Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queryable"></param>
        /// <param name="options"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual IQueryable <T> ApplySorting <T>(IQueryable <T> queryable, SortingOptions <T> options) where T : SearchResultItem
            if (options == null || !options.Operations.Any())

            // Resolve bug with Sitecore not evaluating orders correctly
            //var expressions = options.Operations.Reverse();

            var operations = options.Operations as SortingOptions <T> .SortingOperation[] ?? options.Operations.ToArray();

            var orderByExpression = operations.First();

            var orderedQueryable = orderByExpression.SortOrder == SortOrder.Ascending
                ? queryable.OrderBy(orderByExpression.Expression)
                : queryable.OrderByDescending(orderByExpression.Expression);

                              (current, expression) =>
                              expression.SortOrder == SortOrder.Ascending
                                         ? current.ThenBy(expression.Expression)
                                         : current.ThenByDescending(expression.Expression)));
Esempio n. 2
        public static void LoadList()
            _logger.Debug("Test: LoadList()");

            var sorting = new SortingOptions<TestObject>(x => x.Name).Asc();
            var paging = new PagingOptions { ResultsPerPage = 5, Page = 0 };

            _logger.Debug("Loading page 1");
            var list = TestObject.Load(paging, sorting);
            foreach (var i in list)
                _logger.Debug("Record {0}: {1}", i.Id, i.Name);

            if (paging.PageCount > 1)
                _logger.Debug("Loading page 2");
                paging.Page = 1;
                list = TestObject.Load(paging, sorting);
                foreach (var i in list)
                    _logger.Debug("Record {0}: {1}", i.Id, i.Name);
Esempio n. 3
        public async Task <ServiceResult <CommentsResponseBo> > GetCommentsAsync(string postId, string commentId, int skip, int limit)
            var pagingOptions  = new PagingOptions().SkipItems(skip).LimitItems(limit);
            var sortingOptions = new SortingOptions("CreatedOn");

            var sortOptions = new List <SortingOptions> {

            Expression <Func <CommentEntity, bool> > filterCondition;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(commentId))
                filterCondition = comment => comment.IsDeleted == false && comment.PostId == postId && comment.ParentId == commentId;
                filterCondition = comment => comment.IsDeleted == false && comment.PostId == postId && comment.ParentId == null;

            var repositoryResult = await this._commentRepository.GetAsync(filterCondition, pagingOptions, sortOptions);

            var mapperResult = this._mapper.Map <IEnumerable <CommentItemBo> >(repositoryResult);

            var commentResponseBo = await this.MapCommentsResultsWithPageOptions(postId, commentId, skip, limit, mapperResult);

            return(new ServiceResult <CommentsResponseBo> {
                Value = commentResponseBo
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Load list of T objects that match the specified criteria with support for paging and sorting
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paging"></param>
        /// <param name="sorting"></param>
        /// <param name="query">Query used to retrieve the T objects. If not specified, all objects will be returned</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <T> Load(PagingOptions paging, SortingOptions <T> sorting, IQueryOver <T, T> useQuery = null)
            IQueryOver <T, T> query = (useQuery == null) ? SessionManager.CurrentSession.QueryOver <T>() : useQuery;

            // Logging the method call
            _logger.Debug("{0}.Load(paging, sorting, useQuery)", typeof(T));
            _logger.Debug("Paging: DontApplyPaging={0} Page={1} ResultsPerPage={2} ItemsCount={3} PageCount={4}", paging.DontApplyPaging, paging.Page, paging.ResultsPerPage, paging.ItemsCount, paging.PageCount);
            _logger.Debug("Sorting: DontApplySorting={0} OrderBy={1} SortOrder={2}", sorting.DontApplySorting, sorting.OrderBy.Body, sorting.SortOrder);

            // Aplly sorting
            if (!sorting.DontApplySorting)
                var order = query.OrderBy(sorting.OrderBy);
                query = (sorting.SortOrder == SortOrder.Ascending) ? order.Asc : order.Desc;

            // Apply paging
            if (!paging.DontApplyPaging)
                // Update the paging object with the total number of records
                // so we can determine how many pages there are available
                UpdatePagingOptions((ICriteria)query.UnderlyingCriteria.Clone(), paging);

                // Limit the query results
                .SetFirstResult(paging.ResultsPerPage * paging.Page)

            return((List <T>)query.List <T>());
Esempio n. 5
        public List <Resource> GetRolePermsResList(List <UserRole> userRoles)
            List <Resource> rolePermsResList = new List <Resource>();
            string          roleIds          = string.Empty;
            string          roleNames        = string.Empty;

            if (userRoles.Count > 0)
                foreach (UserRole ur in userRoles)
                    roleIds   += ur.Role.Id + ",";
                    roleNames += ur.Role.FullName + ",";
                roleIds   = roleIds.TrimEnd(',');
                roleNames = roleNames.TrimEnd(',');
            long[] objectIds         = Array.ConvertAll <string, long>(roleIds.Split(','), delegate(string s) { return(long.Parse(s)); });
            var    roleSpecification = new Specification <Permission>(p => objectIds.Contains(p.ObjectId));

            roleSpecification.FetchStrategy.Include(obj => obj.Resource);
            var sortingOtopns   = new SortingOptions <Permission, int?>(x => x.Resource.SortCode, isDescending: false);
            var rolePermissions = permissionRepository.FindAll(roleSpecification, sortingOtopns);

            foreach (Permission p in rolePermissions)
Esempio n. 6
        public async Task <ServiceResult <PostsListResponseBo> > GetPostsAsync(string tag, string page, int skip, int limit, CancellationToken token)
            var pagingOptions  = new PagingOptions().SkipItems(skip).LimitItems(limit);
            var sortingOptions = new SortingOptions("CreatedOn");

            var sortOptions = new List <SortingOptions> {

            Expression <Func <PostEntity, bool> > condition = post => !post.IsDeleted;

            if (tag.IsNotNull())
                condition.And(post => post.Tags.Contains(tag));

            PageOption pageOption;
            bool       isValidPage = Enum.TryParse <PageOption>(page, true, out pageOption);

            if (!isValidPage || pageOption == PageOption.Recommended)
                condition.And(post => post.IsRecommended);

            var repositoryResult = await this._postRepository.GetAsync(condition, pagingOptions, sortOptions, token);

            var mapperResult = this._autoMapperService.Map <IEnumerable <PostItemBo> >(repositoryResult);

            var postsResponseBo = await this.MapPostsResultsWithPageOptions(skip, limit, mapperResult, token);

            return(new ServiceResult <PostsListResponseBo> {
                Value = postsResponseBo
Esempio n. 7
        public void TryFindAllResult_After_Add_To_Partition_Should_Return_False()
            IEnumerable <Contact> result;
            var contacts = new[] { new Contact()
                                       ContactId = 1, Name = "Test User", ContactTypeId = 1
                                   } };
            var specification = new Specification <Contact>(x => x.ContactTypeId == 1);
            IQueryOptions <Contact> queryOptions = new SortingOptions <Contact>("Name", true);

            CachingStrategy.SaveFindAllResult(specification, queryOptions, null, contacts);
            CachingStrategy.TryFindAllResult(specification, queryOptions, null, out result).ShouldEqual(true);

            var contact2 = new Contact()
                ContactId = 2, Name = "Test User 2", ContactTypeId = 1

            CachingStrategy.Add(2, contact2);
            CachingStrategy.TryFindAllResult(specification, queryOptions, null, out result).ShouldEqual(false);
            CachingStrategy.SaveFindAllResult(specification, queryOptions, null, contacts);

            // after saving the new results in the next generation then it should find it
            CachingStrategy.TryFindAllResult(specification, queryOptions, null, out result).ShouldEqual(true);
Esempio n. 8
        protected virtual SortingOptions GetSort(string sort)
            var sortingOptions = new SortingOptions();

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sort))
                var fields = sort.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                foreach (var field in fields)
                    string name = field.Trim();
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))

                    var order = SortOrder.Ascending;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sort) && sort.StartsWith("-"))
                        name  = name.Substring(1);
                        order = SortOrder.Descending;

                    if (AllowedFields.Contains(name))
                        sortingOptions.Fields.Add(new FieldSort {
                            Field = name, Order = order

Esempio n. 9
        public ActionResult Edit(int id)
            Device existing = deviceRepository.Get(id);

            if (existing == null)

            var model = new DeviceModel
                Id              = existing.Id,
                Name            = existing.Name,
                Description     = existing.Description,
                IMEI            = existing.IMEI,
                SimNumber       = existing.SimNumber,
                AreaId          = existing.AreaId,
                TransportPlanId = existing.TransportPlanId

            var    sortingOptions = new SortingOptions <DtuGPS, DateTime>(x => x.RecvTime, true);
            DtuGPS gps            = dtuGpsRepository.FindAll(g => g.IMEI == existing.IMEI, sortingOptions).FirstOrDefault();

            if (gps != null)
                model.longitude = gps.Longitude;
                model.latitude  = gps.Latitude;

            ViewBag.Areas       = GetAreaSelectItems();
            ViewBag.Plans       = GetPlanSelectItems();
            ViewBag.DeviceTypes = GetDeviceTypeItems();
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Update all grouping options. This method is intended to be called only from parent view.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stateManager">The new state manager for the hosted page.</param>
        public void ReloadGroupingOptions(IPageGroupingStateManager stateManager)
            IsNavigationOpsAvailable = false;

            _stateManager = stateManager;

            // Reload options
            var options = _stateManager.PopulateAvailablePairs();

            foreach (var option in options)

            // Set default option
            // We don't need to set it - it is already passed to view
            var lastUsedOption = _stateManager.GetLastUsedPair();
            var elem           = SortingOptions.Where(i => i.Identifier == lastUsedOption.Identifier).ToList();

            if (elem.Any())
                SelectedItemIndex = SortingOptions.IndexOf(elem.FirstOrDefault());

            // Enable selection
            IsNavigationOpsAvailable = true;
Esempio n. 11
        public static void LoadList()
            _logger.Debug("Test: LoadList()");

            var sorting = new SortingOptions <TestObject>(x => x.Name).Asc();
            var paging  = new PagingOptions {
                ResultsPerPage = 5, Page = 0

            _logger.Debug("Loading page 1");
            var list = TestObject.Load(paging, sorting);

            foreach (var i in list)
                _logger.Debug("Record {0}: {1}", i.Id, i.Name);

            if (paging.PageCount > 1)
                _logger.Debug("Loading page 2");
                paging.Page = 1;
                list        = TestObject.Load(paging, sorting);
                foreach (var i in list)
                    _logger.Debug("Record {0}: {1}", i.Id, i.Name);
Esempio n. 12
        public List <PermissionGridDto> GetUserPermissionList(long userId)
            var specification = new Specification <Permission>(p => p.ObjectId.Equals(userId) && p.ObjectType.Equals("UserPermission"));
            var sortingOtopns = new SortingOptions <Permission, int?>(x => x.Resource.SortCode, isDescending: false);
            var list          = permissionRepository.FindAll(specification, sortingOtopns).ToList();

            return(Mapper.Map <List <PermissionGridDto> >(list));
Esempio n. 13
        public List <ResourceGridDto> GetButtonList(string menuId)
            var specification = new Specification <Resource>(u => u.DeletedMark == false && u.ObjectType == "Button");
            var sortingOtopns = new SortingOptions <Resource, int?>(x => x.SortCode, isDescending: false);
            var list          = resourceRepository.FindAll(specification, sortingOtopns).ToList();

            return(Mapper.Map <List <ResourceGridDto> >(list));
        public Task <FindResults <T> > GetAllAsync(SortingOptions sorting = null, PagingOptions paging = null)
            var search = new ElasticQuery()

Esempio n. 15
        public List <OrganizeGridDto> GetList()
            var specification = new Specification <Organize>(u => u.DeletedMark == false);
            var sortingOtopns = new SortingOptions <Organize, int?>(x => x.SortCode, isDescending: true);
            var list          = organizeRepository.FindAll(specification, sortingOtopns).ToList();

            return(Mapper.Map <List <OrganizeGridDto> >(list));
 public static T WithSort <T>(this T query, SortingOptions sorting) where T : ISortableQuery
     if (sorting != null)
Esempio n. 17
        public List <WxImageGridDto> GetList()
            string appId         = WxOperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().AppId;
            var    specification = new Specification <WxImage>(p => p.DeletedMark == false && p.AppId == appId);
            var    sortingOtopns = new SortingOptions <WxImage, DateTime?>(x => x.CreationTime, isDescending: false);
            var    list          = wxImageRepository.FindAll(specification, sortingOtopns).ToList();

            return(Mapper.Map <List <WxImageGridDto> >(list));
Esempio n. 18
        /// <summary>
        ///   Sorts task and updates GUI accordingly
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sortingOption"></param>
        private void SortTasks(SortingOptions sortingOption)
            if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(SortingOptions), sortingOption))
                throw new ArgumentException("sortingOption must be a SortingOptions", "sortingOption");

Esempio n. 19
        public virtual ICollection <string> GetIncludedEntities()
            Groups.ForEach(g => AddNavigationPropertyIfNeeded(g.PropertyName));
            GroupSummaries.ForEach(g => AddNavigationPropertyIfNeeded(g.PropertyName));
            Filters.ForEach(g => AddNavigationPropertyIfNeeded(g.PropertyName));
            SortingOptions.ForEach(g => AddNavigationPropertyIfNeeded(g.PropertyName));
            Summaries.ForEach(g => AddNavigationPropertyIfNeeded(g.PropertyName));

        public void SortingBuilder_ForNullExpression_ThrowsException()
            // Arrange
            var options = new SortingOptions <TestSearchResultItem>();
            var builder = new SortingOptionsBuilder <TestSearchResultItem>(options);

            // Act

            // Assert
Esempio n. 21
 public GridViewDataSet <Company <bool> > GetWithSorting([FromUri, AsObject(typeof(ISortingOptions))] SortingOptions sortingOptions)
     lock (Database.Instance)
         var dataSet = new GridViewDataSet <Company <bool> >()
             SortingOptions = sortingOptions
        public void TryFindResult_With_Same_QueryOptions_Should_Return_True()
            var contact = new Contact()
                ContactId = 1, Name = "Test User"
            var specification = new Specification <Contact>(x => x.ContactId == 1);
            IQueryOptions <Contact> queryOptions = new SortingOptions <Contact>("Name");

            CachingStrategy.SaveFindResult(specification, queryOptions, null, contact);
            CachingStrategy.TryFindResult(specification, queryOptions, null, out Contact result).ShouldBe(true);
        public void SortingOptions_Will_Sort_By_SortExpression_Asc()
            var contacts = new List<Contact>();
            for (var i = 5; i >= 1; i--)
                contacts.Add(new Contact { Name = "Test User " + i });

            var qo = new SortingOptions<Contact, string>(x => x.Name);
            var queryable = qo.Apply(contacts.AsQueryable());
            queryable.First().Name.ShouldEqual("Test User 1");
        public void SortingOptions_Will_Sort_By_Multiple_Deep_SortProperty_Desc()
            var contacts = new List<Contact>();
            for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
                contacts.Add(new Contact { Name = "Test User " + i, ContactType = new ContactType { Name = "Type " + (5 - i) } });

            var qo = new SortingOptions<Contact>("ContactType.Name", isDescending: true);
            var queryable = qo.Apply(contacts.AsQueryable());
            queryable.First().Name.ShouldEqual("Test User 1");
        public void SortingBuilder_ForExpression_AddsExpression()
            // Arrange
            var options = new SortingOptions <TestSearchResultItem>();
            var builder = new SortingOptionsBuilder <TestSearchResultItem>(options);

            // Act
            builder.By(result => result.Name, SortOrder.Descending);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsTrue(options.Operations.Count == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue(options.Operations.First().SortOrder == SortOrder.Descending);
Esempio n. 26
 public AudioSearch(string searchText, bool correctErrors, bool hasLyrics, bool searchOption,
                    SortingOptions sortingOption, bool searchInOwn, string offset, string count, string accessToken)
     _searchText    = searchText;
     _correctErrors = correctErrors;
     _hasLyrics     = hasLyrics;
     _searchOption  = searchOption;
     _sortingOption = sortingOption;
     _searchInOwn   = searchInOwn;
     _offset        = offset;
     _count         = count;
     _accessToken   = accessToken;
Esempio n. 27
        public List <DutyGridDto> GetList(string keyword)
            var spec = new Specification <Duty>(p => p.DeletedMark.Equals(false));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword))
                spec = new Specification <Duty>(p => p.DeletedMark.Equals(false) && (p.FullName.Contains(keyword) || p.EnCode.Contains(keyword)));
            var sortingOtopns = new SortingOptions <Duty, int?>(x => x.SortCode, isDescending: false);
            var list          = dutyRepository.FindAll(spec, sortingOtopns).ToList();

            return(Mapper.Map <List <DutyGridDto> >(list));
Esempio n. 28
 public GridViewDataSet <Company <string> > GetWithSortingAndPaging([FromUri, AsObject(typeof(ISortingOptions))] SortingOptions sortingOptions, [FromUri, AsObject(typeof(IPagingOptions))] PagingOptions pagingOptions)
     lock (Database.Instance)
         var dataSet = new GridViewDataSet <Company <string> >()
             PagingOptions  = pagingOptions,
             SortingOptions = sortingOptions
        public void SortingOptions_Will_Sort_By_SortProperty_Desc()
            var contacts = new List<Contact>();
            for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
                contacts.Add(new Contact { Name = "Test User " + i });

            var qo = new SortingOptions<Contact>("Name", true);
            IQueryable<Contact> queryable = qo.Apply(contacts.AsQueryable());
            queryable.First().Name.ShouldEqual("Test User 5");
        public void TryGetAllResult_With_Same_QueryOptions_Should_Return_True()
            var contact = new Contact()
                ContactId = 1, Name = "Test User"
            var sorting = new SortingOptions <Contact>("Name");

            CachingStrategy.SaveGetAllResult(sorting, null, new[] { contact });
            CachingStrategy.TryGetAllResult(sorting, null, out IEnumerable <Contact> result).ShouldBe(true);

        public void SortingOptions_Will_Sort_By_SortExpression_Desc()
            var contacts = new List<Contact>();
            for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
                contacts.Add(new Contact { Name = "Test User " + i });

            var qo = new SortingOptions<Contact, string>(x => x.Name, isDescending: true);
            IQueryable<Contact> queryable = qo.Apply(contacts.AsQueryable());
            queryable.First().Name.ShouldEqual("Test User 5");
        public void SaveFindResult_Should_Set_Cache()
            Contact result;
            var contact = new Contact() { ContactId = 1, Name = "Test User" };
            var specification = new Specification<Contact>(x => x.ContactId == 1);
            IQueryOptions<Contact> queryOptions = null;

            CachingStrategy.SaveFindResult(specification, queryOptions, null, contact);
            CachingStrategy.TryFindResult(specification, queryOptions, null, out result).ShouldEqual(true);

            queryOptions = new SortingOptions<Contact>("Name");
            CachingStrategy.SaveFindResult(specification, queryOptions, null, contact);
            CachingStrategy.TryFindResult(specification, queryOptions, null, out result).ShouldEqual(true);
Esempio n. 33
        public List <WxTextGridDto> GetList(string keyword)
            string appId         = WxOperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().AppId;
            var    specification = new Specification <WxText>(p => p.DeletedMark == false && p.AppId == appId);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword))
                specification = new Specification <WxText>(p => p.DeletedMark == false && p.AppId == appId && (p.Title.Contains(keyword) || p.Content.Contains(keyword)));
            var sortingOtopns = new SortingOptions <WxText, DateTime?>(x => x.CreationTime, isDescending: false);
            var list          = wxTextRepository.FindAll(specification, sortingOtopns).ToList();

            return(Mapper.Map <List <WxTextGridDto> >(list));
Esempio n. 34
        public void TryFindAllResult_With_Same_QueryOptions_Should_Return_True()
            var contact = new Contact()
                ContactId = 1, Name = "Test User"
            var specification = new Specification <Contact>(x => x.ContactId == 1);
            IQueryOptions <Contact> queryOptions = new SortingOptions <Contact>("Name");

            CachingStrategy.SaveFindAllResult(specification, queryOptions, null, new[] { contact });
            CachingStrategy.TryFindAllResult(specification, queryOptions, null, out IEnumerable <Contact> result).Should().Be(true);

Esempio n. 35
        public List <WxOfficialGridDto> GetList(string keyword)
            OperatorModel operatorModel = OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent();
            var           specification = new Specification <WxOfficial>(p => p.CreatorUserId == operatorModel.Id);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword))
                specification = new Specification <WxOfficial>(p => p.Account.Contains(keyword) || p.Name.Contains(keyword));
            var sortingOtopns = new SortingOptions <WxOfficial, DateTime?>(x => x.CreationTime, isDescending: false);
            var list          = wxOfficialRepository.FindAll(specification, sortingOtopns).ToList();

            return(Mapper.Map <List <WxOfficialGridDto> >(list));
Esempio n. 36
        public void SaveFindResult_Should_Set_Cache()
            var contact = new Contact()
                ContactId = 1, Name = "Test User"
            var specification = new Specification <Contact>(x => x.ContactId == 1);
            IQueryOptions <Contact> queryOptions = null;

            CachingStrategy.SaveFindResult(specification, queryOptions, null, contact);
            CachingStrategy.TryFindResult(specification, queryOptions, null, out Contact result).Should().Be(true);

            queryOptions = new SortingOptions <Contact>("Name");
            CachingStrategy.SaveFindResult(specification, queryOptions, null, contact);
            CachingStrategy.TryFindResult(specification, queryOptions, null, out result).Should().Be(true);
        public void TryGetAllResult_With_Same_QueryOptions_Should_Return_True()
            IEnumerable<Contact> result;
            var contact = new Contact() { ContactId = 1, Name = "Test User" };
            var sorting = new SortingOptions<Contact>("Name");

            CachingStrategy.SaveGetAllResult(sorting, null, new[] { contact });
            CachingStrategy.TryGetAllResult(sorting, null, out result).ShouldEqual(true);

        public void TryFindResult_With_Different_QueryOptions_Should_Return_False()
            Contact result;
            var contact = new Contact() { ContactId = 1, Name = "Test User" };
            var specification = new Specification<Contact>(x => x.ContactId == 1);
            IQueryOptions<Contact> queryOptions = new SortingOptions<Contact>("Name");

            CachingStrategy.SaveFindResult(specification, queryOptions, null, contact);
            CachingStrategy.TryFindResult(specification, null, null, out result).ShouldEqual(false);

            CachingStrategy.SaveFindResult(specification, queryOptions, null, contact);
            CachingStrategy.TryFindResult(specification, new SortingOptions<Contact>("Name", true), null, out result).ShouldEqual(false);
Esempio n. 39
 private void LoadGameLibrary()
     var library = _serviceLocator.GetInstance<IGameLibraryManager>();
     var gameInfoList = new ObservableCollection<GameInfo>();
     var collection = new ThreadedObservableCollection<GameInfo>(gameInfoList, this.Dispatcher);
     _collectionView = new ListCollectionView(gameInfoList);
     _collectionView.Filter = new Predicate<object>(Filter);
     _collectionView.CustomSort = new GameInfoComparer(SortingOptions.Name);
     _collectionView.GroupDescriptions.Add(new GameInfoGroupDescription(SortingOptions.Name));
     _sortingOption = SortingOptions.Name;
     Thread gameLoader = new Thread(() => library.UpdateGameLibrary(collection));
     gamesList.ItemsSource = _collectionView;
     gamesList.SelectedIndex = 0;
        public void TryFindAllResult_With_Same_QueryOptions_Should_Return_True()
            IEnumerable<Contact> result;
            var contact = new Contact() { ContactId = 1, Name = "Test User" };
            var specification = new Specification<Contact>(x => x.ContactId == 1);
            IQueryOptions<Contact> queryOptions = new SortingOptions<Contact>("Name");

            CachingStrategy.SaveFindAllResult(specification, queryOptions, null, new[] { contact });
            CachingStrategy.TryFindAllResult(specification, queryOptions, null, out result).ShouldEqual(true);

        public void TryFindAllResult_After_Delete_To_Partition_Should_Return_False()
            IEnumerable<Contact> result;
            var contacts = new[] { new Contact() { ContactId = 1, Name = "Test User", ContactTypeId = 1 } };
            var specification = new Specification<Contact>(x => x.ContactTypeId == 1);
            IQueryOptions<Contact> queryOptions = new SortingOptions<Contact>("Name", true);

            CachingStrategy.SaveFindAllResult(specification, queryOptions, null, contacts);
            CachingStrategy.TryFindAllResult(specification, queryOptions, null, out result).ShouldEqual(true);

            CachingStrategy.Delete(1, contacts[0]);

            CachingStrategy.TryFindAllResult(specification, queryOptions, null, out result).ShouldEqual(false);
            CachingStrategy.SaveFindAllResult(specification, queryOptions, null, contacts);

            // after saving the new results in the next generation then it should find it
            CachingStrategy.TryFindAllResult(specification, queryOptions, null, out result).ShouldEqual(true);
Esempio n. 42
        private void ChangeSorting_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

            if (_sortingOption == SortingOptions.Name)
                _sortingOption = SortingOptions.Publisher;
                _collectionView.CustomSort = new GameInfoComparer(_sortingOption);
                _collectionView.GroupDescriptions.Add(new GameInfoGroupDescription(_sortingOption));

            if (_sortingOption == SortingOptions.Publisher)
                _sortingOption = SortingOptions.Year;
                _collectionView.CustomSort = new GameInfoComparer(_sortingOption);
                _collectionView.GroupDescriptions.Add(new GameInfoGroupDescription(_sortingOption));
            if (_sortingOption == SortingOptions.Year)
                _sortingOption = SortingOptions.Name;
                _collectionView.CustomSort = new GameInfoComparer(_sortingOption);
                _collectionView.GroupDescriptions.Add(new GameInfoGroupDescription(_sortingOption));
Esempio n. 43
 public GameInfoComparer(SortingOptions sorting)
     _sorting = sorting;
        public void SortingOptions_With_Multiple_Sorting_Properties()
            var contacts = new List<Contact>();
            for (int i = 5; i >= 1; i--)
                contacts.Add(new Contact { Name = "Test User " + (i % 2),ContactTypeId = i});

            var qo = new SortingOptions<Contact>("Name");

            IQueryable<Contact> queryable = qo.Apply(contacts.AsQueryable());

            var contact = queryable.First();
            contact.Name.ShouldEqual("Test User 0");
 public GameInfoGroupDescription(SortingOptions sorting)
     _sorting = sorting;
        public void TryFindResult_After_Update_To_Different_Partition_Should_Return_True()
            Contact result;
            var contact = new Contact() { ContactId = 1, Name = "Test User", ContactTypeId = 1 };
            var specification = new Specification<Contact>(x => x.ContactTypeId == 1);
            IQueryOptions<Contact> queryOptions = new SortingOptions<Contact>("Name", true);

            CachingStrategy.SaveFindResult(specification, queryOptions, null, contact);
            CachingStrategy.TryFindResult(specification, queryOptions, null, out result).ShouldEqual(true);

            var contact2 = new Contact() { ContactId = 2, Name = "Test User 2", ContactTypeId = 2 };
            CachingStrategy.Update(2, contact2);
            CachingStrategy.TryFindResult(specification, queryOptions, null, out result).ShouldEqual(true);
        public void SortingOptions_Will_Sort_By_SortExpression_Multiple_Deep_Asc()
            var contacts = new List<Contact>();
            for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
                contacts.Add(new Contact { Name = "Test User " + i, ContactType = new ContactType { Name = "Type " + (5 - i)} });

            var qo = new SortingOptions<Contact, string>(x => x.ContactType.Name);
            var queryable = qo.Apply(contacts.AsQueryable());
            queryable.First().Name.ShouldEqual("Test User 5");
        public void TryFindResult_After_Update_To_Partition_Should_Return_False()
            Contact result;
            var contact = new Contact() { ContactId = 1, Name = "Test User", ContactTypeId = 1 };
            var specification = new Specification<Contact>(x => x.ContactTypeId == 1);
            IQueryOptions<Contact> queryOptions = new SortingOptions<Contact>("Name", true);

            CachingStrategy.SaveFindResult(specification, queryOptions, null, contact);
            CachingStrategy.TryFindResult(specification, queryOptions, null, out result).ShouldEqual(true);

            contact.Name = "Test User - EDITED";
            CachingStrategy.Update(1, contact);

            CachingStrategy.TryFindResult(specification, queryOptions, null, out result).ShouldEqual(false);
            CachingStrategy.SaveFindResult(specification, queryOptions, null, contact);

            // after saving the new results in the next generation then it should find it
            CachingStrategy.TryFindResult(specification, queryOptions, null, out result).ShouldEqual(true);