Esempio n. 1
        bool InitializeDirectSound(IntPtr hwnd)
            try {
                directSound = new SharpDX.DirectSound.DirectSound();
                directSound.SetCooperativeLevel(hwnd, CooperativeLevel.Priority);

                var soundBufferDescription = new SoundBufferDescription {
                    Flags          = BufferFlags.PrimaryBuffer | BufferFlags.ControlVolume,
                    BufferBytes    = 0,
                    Format         = null,
                    AlgorithmFor3D = Guid.Empty

                primaryBuffer = new PrimarySoundBuffer(directSound, soundBufferDescription);

                var samplesPerSec   = 44100;
                var bitsPerSample   = 16;
                var nChannels       = 2;
                var blockAlign      = bitsPerSample / 8 * nChannels;
                var nAvgBytesPerSec = samplesPerSec * blockAlign;
                var waveFormat      = WaveFormat.CreateCustomFormat(

                primaryBuffer.Format = waveFormat;
            } catch { return(false); }
Esempio n. 2
        private void PlaySound(Stream sound)
            DirectSound ds = new DirectSound();

            ds.SetCooperativeLevel(this.Handle, CooperativeLevel.Priority);

            WaveFormat format = WaveFormat.CreateCustomFormat(
                4 * 44100,

            SoundBufferDescription primaryDesc = new SoundBufferDescription();

            primaryDesc.Format      = format;
            primaryDesc.Flags       = BufferFlags.GlobalFocus;
            primaryDesc.BufferBytes = 8 * 4 * 44100;
            PrimarySoundBuffer pBuffer = new PrimarySoundBuffer(ds, primaryDesc);

            SoundBufferDescription secondDesc = new SoundBufferDescription();

            secondDesc.Format      = format;
            secondDesc.Flags       = BufferFlags.GlobalFocus | BufferFlags.ControlPositionNotify | BufferFlags.GetCurrentPosition2;
            secondDesc.BufferBytes = 8 * 4 * 44100;

            SecondarySoundBuffer secondBuffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(ds, secondDesc);

            secondBuffer.Write(sound.ReadAll(), 0, LockFlags.None);
            secondBuffer.Play(0, PlayFlags.None);
Esempio n. 3
        public void InitializeBuffer(int rate, int channels)
            format                       = new WaveFormat();
            format.FormatTag             = WaveFormatTag.Pcm;
            format.SamplesPerSecond      = rate;
            format.BitsPerSample         = 16;
            format.Channels              = (short)channels;
            format.BlockAlignment        = (short)(format.Channels * (format.BitsPerSample / 8));
            format.AverageBytesPerSecond = format.SamplesPerSecond * format.BlockAlignment;

            BufferSize  = format.AverageBytesPerSecond;
            BufferSize += 512 - (BufferSize % 512);

            buffer = new byte[BufferSize];

            SoundBufferDescription description = new SoundBufferDescription();

            description.Format      = format;
            description.SizeInBytes = BufferSize;
            description.Flags       = BufferFlags.ControlVolume | BufferFlags.GlobalFocus | BufferFlags.ControlPositionNotify;

            sbuffer    = new SecondarySoundBuffer[2];
            sbuffer[0] = new SecondarySoundBuffer(DirectSoundWrapper.Device, description);
            sbuffer[1] = new SecondarySoundBuffer(DirectSoundWrapper.Device, description);
        private void InitialiseDirectSound(IntPtr windowHandle, int sampleRate)
            var waveFormat = new WaveFormat(sampleRate, 16, 2);

            _directSound = new DirectSound();
            _directSound.SetCooperativeLevel(windowHandle, CooperativeLevel.Priority);

            var primaryBufferDescription = new SoundBufferDescription()
                Flags          = BufferFlags.PrimaryBuffer,
                AlgorithmFor3D = Guid.Empty,

            _primarySoundBuffer = new PrimarySoundBuffer(_directSound, primaryBufferDescription)
                Format = waveFormat

            _soundBufferLength = waveFormat.ConvertLatencyToByteSize(500);

            var secondaryBufferDescription = new SoundBufferDescription()
                Format         = waveFormat,
                Flags          = BufferFlags.GetCurrentPosition2 | BufferFlags.GlobalFocus,
                BufferBytes    = _soundBufferLength,
                AlgorithmFor3D = Guid.Empty,

            _soundBuffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(_directSound, secondaryBufferDescription);
 public SecondarySoundBuffer Acquire(int soundId)
     if (soundId < 0 || soundId >= 4096)
     return((SecondarySoundBuffer)Archives.Sound.Open <SecondarySoundBuffer>(GetFilePath(soundId), stream =>
         SoundBufferDescription bufferDescription1 = new SoundBufferDescription();
         bufferDescription1.Format = _waveFormat;
         bufferDescription1.BufferBytes = checked ((int)(stream.Length - 40L));
         SoundBufferDescription bufferDescription2 = bufferDescription1;
         BufferFlags num1 = bufferDescription2.Flags | (BufferFlags)128;
         bufferDescription2.Flags = num1;
         SoundBufferDescription bufferDescription3 = bufferDescription1;
         BufferFlags num2 = bufferDescription3.Flags | (BufferFlags)32;
         bufferDescription3.Flags = num2;
         SoundBufferDescription bufferDescription4 = bufferDescription1;
         BufferFlags num3 = bufferDescription4.Flags | (BufferFlags)64;
         bufferDescription4.Flags = num3;
         SecondarySoundBuffer secondarySoundBuffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(_soundDevice, bufferDescription1);
         stream.Seek(40L, SeekOrigin.Begin);
         byte[] buffer = new byte[stream.Length - 40L];
         stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
         secondarySoundBuffer.Write(buffer, 0, (SharpDX.DirectSound.LockFlags) 2);
         return secondarySoundBuffer;
Esempio n. 6
        public SoundLibrary(int index, string fileName, bool loop)
            Index = index;

            fileName = Path.Combine(Settings.SoundPath, fileName);
            if (!File.Exists(fileName))

            _stream = new WaveStream(fileName);

            _desc = new SoundBufferDescription
                SizeInBytes = (int)_stream.Length,
                Flags       = BufferFlags.ControlVolume | BufferFlags.ControlPan | BufferFlags.GlobalFocus,
                Format      = _stream.Format

            _data = new byte[_desc.SizeInBytes];
            _stream.Read(_data, 0, (int)_stream.Length);

            _loop = loop;

            _bufferList = new List <SecondarySoundBuffer>();

Esempio n. 7
        public Sound(IntPtr formHandle)
            directSound = new DirectSound();
            directSound.SetCooperativeLevel(formHandle, CooperativeLevel.Normal);

            // WAVEFORMATEX Structure (from Microsoft Documentation on DirectSound)
            var wFormatTag      = WaveFormatEncoding.Pcm;
            var nSamplesPerSec  = 44100;
            var nChannels       = 1;
            var wBitsPerSample  = 16;                               // (short)
            var nBlockAlign     = (nChannels * wBitsPerSample) / 8; // nBlockAlign must be equal to the product of nChannels and wBitsPerSample divided by 8 (bits per byte)
            var nAvgBytesPerSec = nSamplesPerSec * nBlockAlign;     // nAvgBytesPerSec should be equal to the product of nSamplesPerSec and nBlockAlign

            waveFormat = WaveFormat.CreateCustomFormat(
                tag: wFormatTag,
                sampleRate: nSamplesPerSec,
                channels: nChannels,
                averageBytesPerSecond: nAvgBytesPerSec,
                blockAlign: nBlockAlign,
                bitsPerSample: wBitsPerSample

            var bufferDesc = new SoundBufferDescription();

            bufferDesc.Format      = waveFormat;
            bufferDesc.BufferBytes = Convert.ToInt32(
                bufferDuration.TotalSeconds * waveFormat.AverageBytesPerSecond / waveFormat.Channels);

            buffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(directSound, bufferDesc);

            int numSamples = buffer.Capabilities.BufferBytes / waveFormat.BlockAlign;

            samples = new short[numSamples];
Esempio n. 8
        public Sound(IntPtr handle, DirectSound device)
            if (device != null)
                device.SetCooperativeLevel(handle, CooperativeLevel.Priority);

                var format = new WaveFormat
                    SamplesPerSecond = 44100,
                    BitsPerSample    = 16,
                    Channels         = 2,
                    FormatTag        = WaveFormatTag.Pcm,
                    BlockAlignment   = 4
                format.AverageBytesPerSecond = format.SamplesPerSecond * format.Channels * (format.BitsPerSample / 8);

                var desc = new SoundBufferDescription
                    Format = format,
                    Flags  =
                        BufferFlags.GlobalFocus | BufferFlags.Software | BufferFlags.GetCurrentPosition2 | BufferFlags.ControlVolume,
                    SizeInBytes = BufferSize
                DSoundBuffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(device, desc);
            SoundBuffer = new byte[BufferSize];

            disposed = false;
Esempio n. 9
        protected void CreateSoundBuffer(int sampleRate, double bufferSizeSeconds)
            // Buffer to use when marshalling the samples from an unmanaged pointer.
            // Give it a reasonable initial size, it will be resized dynamically if needed.
            _sampleBuffer = new short[4096];

            // Setup the directsound buffer description
            var format = new WaveFormat(sampleRate, 16, 2);
            var buffer = new SoundBufferDescription();

            buffer.Flags          = BufferFlags.GlobalFocus | BufferFlags.ControlVolume;
            buffer.BufferBytes    = (int)(format.AverageBytesPerSecond * bufferSizeSeconds);
            buffer.Format         = format;
            buffer.AlgorithmFor3D = Guid.Empty;

            // Create a sound buffer with the specified buffer description.
            _secondaryBuffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(_directSound, buffer);

            // Get the actual buffer size so we can keep
            // track of the current/next write position.
            _bufferBytes = _secondaryBuffer.Capabilities.BufferBytes;

            // When syncing to audio, we need samples per millisecond to estimate how
            // long to sleep for when waiting for enough free space in the playback buffer.
            _samplesPerMs = format.AverageBytesPerSecond / (sizeof(short) * 1000d);
Esempio n. 10
        bool InitializeDirectSound(IntPtr windowHandler)
                // Initialize the direct sound interface pointer for the default sound device.
                _DirectSound = new DirectSound();

                // Set the cooperative level to priority so the format of the primary sound buffer can be modified.
                if (_DirectSound.SetCooperativeLevel(windowHandler, CooperativeLevel.Priority) != Result.Ok)

                // Setup the primary buffer description.
                var buffer = new SoundBufferDescription();
                buffer.Flags          = BufferFlags.PrimaryBuffer | BufferFlags.ControlVolume;
                buffer.AlgorithmFor3D = Guid.Empty;

                // Get control of the primary sound buffer on the default sound device.
                _PrimaryBuffer = new PrimarySoundBuffer(_DirectSound, buffer);

                // Setup the format of the primary sound buffer.
                // In this case it is a .
                _PrimaryBuffer.Format = new WaveFormat(44100, 16, 2);
            catch (Exception)

Esempio n. 11
		public Sound(IntPtr handle, DirectSound device)
			if (device != null)
				device.SetCooperativeLevel(handle, CooperativeLevel.Priority);

				var format = new WaveFormat
						SamplesPerSecond = 44100,
						BitsPerSample = 16,
						Channels = 2,
						FormatTag = WaveFormatTag.Pcm,
						BlockAlignment = 4
				format.AverageBytesPerSecond = format.SamplesPerSecond * format.Channels * (format.BitsPerSample / 8);

				var desc = new SoundBufferDescription
						Format = format,
						Flags =
							BufferFlags.GlobalFocus | BufferFlags.Software | BufferFlags.GetCurrentPosition2 | BufferFlags.ControlVolume,
						SizeInBytes = BufferSize
				DSoundBuffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(device, desc);
			SoundBuffer = new byte[BufferSize];

			disposed = false;
Esempio n. 12
        void InitDirectSound(Control parent)
            //Create the device
            MyNesDEBUGGER.WriteLine(this, "Initializing direct sound for APU", DebugStatus.None);
            _SoundDevice = new DirectSound();
            _SoundDevice.SetCooperativeLevel(parent.Parent.Handle, CooperativeLevel.Normal);
            //Create the wav format
            WaveFormat wav = new WaveFormat();

            wav.FormatTag        = WaveFormatTag.Pcm;
            wav.SamplesPerSecond = 44100;
            wav.Channels         = (short)(STEREO ? 2 : 1);
            AD = (STEREO ? 4 : 2);//Stereo / Mono
            wav.BitsPerSample         = 16;
            wav.AverageBytesPerSecond = wav.SamplesPerSecond * wav.Channels * (wav.BitsPerSample / 8);
            wav.BlockAlignment        = (short)(wav.Channels * wav.BitsPerSample / 8);
            BufferSize = wav.AverageBytesPerSecond;
            SoundBufferDescription des = new SoundBufferDescription();

            des.Format      = wav;
            des.SizeInBytes = BufferSize;
            //des.Flags = BufferFlags.GlobalFocus | BufferFlags.Software;
            des.Flags = BufferFlags.ControlVolume | BufferFlags.ControlFrequency | BufferFlags.ControlPan | BufferFlags.ControlEffects;
            DATA   = new byte[BufferSize];
            buffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(_SoundDevice, des);
            buffer.Play(0, PlayFlags.Looping);
            MyNesDEBUGGER.WriteLine(this, "APU OK !!", DebugStatus.Cool);
Esempio n. 13
        static void Main(string[] args)
            DirectSound directSound = new DirectSound();

            var form = new Form();
            form.Text = "SharpDX - DirectSound Demo";

            // Set Cooperative Level to PRIORITY (priority level can call the SetFormat and Compact methods)
            directSound.SetCooperativeLevel(form.Handle, CooperativeLevel.Priority);

            // Create PrimarySoundBuffer
            var primaryBufferDesc = new SoundBufferDescription();
            primaryBufferDesc.Flags = BufferFlags.PrimaryBuffer;
            primaryBufferDesc.AlgorithmFor3D = Guid.Empty;

            var primarySoundBuffer = new PrimarySoundBuffer(directSound, primaryBufferDesc);

            // Play the PrimarySound Buffer
            primarySoundBuffer.Play(0, PlayFlags.Looping);

            // Default WaveFormat Stereo 44100 16 bit
            WaveFormat waveFormat = new WaveFormat();

            // Create SecondarySoundBuffer
            var secondaryBufferDesc = new SoundBufferDescription();
            secondaryBufferDesc.BufferBytes = waveFormat.ConvertLatencyToByteSize(60000);
            secondaryBufferDesc.Format = waveFormat;
            secondaryBufferDesc.Flags = BufferFlags.GetCurrentPosition2 | BufferFlags.ControlPositionNotify | BufferFlags.GlobalFocus |
                                        BufferFlags.ControlVolume | BufferFlags.StickyFocus;
            secondaryBufferDesc.AlgorithmFor3D = Guid.Empty;
            var secondarySoundBuffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(directSound, secondaryBufferDesc);

            // Get Capabilties from secondary sound buffer
            var capabilities = secondarySoundBuffer.Capabilities;

            // Lock the buffer
            DataStream dataPart2;
            var dataPart1 =secondarySoundBuffer.Lock(0, capabilities.BufferBytes,  LockFlags.EntireBuffer, out dataPart2);

            // Fill the buffer with some sound
            int numberOfSamples = capabilities.BufferBytes/waveFormat.BlockAlign;
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSamples; i++)
                double vibrato = Math.Cos(2 * Math.PI * 10.0 * i /waveFormat.SampleRate);
                short value = (short) (Math.Cos(2*Math.PI*(220.0 + 4.0 * vibrato)*i/waveFormat.SampleRate)*16384); // Not too loud

            // Unlock the buffer
            secondarySoundBuffer.Unlock(dataPart1, dataPart2);

            // Play the song
            secondarySoundBuffer.Play(0, PlayFlags.Looping);
Esempio n. 14
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("1 - Direct sound");
            Console.WriteLine("2 - Windows media player");
            Console.WriteLine("Twój wybór:");
            string wartosc = Console.ReadLine();

            if (wartosc == "1")
                Console.Write("Podaj nazwe pliku z pulpitu: ");
                string      nazwa_pliku = Console.ReadLine();
                var         path        = "C:\\Users\\lab\\Desktop\\" + nazwa_pliku;
                DirectSound directSound = new DirectSound();

                var primaryBufferDesc = new SoundBufferDescription();
                primaryBufferDesc.Flags = BufferFlags.PrimaryBuffer;

                var primarySoundBuffer = new PrimarySoundBuffer(directSound, primaryBufferDesc);

                primarySoundBuffer.Play(0, PlayFlags.Looping);

                WaveFormat waveFormat = new WaveFormat();

                var secondaryBufferDesc = new SoundBufferDescription();
                secondaryBufferDesc.BufferBytes = waveFormat.ConvertLatencyToByteSize(60000);
                secondaryBufferDesc.Format      = waveFormat;
                secondaryBufferDesc.Flags       = BufferFlags.GetCurrentPosition2 | BufferFlags.ControlPositionNotify | BufferFlags.GlobalFocus |
                                                  BufferFlags.ControlVolume | BufferFlags.StickyFocus;
                secondaryBufferDesc.AlgorithmFor3D = Guid.Empty;
                var secondarySoundBuffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(directSound, secondaryBufferDesc);
                var capabilities         = secondarySoundBuffer.Capabilities;

                //Stream stream = File.Open(path, FileMode.Open);
                //byte[] arrayTest = ReadFully(stream);
                byte[]     array = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
                DataStream dataPart2;
                var        dataPart1 = secondarySoundBuffer.Lock(0, capabilities.BufferBytes, LockFlags.EntireBuffer, out dataPart2);
                dataPart1.Read(array, 0, array.Length);
                int numberOfSamples = capabilities.BufferBytes / waveFormat.BlockAlign;
                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSamples; i++)
                    double vibrato = Math.Cos(2 * Math.PI * 10.0 * i / waveFormat.SampleRate);
                    short  value   = (short)(Math.Cos(2 * Math.PI * (220.0 + 4.0 * vibrato) * i / waveFormat.SampleRate) * 16384); // Not too loud
                secondarySoundBuffer.Unlock(dataPart1, dataPart2);
                secondarySoundBuffer.Play(0, PlayFlags.None);
                Console.Write("Podaj nazwe pliku z pulpitu: ");
                string nazwa_pliku = Console.ReadLine();
                player     = new WindowsMediaPlayer();
                player.URL = "C:\\Users\\lab\\Desktop\\" + nazwa_pliku;
Esempio n. 15
        public void run()
            directSound = new DirectSound();

            IntPtr hwnd = GetDesktopWindow();

            // Set Cooperative Level to PRIORITY (priority level can call the SetFormat and Compact methods)
            directSound.SetCooperativeLevel(hwnd, CooperativeLevel.Priority);

            // Create PrimarySoundBuffer
            var primaryBufferDesc = new SoundBufferDescription();

            primaryBufferDesc.Flags          = BufferFlags.PrimaryBuffer;
            primaryBufferDesc.AlgorithmFor3D = Guid.Empty;

            primarySoundBuffer = new PrimarySoundBuffer(directSound, primaryBufferDesc);

            // Create SecondarySoundBuffer
            int soundLatencyInMilliseconds = 100;

            var secondaryBufferDesc = new SoundBufferDescription();

            secondaryBufferDesc.BufferBytes = soundStreamer.waveFormat.ConvertLatencyToByteSize(soundLatencyInMilliseconds);
            secondaryBufferDesc.Format      = soundStreamer.waveFormat;
            secondaryBufferDesc.Flags       = BufferFlags.GetCurrentPosition2 | BufferFlags.ControlPositionNotify | BufferFlags.GlobalFocus |
                                              BufferFlags.ControlVolume | BufferFlags.StickyFocus | BufferFlags.Trueplayposition;
            secondaryBufferDesc.AlgorithmFor3D = Guid.Empty;

            secondarySoundBuffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(directSound, secondaryBufferDesc);

            NotificationPosition n = new NotificationPosition();

            n.Offset     = (secondaryBufferDesc.BufferBytes / 4) * 1;
            n.WaitHandle = soundStreamer.wait;

            NotificationPosition n2 = new NotificationPosition();

            n2.Offset     = (secondaryBufferDesc.BufferBytes / 4) * 3;
            n2.WaitHandle = soundStreamer.wait;

            secondarySoundBuffer.SetNotificationPositions(new NotificationPosition[] { n, n2 });

            soundStreamerThread = new Thread(soundStreamer.loop);
            soundStreamer.secondarySoundBuffer = secondarySoundBuffer;

            // play the sound
            secondarySoundBuffer.Play(0, PlayFlags.Looping);
Esempio n. 16
        public DXWavePlayer(int device, int BufferByteSize, DataRequestDelegate fillProc)
            if (BufferByteSize < 1000)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("BufferByteSize", "minimal size of buffer is 1000 bytes");

            _buffersize  = BufferByteSize;
            _requestproc = fillProc;
            var devices = DirectSound.GetDevices();

            if (device <= 0 || device >= devices.Count)
                device = 0;

            _outputDevice = new DirectSound(devices[device].DriverGuid);

            System.Windows.Interop.WindowInteropHelper wh = new System.Windows.Interop.WindowInteropHelper(Application.Current.MainWindow);
            _outputDevice.SetCooperativeLevel(wh.Handle, CooperativeLevel.Priority);

            _buffDescription             = new SoundBufferDescription();
            _buffDescription.Flags       = BufferFlags.ControlPositionNotify | BufferFlags.ControlFrequency | BufferFlags.ControlEffects | BufferFlags.GlobalFocus | BufferFlags.GetCurrentPosition2;
            _buffDescription.BufferBytes = BufferByteSize * InternalBufferSizeMultiplier;

            WaveFormat format = new WaveFormat(16000, 16, 1);

            _buffDescription.Format = format;

            _soundBuffer  = new SecondarySoundBuffer(_outputDevice, _buffDescription);
            _synchronizer = new AutoResetEvent(false);

            NotificationPosition[] nots = new NotificationPosition[InternalBufferSizeMultiplier];

            NotificationPosition not;
            int bytepos = 800;

            for (int i = 0; i < InternalBufferSizeMultiplier; i++)
                not            = new NotificationPosition();
                not.Offset     = bytepos;
                not.WaitHandle = _synchronizer;
                nots[i]        = not;
                bytepos       += BufferByteSize;


            _waitThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(DataRequestThread))
                Name = "MyWavePlayer.DataRequestThread"
Esempio n. 17
        public void initialize(int samplesPerSecond, int bytesPerSample, int nrChannels,
                               int bufferSizeBytes)
                if (directSound == null)
                    directSound = new DirectSound();
                    directSound.SetCooperativeLevel(owner.Handle, CooperativeLevel.Priority);


                this.bufferSizeBytes  = bufferSizeBytes;
                this.bytesPerSample   = bytesPerSample;
                this.samplesPerSecond = samplesPerSecond;
                this.nrChannels       = nrChannels;

                SoundBufferDescription desc = new SoundBufferDescription();
                desc.BufferBytes = bufferSizeBytes;
                desc.Flags       = BufferFlags.Defer | BufferFlags.GlobalFocus |
                                   BufferFlags.ControlVolume | BufferFlags.ControlFrequency |

                //desc.AlgorithmFor3D = Guid.Empty;

                int blockAlign            = nrChannels * bytesPerSample;
                int averageBytesPerSecond = samplesPerSecond * blockAlign;

                WaveFormat format = WaveFormat.CreateCustomFormat(WaveFormatEncoding.Pcm,
                                                                  samplesPerSecond, nrChannels, averageBytesPerSecond, blockAlign, bytesPerSample * 8);

                desc.Format = format;

                silence = new char[bufferSizeBytes];
                Array.Clear(silence, 0, silence.Length);

                audioBuffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(directSound, desc);

                Volume      = volume;
                offsetBytes = 0;
                prevPlayPos = 0;
                ptsPos      = 0;
                prevPtsPos  = 0;
                playLoops   = 0;
                ptsLoops    = 0;

                //log.Info("Direct Sound Initialized");
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new VideoPlayerException("Error initializing Direct Sound: " + e.Message, e);
Esempio n. 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Play DX7.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="channels">An array of values for each channel (values between 0 and 1, usually 8 channels).</param>
        public static void PlayDX7(Primitive channels)
                int i, iServo;
                double duration = 0.0225;
                int sampleCount = (int)(duration * waveFormat.SamplesPerSecond);

                // buffer description
                SoundBufferDescription soundBufferDescription = new SoundBufferDescription();
                soundBufferDescription.Format = waveFormat;
                soundBufferDescription.Flags = BufferFlags.Defer;
                soundBufferDescription.SizeInBytes = sampleCount * waveFormat.BlockAlignment;

                SecondarySoundBuffer secondarySoundBuffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(directSound, soundBufferDescription);

                short[] rawsamples = new short[sampleCount];
                int stopSamples = (int)(0.0004 * waveFormat.SamplesPerSecond);
                List<int> servoSamples = new List<int>();
                Primitive indices = SBArray.GetAllIndices(channels);
                int servoCount = SBArray.GetItemCount(indices);
                for (iServo = 1; iServo <= servoCount; iServo++)
                    servoSamples.Add((int)((0.0007 + 0.0008 * channels[indices[iServo]]) * waveFormat.SamplesPerSecond));
                int leading = sampleCount - (servoCount + 1) * stopSamples - servoSamples.Sum();
                int sample = 0;
                for (i = 0; i < leading; i++) rawsamples[sample++] = 0;
                for (i = 0; i < stopSamples; i++) rawsamples[sample++] = (short)(-amplitude);
                for (iServo = 0; iServo < servoCount; iServo++)
                    for (i = 0; i < servoSamples[iServo]; i++) rawsamples[sample++] = amplitude;
                    for (i = 0; i < stopSamples; i++) rawsamples[sample++] = (short)(-amplitude);

                //load audio samples to secondary buffer
                secondarySoundBuffer.Write(rawsamples, 0, LockFlags.EntireBuffer);

                //play audio buffer
                secondarySoundBuffer.Play(0, PlayFlags.None);

                //wait to complete before returning
                while ((secondarySoundBuffer.Status & BufferStatus.Playing) != 0);

            catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 19

        #region Engine
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        protected override void OnEngineSet()

            var description = new SoundBufferDescription
                Flags = BufferFlags.ControlVolume

            _soundBuffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(Engine.AudioDevice, description);
Esempio n. 20
        private static string _PlayHarmonics(double frequency, double duration, Primitive harmonics)
                int sampleCount = (int)(waveFormat.SamplesPerSecond / frequency);

                // buffer description
                SoundBufferDescription soundBufferDescription = new SoundBufferDescription();
                soundBufferDescription.Format      = waveFormat;
                soundBufferDescription.Flags       = BufferFlags.Defer | BufferFlags.ControlVolume | BufferFlags.ControlPan;
                soundBufferDescription.SizeInBytes = sampleCount * waveFormat.BlockAlignment;

                SecondarySoundBuffer secondarySoundBuffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(directSound, soundBufferDescription);
                secondarySoundBuffer.Pan    = pan;
                secondarySoundBuffer.Volume = volume;

                short[] rawsamples = new short[sampleCount];
                double  frac, value;

                Primitive indices = SBArray.GetAllIndices(harmonics);
                int       count   = SBArray.GetItemCount(harmonics);

                for (int i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++)
                    frac  = i / (double)sampleCount;
                    value = System.Math.Sin(2.0 * System.Math.PI * frac);
                    for (int j = 1; j <= count; j++)
                        double harmonic = indices[j];
                        value += harmonics[harmonic] * System.Math.Sin(2.0 * System.Math.PI * harmonic * frac);
                    rawsamples[i] = (short)(amplitude * value);
                secondarySoundBuffer.Write(rawsamples, 0, LockFlags.EntireBuffer);

                string name   = NextName();
                Buffer buffer = new Buffer(name, secondarySoundBuffer, frequency, duration);

                Thread thread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(DoPlay));
                if (!bAsync)
            catch (Exception ex)
                Utilities.OnError(Utilities.GetCurrentMethod(), ex);
Esempio n. 21
        public Sound(IntPtr handle)
            test[1] = test[0] + 2;
            test[2] = test[1] + 2;
            test[3] = test[2] + 1;
            test[4] = test[3] + 2;
            test[5] = test[4] + 2;
            test[6] = test[5] + 2;

            DirectSound directSound = new DirectSound();

            // Set Cooperative Level to PRIORITY (priority level can call the SetFormat and Compact methods)
            directSound.SetCooperativeLevel(handle, CooperativeLevel.Priority);

            // Create PrimarySoundBuffer
            var primaryBufferDesc = new SoundBufferDescription();

            primaryBufferDesc.Flags          = BufferFlags.PrimaryBuffer;
            primaryBufferDesc.AlgorithmFor3D = Guid.Empty;

            var primarySoundBuffer = new PrimarySoundBuffer(directSound, primaryBufferDesc);

            // Play the PrimarySound Buffer
            primarySoundBuffer.Play(0, PlayFlags.Looping);

            // Default WaveFormat Stereo 44100 16 bit
            waveFormat = new WaveFormat();

            // Create SecondarySoundBuffer
            var secondaryBufferDesc = new SoundBufferDescription();

            secondaryBufferDesc.BufferBytes = waveFormat.ConvertLatencyToByteSize(10000);
            secondaryBufferDesc.Format      = waveFormat;
            secondaryBufferDesc.Flags       = BufferFlags.GetCurrentPosition2 | BufferFlags.ControlPositionNotify | BufferFlags.GlobalFocus |
                                              BufferFlags.ControlVolume | BufferFlags.StickyFocus;
            secondaryBufferDesc.AlgorithmFor3D = Guid.Empty;
            secondarySoundBuffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(directSound, secondaryBufferDesc);

            // Get Capabilties from secondary sound buffer
            capabilities = secondarySoundBuffer.Capabilities;
            sounds       = new short[capabilities.BufferBytes / waveFormat.BlockAlign];

            // Play the song
            secondarySoundBuffer.Play(0, PlayFlags.Looping);

            for (int i = 0; i < sounds.Length; i++)
                sounds[i] = 0;
Esempio n. 22
        public static SecondarySoundBuffer LoadSound3d(string FileName, double MDistance, double MaxDistance, bool useFull3DEmulation)
            if (isFromResource)
                FileName = FileName.Split('.')[0];
            SoundBufferDescription BufferDesc = new SoundBufferDescription();

            if (!File.Exists(FileName))
                throw new ArgumentException("The sound " + FileName + " could not be found.");

            BufferDesc.Flags = SharpDX.DirectSound.BufferFlags.Control3D
                               | SharpDX.DirectSound.BufferFlags.ControlVolume
                               | SharpDX.DirectSound.BufferFlags.ControlFrequency
                               //| SharpDX.DirectSound.BufferFlags.StickyFocus
                               | SharpDX.DirectSound.BufferFlags.Mute3DAtMaxDistance;
            // if (useFull3DEmulation)
            //BufferDesc.AlgorithmFor3D = DirectSound3DAlgorithmGuid.FullHrt3DAlgorithm;
            SecondarySoundBuffer theBuffer = null;

            if (!isFromResource)
                AudioFile wFile = new AudioFile(new FileStream(FileName, FileMode.Open));
                byte[]    final = wFile.getRawWaveData();
                BufferDesc.Format      = wFile.format();
                BufferDesc.BufferBytes = final.Length;
                theBuffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(objDS, BufferDesc);
                theBuffer.Write(final, 0, LockFlags.EntireBuffer);
                byte[]    data  = Encrypter.getData(FileName, pass);
                AudioFile wFile = new AudioFile(data);
                byte[]    final = wFile.getRawWaveData();
                BufferDesc.Format      = wFile.format();
                BufferDesc.BufferBytes = final.Length;
                theBuffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(objDS, BufferDesc);
                theBuffer.Write(final, 0, LockFlags.EntireBuffer);

            SoundBuffer3D DS3DBuffer = new SoundBuffer3D(theBuffer);

            DS3DBuffer.MinDistance = (float)MDistance;
            DS3DBuffer.MaxDistance = (float)MaxDistance;
Esempio n. 23
        public DXSoundDevice(IntPtr handle, Guid device)
            Handle      = handle;
            Desc        = new SoundBufferDescription();
            Desc.Format = new WaveFormat();
            Desc.Format.BitsPerSample  = 16;
            Desc.Format.BlockAlignment = 2;
            Desc.Format.Channels       = 1;
            Desc.Format.FormatTag      = WaveFormatTag.Pcm;

            SignalResampler = new Resampler(1);

Esempio n. 24
        public void Initialize(IntPtr handle)
            if (isInitialized)
            isInitialized = false;
            //Create the device
            Console.WriteLine("DirectSound: Initializing directSound ...");
            _SoundDevice = new DirectSound();
            _SoundDevice.SetCooperativeLevel(handle, CooperativeLevel.Normal);

            //Create the wav format
            WaveFormat wav = new WaveFormat();

            wav.FormatTag             = WaveFormatTag.Pcm;
            wav.SamplesPerSecond      = Program.Settings.Audio_Frequency;
            wav.Channels              = 1;
            wav.BitsPerSample         = Program.Settings.Audio_BitsPerSample;
            wav.AverageBytesPerSecond = wav.SamplesPerSecond * wav.Channels * (wav.BitsPerSample / 8);
            wav.BlockAlignment        = (short)(wav.Channels * wav.BitsPerSample / 8);

            //BufferSize = (int)(wav.AverageBytesPerSecond * ((double)Program.Settings.Audio_BufferSizeInMilliseconds) / (double)1000);
            BufferSize = Program.Settings.Audio_BufferSizeInBytes;

            //latency_in_bytes = (int)((double)wav.AverageBytesPerSecond * (double)(Program.Settings.Audio_LatencyInPrecentage / (double)1000));
            latency_in_bytes   = (Program.Settings.Audio_LatencyInPrecentage * BufferSize) / 100;
            latency_in_samples = latency_in_bytes / 2;

            Console.WriteLine("DirectSound: BufferSize = " + BufferSize + " Byte");
            Console.WriteLine("DirectSound: Latency in bytes = " + latency_in_bytes + " Byte");
            SoundBufferDescription des = new SoundBufferDescription();

            des.Format      = wav;
            des.SizeInBytes = BufferSize;
            des.Flags       = BufferFlags.ControlVolume | BufferFlags.ControlFrequency | BufferFlags.ControlPan | BufferFlags.Software;

            buffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(_SoundDevice, des);
            //buffer.Play(0, PlayFlags.Looping);

            // Set volume
            Console.WriteLine("DirectSound: DirectSound initialized OK.");
            isInitialized = true;

Esempio n. 25
            public MotorAudio(Stream stream)
                using (var AudioStream = new WaveStream(stream))
                    SoundBufferDesc = new SoundBufferDescription
                        Format      = AudioStream.Format,
                        Flags       = BufferFlags.ControlVolume | BufferFlags.ControlFrequency | BufferFlags.ControlPan | BufferFlags.GetCurrentPosition2,
                        SizeInBytes = (int)AudioStream.Length

                    RawAudioStream = new byte[SoundBufferDesc.SizeInBytes];

                    AudioStream.Read(RawAudioStream, 0, (int)AudioStream.Length);
Esempio n. 26

        #region Engine
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        protected override void OnEngineSet()

            var description = new SoundBufferDescription
                Format      = Asset.SoundFormat,
                SizeInBytes = (int)Asset.SoundData.Length,
                Flags       = BufferFlags.ControlVolume | BufferFlags.Control3D

            SoundBuffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(Engine.AudioDevice, description);
            var data = new byte[description.SizeInBytes];

            Asset.SoundData.Read(data, 0, (int)Asset.SoundData.Length);
            SoundBuffer.Write(data, 0, LockFlags.None);
Esempio n. 27
        private SecondarySoundBuffer CreateBuffer(string id, WaveStream wave)
            SoundBufferDescription description = new SoundBufferDescription
                SizeInBytes = (int)wave.Length,
                Flags       = BufferFlags.ControlVolume,
                Format      = wave.Format,

            SecondarySoundBuffer buffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(dSound, description);

            byte[] data = new byte[description.SizeInBytes];
            wave.Read(data, 0, description.SizeInBytes);
            buffer.Write(data, 0, LockFlags.None);
            cache[id] = buffer;
Esempio n. 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the soundbuffers
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="FileName">The filename from which to pull the data to initialize the
        /// soundbuffers</param>
        public MusicPlayer(Burntime.Platform.IO.File file)
            this.Filename = file.Name;
            Burntime.Platform.Log.Debug("prepare to play " + Filename);
            oggStream  = new OggVorbisFileStream(file.Stream);
            FullLength = (int)oggStream.Length;

            format                       = new WaveFormat();
            format.FormatTag             = WaveFormatTag.Pcm;
            format.SamplesPerSecond      = oggStream.Info.Rate;
            format.BitsPerSample         = 16;
            format.Channels              = (short)oggStream.Info.Channels;
            format.BlockAlignment        = (short)(format.Channels * (format.BitsPerSample / 8));
            format.AverageBytesPerSecond = format.SamplesPerSecond * format.BlockAlignment;

            SoundBufferDescription description = new SoundBufferDescription();

            description.Format      = format;
            description.SizeInBytes = StreamBufferSize;

            //if ( GameForm.Instance.GameSettings.ForceSoftwareMusicMixing )
            description.Flags = BufferFlags.ControlVolume | BufferFlags.GlobalFocus |
                                BufferFlags.ControlPositionNotify | BufferFlags.GetCurrentPosition2 |

            //Create the buffer.
            buffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(DirectSoundWrapper.Device, description);
            SecondaryBufferWritePosition = 0;


            // Create a notification Event object, to fire at each notify position
            NotificationEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);

            // Preset as much of the EndNotificationPosition array as possible to avoid doing it
            // in real-time.
            EndNotificationPosition[0].Event = NotificationEvent;
            PredictedEndIndex = (int)(oggStream.Length % StreamBufferSize); //[bytes]

            // ready to go:
            MoreWaveDataAvailable = true;
            State = BufferPlayState.Idle;

Esempio n. 29
        //ustvari secondary buffer in mu da ta wave
        private void SetWave(Wave _wave)
            byte[] _bytes = _wave.ToByteArray();

            SoundBufferDescription _soundBufferDescription = new SoundBufferDescription();

            _soundBufferDescription.Format      = _wave.WaveFormat;
            _soundBufferDescription.SizeInBytes = _bytes.Length;
            _soundBufferDescription.Flags       = BufferFlags.ControlVolume | BufferFlags.ControlFrequency | BufferFlags.ControlPan;

            this.secondarySoundBuffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(this.directSound, _soundBufferDescription);
            this.secondarySoundBuffer.Write <byte>(_bytes, 0, LockFlags.EntireBuffer);

            this.secondarySoundBuffer.Frequency = _wave.WaveFormat.SamplesPerSecond;

Esempio n. 30
        public AudioDevice(IntPtr hwnd)
            // initialise directsound
            _directSound = new DirectSound();
            _directSound.SetCooperativeLevel(hwnd, CooperativeLevel.Priority);

            // create primary sound buffer
            var primaryBufferDesc = new SoundBufferDescription
                Flags          = BufferFlags.PrimaryBuffer,
                AlgorithmFor3D = Guid.Empty

            _primarySoundBuffer = new PrimarySoundBuffer(_directSound, primaryBufferDesc)
                Format = new WaveFormat(),
Esempio n. 31
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a playable sound buffer from a WAV file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Filename">The WAV file to load</param>
        /// <returns>Playable sound buffer</returns>
        public static SecondarySoundBuffer CreateSoundBufferFromWave(string Filename)
            // Load wave file
            using (WaveStream waveFile = new WaveStream(Filename))
                SoundBufferDescription description = new SoundBufferDescription();
                description.Format      = waveFile.Format;
                description.SizeInBytes = (int)waveFile.Length;
                description.Flags       = BufferFlags.ControlVolume | BufferFlags.GlobalFocus;

                // Create the buffer.
                SecondarySoundBuffer buffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(device, description);
                byte[] data = new byte[description.SizeInBytes];
                waveFile.Read(data, 0, (int)waveFile.Length);
                buffer.Write(data, 0, LockFlags.None);
Esempio n. 32
        public void StartSound()
            BufferSizeSamples = Sound.MillisecondsToSamples(Global.Config.SoundBufferSizeMs);

            // 35 to 65 milliseconds depending on how big the buffer is. This is a trade-off
            // between more frequent but less severe glitches (i.e. catching underruns before
            // they happen and filling the buffer with silence) or less frequent but more
            // severe glitches. At least on my Windows 8 machines, the distance between the
            // play and write cursors can be up to 30 milliseconds, so that would be the
            // absolute minimum we could use here.
            int minBufferFullnessMs = Math.Min(35 + ((Global.Config.SoundBufferSizeMs - 60) / 2), 65);

            MaxSamplesDeficit = BufferSizeSamples - Sound.MillisecondsToSamples(minBufferFullnessMs);

            var format = new WaveFormat
                SamplesPerSecond      = Sound.SampleRate,
                BitsPerSample         = Sound.BytesPerSample * 8,
                Channels              = Sound.ChannelCount,
                FormatTag             = WaveFormatTag.Pcm,
                BlockAlignment        = Sound.BlockAlign,
                AverageBytesPerSecond = Sound.SampleRate * Sound.BlockAlign

            var desc = new SoundBufferDescription
                Format = format,
                Flags  =
                    BufferFlags.GlobalFocus |
                    BufferFlags.Software |
                    BufferFlags.GetCurrentPosition2 |
                SizeInBytes = BufferSizeBytes

            _deviceBuffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(_device, desc);

            _actualWriteOffsetBytes = -1;
            _filledBufferSizeBytes  = 0;
            _lastWriteTime          = 0;
            _lastWriteCursor        = 0;

            _deviceBuffer.Play(0, PlayFlags.Looping);
        /// <summary>Creates a sound.</summary>
        /// <param name="samples">A byte array containing the sample data (Mono 16-bit Signed samples).</param>
        /// <param name="frequency">The sample frequency in herz.</param>
        /// <param name="soundIndex">The index of the sound.</param>
        /// <param name="speakerSound">Whether the sound is a speaker sound otherwise it is a sampled sound.</param>
        /// <returns>The Sound.</returns>
        public override SoundSystem.Sound CreateSound(byte[] samples, int frequency, int soundIndex, bool speakerSound)
            WaveFormat waveFormat = new WaveFormat();
            waveFormat.FormatTag = WaveFormatTag.Pcm;
            waveFormat.Channels = (short) 1;
            waveFormat.SamplesPerSecond = frequency;
            waveFormat.BlockAlignment = (short) 2;
            waveFormat.AverageBytesPerSecond = frequency * 2;
            waveFormat.BitsPerSample = (short) 16;

            SoundBufferDescription soundBufferDescription = new SoundBufferDescription();
            soundBufferDescription.Format = waveFormat;
            soundBufferDescription.Flags = BufferFlags.ControlVolume;
            soundBufferDescription.SizeInBytes = samples.Length;

            SecondarySoundBuffer secondarySoundBuffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(_directSound, soundBufferDescription);
            secondarySoundBuffer.Write(samples, 0, LockFlags.EntireBuffer);

            return new SlimDXSound(secondarySoundBuffer);
Esempio n. 34
 void InitDirectSound(IntPtr handle)
     //Create the device
     _SoundDevice = new DirectSound();
     _SoundDevice.SetCooperativeLevel(handle, CooperativeLevel.Priority);
     //Creat the wav format, it will be mono-44100-pcm-16bit
     //TODO: support more wave formats 
     WaveFormat wav = new WaveFormat();
     wav.FormatTag = WaveFormatTag.Pcm;
     wav.SamplesPerSecond = 44100;
     wav.Channels = 1;//mono
     wav.BitsPerSample = 16;
     wav.AverageBytesPerSecond = 88200;//wav.SamplesPerSecond * wav.Channels * (wav.BitsPerSample / 8);
     wav.BlockAlignment = 2;//(wfx.Channels * wfx.BitsPerSample / 8);
     BufferSize = 88200 * 5;
     SoundBufferDescription des = new SoundBufferDescription();
     des.Format = wav;
     des.SizeInBytes = BufferSize;
     des.Flags = BufferFlags.GlobalFocus | BufferFlags.Software;
     buffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(_SoundDevice, des);
     DATA = new byte[BufferSize];
     buffer.Play(0, PlayFlags.Looping);
Esempio n. 35
        public void Initialize(IntPtr handle)
            if (isInitialized)
            isInitialized = false;
            //Create the device
            Console.WriteLine("DirectSound: Initializing directSound ...");
            _SoundDevice = new DirectSound();
            _SoundDevice.SetCooperativeLevel(handle, CooperativeLevel.Normal);

            //Create the wav format
            WaveFormat wav = new WaveFormat();
            wav.FormatTag = WaveFormatTag.Pcm;
            wav.SamplesPerSecond = Program.Settings.Audio_Frequency;
            wav.Channels = 1;
            wav.BitsPerSample = Program.Settings.Audio_BitsPerSample;
            wav.AverageBytesPerSecond = wav.SamplesPerSecond * wav.Channels * (wav.BitsPerSample / 8);
            wav.BlockAlignment = (short)(wav.Channels * wav.BitsPerSample / 8);

            //BufferSize = (int)(wav.AverageBytesPerSecond * ((double)Program.Settings.Audio_BufferSizeInMilliseconds) / (double)1000);
            BufferSize = Program.Settings.Audio_BufferSizeInBytes;

            //latency_in_bytes = (int)((double)wav.AverageBytesPerSecond * (double)(Program.Settings.Audio_LatencyInPrecentage / (double)1000));
            latency_in_bytes = (Program.Settings.Audio_LatencyInPrecentage * BufferSize) / 100;
            latency_in_samples = latency_in_bytes / 2;

            Console.WriteLine("DirectSound: BufferSize = " + BufferSize + " Byte");
            Console.WriteLine("DirectSound: Latency in bytes = " + latency_in_bytes + " Byte");
            SoundBufferDescription des = new SoundBufferDescription();
            des.Format = wav;
            des.SizeInBytes = BufferSize;
            des.Flags = BufferFlags.ControlVolume | BufferFlags.ControlFrequency | BufferFlags.ControlPan | BufferFlags.Software;

            buffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(_SoundDevice, des);
            //buffer.Play(0, PlayFlags.Looping);

            // Set volume
            Console.WriteLine("DirectSound: DirectSound initialized OK.");
            isInitialized = true;

Esempio n. 36
 private void InitDirectSound(Control parent)
     Debug.WriteLine(this, "Initializing APU ....", DebugStatus.None);
     //Create the device
     _SoundDevice = new DirectSound();
     _SoundDevice.SetCooperativeLevel(parent.Parent.Handle, CooperativeLevel.Normal);
     //Create the wav format
     var wav = new WaveFormat();
     wav.FormatTag = WaveFormatTag.Pcm;
     wav.SamplesPerSecond = 44100;
     wav.Channels = (short) (STEREO ? 2 : 1);
     AD = (STEREO ? 4 : 2); //Stereo / Mono
     wav.BitsPerSample = 16;
     wav.AverageBytesPerSecond = wav.SamplesPerSecond*wav.Channels*(wav.BitsPerSample/8);
     wav.BlockAlignment = (short) (wav.Channels*wav.BitsPerSample/8);
     BufferSize = wav.AverageBytesPerSecond;
     var des = new SoundBufferDescription
                       Format = wav,
                       SizeInBytes = BufferSize,
                       Flags =
                           BufferFlags.ControlVolume | BufferFlags.ControlFrequency | BufferFlags.ControlPan |
     //des.Flags = BufferFlags.GlobalFocus | BufferFlags.Software;
     DATA = new byte[BufferSize];
     buffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(_SoundDevice, des);
     buffer.Play(0, PlayFlags.Looping);
     Debug.WriteLine(this, "APU initialized ok !!", DebugStatus.Cool);
Esempio n. 37
        private static void Play(double frequency, double duration, int iType)
                int sampleCount = (int)(duration * waveFormat.SamplesPerSecond);

                // buffer description
                SoundBufferDescription soundBufferDescription = new SoundBufferDescription();
                soundBufferDescription.Format = waveFormat;
                soundBufferDescription.Flags = BufferFlags.Defer;
                soundBufferDescription.SizeInBytes = sampleCount * waveFormat.BlockAlignment;

                SecondarySoundBuffer secondarySoundBuffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(directSound, soundBufferDescription);

                short[] rawsamples = new short[sampleCount];
                double frac, value;

                switch (iType)
                    case 1: //Sinusoidal
                        for (int i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++)
                            frac = frequency * duration * i / (double)sampleCount;
                            value = System.Math.Sin(2.0 * System.Math.PI * frac);
                            rawsamples[i] = (short)(amplitude * value);
                    case 2: //Square
                        for (int i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++)
                            frac = frequency * duration * i / (double)sampleCount;
                            frac = frac - (int)frac;
                            value = frac < 0.5 ? -1.0 : 1.0;
                            rawsamples[i] = (short)(amplitude * value);

                //load audio samples to secondary buffer
                secondarySoundBuffer.Write(rawsamples, 0, LockFlags.EntireBuffer);

                //play audio buffer
                secondarySoundBuffer.Play(0, PlayFlags.None);

                //wait to complete before returning
                while ((secondarySoundBuffer.Status & BufferStatus.Playing) != 0);

            catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 38
        private static string _PlayHarmonics(double frequency, double duration, Primitive harmonics)
                int sampleCount = (int)(waveFormat.SamplesPerSecond / frequency);

                // buffer description
                SoundBufferDescription soundBufferDescription = new SoundBufferDescription();
                soundBufferDescription.Format = waveFormat;
                soundBufferDescription.Flags = BufferFlags.Defer | BufferFlags.ControlVolume | BufferFlags.ControlPan;
                soundBufferDescription.SizeInBytes = sampleCount * waveFormat.BlockAlignment;

                SecondarySoundBuffer secondarySoundBuffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(directSound, soundBufferDescription);
                secondarySoundBuffer.Pan = pan;
                secondarySoundBuffer.Volume = volume;

                short[] rawsamples = new short[sampleCount];
                double frac, value;

                Primitive indices = SBArray.GetAllIndices(harmonics);
                int count = SBArray.GetItemCount(harmonics);

                for (int i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++)
                    frac = i / (double)sampleCount;
                    value = System.Math.Sin(2.0 * System.Math.PI * frac);
                    for (int j = 1; j <= count; j++)
                        double harmonic = indices[j];
                        value += harmonics[harmonic] * System.Math.Sin(2.0 * System.Math.PI * harmonic * frac);
                    rawsamples[i] = (short)(amplitude * value);
                secondarySoundBuffer.Write(rawsamples, 0, LockFlags.EntireBuffer);

                string name = NextName();
                Buffer buffer = new Buffer(name, secondarySoundBuffer, frequency, duration);

                Thread thread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(DoPlay));
                if (!bAsync) thread.Join();
                return name;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Utilities.OnError(Utilities.GetCurrentMethod(), ex);
                return "";
Esempio n. 39
        private static string _PlayWave(double frequency, double duration, Primitive waveform)
                int sampleCount = (int)(waveFormat.SamplesPerSecond / frequency);

                // buffer description
                SoundBufferDescription soundBufferDescription = new SoundBufferDescription();
                soundBufferDescription.Format = waveFormat;
                soundBufferDescription.Flags = BufferFlags.Defer | BufferFlags.ControlVolume | BufferFlags.ControlPan;
                soundBufferDescription.SizeInBytes = sampleCount * waveFormat.BlockAlignment;

                SecondarySoundBuffer secondarySoundBuffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(directSound, soundBufferDescription);
                secondarySoundBuffer.Pan = pan;
                secondarySoundBuffer.Volume = volume;

                short[] rawsamples = new short[sampleCount];
                double frac, value;

                Primitive indices = SBArray.GetAllIndices(waveform);
                int count = SBArray.GetItemCount(waveform);
                double interval = indices[count] - indices[1];
                double[] timeFrac = new double[count];
                double[] timeValue = new double[count];
                for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) //Normalise to interval 1;
                    timeFrac[i - 1] = (indices[i] - indices[1]) / interval;
                    timeValue[i - 1] = waveform[indices[i]];

                for (int i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++)
                    frac = i / (double)sampleCount;
                    frac = frac - (int)frac;
                    for (int j = 0; j < count - 1; j++)
                        if (frac >= timeFrac[j] && frac <= timeFrac[j + 1])
                            value = timeValue[j] + (timeValue[j + 1] - timeValue[j]) * (frac - timeFrac[j]) / (timeFrac[j + 1] - timeFrac[j]);
                            rawsamples[i] = (short)(amplitude * value);
                secondarySoundBuffer.Write(rawsamples, 0, LockFlags.EntireBuffer);

                string name = NextName();
                Buffer buffer = new Buffer(name, secondarySoundBuffer, frequency, duration);

                Thread thread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(DoPlay));
                if (!bAsync) thread.Join();
                return name;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Utilities.OnError(Utilities.GetCurrentMethod(), ex);
                return "";
Esempio n. 40
		public void StartSound()
			BufferSizeSamples = Sound.MillisecondsToSamples(Global.Config.SoundBufferSizeMs);

			// 35 to 65 milliseconds depending on how big the buffer is. This is a trade-off
			// between more frequent but less severe glitches (i.e. catching underruns before
			// they happen and filling the buffer with silence) or less frequent but more
			// severe glitches. At least on my Windows 8 machines, the distance between the
			// play and write cursors can be up to 30 milliseconds, so that would be the
			// absolute minimum we could use here.
			int minBufferFullnessMs = Math.Min(35 + ((Global.Config.SoundBufferSizeMs - 60) / 2), 65);
			MaxSamplesDeficit = BufferSizeSamples - Sound.MillisecondsToSamples(minBufferFullnessMs);

			var format = new WaveFormat
					SamplesPerSecond = Sound.SampleRate,
					BitsPerSample = Sound.BytesPerSample * 8,
					Channels = Sound.ChannelCount,
					FormatTag = WaveFormatTag.Pcm,
					BlockAlignment = Sound.BlockAlign,
					AverageBytesPerSecond = Sound.SampleRate * Sound.BlockAlign

			var desc = new SoundBufferDescription
					Format = format,
					Flags =
						BufferFlags.GlobalFocus |
						BufferFlags.Software |
						BufferFlags.GetCurrentPosition2 |
					SizeInBytes = BufferSizeBytes

			_deviceBuffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(_device, desc);

			_actualWriteOffsetBytes = -1;
			_filledBufferSizeBytes = 0;
			_lastWriteTime = 0;
			_lastWriteCursor = 0;

			_deviceBuffer.Play(0, SlimDX.DirectSound.PlayFlags.Looping);
Esempio n. 41
        private static string _Play(double frequency, double duration, int iType)
                int sampleCount = (int)(waveFormat.SamplesPerSecond / frequency);

                // buffer description
                SoundBufferDescription soundBufferDescription = new SoundBufferDescription();
                soundBufferDescription.Format = waveFormat;
                soundBufferDescription.Flags = BufferFlags.Defer | BufferFlags.ControlVolume | BufferFlags.ControlPan;
                soundBufferDescription.SizeInBytes = sampleCount * waveFormat.BlockAlignment;

                SecondarySoundBuffer secondarySoundBuffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(directSound, soundBufferDescription);
                secondarySoundBuffer.Pan = pan;
                secondarySoundBuffer.Volume = volume;

                short[] rawsamples = new short[sampleCount];
                double frac, value;

                switch (iType)
                    case 1: //Sinusoidal
                        for (int i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++)
                            frac = i / (double)sampleCount;
                            value = System.Math.Sin(2.0 * System.Math.PI * frac);
                            rawsamples[i] = (short)(amplitude * value);
                    case 2: //Square
                        for (int i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++)
                            frac = i / (double)sampleCount;
                            frac = frac - (int)frac;
                            value = frac < 0.5 ? -1.0 : 1.0;
                            rawsamples[i] = (short)(amplitude * value);
                secondarySoundBuffer.Write(rawsamples, 0, LockFlags.EntireBuffer);

                string name = NextName();
                Buffer buffer = new Buffer(name, secondarySoundBuffer, frequency, duration);

                Thread thread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(DoPlay));
                if (!bAsync) thread.Join();
                return name;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Utilities.OnError(Utilities.GetCurrentMethod(), ex);
                return "";
Esempio n. 42
        /// <summary>
        ///   Constructs a new Audio Output Device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="device">Global identifier of the audio output device.</param>
        /// <param name="owner">The owner window handle.</param>
        /// <param name="samplingRate">The sampling rate of the device.</param>
        /// <param name="channels">The number of channels of the device.</param>
        public AudioOutputDevice(Guid device, IntPtr owner, int samplingRate, int channels)
            this.owner = owner;
            this.samplingRate = samplingRate;
            this.channels = channels;
            this.device = device;

            DirectSound ds = new DirectSound(device);
            ds.SetCooperativeLevel(owner, CooperativeLevel.Priority);

            // Set the output format
            WaveFormat waveFormat = new WaveFormat();
            waveFormat.FormatTag = WaveFormatTag.IeeeFloat;
            waveFormat.BitsPerSample = 32;
            waveFormat.BlockAlignment = (short)(waveFormat.BitsPerSample * channels / 8);
            waveFormat.Channels = (short)channels;
            waveFormat.SamplesPerSecond = samplingRate;
            waveFormat.AverageBytesPerSecond = waveFormat.SamplesPerSecond * waveFormat.BlockAlignment;

            bufferSize = 8 * waveFormat.AverageBytesPerSecond;

            // Setup the secondary buffer
            SoundBufferDescription desc2 = new SoundBufferDescription();
            desc2.Flags =
                BufferFlags.GlobalFocus |
                BufferFlags.ControlPositionNotify |
            desc2.SizeInBytes = bufferSize;
            desc2.Format = waveFormat;

            buffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(ds, desc2);

            var list = new List<NotificationPosition>();
            int numberOfPositions = 32;

            // Set notification for buffer percentiles
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPositions; i++)
                list.Add(new NotificationPosition()
                    Event = new AutoResetEvent(false),
                    Offset = i * bufferSize / numberOfPositions + 1,

            // Set notification for end of buffer
            list.Add(new NotificationPosition()
                Offset = bufferSize - 1,
                Event = new AutoResetEvent(false)

            firstHalfBufferIndex = numberOfPositions / 2;
            secondHalfBufferIndex = numberOfPositions;

            notifications = list.ToArray();

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(notifications[firstHalfBufferIndex].Offset == bufferSize / 2 + 1);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(notifications[secondHalfBufferIndex].Offset == bufferSize - 1);

            // Make a copy of the wait handles
            waitHandles = new WaitHandle[notifications.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < notifications.Length; i++)
                waitHandles[i] = notifications[i].Event;

            // Store all notification positions
Esempio n. 43
        private static string _PlayWavFile(string fileName, double duration)

                WaveStream waveFile = new WaveStream(fileName);
                SoundBufferDescription soundBufferDescription = new SoundBufferDescription();
                soundBufferDescription.Format = waveFile.Format;
                soundBufferDescription.Flags = BufferFlags.Defer | BufferFlags.ControlVolume | BufferFlags.ControlPan;
                soundBufferDescription.SizeInBytes = (int)waveFile.Length;

                SecondarySoundBuffer secondarySoundBuffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(directSound, soundBufferDescription);
                secondarySoundBuffer.Pan = pan;
                secondarySoundBuffer.Volume = volume;

                byte[] rawsamples = new byte[soundBufferDescription.SizeInBytes];
                waveFile.Read(rawsamples, 0, soundBufferDescription.SizeInBytes);
                secondarySoundBuffer.Write(rawsamples, 0, LockFlags.EntireBuffer);

                string name = NextName();
                Buffer buffer = new Buffer(name, secondarySoundBuffer, 0, duration);

                Thread thread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(DoPlay));
                if (!bAsync) thread.Join();
                return name;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Utilities.OnError(Utilities.GetCurrentMethod(), ex);
                return "";
Esempio n. 44
        private static string _PlayDX7(Primitive channels)
                int i, iServo;
                double duration = 0.0225;
                int sampleCount = (int)(duration * waveFormat.SamplesPerSecond);

                // buffer description
                SoundBufferDescription soundBufferDescription = new SoundBufferDescription();
                soundBufferDescription.Format = waveFormat;
                soundBufferDescription.Flags = BufferFlags.Defer | BufferFlags.ControlVolume | BufferFlags.ControlPan;
                soundBufferDescription.SizeInBytes = sampleCount * waveFormat.BlockAlignment;

                SecondarySoundBuffer secondarySoundBuffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(directSound, soundBufferDescription);
                secondarySoundBuffer.Pan = pan;
                secondarySoundBuffer.Volume = volume;

                short[] rawsamples = new short[sampleCount];
                int stopSamples = (int)(0.0004 * waveFormat.SamplesPerSecond);
                List<int> servoSamples = new List<int>();
                Primitive indices = SBArray.GetAllIndices(channels);
                int servoCount = SBArray.GetItemCount(indices);
                for (iServo = 1; iServo <= servoCount; iServo++)
                    servoSamples.Add((int)((0.0007 + 0.0008 * channels[indices[iServo]]) * waveFormat.SamplesPerSecond));
                int leading = sampleCount - (servoCount + 1) * stopSamples - servoSamples.Sum();
                int sample = 0;
                for (i = 0; i < leading; i++) rawsamples[sample++] = 0;
                for (i = 0; i < stopSamples; i++) rawsamples[sample++] = (short)(-amplitude);
                for (iServo = 0; iServo < servoCount; iServo++)
                    for (i = 0; i < servoSamples[iServo]; i++) rawsamples[sample++] = amplitude;
                    for (i = 0; i < stopSamples; i++) rawsamples[sample++] = (short)(-amplitude);
                secondarySoundBuffer.Write(rawsamples, 0, LockFlags.EntireBuffer);

                string name = NextName();
                Buffer buffer = new Buffer(name, secondarySoundBuffer, 0, -1);

                Thread thread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(DoPlay));
                if (!bAsync) thread.Join();
                return name;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Utilities.OnError(Utilities.GetCurrentMethod(), ex);
                return "";
Esempio n. 45
        void load_sound_file(ref MemoryStream sound_stream, ref WaveStream wave_stream, ref byte[] data_array, ref SoundBufferDescription buf_desc, ref SecondarySoundBuffer buf, string file, ref bool executed)
                if ((((Form1)(form1_reference)).retrieve_resources != null) && (((Form1)(form1_reference)).retrieve_resources.EntryFileNames.Contains(file)))
                    sound_stream = new MemoryStream();
                    ((Form1)(form1_reference)).retrieve_resources.Extract(file, sound_stream);
                    data_array = new byte[Convert.ToInt32(sound_stream.Length)];
                    data_array = sound_stream.ToArray();
                    wave = new WaveFormat();
                    wave.FormatTag = WaveFormatTag.Pcm;
                    wave.BitsPerSample = (short)((data_array[35] << 8) | data_array[34]);
                    wave.BlockAlignment = (short)((data_array[33] << 8) | data_array[32]);
                    wave.Channels = (short)((data_array[23] << 8) | data_array[22]);
                    wave.SamplesPerSecond = (int)((data_array[27] << 24) | (data_array[26] << 16) | (data_array[25] << 8) | (data_array[24]));
                    wave.AverageBytesPerSecond = (int)((data_array[27] << 24) | (data_array[26] << 16) | (data_array[25] << 8) | (data_array[24]));

                    sound_stream = new MemoryStream(data_array);
                    wave_stream = new WaveStream(sound_stream);
                    buf_desc = new SoundBufferDescription();
                    buf_desc.Flags = BufferFlags.GlobalFocus;
                    buf_desc.SizeInBytes = (int)sound_stream.Length;
                    buf_desc.Format = wave;
                    if (sound_stream.Length > 0)
                        buf = new SecondarySoundBuffer(device, buf_desc);
                        wave_stream.Read(data_array, 0, buf_desc.SizeInBytes);
                        buf.Write(data_array, 0, LockFlags.EntireBuffer);
                    executed = false;
                    buf_desc = new SoundBufferDescription();
                    buf_desc.Flags = BufferFlags.GlobalFocus;
                    if (File.Exists(file))
                        wave_stream = new WaveStream(file);
                        buf_desc.Format = wave_stream.Format;
                        buf_desc.SizeInBytes = (int)wave_stream.Length;
                        data_array = new byte[wave_stream.Length];
                        buf = new SecondarySoundBuffer(device, buf_desc);
                        wave_stream.Read(data_array, 0, buf_desc.SizeInBytes);
                        buf.Write(data_array, 0, LockFlags.EntireBuffer);
                    executed = false;
            catch (DirectSoundException e)
                MessageBox.Show(e.ToString(), "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK);