Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// The constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="random">Specifies the CryptoRandom to use for random selection.</param>
        /// <param name="log">Specifies the output log.</param>
        /// <param name="src">Specifies the data source that holds the data on the database.</param>
        /// <param name="factory">Specifies the data factory used to access the database data.</param>
        /// <param name="rgAbort">Specifies the cancel handles.</param>
        /// <param name="nMaxLoadCount">Optionally, specifies to automaticall start the image refresh which only applies when the number of images loaded into memory is less than the actual number of images (default = false).</param>
        public MasterList(CryptoRandom random, Log log, SourceDescriptor src, DatasetFactory factory, List <WaitHandle> rgAbort, int nMaxLoadCount = 0)
            m_random  = random;
            m_log     = log;
            m_src     = src;
            m_factory = factory;

            if (rgAbort.Count > 0)

            m_imgMean = m_factory.LoadImageMean(m_src.ID);

            m_nLoadCount = nMaxLoadCount;
            if (m_nLoadCount == 0 || m_nLoadCount > m_src.ImageCount)
                m_nLoadCount = m_src.ImageCount;

            m_rgImages     = new SimpleDatum[m_nLoadCount];
            m_nLoadedCount = 0;

            if (m_nLoadCount < m_src.ImageCount)
                m_refreshManager = new RefreshManager(random, m_src, m_factory);
Esempio n. 2
        private int getBatchSize(SourceDescriptor src)
            int nBatchSize = 20000;

            int nImageSize = src.ImageHeight * src.ImageWidth * src.ImageChannels;

            if (nImageSize > 60000)
                nBatchSize = 5000;
            else if (nImageSize > 20000)
                nBatchSize = 7500;
            else if (nImageSize > 3000)
                nBatchSize = 10000;

            if (nBatchSize > m_nLoadCount)
                nBatchSize = m_nLoadCount;

Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// The BaseDataLayer constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cuda">Specifies the CudaDnn connection to Cuda.</param>
        /// <param name="log">Specifies the Log for output.</param>
        /// <param name="p">Specifies the LayerParameter</param>
        /// <param name="db">Specifies the external database to use.</param>
        public BaseDataLayer(CudaDnn <T> cuda, Log log, LayerParameter p, IXImageDatabase db)
            : base(cuda, log, p)
            if (db != null)
                m_imgdb = db;

                if (p.type == LayerParameter.LayerType.DATA ||
                    p.type == LayerParameter.LayerType.TRIPLET_DATA)
                    m_src = m_imgdb.GetSourceByName(p.data_param.source);
                else if (p.type == LayerParameter.LayerType.BATCHDATA)
                    m_src = m_imgdb.GetSourceByName(p.batch_data_param.source);

                if (p.transform_param.use_imagedb_mean)
                    if (db != null)
                        m_imgMean = db.GetImageMean(m_src.ID);
                        m_log.WriteLine("WARNING: The image database is NULL, and therefore no mean image can not be acquired.");
Esempio n. 4
        public void LoadDatabase()
            int nIdx   = 0;
            int nTotal = 0;

            reportProgress(nIdx, nTotal, "Unpacking files...");
            string strTrainImagesBin = expandFile(m_param.TrainImagesFile);
            string strTrainLabelsBin = expandFile(m_param.TrainLabelsFile);
            string strTestImagesBin  = expandFile(m_param.TestImagesFile);
            string strTestLabelsBin  = expandFile(m_param.TestLabelsFile);

            reportProgress(nIdx, nTotal, "Loading database...");

            loadFile(strTrainImagesBin, strTrainLabelsBin, "");
            loadFile(strTestImagesBin, strTestLabelsBin, "MNIST.testing");

            DatasetFactory    factory  = new DatasetFactory();
            SourceDescriptor  srcTrain = factory.LoadSource("");
            SourceDescriptor  srcTest  = factory.LoadSource("MNIST.testing");
            DatasetDescriptor ds       = new DatasetDescriptor(0, "MNIST", null, null, srcTrain, srcTest, "MNIST", "MNIST Character Dataset");


            if (OnCompleted != null)
                OnCompleted(this, new EventArgs());
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the dataset descriptor of the dynamic dataset produced by the Gym.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dt">Specifies the data-type to use.</param>
        /// <param name="log">Optionally, specifies the output log to use (default = <i>null</i>).</param>
        /// <returns>The dataset descriptor is returned.</returns>
        public DatasetDescriptor GetDataset(DATA_TYPE dt, Log log = null)
            int nH = 1;
            int nW = 1;
            int nC = 4;

            if (dt == DATA_TYPE.DEFAULT)
                dt = DATA_TYPE.VALUES;

            if (dt == DATA_TYPE.BLOB)
                nH = 156;
                nW = 156;
                nC = 3;

            SourceDescriptor  srcTrain = new SourceDescriptor((int)GYM_DS_ID.CARTPOLE, Name + ".training", nW, nH, nC, false, false);
            SourceDescriptor  srcTest  = new SourceDescriptor((int)GYM_SRC_TEST_ID.CARTPOLE, Name + ".testing", nW, nH, nC, false, false);
            DatasetDescriptor ds       = new DatasetDescriptor((int)GYM_SRC_TRAIN_ID.CARTPOLE, Name, null, null, srcTrain, srcTest, "CartPoleGym", "CartPole Gym", null, GYM_TYPE.DYNAMIC);

            m_dt = dt;

Esempio n. 6
 protected bool IsSourceItemNs(SourceDescriptor descr, string uri)
     if (descr == null || uri == null)
     return(uri.StartsWith(descr.Ns + Separator));
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// The Cursor constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="db">Specifies the underlying database.</param>
        /// <param name="strSrc">Specifies the name of the data source to use.</param>
        public Cursor(IXImageDatabase db, string strSrc)
            m_db = db;
            SourceDescriptor src = m_db.GetSourceByName(strSrc);

            m_nSrcID = src.ID;
            m_nCount = src.ImageCount;
Esempio n. 8
        public void ReadXElement_NoProviderFields_ThrowsException()
            SourceDescriptor descriptor = new SourceDescriptor();
    <SqlDataProvider connectionString=""connstr"" query=""query"" />
 /// <summary>
 /// Disposes the current object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="disposing">true to dispose both managed an unmanaged resources, false to dispose only managed resources</param>
 protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
     if (disposing)
         Image.BeginAnimation(Image.SourceProperty, null);
         Animation.Completed -= AnimationCompleted;
         SourceDescriptor.RemoveValueChanged(Image, ImageSourceChanged);
         Image.Source = null;
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// The Cursor constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="db">Specifies the underlying database.</param>
        /// <param name="transformer">Specifies the data transformer used to transform the lables (when active).</param>
        /// <param name="strSrc">Specifies the name of the data source to use.</param>
        /// <param name="log">Optionally, specifies an output log used for diagnostic information if specified (default = null).</param>
        public Cursor(IXImageDatabaseBase db, DataTransformer <T> transformer, string strSrc, Log log = null)
            m_log         = log;
            m_db          = db;
            m_transformer = transformer;
            SourceDescriptor src = m_db.GetSourceByName(strSrc);

            m_strSrc = src.Name;
            m_nSrcID = src.ID;
            m_nCount = src.ImageCount;
Esempio n. 11
        public void ReadXElement_NoIDataProvider_ThrowsException()
            SourceDescriptor descriptor = new SourceDescriptor();
    <ProviderField name=""fieldName1"" type=""System.Int32"" />
    <ProviderField name=""fieldName2"" type=""System.Int32"" />
Esempio n. 12
        public void AppendIncludes(SourceDescriptor desc, bool Ext = false)
            StringBuilder builder = Ext ? ExternalBuilder : Builder;

            builder.AppendLine($"# Include directories for {desc.Name}");
            foreach (var inc in desc.IncludeDirectories)
                builder.AppendLine($"CFLAGS += -I{inc.FullPath}");
        public override int GetHashCode()
            unchecked {
                var hashCode = EqualityComparer <T> .Default.GetHashCode(Value);

                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (ValueDescriptor?.GetHashCode() ?? 0);
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (int)Source;
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (SourceDescriptor?.GetHashCode() ?? 0);
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (CustomExpression?.GetHashCode() ?? 0);
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// The constructor used to copy another MasterIndexes and optionally specify a sorting for the indexes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="idx">Specifies the MasterIndexes to copy.</param>
        /// <param name="sort">Optionally, specifies a sorting to use on the indexes.</param>
        public MasterIndexes(MasterIndexes idx, IMGDB_SORT sort)
            m_sort       = sort;
            m_src        = idx.m_src;
            m_random     = idx.m_random;
            m_nLoadLimit = idx.m_nLoadLimit;
            m_factory    = new DatasetFactory(idx.m_factory);

            m_index    = idx.m_index.Clone(sort);
            m_rgLabels = new LabelIndex(idx.m_rgLabels);

            m_boosted         = idx.m_boosted.Clone(sort);
            m_rgLabelsBoosted = new LabelIndex(idx.m_rgLabelsBoosted);
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        /// The ImageSet2 constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">Specifies the type of data source managed.</param>
        /// <param name="log">Specifies the output log.</param>
        /// <param name="factory">Specifies the data factory used to access the database data.</param>
        /// <param name="src">Specifies the data source descriptor.</param>
        /// <param name="loadMethod">Specifies the load method used to load the data.</param>
        /// <param name="random">Specifies the random number generator.</param>
        /// <param name="rgAbort">Specifies the cancellation handles.</param>
        public ImageSet2(TYPE type, Log log, DatasetFactory factory, SourceDescriptor src, IMAGEDB_LOAD_METHOD loadMethod, CryptoRandom random, WaitHandle[] rgAbort)
            : base(factory, src)
            m_type       = type;
            m_log        = log;
            m_loadMethod = loadMethod;
            m_random     = random;

            if (rgAbort.Length > 0)
Esempio n. 16
        /// <summary>
        /// The constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="random">Specifies the random number generator.</param>
        /// <param name="src">Specifies the data source.</param>
        /// <param name="nLoadLimit">Optionally, specifies the load limit used which when set to a value > 0, limits queries to RANDOM image selection within the load limit count (default = 0).</param>
        public MasterIndexes(CryptoRandom random, SourceDescriptor src, int nLoadLimit = 0)
            m_random = random;
            m_src    = src;
            m_nLoadLimit = nLoadLimit;

            if (m_nLoadLimit > src.ImageCount)
                m_nLoadLimit = src.ImageCount;

            m_rgImageIdx = m_factory.LoadImageIndexes(false);
            load(m_rgImageIdx.Where(p => p != null).ToList());
Esempio n. 17
        public void AppendSourceFiles(SourceDescriptor desc, bool Ext = false)
            StringBuilder builder = Ext ? ExternalBuilder : Builder;

            if (desc.SourceFiles != null)
                builder.AppendLine($"# Source files for {desc.Name}");
                foreach (var src in desc.SourceFiles)
                    builder.AppendLine($"SRC += {src.FullPath}");

Esempio n. 18
        public void ReadXElement_SetTwoProviderFields_ProviderFieldsHas2Items()
            SourceDescriptor descriptor = new SourceDescriptor();

    <ProviderField name=""fieldName1"" type=""System.Int32"" />
    <ProviderField name=""fieldName2"" type=""System.Int32"" />
    <SqlDataProvider connectionString=""connstr"" query=""query"" />

            Assert.IsTrue(descriptor.ProviderFields.Count == 2);
Esempio n. 19
        internal ImageAnimationController(Image image, ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames animation, bool autoStart)
            Image                = image;
            Animation            = animation;
            Animation.Completed += AnimationCompleted;
            Clock                = Animation.CreateClock();
            ClockController      = Clock.Controller;
            SourceDescriptor.AddValueChanged(image, ImageSourceChanged);

            // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException

            Image.ApplyAnimationClock(Image.SourceProperty, Clock);

            if (autoStart)
Esempio n. 20
        /// <summary>
        /// The ImageSet constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="factory">Specifies the DatasetFactory.</param>
        /// <param name="src">Specifies the data source.</param>
        /// <param name="loadMethod">Specifies the method to use when loading the images.</param>
        /// <param name="nLoadLimit">Specifies the image load limit.</param>
        public ImageSet(DatasetFactory factory, SourceDescriptor src, IMAGEDB_LOAD_METHOD loadMethod, int nLoadLimit)
            m_factory = new DatasetFactory(factory);
            m_loadMethod = loadMethod;
            m_nLoadLimit = nLoadLimit;
            m_src        = new SourceDescriptor(src);
            m_imgMean    = null;

            m_rgImages = new SimpleDatum[m_src.ImageCount];

            foreach (LabelDescriptor label in src.Labels)
                if (label.ImageCount > 0)
                    m_rgLabelSet.Add(new LabelSet(label));
Esempio n. 21
        protected object ExtractSourceId(SourceDescriptor descr, string uri)
            var idStr = uri.Substring(descr.Ns.Length + Separator.Length);

            if (descr.IdFieldType != null)
                return(ConvertManager.ChangeType(idStr, descr.IdFieldType));
            // may be this field is registered?
            if (FieldNameSourceHash[descr].ContainsKey(descr.IdFieldName))
                var fldDescr = FieldNameSourceHash[descr][descr.IdFieldName];
                if (fldDescr.FieldType != null)
                    return(ConvertManager.ChangeType(idStr, fldDescr.FieldType));
Esempio n. 22
        void AppendDataFiles(SourceDescriptor desc)
            var d = desc.DataFiles;

            if (d != null)
                var DirName = Catalog.ResolvePath(Path.Combine("gen", desc.Name));
                ExternalBuilder.AppendLine($"CFLAGS += -I{DirName}");
                if (!Directory.Exists(DirName))

                foreach (var df in d)
                    string FilePath = Path.Combine(DirName, df.Name);
                    var    hg       = new HeaderGenerator(df);
Esempio n. 23
        public void LoadDatabase()
            int nIdx   = 0;
            int nTotal = 50000;

            reportProgress(nIdx, 0, "Loading database...");

            Log log = new Log("MNIST");

            log.OnWriteLine += Log_OnWriteLine;

            DatasetFactory factory = new DatasetFactory();

            loadFile(m_param.DataBatchFile1, "", nTotal, ref nIdx);
            loadFile(m_param.DataBatchFile2, "", nTotal, ref nIdx);
            loadFile(m_param.DataBatchFile3, "", nTotal, ref nIdx);
            loadFile(m_param.DataBatchFile4, "", nTotal, ref nIdx);
            loadFile(m_param.DataBatchFile5, "", nTotal, ref nIdx);
            SourceDescriptor srcTrain = factory.LoadSource("");

            m_factory.SaveImageMean(SimpleDatum.CalculateMean(log, m_rgImg.ToArray(), new WaitHandle[] { new ManualResetEvent(false) }), true, srcTrain.ID);

            m_rgImg = new List <SimpleDatum>();
            nIdx    = 0;
            nTotal  = 10000;
            loadFile(m_param.TestBatchFile, "CIFAR-10.testing", nTotal, ref nIdx);
            SourceDescriptor srcTest = factory.LoadSource("CIFAR-10.testing");

            m_factory.SaveImageMean(SimpleDatum.CalculateMean(log, m_rgImg.ToArray(), new WaitHandle[] { new ManualResetEvent(false) }), true, srcTest.ID);

            DatasetDescriptor ds = new DatasetDescriptor(0, "CIFAR-10", null, null, srcTrain, srcTest, "CIFAR-10", "CiFar-10 Dataset");


            if (OnCompleted != null)
                OnCompleted(this, new EventArgs());
        public LabelIndex(LabelIndex idx)
            m_strName     = idx.m_strName + " copy";
            m_randomLabel = idx.m_randomLabel;
            m_randomData  = idx.m_randomData;
            m_src         = idx.m_src;
            m_bBoosted    = idx.m_bBoosted;

            m_rgIdx = new List <int>();

            if (idx.m_rgLabels != null && idx.m_rgLabels.Length > 0)
                m_rgLabels = new Index[idx.m_rgLabels.Length];

                bool bFillLabelMap = false;
                if (m_rgLabelToIdxMap == null || m_rgLabelToIdxMap.Count == 0 || m_rgIdxToLabelMap == null || m_rgIdxToLabelMap.Count == 0)
                    m_rgLabelToIdxMap = new Dictionary <int, int>();
                    m_rgIdxToLabelMap = new Dictionary <int, int>();
                    bFillLabelMap     = true;

                for (int i = 0; i < idx.m_rgLabels.Length; i++)
                    m_rgLabels[i] = idx.m_rgLabels[i].Clone();
                    if (m_rgLabels[i].Count > 0)

                    if (bFillLabelMap)
                        int nLabel = m_rgLabels[i].Label;
                        m_rgLabelToIdxMap[nLabel] = i;
                        m_rgIdxToLabelMap[i]      = nLabel;
        public LabelIndex(string strName, CryptoRandom randomLabel, CryptoRandom randomData, SourceDescriptor src, bool bBoosted, List <DbItem> rgItems)
            m_strName     = strName;
            m_randomLabel = randomLabel;
            m_randomData  = randomData;
            m_src         = src;
            m_bBoosted    = bBoosted;

            m_rgIdx           = new List <int>();
            m_rgLabelToIdxMap = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            m_rgIdxToLabelMap = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            List <LabelDescriptor> rgLabels = src.Labels.Where(p => p.ImageCount > 0).OrderBy(p => p.ActiveLabel).ToList();

            if (rgLabels.Count > 0)
                m_rgLabels = new Index[rgLabels.Count];

                for (int i = 0; i < rgLabels.Count; i++)
                    int           nLabel      = rgLabels[i].ActiveLabel;
                    List <DbItem> rgLabelList = rgItems.Where(p => p.Label == nLabel).ToList();

                    if (i < rgLabels.Count - 1)
                        rgItems = rgItems.Where(p => p.Label != nLabel).ToList();

                    m_rgLabels[i] = new Index(strName + " label " + nLabel.ToString(), randomData, rgLabelList, nLabel, false);
                    if (rgLabelList.Count > 0)

                    m_rgLabelToIdxMap[nLabel] = i;
                    m_rgIdxToLabelMap[i]      = nLabel;
Esempio n. 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the dataset descriptor of the dynamic dataset produced by the Gym.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dt">Specifies the data-type to use.</param>
        /// <param name="log">Optionally, specifies the output log to use (default = <i>null</i>).</param>
        /// <returns>The dataset descriptor is returned.</returns>
        public DatasetDescriptor GetDataset(DATA_TYPE dt, Log log = null)
            if (dt == DATA_TYPE.DEFAULT)
                dt = DATA_TYPE.BLOB;

            if (dt != DATA_TYPE.BLOB)
                if (log == null)
                    log = m_log;

                if (log != null)
                    log.WriteLine("WARNING: This gym only supports the BLOB type, the datatype will be changed to BLOB.");
                    throw new Exception("This gym only supports the BLOB type.");

                dt = DATA_TYPE.BLOB;

            int nH = 80;
            int nW = 80;
            int nC = 1;

            SourceDescriptor  srcTrain = new SourceDescriptor((int)GYM_DS_ID.ATARI, Name + ".training", nW, nH, nC, false, false);
            SourceDescriptor  srcTest  = new SourceDescriptor((int)GYM_SRC_TEST_ID.ATARI, Name + ".testing", nW, nH, nC, false, false);
            DatasetDescriptor ds       = new DatasetDescriptor((int)GYM_SRC_TRAIN_ID.ATARI, Name, null, null, srcTrain, srcTest, "AtariGym", "Atari Gym", null, GYM_TYPE.DYNAMIC);

            m_dt = dt;

Esempio n. 27
 public RefreshManager(CryptoRandom random, SourceDescriptor src, DatasetFactory factory)
     m_random  = random;
     m_rgItems = factory.LoadImageIndexes(false, true);
Esempio n. 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the dataset and load it into the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nCreatorID">Specifies the creator ID.</param>
        /// <returns>On successful creation, <i>true</i> is returned, otherwise <i>false</i> is returned on abort.</returns>
        public bool LoadDatabase(int nCreatorID = 0)
                reportProgress(0, 0, "Loading " + dataset_name + " database...");

                int nIdx          = 0;
                int nTotal        = 5011 + 17125;
                int nExtractIdx   = 0;
                int nExtractTotal = 10935 + 40178;

                // Get the label map.
                LabelMap labelMap = loadLabelMap();
                Dictionary <string, int> rgNameToLabel = labelMap.MapToLabel(m_log, true);
                string strSrc = dataset_name + ".training";

                int nSrcId = m_factory.GetSourceID(strSrc);
                if (nSrcId > 0)

                List <Tuple <int, string, Size> > rgFileSizes = new List <Tuple <int, string, Size> >();

                if (!loadFile(m_param.DataBatchFileTrain2007, strSrc, nExtractTotal, ref nExtractIdx, nTotal, ref nIdx, m_log, m_param.ExtractFiles, rgNameToLabel, rgFileSizes))

                if (!loadFile(m_param.DataBatchFileTrain2012, strSrc, nExtractTotal, ref nExtractIdx, nTotal, ref nIdx, m_log, m_param.ExtractFiles, rgNameToLabel, rgFileSizes))

                string strDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData) + "\\MyCaffe\\test_data\\data\\ssd\\VOC0712\\";
                if (!Directory.Exists(strDir))

                saveFileSizes(rgFileSizes, strDir + "train_name_size.txt");

                SourceDescriptor srcTrain = m_factory.LoadSource(strSrc);

                rgFileSizes   = new List <Tuple <int, string, Size> >();
                m_rgImg       = new List <SimpleDatum>();
                nIdx          = 0;
                nTotal        = 4952;
                nExtractIdx   = 0;
                nExtractTotal = 10347;

                strSrc = dataset_name + ".testing";

                nSrcId = m_factory.GetSourceID(strSrc);
                if (nSrcId > 0)

                if (!loadFile(m_param.DataBatchFileTest2007, strSrc, nExtractTotal, ref nExtractIdx, nTotal, ref nIdx, m_log, m_param.ExtractFiles, rgNameToLabel, rgFileSizes))

                saveFileSizes(rgFileSizes, strDir + "test_name_size.txt");

                SourceDescriptor srcTest = m_factory.LoadSource(strSrc);

                DatasetDescriptor ds = new DatasetDescriptor(nCreatorID, dataset_name, null, null, srcTrain, srcTest, dataset_name, dataset_name + " Dataset");

            catch (Exception excpt)
                throw excpt;
                if (OnCompleted != null)
                    OnCompleted(this, new EventArgs());
 /// <summary>
 /// The ImageSet constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="factory">Specifies the DatasetFactory.</param>
 /// <param name="src">Specifies the data source.</param>
 public ImageSetBase(DatasetFactory factory, SourceDescriptor src)
     m_src     = new SourceDescriptor(src);
     m_factory = new DatasetFactory(factory);
Esempio n. 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the dataset and load it into the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nCreatorID">Specifies the creator ID.</param>
        /// <returns>On successful creation, <i>true</i> is returned, otherwise <i>false</i> is returned on abort.</returns>
        public bool LoadDatabase(int nCreatorID = 0)
                reportProgress(0, 0, "Loading " + dataset_name + " database...");

                int nIdx          = 0;
                int nTotal        = 5011 + 17125;
                int nExtractIdx   = 0;
                int nExtractTotal = 10935 + 40178;

                // Get the label map.
                LabelMap labelMap = loadLabelMap();
                Dictionary <string, int> rgNameToLabel = labelMap.MapToLabel(m_log, true);
                string strSrc = dataset_name + ".training";

                int nSrcId = m_factory.GetSourceID(strSrc);
                if (nSrcId > 0)

                if (!loadFile(m_param.DataBatchFileTrain2007, strSrc, nExtractTotal, ref nExtractIdx, nTotal, ref nIdx, m_log, m_param.ExtractFiles, rgNameToLabel))

                if (!loadFile(m_param.DataBatchFileTrain2012, strSrc, nExtractTotal, ref nExtractIdx, nTotal, ref nIdx, m_log, m_param.ExtractFiles, rgNameToLabel))

                SourceDescriptor srcTrain = m_factory.LoadSource(strSrc);

                m_rgImg       = new List <SimpleDatum>();
                nIdx          = 0;
                nTotal        = 4952;
                nExtractIdx   = 0;
                nExtractTotal = 10347;

                strSrc = dataset_name + ".testing";

                nSrcId = m_factory.GetSourceID(strSrc);
                if (nSrcId > 0)

                if (!loadFile(m_param.DataBatchFileTest2007, strSrc, nExtractTotal, ref nExtractIdx, nTotal, ref nIdx, m_log, m_param.ExtractFiles, rgNameToLabel))

                SourceDescriptor srcTest = m_factory.LoadSource(strSrc);

                DatasetDescriptor ds = new DatasetDescriptor(nCreatorID, dataset_name, null, null, srcTrain, srcTest, dataset_name, dataset_name + " Dataset");

            catch (Exception excpt)
                throw excpt;
                if (OnCompleted != null)
                    OnCompleted(this, new EventArgs());
Esempio n. 31
        private ImageSet loadImageset(string strType, SourceDescriptor src, WaitHandle[] rgAbort, ref SimpleDatum imgMean, out int nLastImageIdx, int nPadW = 0, int nPadH = 0, Log log = null, IMAGEDB_LOAD_METHOD loadMethod = IMAGEDB_LOAD_METHOD.LOAD_ALL, int nImageDbLoadLimit = 0, int nImageDbLoadLimitStartIdx = 0, bool bLoadNext = false)
                RawImageMean imgMeanRaw = null;

                nLastImageIdx = nImageDbLoadLimitStartIdx;

                if (loadMethod != IMAGEDB_LOAD_METHOD.LOAD_ALL)
                    if (imgMean == null)
                        imgMeanRaw = m_factory.GetRawImageMean();
                        if (imgMeanRaw == null)
                            if (log != null)
                                log.WriteLine("WARNING: No image mean exists in the database, changing image database load from " + loadMethod.ToString() + " to " + IMAGEDB_LOAD_METHOD.LOAD_ALL.ToString());

                            loadMethod = IMAGEDB_LOAD_METHOD.LOAD_ALL;

                int nCount = src.ImageCount;
                if (nCount == 0)
                    throw new Exception("Could not find any images with " + strType + " Source = '" + src.Name + "'.");

                if (log != null)
                    log.WriteLine("Loading '" + src.Name + "' - " + nCount.ToString("N0") + " images.");

                ImageSet imgset = new ImageSet(m_factory, src, loadMethod, nImageDbLoadLimit);

                if (OnCalculateImageMean != null)
                    imgset.OnCalculateImageMean += OnCalculateImageMean;

                if (loadMethod != IMAGEDB_LOAD_METHOD.LOAD_ON_DEMAND)
                    bool      bDataIsReal = src.IsRealData;
                    int       nBatchSize  = 20000;
                    Stopwatch sw          = new Stopwatch();

                    int nImageSize = src.ImageHeight * src.ImageWidth;
                    if (nImageSize > 60000)
                        nBatchSize = 5000;
                    else if (nBatchSize > 20000)
                        nBatchSize = 7500;
                    else if (nImageSize > 3000)
                        nBatchSize = 10000;

                    if (nImageDbLoadLimit <= 0)
                        nImageDbLoadLimit = nCount;

                    List <int> rgIdx = getIndexList(nImageDbLoadLimitStartIdx, nImageDbLoadLimit);
                    int        nIdx  = 0;


                    while (nIdx < rgIdx.Count)
                        int nImageIdx   = rgIdx[nIdx];
                        int nImageCount = Math.Min(rgIdx.Count - nIdx, nBatchSize);

                        List <RawImage> rgImg = m_factory.GetRawImagesAt(nImageIdx, nImageCount);

                        for (int j = 0; j < rgImg.Count; j++)
                            SimpleDatum sd1 = m_factory.LoadDatum(rgImg[j], nPadW, nPadH);
                            imgset.Add(nIdx + j, sd1);

                            if (sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds > 1000)
                                if (log != null)
                                    double dfPct = (double)(nIdx + j) / (double)nCount;
                                    log.Progress = dfPct;
                                    log.WriteLine("image loading at " + dfPct.ToString("P") + "...");


                                if (EventWaitHandle.WaitAny(rgAbort, 0) != EventWaitHandle.WaitTimeout)

                        nIdx += rgImg.Count;

                        if (loadMethod == IMAGEDB_LOAD_METHOD.LOAD_ALL && rgImg.Count == 0 && nIdx < nCount)
                            log.WriteLine("WARNING: Loaded " + nIdx.ToString("N0") + " images, yet " + (nCount - nIdx).ToString("N0") + " images are unaccounted for.  You may need to reindex the dataset.");

                    if (log != null)
                        log.Progress = 0;

                    if (rgIdx.Count > 0)
                        nLastImageIdx = rgIdx[rgIdx.Count - 1] + 1;
                else if (bLoadNext)
                    nLastImageIdx += nImageDbLoadLimit;

                if (imgMean == null)
                    if (imgMeanRaw == null)
                        imgMeanRaw = m_factory.GetRawImageMean();

                    if (imgMeanRaw != null)
                        imgMean = m_factory.LoadDatum(imgMeanRaw, nPadW, nPadH);
                        if (log != null)
                            log.WriteLine("Calculating mean...");

                        imgMean = imgset.GetImageMean(log, rgAbort);
                        m_factory.PutRawImageMean(imgMean, true);

                if (imgMean != null)


Esempio n. 32
 public void ReadXElement_Empty_ThrowsArgumentNullException()
     SourceDescriptor sd = new SourceDescriptor();
     XElement element = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the dataset and load it into the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nCreatorID">Specifies the creator ID.</param>
        /// <returns>On successful creation, <i>true</i> is returned, otherwise <i>false</i> is returned on abort.</returns>
        public bool LoadDatabase(int nCreatorID = 0)
            int nIdx   = 0;
            int nTotal = 0;

                List <Tuple <byte[], int> > rgTrainImg;
                List <Tuple <byte[], int> > rgTestImg;

                m_extractor.ExtractImages(out rgTrainImg, out rgTestImg);

                reportProgress(nIdx, nTotal, "Loading " + dataset_name + " database...");

                DatasetFactory factory         = null;
                string         strExportFolder = null;

                if (m_param.ExportToFile)
                    strExportFolder = m_param.ExportPath.TrimEnd('\\') + "\\";
                    if (!Directory.Exists(strExportFolder))

                string strTrainSrc = "training";
                if (!m_param.ExportToFile)
                    factory = new DatasetFactory();

                    strTrainSrc = dataset_name + "." + strTrainSrc;
                    int nSrcId = factory.GetSourceID(strTrainSrc);
                    if (nSrcId != 0)

                if (!loadFile(factory, rgTrainImg, m_extractor.Channels, m_extractor.Height, m_extractor.Width, strTrainSrc, strExportFolder))

                string strTestSrc = "testing";
                if (!m_param.ExportToFile)
                    strTestSrc = dataset_name + "." + strTestSrc;
                    int nSrcId = factory.GetSourceID(strTestSrc);
                    if (nSrcId != 0)

                if (!loadFile(factory, rgTestImg, m_extractor.Channels, m_extractor.Height, m_extractor.Width, strTestSrc, strExportFolder))

                if (!m_param.ExportToFile)
                    SourceDescriptor  srcTrain = factory.LoadSource(strTrainSrc);
                    SourceDescriptor  srcTest  = factory.LoadSource(strTestSrc);
                    DatasetDescriptor ds       = new DatasetDescriptor(nCreatorID, dataset_name, null, null, srcTrain, srcTest, dataset_name, dataset_name + " Character Dataset");

            catch (Exception excpt)
                throw excpt;
                if (OnCompleted != null)
                    OnCompleted(this, new EventArgs());
Esempio n. 34
 public void ReadXElement_Empty_ThrowsSyncDocumentException()
     SourceDescriptor sd = new SourceDescriptor();
     XElement element = XElement.Parse("<NotSourceDescriptor />");
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the dataset and load it into the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nCreatorID">Specifies the creator ID.</param>
        /// <returns>On successful creation, <i>true</i> is returned, otherwise <i>false</i> is returned on abort.</returns>
        public bool LoadDatabase(int nCreatorID = 0)
                int nIdx   = 0;
                int nTotal = 50000;

                reportProgress(nIdx, 0, "Loading database " + dataset_name + "...");

                DatasetFactory factory = new DatasetFactory();

                string strTrainSrc = dataset_name + ".training";
                int    nSrcId      = factory.GetSourceID(strTrainSrc);
                if (nSrcId != 0)

                if (!loadFile(m_param.DataBatchFile1, strTrainSrc, nTotal, ref nIdx, m_log))

                if (!loadFile(m_param.DataBatchFile2, strTrainSrc, nTotal, ref nIdx, m_log))

                if (!loadFile(m_param.DataBatchFile3, strTrainSrc, nTotal, ref nIdx, m_log))

                if (!loadFile(m_param.DataBatchFile4, strTrainSrc, nTotal, ref nIdx, m_log))

                if (!loadFile(m_param.DataBatchFile5, strTrainSrc, nTotal, ref nIdx, m_log))

                SourceDescriptor srcTrain = factory.LoadSource(strTrainSrc);
                m_factory.SaveImageMean(SimpleDatum.CalculateMean(m_log, m_rgImg.ToArray(), new WaitHandle[] { new ManualResetEvent(false) }), true, srcTrain.ID);

                m_rgImg = new List <SimpleDatum>();
                nIdx    = 0;
                nTotal  = 10000;

                string strTestSrc = dataset_name + ".testing";
                nSrcId = factory.GetSourceID(strTestSrc);
                if (nSrcId != 0)

                if (!loadFile(m_param.TestBatchFile, strTestSrc, nTotal, ref nIdx, m_log))

                SourceDescriptor srcTest = factory.LoadSource(strTestSrc);
                m_factory.SaveImageMean(SimpleDatum.CalculateMean(m_log, m_rgImg.ToArray(), new WaitHandle[] { new ManualResetEvent(false) }), true, srcTest.ID);

                DatasetDescriptor ds = new DatasetDescriptor(nCreatorID, dataset_name, null, null, srcTrain, srcTest, dataset_name, dataset_name + " Dataset");

            catch (Exception excpt)
                throw excpt;
                if (OnCompleted != null)
                    OnCompleted(this, new EventArgs());