private void addSongButton_Click(object i_Sender, EventArgs i_EventArgs) { Song curSong = null; string curPlayer = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(NewSongNameTextBox.Text)) { if (YoutubeRadioButton.Checked) { curPlayer = "youtube"; } else { curPlayer = "vimeo"; } curSong = SongsFactory.CreateSong(curPlayer, NewSongNameTextBox.Text); string videoUrl = curSong.GetVideoUrl(NewSongNameTextBox.Text); TreeNode songNode = PlaylistTreeView.Nodes[1].Nodes.Add(curSong.SongName); // Nodes[1]=User Playlist songNode.Tag = curSong; MessageBox.Show(string.Format("The song: \"{0}\" added to your playlist!", NewSongNameTextBox.Text)); NewSongNameTextBox.Text = string.Empty; } else { MessageBox.Show("You didn't insert song name!"); } }
protected override void OnShown(EventArgs i_EventArgs) { foreach (Link curLink in m_UserLinks) { try { Song song = SongsFactory.CreateSong(curLink.URL, curLink.Name); TreeNode songNode = PlaylistTreeView.Nodes[0].Nodes.Add(song.SongName); // Nodes[0]=Facebook Posts songNode.Tag = song; // save the song under song's name } catch (Exception ex) { } } }
private void fetchUserLinkes() { foreach (Link curLink in m_UserLinks) { try { Song song = SongsFactory.CreateSong(curLink.URL, curLink.Name); if (!PlaylistTreeView.InvokeRequired) { addSongToTreeView(song); } else { PlaylistTreeView.Invoke(new Action(() => addSongToTreeView(song))); // save the song under song's name)); } } catch (Exception) { } } }