Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// POST api/source
        /// 图片目录数据保存接口
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> PostAsync()
            string data = await Request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer();

            js.MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue;
            SourceInputDto input = js.Deserialize <SourceInputDto>(data);

            srcOp.CreateBatchData(input.Images.Select(_ => new SourceEntity
                SourceType       = (int)SourceTypeEnum.Picture,
                DeviceNo         = input.DeviceNo,
                SourceCameraNo   = input.SourceCameraNo,
                SavePathDir      = _.SavePathDir,
                SourceFiles      = string.Join(";", _.SourceFiles),
                CoverImageName   = _.SourceFiles[0],
                CreatedDate      = DateTime.Parse(_.CreatedDate),
                CreatedTimestamp = Convert.ToInt64(Commoncs.GetTimestamp(DateTime.Parse(_.CreatedDate))),
                CurrentStatus    = (int)RowStatusEnum.Enable
            return(new HttpResponseMessage
                Content = new StringContent(Commoncs.SerializeJson(new ResponseViewModel
                    Status = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK,
                    Msg = "保存成功!"
                }), Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8"), "application/json")
Esempio n. 2
 public async Task CreateOrUpdateSource(SourceInputDto input)
     if (input.Id != 0)
         await UpdateSource(input);
         await CreateSource(input);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取图片路径
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public JsonResult GetMonitorPics(SourceInputDto input)
            var    endDate        = DateTime.Parse(input.BeginDate).AddMinutes(5).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
            string andExpression  = " and s.created_date >= '" + input.BeginDate + "' and s.created_date <= '" + endDate + "'";
            string joinExpression = "";

            joinExpression += " inner join bas_device d on d.device_no = s.device_no";
            joinExpression += " inner join bas_loc l on l.loc_no = d.loc_no";
            joinExpression += " inner join bas_line ln on ln.line_no = l.line_no";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.LocNo))
                andExpression += " and d.loc_no = '" + input.LocNo + "'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.ProcessNo))
                andExpression += " and l.process_no = '" + input.ProcessNo + "'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.LineNo))
                andExpression += " and l.line_no = '" + input.LineNo + "'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.WorkshopNo))
                andExpression += " and ln.workshop_no = '" + input.WorkshopNo + "'";

            string sql = $"select distinct s.* from biz_source s {joinExpression} where 1=1 {andExpression}";

            sql += $" order by created_date limit {(input.PageIndex - 1) * 20}, {20}";
            string countSql = $"select DISTINCT s.source_id from biz_source s {joinExpression} where 1=1 {andExpression}";
            var    total    = srcOp.GetRowCount(countSql);
            var    imgList  = srcOp.GetDataByRawSql <SourceViewEntity>(sql);
            var    list     = new List <MonitorFile>();

            string isCompressed = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IsCompressed"];

            var isRealCompressed = true;

            // 不满足获取压缩图片的条件
            if (isCompressed != "Yes" || !input.IsCompressed ||
                imgList.Count(_ => _.CurrentStatus != (int)RowStatusEnum.Ready) > 0)
                isRealCompressed = false;
            GetImages(imgList, list, isRealCompressed);

                Data = list,
                IsCompressed = isRealCompressed,
                Total = total % 20 == 0 ? total / 20 : total / 20 + 1
            }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Esempio n. 4
        public async Task CreateSource(SourceInputDto input)
            var src = input.MapTo <Source>();

            var srcs = _sourceRepository
                       .GetAll().Where(p => p.SourceName == input.SourceName || p.SourceCode == input.SourceName).FirstOrDefault();

            if (srcs == null)
                await _sourceRepository.InsertAsync(src);
                throw new UserFriendlyException("Ooops!", "Duplicate Data Occured in Source Name '" + input.SourceName + "' or Source Code '" + input.SourceCode + "'...");
Esempio n. 5
        public async Task UpdateSource(SourceInputDto input)
            var src = await _sourceRepository.GetAsync(input.Id);

            ObjectMapper.Map(input, src);

            var val = _sourceRepository
                      .GetAll().Where(p => (p.SourceCode == input.SourceCode || p.SourceName == input.SourceName) && p.Id != input.Id).FirstOrDefault();

            if (val == null)
                await _sourceRepository.UpdateAsync(src);
                throw new UserFriendlyException("Ooops!", "Duplicate Data Occured in source Name '" + input.SourceName + "' or source Code '" + input.SourceCode + "'...");