private void OnDoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(0, "Initialising parser"); var songParser = new SongParser(); backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(10, "Enumerating files"); var files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(musicDirectory, "*", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories) .Where(x => new[] { ".aac", ".flac", ".mp3", ".ogg", ".wav", ".wma" }.Contains(Path.GetExtension(x))) .ToImmutableList(); backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(40, "Parsing songs"); var parsedSongs = songParser.ParseSongs(files); backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(70, $"Picking songs from {parsedSongs.Count} found songs"); var songPicker = new SongPicker(playlistSize, artistAndSongSpacing); var pickedSongs = songPicker.PickSongs(parsedSongs); backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(100, "Finished picking songs"); e.Result = pickedSongs; }
public void Tests() { const int PlaylistSize = 500; const int ArtistAndSongSpacing = 100; var paths = Examples.GetAll(); var songParser = new SongParser(); var songs = songParser.ParseSongs(paths); for (var i = 0; i < 1; i++) { var songPicker = new SongPicker(PlaylistSize, ArtistAndSongSpacing); var pickedSongs = songPicker.PickSongs(songs); Assert.That(pickedSongs.Count, Is.EqualTo(PlaylistSize)); var artists = new Queue <string>(); var names = new Queue <string>(); foreach (var song in pickedSongs) { Assert.That(artists.Contains(song.Artist), Is.False); Assert.That(names.Contains(song.Name), Is.False); artists.Enqueue(song.Artist); names.Enqueue(song.Name); if (artists.Count > ArtistAndSongSpacing) { artists.Dequeue(); } if (names.Count > ArtistAndSongSpacing) { names.Dequeue(); } } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { // documentation var app = new CommandLineApplication(); // This should be the name of the executable itself. // the help text line "Usage: ConsoleArgs" uses this app.Name = "Playlist generator for DirEttore (.dpl files)"; app.Description = $"Program to generate long playlists for the DirEttore software based on a directory structure."; app.ExtendedHelpText = $"{Environment.NewLine}This app can generate playlists for the DirEttore software which observe a distance between artists and songs played.{Environment.NewLine}Only files with an .mp3 extension will be considered for the playlist."; app.HelpOption("-?|-h|--help"); app.VersionOption("-v|--version", () => { return(string.Format("Version {0}", Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetCustomAttribute <AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute>().InformationalVersion)); }); var musicDirectory = app.Option("-d|--directory <musicdirectory>", "Required, this needs to point to the directory that is being searched for mp3 files", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var outputOption = app.Option("-o|--output <playlistoutput>", $"Optional, if specified this will be the file to which the new playlist will be written, needs to end in .dpl. If not specified a random file name will be generated.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var playListSizeOption = app.Option("-ps|--size <playlistsize>", $"Optional, this will determine the size of the playlist to generate, set to {DefaultPlaylistSize} by default.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var artistSongSpacingOption = app.Option("-as|--spacing <artistsongspacing>", $"Optional, this will determine the distance observed between artists and songs, set to {DefaultArtistSongSpacing} by default.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); app.OnExecute(() => { // TODO: add sweepers directory option // TODO: add option to define pattern (JINGLE / SWEEPERS / MUSIC, etc.) var outputFileName = outputOption.HasValue() ? outputOption.Value() : $"{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Path.GetRandomFileName())}.dpl"; if (!musicDirectory.HasValue() || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(musicDirectory.Value())) { Console.Error.WriteLine("The directory from which songs are sourced needs to be specified."); app.ShowHint(); return(-1); } if (outputOption.HasValue() && Path.GetExtension(outputOption.Value()) != ".dpl") { Console.Error.WriteLine("The output filename needs to end in '.dpl'."); app.ShowHint(); return(-1); } int playListSize = DefaultPlaylistSize; if (playListSizeOption.HasValue() && !int.TryParse(playListSizeOption.Value(), out playListSize)) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid playlist size specified."); app.ShowHint(); return(-1); } int artistSongSpacing = DefaultArtistSongSpacing; if (artistSongSpacingOption.HasValue() && !int.TryParse(artistSongSpacingOption.Value(), out artistSongSpacing)) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid artist and song spacing specified."); app.ShowHint(); return(-1); } Console.WriteLine("Source of music files: {0}", musicDirectory.Value()); Console.WriteLine("Playlist to write to: {0}", outputFileName); Console.WriteLine("Searching for mp3 files..."); var allFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(musicDirectory.Value(), "*.mp3", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToArray(); Console.WriteLine($"Found {allFiles.Length} to consider for playlist generation."); var songParser = new SongParser(); Console.WriteLine($"Splitting mp3 files into artist and song name..."); var songs = songParser.ParseSongs(allFiles); Console.WriteLine($"Generating playlist of size {playListSize} and not repeating artist or song name for the last {artistSongSpacing} songs."); var songPicker = new SongPicker(playListSize, artistSongSpacing); var pickedSongs = songPicker.PickSongs(songs); Console.WriteLine($"Saving {pickedSongs.Count} songs to directory {outputFileName}."); var enc1252 = CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance.GetEncoding(1252); using (var writer = new StreamWriter(outputFileName, false, enc1252)) { var songPersister = new SongPersister(); songPersister.PersistSongs(writer, pickedSongs); } Console.WriteLine($"Saving finished."); return(0); }); try { Console.WriteLine("Executing Playlist generator..."); app.Execute(args); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.Error.WriteLine("ERROR: {0}", ex.Message); } }