ResetCropBoxTransform(); ModelManager.Instance.SetPhotoImageActive(false); ModelManager.Instance.SetCropBoxActive(false); ModelManager.Instance.HideResult(); ToolManager.Instance.HideMenu(); ModelManager.Instance.SetTipText("点击进行拍照"); ModelManager.Instance.PlayAnimation("IdleAnimation"); } }
public void OnSourceLost(SourceStateEventData eventData) { if (currentInputSource != null && eventData.SourceId == currentInputSourceId) { StopDragging(); } else if (eventData.SourceId == handASourceId) { handAHolding = false; } else if (eventData.SourceId == handBSourceId) { handBHolding = false; } }
/// <inheritdoc /> public virtual void OnSourceDetected(SourceStateEventData eventData) { if (eventData.Controller != null) { for (int i = 0; i < eventData.InputSource.Pointers.Length; i++) { // If a source is detected that's using this cursor's pointer, we increment the count to set the cursor state properly. if (eventData.InputSource.Pointers[i].PointerId == Pointer.PointerId) { visibleSourcesCount++; return; } } } }
public void OnSourceLost(SourceStateEventData eventData) { //Debug.Log("Source Lost"); //if the source lost is the current hand source if (currentInputSource != null && eventData.SourceId == currentInputSourceId) { //get the main cursor back if not the case mainCursor.SetVisiblity(true); mainCursor.OnInputUp(currentInputEventData); drawingCursor.SetActive(false); // Remove self as a modal input handler InputManager.Instance.PopModalInputHandler(); } }
public void OnSourceLost(SourceStateEventData eventData) { if (!OurInput(eventData.SourceId)) { return; } if (isManipulating) { StopManipulation(false); } if (isHolding) { StopHold(false); } }
public void OnSourceLost(SourceStateEventData eventData) { if (eventData.SourceId == handASourceId) { handAHolding = false; Debug.Log("Lost Hand A"); } else if (eventData.SourceId == handBSourceId) { handBHolding = false; Debug.Log("Lost Hand B"); } else { Debug.Log("Unrecognized lost hand"); } }
public void OnSourceLost(SourceStateEventData eventData) { if (!handDictionary.ContainsKey(eventData.SourceId)) { Debug.LogError("handDictonary does not contain key: " + eventData.SourceId + " / OnSourceDetected, HandIndicatorManager"); return; } Hand lostHand; handDictionary.TryGetValue(eventData.SourceId, out lostHand); Destroy(lostHand.indicator); handDictionary.Remove(eventData.SourceId); ExperimentManager.Instance.AddEventLog(LogEvent.HAND_LOST); }
public void OnSourceDetected(SourceStateEventData eventData) { if (handDictionary.ContainsKey(eventData.SourceId)) { Debug.LogError("handDictonary already contains key: " + eventData.SourceId + " / OnSourceDetected, HandIndicatorManager"); return; } if (HandIndicatorPrefab == null) { return; } GameObject indicator = Instantiate(HandIndicatorPrefab); handDictionary.Add(eventData.SourceId, new Hand(eventData.InputSource, eventData.SourceId, indicator)); ExperimentManager.Instance.AddEventLog(LogEvent.HAND_FOUND); }
public void OnSourceLost(SourceStateEventData eventData) { if (currentInputSource != null && eventData.SourceId == currentInputSourceId) { if (logging) Debug.Log("Translate: Hand Lost at " + Time.time); StopDragging(); } else if (eventData.SourceId == handASourceId) { handAHolding = false; Debug.Log("Rotate: Lost Hand A at " + Time.time); } else if (eventData.SourceId == handBSourceId) { handBHolding = false; Debug.Log("Rotate: Lost Hand B at " + Time.time); } else if (logging) Debug.Log("Lost Hand Unrecognized at " + Time.time); }
private void InitializeEventDatas() { inputEventData = new InputEventData(EventSystem.current); sourceClickedEventData = new InputClickedEventData(EventSystem.current); sourceStateEventData = new SourceStateEventData(EventSystem.current); manipulationEventData = new ManipulationEventData(EventSystem.current); navigationEventData = new NavigationEventData(EventSystem.current); holdEventData = new HoldEventData(EventSystem.current); pointerSpecificEventData = new PointerSpecificEventData(EventSystem.current); inputPositionEventData = new InputPositionEventData(EventSystem.current); selectPressedEventData = new SelectPressedEventData(EventSystem.current); sourceRotationEventData = new SourceRotationEventData(EventSystem.current); sourcePositionEventData = new SourcePositionEventData(EventSystem.current); xboxControllerEventData = new XboxControllerEventData(EventSystem.current); #if UNITY_WSA || UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN speechEventData = new SpeechEventData(EventSystem.current); dictationEventData = new DictationEventData(EventSystem.current); #endif }
// Remove gesture source from gesture source dictionary when lost. public void OnSourceLost(SourceStateEventData eventData) { // If dictionary contains no source with this id, return. if (!_gestureSources.ContainsKey(eventData.SourceId)) { return; } // If the lost gesture source was currently manipulating invoke a // ManipulationEnd event. if (_gestureSources[eventData.SourceId].IsManipulating) { GestureSource[] gestureSources = new GestureSource[_gestureSources.Count]; _gestureSources.Values.CopyTo(gestureSources, 0); var eventArgs = new GestureInputEventArgs(gestureSources); ManipulationEnd(eventArgs); } _gestureSources.Remove(eventData.SourceId); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public virtual void OnSourceLost(SourceStateEventData eventData) { if (eventData.SourceId == Controller?.InputSource.SourceId && eventData.Controller?.ControllerHandedness == Handedness) { IsTracked = false; TrackingState = TrackingState.NotTracked; if (destroyOnSourceLost) { if (Application.isEditor) { DestroyImmediate(gameObject); } else { Destroy(gameObject); } } } }
public void OnSourceLost(SourceStateEventData eventData) { // event not used in TapToPlace if (DraggingMethod == DraggingMethods.TapToPlaceWithGaze) { return; } if (currentInputSource != null && eventData.SourceId == currentInputSourceId) { if (IsBeingPlaced == IsBeingPlacedStates.ByHand) { // if hand is lost, replace by gaze if (DraggingMethod == DraggingMethods.TapToPlaceWithGazePlusPreciseHandDrag) { IsBeingPlaced = IsBeingPlacedStates.ByGaze; } else { StopDragging(); } } } }
public void OnSourceLost(SourceStateEventData eventData) { isDrag = false; Debug.Log("Lost"); }
public void OnSourceDetected(SourceStateEventData eventData) { Debug.Log("Detected"); }
public void OnSourceLost(SourceStateEventData eventData) { Debug.LogFormat("OnSourceLost\r\nSource: {0} SourceId: {1}", eventData.InputSource, eventData.SourceId); }
public void OnSourceDetected(SourceStateEventData eventData) { }