Esempio n. 1
    public static bool SaveTileData(SongTileData saveGame, string name)
        //BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();

        //using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(GetSavePath("parsed/"+name+".bytes"), FileMode.Create)) {
        //    try {
        //        formatter.Serialize(stream, saveGame);
        //    }
        //    catch (Exception e) {
        //        Debug.LogWarning(e.Message);
        //        return false;
        //    }

        //return true;
        return(SaveBinarySongDataSystem.SaveTileData(saveGame, name));
Esempio n. 2
    IEnumerator PrepareTileData(LevelDataModel lv, int minTickPerTile, int maxTickPerTile, SongDataModel songDataModel, Action <float> onProgress = null, Action onComplete = null, Action <string> onError = null)
        //listNoteData = noteData;
        var listTilesData = new List <TileData>(1000);
        var noteData      = lv.noteData;
        var playbackData  = lv.playbackData;
        //float BPM = lv.BPM;

        //we know that note data will always less or equals to playback data
        //so we will start by traverse through list note data
        NoteData currentNote, nextNote;
        int      currentNoteIndex;
        //int loopCount = 0;
        //int maxLoop = 10;
        float lastReleaseThreadTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
        float maxTimeLockThread     = 1;
        //this variable is used to reduce number of cast operation
        float noteDataCount = noteData.Count;

        //for each note in view list
        for (int i = 0; i < noteData.Count; i++)
            currentNoteIndex = i;

            //set up range for checking song data
            currentNote = noteData[currentNoteIndex];
            nextNote    = null;

            //don't hog up all the CPU, save some for rendering task
            if (lastReleaseThreadTime + maxTimeLockThread >= Time.realtimeSinceStartup)
                lastReleaseThreadTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
                Helpers.CallbackWithValue(onProgress, ((i / noteDataCount)));
                yield return(null);

            //try to get next view note (must be different at timestamp with current note)
            while (++i < noteData.Count)
                nextNote = noteData[i];
                //stop the loop right when next note is found
                if (nextNote.timeAppear != currentNote.timeAppear)
                    //decrease i so that at the end of the loop, it can be increased gracefully

            if (i >= noteData.Count)
                i = noteData.Count - 1;

            //how many notes existed at the same timestamp
            int numConcurrentNotes = i - currentNoteIndex + 1;
            //print("Num concurrent notes" + numConcurrentNotes + " at " + i);

            //for each note, create a tile
            for (int j = currentNoteIndex; j <= i; j++)
                //print(string.Format("i {0}, j {1}, Concurrent notes: {2}", i, j, numConcurrentNotes));
                //print(string.Format("Current note: {0}, timestamp {1}; Next note; {2}, timestamp: {3}", currentNote.nodeID, currentNote.timeAppear, nextNote.nodeID, nextNote.timeAppear));
                //with each note data, there is a tile
                TileData tileData = new TileData();

                tileData.type             = TileType.Normal;
                tileData.notes            = new List <NoteData>();
                tileData.startTime        = currentNote.timeAppear;
                tileData.startTimeInTicks = currentNote.tickAppear;
                tileData.soundDelay       = 0;

                //fetch midi data for tile
                //float endTime = ((nextNote == null) ? currentNote.timeAppear + currentNote.duration : nextNote.timeAppear);
                //        ref tileData,
                //        playbackData,
                //        currentNote.timeAppear,
                //        endTime,
                //        currentNoteIndex
                //        );
                int startTime, endTime;
                startTime = endTime = -1;
                switch (numConcurrentNotes)
                //only 1 tile
                case 1:
                    tileData.subType = TileType.Normal;
                    startTime        = currentNote.tickAppear;
                    endTime          = ((nextNote == null) ? currentNote.tickAppear + currentNote.durationInTick : nextNote.tickAppear);

                //dual tile
                case 2:
                    tileData.subType = TileType.Dual;
                    if (j % 2 == 0)
                        startTime = currentNote.tickAppear;
                        endTime   = currentNote.tickAppear + (int)(currentNote.durationInTick * 0.5f);
                        tileData.soundDelay = currentNote.duration * 0.5f;
                        startTime           = currentNote.tickAppear + (int)(currentNote.durationInTick * 0.5f);
                        endTime             = ((nextNote == null) ? currentNote.tickAppear + currentNote.durationInTick : nextNote.tickAppear);


                //big tile
                case 3:
                    tileData.subType = TileType.Big;
                    if (listTilesData.Count > 1)
                        TileData lastTileData = listTilesData[listTilesData.Count - 1];
                        if (lastTileData.startTimeInTicks != currentNote.tickAppear)
                            startTime = currentNote.tickAppear;
                            endTime   = ((nextNote == null) ? currentNote.tickAppear + currentNote.durationInTick : nextNote.tickAppear);
                            startTime = endTime = -1;

                if (startTime >= 0 && endTime >= 0)
                    //print("Adding note data into tile " + j);
                        ref tileData,

                    tileData.durationInTicks = currentNote.durationInTick;
                    tileData.duration        = currentNote.duration;
                    //Debug.Log(string.Format("Duration of note {0}, ID: {2} is {1}", i, tileData.duration, currentNote.nodeID));

                    //if a tile has duration belong to the normal tile's range
                    if (minTickPerTile <= tileData.durationInTicks && tileData.durationInTicks <= maxTickPerTile)
                        //set it as so
                        tileData.type = TileType.Normal;
                        //else, it is either a long note...
                        if (maxTickPerTile < tileData.durationInTicks)
                            tileData.type = TileType.LongNote;
                            //... or just an error note, f**k that shit
                            //Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("A tile data has duration of {0}, which is less than a normal tile ({1}), please check. It has Index of {2}, midi note {3}", tileData.durationInTicks, currentLevelData.songData.tickPerTile, currentNoteIndex, currentNote.nodeID));

        //Debug.Log("Prepare tile data completed");
        //easy, start render in the next frame
        SongTileData b_data = new SongTileData();

        b_data.BPM                = lv.BPM;
        b_data.denominator        = lv.denominator;
        b_data.tickPerQuarterNote = lv.tickPerQuarterNote;
        b_data.titledata          = listTilesData;
        b_data.songDataModel      = songDataModel;
        SaveTileData(b_data, "songs/parsed/" + b_data.songDataModel.storeID);
        yield return(null);