public void ShowWidnow(bool bShow) { bool bVisible = visible(); if (bVisible == bShow) { return; } set_visible(bShow); m_btnCancle.set_visible(bShow); m_btnOk.set_visible(bShow); m_btnMinus.set_visible(bShow); m_btnAdd.set_visible(bShow); m_sldNumber.set_visible(bShow); m_btnMinus1.set_visible(bShow); m_btnAdd1.set_visible(bShow); m_sldNumber1.set_visible(bShow); if (bShow) { try { Sound_Instance pSound = Root.instance().sound_manager().sound_instance(16);, true); } catch { } } }
public void ShowWidnow(bool bIsShow) { CGameScene pGameScene = (CGameScene)parent(); bool bShow = (pGameScene.m_dwRoomType == 0) ? bIsShow : false; bool bVisible = visible(); if (bVisible == bShow) { return; } set_visible(bShow); m_btnCancle.set_visible(bShow); m_btnMax.set_visible(bShow); m_btnOk.set_visible(bShow); m_btnMinus.set_visible(bShow); m_btnAdd.set_visible(bShow); m_sldNumber.set_visible(bShow); if (bShow) { try { Sound_Instance pSound = Root.instance().sound_manager().sound_instance(16);, true); } catch { } } if (bIsShow == true) { CClientKernel pClientKernel = pGameScene.GetClientKernel(); if (pClientKernel == null) { return; } UserInfo pUserData = pClientKernel.GetMeUserInfo(); if ((pUserData != null) && (pUserData.GetGameMoney() > 100)) { int nMeBuyCount = (pUserData.GetGameMoney() - 100) / m_lCellScore; m_nMaxBuyFishGold = (m_nMaxFishGold <= nMeBuyCount) ? m_nMaxFishGold : nMeBuyCount; } else { m_nMaxBuyFishGold = 0; } button_press(10011); } }
public void ChangeSceneType(FishDefine.enSceneType SceneType) { if (SceneType == m_SceneType) { return; } if (m_BackSound[m_cbSceneSoundOld] != null) { m_BackSound[m_cbSceneSoundOld].stop(); } m_cbSceneSoundOld = m_cbSceneSound; try { Sound_Instance pSound = Root.instance().sound_manager().sound_instance(4);, true); } catch { } m_SceneType = SceneType; m_IsSceneing = 1; ostringstream ostr = new ostringstream(); int nSide = 1; Point ptBegin = (nSide == 0) ? new Point(-263, 0) : new Point(1280 + 263, 0); Point ptEnd = (nSide == 0) ? new Point(1272 - 20, 0) : new Point(-283, 0); ostr.str(""); ostr = ostr + "tide_water_" + nSide; m_sprTideWater.set_display_image(Root.instance().imageset_manager().imageset("ui_game").image(ostr.str())); m_sprTideWater.set_position(ptBegin); m_sprTideWater.set_visible(true); ostr.str(""); ostr = ostr + "bg_game_" + (int)SceneType; m_imgBackground1 = Root.instance().imageset_manager().imageset(ostr.str()).image("bg"); GameControls.XLBE.Action actWater = new Action_Sequence(new Action_Delay(4), new Action_Move_To(4.4135, ptEnd), new Action_Func(ChangeSceneEnd), null); m_sprTideWater.run_action(actWater); }
//C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: The implementation of the following method could not be found: // CNetLayer(); //C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: The implementation of the following method could not be found: // public void Dispose(); //C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: The implementation of the following method could not be found: // virtual void update(float dt); //C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: The implementation of the following method could not be found: // virtual void draw(); public bool NetFire(Point pt, int wChairID, FishDefine.enCannonType CannonType, int dwMulRate) { CNetObjectExtend pNetObjectExtend = new CNetObjectExtend(); pNetObjectExtend.wChairID = wChairID; pNetObjectExtend.CannonType = CannonType; pNetObjectExtend.dwMulRate = dwMulRate; int nFirst = 0; if (CannonType > FishDefine.enCannonType.CannonType_5) { nFirst = 1; } Size szScale = new Size(); switch (CannonType) { case FishDefine.enCannonType.CannonType_0: { szScale.width_ = 0.5; szScale.height_ = 0.5; break; } case FishDefine.enCannonType.CannonType_1: { szScale.width_ = 0.6; szScale.height_ = 0.6; break; } case FishDefine.enCannonType.CannonType_2: { szScale.width_ = 0.7; szScale.height_ = 0.7; break; } case FishDefine.enCannonType.CannonType_3: { szScale.width_ = 0.8; szScale.height_ = 0.8; break; } case FishDefine.enCannonType.CannonType_4: { szScale.width_ = 0.9; szScale.height_ = 0.9; break; } case FishDefine.enCannonType.CannonType_5: { szScale.width_ = 0.9; szScale.height_ = 0.9; break; } case FishDefine.enCannonType.CannonType_6: { szScale.width_ = 1.0; szScale.height_ = 1.0; break; } } ostringstream ostr = new ostringstream(); ostr = ostr + "net_" + nFirst + "_" + (int)wChairID; Sprite sprNet = new Sprite(Root.instance().imageset_manager().imageset(ostr.str()).image("0")); sprNet.set_node_extend(pNetObjectExtend); sprNet.set_position(pt); sprNet.set_scale(szScale); add_child(sprNet); Animation aniBullet = Root.instance().animation_manager().animation(ostr.str()); sprNet.run_action(new Action_Sequence(new Action_Animation(0.06, aniBullet, false), new Action_Func(NetEnd), null)); try { Sound_Instance pSound = Root.instance().sound_manager().sound_instance(nFirst + 7);, true); } catch { } return(true); }
//C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: The implementation of the following method could not be found: // virtual void draw(); public bool BulletFire(Point ptStart, double rotation, int wChairID, FishDefine.enCannonType CannonType, int dwMulRate) { if (GetBulletCount() > 51) { return(true); } CBulletObjectExtend BulletObjectExtend = new CBulletObjectExtend(); BulletObjectExtend.fRotation = rotation; BulletObjectExtend.wChairID = wChairID; BulletObjectExtend.CannonType = CannonType; BulletObjectExtend.dwMulRate = dwMulRate; int nFirst = 0; if (CannonType > FishDefine.enCannonType.CannonType_5) { nFirst = 1; } Size szScale = new Size(); switch (CannonType) { case FishDefine.enCannonType.CannonType_0: { szScale.width_ = 0.5; szScale.height_ = 0.5; break; } case FishDefine.enCannonType.CannonType_1: { szScale.width_ = 0.6; szScale.height_ = 0.6; break; } case FishDefine.enCannonType.CannonType_2: { szScale.width_ = 0.7; szScale.height_ = 0.7; break; } case FishDefine.enCannonType.CannonType_3: { szScale.width_ = 0.8; szScale.height_ = 0.8; break; } case FishDefine.enCannonType.CannonType_4: { szScale.width_ = 0.9; szScale.height_ = 0.9; break; } case FishDefine.enCannonType.CannonType_5: { szScale.width_ = 0.9; szScale.height_ = 0.9; break; } case FishDefine.enCannonType.CannonType_6: { szScale.width_ = 1.0; szScale.height_ = 1.0; break; } } ostringstream ostr = new ostringstream(); ostr = ostr + "shot_" + nFirst + "_" + (int)wChairID; Sprite sprBullet = new Sprite(Root.instance().imageset_manager().imageset(ostr.str()).image("0")); sprBullet.set_node_extend(BulletObjectExtend); Point pt = new Point(ptStart.x_ + 56 * Math.Cos(rotation - FishDefine.M_PI_2), ptStart.y_ + 56 * Math.Sin(rotation - FishDefine.M_PI_2)); sprBullet.set_position(pt); sprBullet.set_rotation(rotation); sprBullet.set_scale(szScale); add_child(sprBullet); GameControls.XLBE.Action actBullet = new Action_Move_By(3, new Point(2000 * Math.Cos(rotation - FishDefine.M_PI_2), 2000 * Math.Sin(rotation - FishDefine.M_PI_2))); sprBullet.run_action(actBullet); Animation aniBullet = Root.instance().animation_manager().animation(ostr.str()); sprBullet.run_action(new Action_Repeat_Forever(new Action_Animation(0.06, aniBullet, false))); // CGameScene *pGameScene = (CGameScene *)parent(); // if (wChairID == pGameScene->GetMeChairID()) // { // CMD_C_Fire Fire; //Fire.cbIsBack = FALSE; // Fire.fRote = rotation; //Fire.dwMulRate = dwMulRate; //Fire.xStart = 0; //Fire.yStart = 0; // pGameScene->GetClientKernel()->SendSocketData(MDM_GF_GAME, SUB_C_FIRE, &Fire, sizeof(CMD_C_Fire)); // } try { Sound_Instance pSound = Root.instance().sound_manager().sound_instance(nFirst + 5);, true); } catch { } return(true); }