protected void gvAdmin_Sorting(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e) { //if (ddlpageSize.SelectedValue != "") //{ // pageSize = Convert.ToInt32(ddlpageSize.SelectedValue); //} //if (ddlpage.SelectedValue != "") //{ // pageNo = Convert.ToInt32(ddlpage.SelectedValue); //} if (e.SortExpression.ToString() != string.Empty) { if (SortDirection.ToLower() == "asc") { SortDirection = "desc"; } else { SortDirection = "asc"; } SortExpression = e.SortExpression + " " + SortDirection; BindContents(); } }
public void HeaderClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { RepeaterHeaderLink lb = (RepeaterHeaderLink)sender; if (SortColumn == lb.DataCol) { if (SortDirection.ToLower() != "asc") { SortDirection = "asc"; } else { SortDirection = "desc"; } } else { SortDirection = "asc"; } SortColumn = lb.DataCol; if (this.SortColumn != "") { string sortStr = this.SortColumn + " " + this.SortDirection.ToUpper(); DataSource.DefaultView.Sort = sortStr; } DataBind(); }
protected void gvAdmin_Sorting(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e) { if (e.SortExpression.ToString() != string.Empty) { if (SortDirection.ToLower() == "asc") { SortDirection = "desc"; } else { SortDirection = "asc"; } SortExpression = e.SortExpression + " " + SortDirection; GetOrderDetails(); } }
protected void GVOrder_Sorting(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e) { if (e.SortExpression.ToString() != string.Empty) { if (SortDirection.ToLower() == "asc") { SortDirection = "desc"; } else { SortDirection = "asc"; } SortExpression = e.SortExpression + " " + SortDirection; BindProduct(); } }
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter output) { var rc = new RoleController(); var whereCls = new List <Func <RoleInfo, bool> >(); whereCls.Add(grp => grp.SecurityMode != SecurityMode.SecurityRole); if (RoleGroupId >= -1) { whereCls.Add(grp => grp.RoleGroupID == RoleGroupId); } whereCls.Add(grp => grp.Status == RoleStatus.Approved); if (DisplayCurrentUserGroups) { whereCls.Add(grp => currentUser.IsInRole(grp.RoleName)); } else { whereCls.Add(grp => grp.IsPublic || currentUser.IsInRole(grp.RoleName)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchFilter)) { whereCls.Add(grp => grp.RoleName.ToLower().Contains(SearchFilter.ToLower()) || grp.Description.ToLower().Contains(SearchFilter.ToLower())); } var roles = TestableRoleController.Instance.GetRoles(PortalSettings.PortalId, grp => TestPredicateGroup(whereCls, grp)); if (SortDirection.ToLower() == "asc") { roles = roles.OrderBy(info => GetOrderByProperty(info, SortField)).ToList(); } else { roles = roles.OrderByDescending(info => GetOrderByProperty(info, SortField)).ToList(); } decimal pages = (decimal)roles.Count / (decimal)PageSize; output.Write(HeaderTemplate); ItemTemplate = ItemTemplate.Replace("{resx:posts}", Localization.GetString("posts", Constants.SharedResourcesPath)); ItemTemplate = ItemTemplate.Replace("{resx:members}", Localization.GetString("members", Constants.SharedResourcesPath)); ItemTemplate = ItemTemplate.Replace("{resx:photos}", Localization.GetString("photos", Constants.SharedResourcesPath)); ItemTemplate = ItemTemplate.Replace("{resx:documents}", Localization.GetString("documents", Constants.SharedResourcesPath)); ItemTemplate = ItemTemplate.Replace("{resx:Join}", Localization.GetString("Join", Constants.SharedResourcesPath)); ItemTemplate = ItemTemplate.Replace("{resx:Pending}", Localization.GetString("Pending", Constants.SharedResourcesPath)); ItemTemplate = ItemTemplate.Replace("{resx:LeaveGroup}", Localization.GetString("LeaveGroup", Constants.SharedResourcesPath)); ItemTemplate = ItemTemplate.Replace("[GroupViewTabId]", GroupViewTabId.ToString()); if (roles.Count == 0) { output.Write(String.Format("<div class=\"dnnFormMessage dnnFormInfo\"><span>{0}</span></div>", Localization.GetString("NoGroupsFound", Constants.SharedResourcesPath))); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["page"])) { CurrentIndex = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["page"].ToString()); CurrentIndex = CurrentIndex - 1; } int rowItem = 0; int recordStart = (CurrentIndex * PageSize); if (CurrentIndex == 0) { recordStart = 0; } for (int x = recordStart; x < (recordStart + PageSize); x++) { if (x > roles.Count - 1) { break; } var role = roles[x]; string rowTemplate = ItemTemplate; if (rowItem == 0) { output.Write(RowHeaderTemplate); } var groupParser = new GroupViewParser(PortalSettings, role, currentUser, rowTemplate, GroupViewTabId); output.Write(groupParser.ParseView()); rowItem += 1; if (rowItem == ItemsPerRow) { output.Write(RowFooterTemplate); rowItem = 0; } } if (rowItem > 0) { output.Write(RowFooterTemplate); } output.Write(FooterTemplate); int TotalPages = Convert.ToInt32(System.Math.Ceiling(pages)); if (TotalPages == 0) { TotalPages = 1; } string sUrlFormat = "<a href=\"{0}\" class=\"{1}\">{2}</a>"; string[] currParams = new string[] { }; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (TotalPages > 1) { for (int x = 1; x <= TotalPages; x++) { string[] @params = new string[] { }; if (currParams.Length > 0 & x > 1) { @params = Utilities.AddParams("page=" + x.ToString(), currParams); } else if (currParams.Length > 0 & x == 1) { @params = currParams; } else if (x > 1) { @params = new string[] { "page=" + x.ToString() }; } string sUrl = Utilities.NavigateUrl(TabId, @params); string cssClass = "pagerItem"; if (x - 1 == CurrentIndex) { cssClass = "pagerItemSelected"; } sb.AppendFormat(sUrlFormat, sUrl, cssClass, x.ToString()); } } output.Write("<div class=\"dnnClear groupPager\">"); output.Write(sb.ToString()); output.Write("</div>"); }
public override void Process(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output) { IEnumerable model = DataModel.Model as IEnumerable; if (model == null) { return; } else { StringBuilder tableTag = new StringBuilder(); //Getting properties for List Type Type listType = Type.GetType(((System.Reflection.TypeInfo)(model.GetType()).GenericTypeArguments[0]).FullName); var properties = listType.GetProperties(); tableTag.Append("<thead><tr role='row'>"); //Simple table, header not sortable if (!Sortable) { foreach (var property in properties) { tableTag.Append("<th >"); //If the property has display name, get the display name var isDisplayNameAttributeDefined = Attribute.IsDefined(property, typeof(DisplayNameAttribute)); if (isDisplayNameAttributeDefined) { DisplayNameAttribute dna = (DisplayNameAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(property, typeof(DisplayNameAttribute)); tableTag.Append(dna.DisplayName); } else { tableTag.Append(property.Name.ToString()); } tableTag.Append("</th>"); } } else // for sortable table { string linkPretextTag = "<a href = '/" + Controller + "/" + Action; QueryString = QueryString ?? ""; foreach (var property in properties) { string columnName = property.Name.ToString(); var isDisplayNameAttributeDefined = Attribute.IsDefined(property, typeof(DisplayNameAttribute)); if (isDisplayNameAttributeDefined) { DisplayNameAttribute dna = (DisplayNameAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(property, typeof(DisplayNameAttribute)); columnName = dna.DisplayName; } tableTag.Append("<th aria-controls='"); tableTag.Append(ID); if (property.Name.ToString().ToLower() == SortBy.ToLower()) { //if sorted descending if (SortDirection.ToLower() == "desc") { tableTag.Append("' class='sorting_desc' aria-sort='descending' aria-label='"); tableTag.Append(columnName); tableTag.Append(": activate to sort column ascending' >"); tableTag.Append(linkPretextTag); tableTag.Append("?sortorder="); tableTag.Append(property.Name.ToString()); tableTag.Append(QueryString); tableTag.Append("'>"); // sb.Append("&sortDirection=asc'>"); } else { tableTag.Append("' class='sorting_asc' aria-sort='ascending' aria-label='"); tableTag.Append(columnName); tableTag.Append(": activate to sort column descending' >"); tableTag.Append(linkPretextTag); tableTag.Append("?sortorder="); tableTag.Append(property.Name.ToString()); tableTag.Append(QueryString); tableTag.Append("&sortDirection=desc'>"); } } else { tableTag.Append("' class='sorting' aria-label='"); tableTag.Append(columnName); tableTag.Append(": activate to sort column ascending' >"); tableTag.Append(linkPretextTag); tableTag.Append("?sortorder="); tableTag.Append(property.Name.ToString()); tableTag.Append(QueryString); tableTag.Append("'>"); // sb.Append("&sortDirection=asc'>"); } tableTag.Append(columnName); tableTag.Append("</a></th>"); } } tableTag.Append("</tr></thead>"); //Generate data foreach (var m in model) { PropertyInfo[] dataProperties = m.GetType().GetProperties(); tableTag.Append("<tr>"); for (int i = 0; i < dataProperties.Length; i++) { tableTag.Append("<td>" + m.GetType().GetProperty(dataProperties[i].Name).GetValue(m, null) + "</td>"); } tableTag.Append("</tr>"); } // tableTag.Append("<colgroup> <col span = '2' style = 'background-color:red' > <col style = 'background-color:yellow' ></colgroup>"); output.Content.SetHtmlContent(tableTag.ToString()); } }