Esempio n. 1
        public IEnumerable <SongForApiContract> GetDerived(int id, SongOptionalFields fields = SongOptionalFields.None,
                                                           ContentLanguagePreference lang    = ContentLanguagePreference.Default)
            var songs = queries.HandleQuery(s => s.Load(id).AlternateVersions.Select(child => new SongForApiContract(child, null, lang, fields)).ToArray());

Esempio n. 2
        public PartialFindResult <RatedSongForUserForApiContract> GetRatedSongs(
            int userId,
            string query                   = "",
            string tag                     = null,
            int?artistId                   = null,
            bool childVoicebanks           = false,
            SongVoteRating?rating          = null,
            int?songListId                 = null,
            bool groupByRating             = true,
            int start                      = 0, int maxResults = defaultMax, bool getTotalCount = false,
            SongSortRule?sort              = null,
            NameMatchMode nameMatchMode    = NameMatchMode.Auto,
            SongOptionalFields fields      = SongOptionalFields.None,
            ContentLanguagePreference lang = ContentLanguagePreference.Default)
            maxResults = Math.Min(maxResults, absoluteMax);
            query      = FindHelpers.GetMatchModeAndQueryForSearch(query, ref nameMatchMode);

            var queryParams = new RatedSongQueryParams(userId, new PagingProperties(start, maxResults, getTotalCount))
                Query           = query,
                NameMatchMode   = nameMatchMode,
                SortRule        = sort ?? SongSortRule.Name,
                ArtistId        = artistId ?? 0,
                ChildVoicebanks = childVoicebanks,
                FilterByRating  = rating ?? SongVoteRating.Nothing,
                GroupByRating   = groupByRating,
                SonglistId      = songListId ?? 0,
                Tag             = tag

            var songs = queries.GetRatedSongs(queryParams, ratedSong => new RatedSongForUserForApiContract(ratedSong, lang, fields));

		public SongInListForApiContract(SongInList songInList, ContentLanguagePreference languagePreference, SongOptionalFields fields) {
			this.Notes = songInList.Notes;
			this.Order = songInList.Order;
			this.Song = new SongForApiContract(songInList.Song, null, languagePreference, fields);

Esempio n. 4
        public PartialFindResult <SongInListForApiContract> GetSongs(int listId,
                                                                     string query          = "",
                                                                     string songTypes      = null,
                                                                     PVServices?pvServices = null,
                                                                     [FromQuery(Name = "tagId[]")] int[] tagId       = null,
                                                                     [FromQuery(Name = "artistId[]")] int[] artistId = null,
                                                                     bool childVoicebanks = false,
                                                                     [FromQuery(Name = "advancedFilters")] AdvancedSearchFilterParams[] advancedFilters = null,
                                                                     int start                      = 0, int maxResults = DefaultMax, bool getTotalCount = false,
                                                                     SongSortRule?sort              = null,
                                                                     NameMatchMode nameMatchMode    = NameMatchMode.Auto,
                                                                     SongOptionalFields fields      = SongOptionalFields.None,
                                                                     ContentLanguagePreference lang = ContentLanguagePreference.Default)
            maxResults = Math.Min(maxResults, AbsoluteMax);
            var types = EnumVal <SongType> .ParseMultiple(songTypes);

                       new SongInListQueryParams
                TextQuery = SearchTextQuery.Create(query, nameMatchMode),
                ListId = listId,
                Paging = new PagingProperties(start, maxResults, getTotalCount),
                PVServices = pvServices,
                ArtistIds = artistId,
                ChildVoicebanks = childVoicebanks,
                TagIds = tagId,
                SortRule = sort,
                AdvancedFilters = advancedFilters?.Select(advancedFilter => advancedFilter.ToAdvancedSearchFilter()).ToArray(),
                SongTypes = types,
                       songInList => new SongInListForApiContract(songInList, lang, fields)));
Esempio n. 5
        public RelatedSongsContract GetRelatedSongs(int songId,
                                                    SongOptionalFields fields,
                                                    ContentLanguagePreference?lang = null)
            var language = lang ?? permissionContext.LanguagePreference;

            return(repository.HandleQuery(ctx => {
                var song = ctx.Load(songId);
                var songs = new RelatedSongsQuery(ctx).GetRelatedSongs(song);

                return new RelatedSongsContract {
                    ArtistMatches = songs.ArtistMatches
                                    .Select(a => new SongForApiContract(a, null, language, fields))
                                    .OrderBy(a => a.Name)
                    LikeMatches = songs.LikeMatches
                                  .Select(a => new SongForApiContract(a, null, language, fields))
                                  .OrderBy(a => a.Name)
                    TagMatches = songs.TagMatches
                                 .Select(a => new SongForApiContract(a, null, language, fields))
                                 .OrderBy(a => a.Name)
Esempio n. 6
 public async Task <IEnumerable <SongForApiContract> > GetTopSongs(
     int?durationHours  = null,
     DateTime?startDate = null,
     TopSongsDateFilterType?filterBy = null,
     SongVocalistSelection?vocalist  = null,
     int maxResults            = 25,
     SongOptionalFields fields = SongOptionalFields.None,
     ContentLanguagePreference languagePreference = ContentLanguagePreference.Default) => await _queries.GetTopRated(durationHours, startDate, filterBy, vocalist, maxResults, fields, languagePreference);
Esempio n. 7
 public SongForApiContract[] GetPublishedSongs(int eventId,
                                               SongOptionalFields fields      = SongOptionalFields.None,
                                               ContentLanguagePreference lang = ContentLanguagePreference.Default)
     return(repository.HandleQuery(ctx => {
         var ev = ctx.Load(eventId);
         return ev.Songs.Select(a => new SongForApiContract(a, lang, fields)).ToArray();
Esempio n. 8
 public AlbumForApiContract(
     Album album,
     ContentLanguagePreference languagePreference,
     IEntryThumbPersister thumbPersister,
     AlbumOptionalFields fields,
     SongOptionalFields songFields = SongOptionalFields.None) :
     this(album, null, languagePreference, thumbPersister, true, fields, songFields)
Esempio n. 9
 public AlbumForApiContract(
     Album album,
     ContentLanguagePreference languagePreference,
     IAggregatedEntryImageUrlFactory thumbPersister,
     AlbumOptionalFields fields,
     SongOptionalFields songFields = SongOptionalFields.None) :
     this(album, null, languagePreference, thumbPersister, fields, songFields)
Esempio n. 10
        public SongInAlbumForApiContract[] GetTracks(
            int id,
            SongOptionalFields fields      = SongOptionalFields.None,
            ContentLanguagePreference lang = ContentLanguagePreference.Default)
            var tracks = service.GetAlbum(id, a => a.Songs.Select(s => new SongInAlbumForApiContract(s, lang, fields)).ToArray());

Esempio n. 11
        public PartialFindResult <SongForApiContract> GetList(
            string query               = "",
            string songTypes           = null,
            [FromUri] string[] tagName = null,
            [FromUri] int[] tagId      = null,
            bool childTags             = false,
            [FromUri] int[] artistId   = null,
            ArtistAlbumParticipationStatus artistParticipationStatus = ArtistAlbumParticipationStatus.Everything,
            bool childVoicebanks            = false,
            bool includeMembers             = false,
            bool onlyWithPvs                = false,
            [FromUri] PVServices?pvServices = null,
            int?since            = null,
            int?minScore         = null,
            int?userCollectionId = null,
            int?releaseEventId   = null,
            EntryStatus?status   = null,
            [FromUri] AdvancedSearchFilter[] advancedFilters = null,
            int start                      = 0, int maxResults = defaultMax, bool getTotalCount = false,
            SongSortRule sort              = SongSortRule.Name,
            bool preferAccurateMatches     = false,
            NameMatchMode nameMatchMode    = NameMatchMode.Exact,
            SongOptionalFields fields      = SongOptionalFields.None,
            ContentLanguagePreference lang = ContentLanguagePreference.Default)
            var textQuery = SearchTextQuery.Create(query, nameMatchMode);
            var types     = EnumVal <SongType> .ParseMultiple(songTypes);

            var param = new SongQueryParams(textQuery, types, start, Math.Min(maxResults, absoluteMax), getTotalCount, sort, false, preferAccurateMatches, null)
                ArtistParticipation =
                    ArtistIds       = artistId,
                    Participation   = artistParticipationStatus,
                    ChildVoicebanks = childVoicebanks,
                    IncludeMembers  = includeMembers
                TagIds             = tagId,
                Tags               = tagName,
                ChildTags          = childTags,
                OnlyWithPVs        = onlyWithPvs,
                TimeFilter         = since.HasValue ? TimeSpan.FromHours(since.Value) : TimeSpan.Zero,
                MinScore           = minScore ?? 0,
                PVServices         = pvServices,
                UserCollectionId   = userCollectionId ?? 0,
                ReleaseEventId     = releaseEventId ?? 0,
                AdvancedFilters    = advancedFilters,
                LanguagePreference = lang

            param.Common.EntryStatus = status;

            var artists = service.Find(s => new SongForApiContract(s, null, lang, fields), param);

Esempio n. 12
        public AlbumForApiContract GetOne(
            int id,
            AlbumOptionalFields fields     = AlbumOptionalFields.None,
            SongOptionalFields songFields  = SongOptionalFields.None,
            ContentLanguagePreference lang = ContentLanguagePreference.Default)
            var album = queries.GetAlbumWithMergeRecord(id, (a, m) => new AlbumForApiContract(a, m, lang, thumbPersister, fields, songFields));

Esempio n. 13
        public SongForApiContract GetByPV(
            PVService pvService,
            string pvId,
            SongOptionalFields fields      = SongOptionalFields.None,
            ContentLanguagePreference lang = ContentLanguagePreference.Default)
            var song = service.GetSongWithPV(s => new SongForApiContract(s, null, lang, fields), pvService, pvId);

Esempio n. 14
        public AlbumForApiContract GetOne(
            int id,
            AlbumOptionalFields fields     = AlbumOptionalFields.None,
            SongOptionalFields songFields  = SongOptionalFields.None,
            ContentLanguagePreference lang = ContentLanguagePreference.Default)
            var ssl   = WebHelper.IsSSL(Request);
            var album = service.GetAlbumWithMergeRecord(id, (a, m) => new AlbumForApiContract(a, m, lang, thumbPersister, ssl, fields, songFields));

Esempio n. 15
		public SongForApiContract(Song song, SongMergeRecord mergeRecord, ContentLanguagePreference languagePreference, SongOptionalFields fields) {
			ArtistString = song.ArtistString[languagePreference];
			CreateDate = song.CreateDate;
			DefaultName = song.DefaultName;
			DefaultNameLanguage = song.Names.SortNames.DefaultLanguage;
			FavoritedTimes = song.FavoritedTimes;
			Id = song.Id;
			LengthSeconds = song.LengthSeconds;
			Name = song.Names.SortNames[languagePreference];
			PVServices = song.PVServices;
			RatingScore = song.RatingScore;
			SongType = song.SongType;
			Status = song.Status;
			Version = song.Version;

			if (languagePreference != ContentLanguagePreference.Default || fields.HasFlag(SongOptionalFields.AdditionalNames)) {
				AdditionalNames = song.Names.GetAdditionalNamesStringForLanguage(languagePreference);

			if (languagePreference != ContentLanguagePreference.Default) {
				LocalizedName = song.Names.SortNames[languagePreference];				

			if (fields.HasFlag(SongOptionalFields.Albums))
				Albums = song.Albums.Select(a => new AlbumContract(a.Album, languagePreference)).ToArray();

			if (fields.HasFlag(SongOptionalFields.Artists))
				Artists = song.Artists.Select(a => new ArtistForSongContract(a, languagePreference)).ToArray();

			if (fields.HasFlag(SongOptionalFields.Names))
				Names = song.Names.Select(n => new LocalizedStringContract(n)).ToArray();

			if (fields.HasFlag(SongOptionalFields.PVs))
				PVs = song.PVs.Select(p => new PVContract(p)).ToArray();

			if (fields.HasFlag(SongOptionalFields.Tags))
				Tags = song.Tags.Usages.Select(u => new TagUsageForApiContract(u)).ToArray();

			if (fields.HasFlag(SongOptionalFields.ThumbUrl))
				ThumbUrl = VideoServiceHelper.GetThumbUrl(song.PVs.PVs);

			if (fields.HasFlag(SongOptionalFields.WebLinks))
				WebLinks = song.WebLinks.Select(w => new WebLinkContract(w)).ToArray();

			if (mergeRecord != null)
				MergedTo = mergeRecord.Target.Id;

Esempio n. 16
        public PartialFindResult<SongInListForApiContract> GetSongs(int listId, 
            [FromUri] PVServices? pvServices = null,
            int start = 0, int maxResults = defaultMax, bool getTotalCount = false,
            SongOptionalFields fields = SongOptionalFields.None, ContentLanguagePreference lang = ContentLanguagePreference.Default
            maxResults = Math.Min(maxResults, absoluteMax);

            return queries.GetSongsInList(
                new SongListQueryParams {
                    ListId = listId,
                    Paging = new PagingProperties(start, maxResults, getTotalCount),
                    PVServices = pvServices
                songInList => new SongInListForApiContract(songInList, lang, fields));
Esempio n. 17
        public PartialFindResult <SongInListForApiContract> GetSongs(int listId,
                                                                     [FromUri] PVServices?pvServices = null,
                                                                     int start = 0, int maxResults = defaultMax, bool getTotalCount = false,
                                                                     SongOptionalFields fields = SongOptionalFields.None, ContentLanguagePreference lang = ContentLanguagePreference.Default
            maxResults = Math.Min(maxResults, absoluteMax);

                       new SongListQueryParams {
                ListId = listId,
                Paging = new PagingProperties(start, maxResults, getTotalCount),
                PVServices = pvServices
                       songInList => new SongInListForApiContract(songInList, lang, fields)));
Esempio n. 18
        public PartialFindResult <SongForApiContract> GetList(
            string query     = "",
            string songTypes = null,
            string tag       = null,
            int?artistId     = null,
            ArtistAlbumParticipationStatus artistParticipationStatus = ArtistAlbumParticipationStatus.Everything,
            bool childVoicebanks            = false,
            bool onlyWithPvs                = false,
            [FromUri] PVServices?pvServices = null,
            int?since    = null,
            int?minScore = null,
            [FromUri] ContentLanguageSelections?lyrics = null,
            int?userCollectionId           = null,
            EntryStatus?status             = null,
            int start                      = 0, int maxResults = defaultMax, bool getTotalCount = false,
            SongSortRule sort              = SongSortRule.Name,
            bool preferAccurateMatches     = false,
            NameMatchMode nameMatchMode    = NameMatchMode.Exact,
            SongOptionalFields fields      = SongOptionalFields.None,
            ContentLanguagePreference lang = ContentLanguagePreference.Default)
            var textQuery = SearchTextQuery.Create(query, nameMatchMode);
            var types     = EnumVal <SongType> .ParseMultiple(songTypes);

            var param = new SongQueryParams(textQuery, types, start, Math.Min(maxResults, absoluteMax), false, getTotalCount, sort, false, preferAccurateMatches, null)
                Tag         = tag,
                OnlyWithPVs = onlyWithPvs,
                ArtistId    = artistId ?? 0,
                ArtistParticipationStatus = artistParticipationStatus,
                ChildVoicebanks           = childVoicebanks,
                TimeFilter      = since.HasValue ? TimeSpan.FromHours(since.Value) : TimeSpan.Zero,
                LyricsLanguages = lyrics != null?lyrics.Value.ToIndividualSelections().ToArray() : null,
                                      MinScore         = minScore ?? 0,
                                      PVServices       = pvServices,
                                      UserCollectionId = userCollectionId ?? 0

            param.Common.EntryStatus = status;

            var artists = service.Find(s => new SongForApiContract(s, null, lang, fields), param);

Esempio n. 19
        public PartialFindResult <RatedSongForUserForApiContract> GetRatedSongs(
            int id,
            string query                    = "",
            string tagName                  = null,
            [FromUri] int[] tagId           = null,
            [FromUri] int[] artistId        = null,
            bool childVoicebanks            = false,
            LogicalGrouping artistGrouping  = LogicalGrouping.And,
            SongVoteRating?rating           = null,
            int?songListId                  = null,
            bool groupByRating              = true,
            [FromUri] PVServices?pvServices = null,
            [FromUri] AdvancedSearchFilter[] advancedFilters = null,
            int start = 0, int maxResults = defaultMax, bool getTotalCount = false,
            RatedSongForUserSortRule?sort  = null,
            NameMatchMode nameMatchMode    = NameMatchMode.Auto,
            SongOptionalFields fields      = SongOptionalFields.None,
            ContentLanguagePreference lang = ContentLanguagePreference.Default)
            maxResults = Math.Min(maxResults, absoluteMax);
            var textQuery = SearchTextQuery.Create(query, nameMatchMode);

            var queryParams = new RatedSongQueryParams(id, new PagingProperties(start, maxResults, getTotalCount))
                TextQuery       = textQuery,
                SortRule        = sort ?? RatedSongForUserSortRule.Name,
                ArtistIds       = artistId,
                ArtistGrouping  = artistGrouping,
                ChildVoicebanks = childVoicebanks,
                FilterByRating  = rating ?? SongVoteRating.Nothing,
                GroupByRating   = groupByRating,
                PVServices      = pvServices,
                SonglistId      = songListId ?? 0,
                TagIds          = tagId,
                TagName         = tagName,
                AdvancedFilters = advancedFilters

            var songs = queries.GetRatedSongs(queryParams, ratedSong => new RatedSongForUserForApiContract(ratedSong, lang, fields));

Esempio n. 20
        public PartialFindResult <SongForApiContract> GetList(
            string query       = "",
            SongType songTypes = SongType.Unspecified,
            string tag         = null,
            int?artistId       = null,
            ArtistAlbumParticipationStatus artistParticipationStatus = ArtistAlbumParticipationStatus.Everything,
            bool childVoicebanks = false,
            bool onlyWithPvs     = false,
            int?since            = null,
            [FromUri] ContentLanguageSelections?lyrics = null,
            int?userCollectionId           = null,
            EntryStatus?status             = null,
            int start                      = 0, int maxResults = defaultMax, bool getTotalCount = false,
            SongSortRule sort              = SongSortRule.Name,
            NameMatchMode nameMatchMode    = NameMatchMode.Exact,
            SongOptionalFields fields      = SongOptionalFields.None,
            ContentLanguagePreference lang = ContentLanguagePreference.Default)
            query = FindHelpers.GetMatchModeAndQueryForSearch(query, ref nameMatchMode);
            var types = songTypes != SongType.Unspecified ? new[] { songTypes } : new SongType[0];

            var param = new SongQueryParams(query, types, start, Math.Min(maxResults, absoluteMax), false, getTotalCount, nameMatchMode, sort, false, false, null)
                Tag         = tag,
                OnlyWithPVs = onlyWithPvs,
                ArtistId    = artistId ?? 0,
                ArtistParticipationStatus = artistParticipationStatus,
                ChildVoicebanks           = childVoicebanks,
                TimeFilter      = since.HasValue ? TimeSpan.FromHours(since.Value) : TimeSpan.Zero,
                LyricsLanguages = lyrics != null?lyrics.Value.ToIndividualSelections().ToArray() : null,
                                      UserCollectionId = userCollectionId ?? 0

            param.Common.EntryStatus = status;

            var artists = service.Find(s => new SongForApiContract(s, null, lang, fields), param);

Esempio n. 21
        public AlbumForApiContract(
            Album album, AlbumMergeRecord mergeRecord,
            ContentLanguagePreference languagePreference,
            IAggregatedEntryImageUrlFactory thumbPersister,
            AlbumOptionalFields fields,
            SongOptionalFields songFields)
            ArtistString        = album.ArtistString[languagePreference];
            CatalogNumber       = album.OriginalRelease != null ? album.OriginalRelease.CatNum : null;
            CreateDate          = album.CreateDate;
            DefaultName         = album.DefaultName;
            DefaultNameLanguage = album.Names.SortNames.DefaultLanguage;
            DiscType            = album.DiscType;
            Id            = album.Id;
            Name          = album.Names.SortNames[languagePreference];
            RatingAverage = album.RatingAverage;
            RatingCount   = album.RatingCount;
            ReleaseDate   = new OptionalDateTimeContract(album.OriginalReleaseDate);
            Status        = album.Status;
            Version       = album.Version;

            if (fields.HasFlag(AlbumOptionalFields.AdditionalNames))
                AdditionalNames = album.Names.GetAdditionalNamesStringForLanguage(languagePreference);

            if (fields.HasFlag(AlbumOptionalFields.Artists))
                Artists = album.Artists.Select(a => new ArtistForAlbumForApiContract(a, languagePreference)).ToArray();

            if (fields.HasFlag(AlbumOptionalFields.Description))
                Description = album.Description[languagePreference];

            if (fields.HasFlag(AlbumOptionalFields.Discs))
                Discs = album.Discs.Select(d => new AlbumDiscPropertiesContract(d)).ToArray();

            if (fields.HasFlag(AlbumOptionalFields.Identifiers))
                Identifiers = album.Identifiers.Select(i => new AlbumIdentifierContract(i)).ToArray();

            if (thumbPersister != null && fields.HasFlag(AlbumOptionalFields.MainPicture) && album.Thumb != null)
                MainPicture = new EntryThumbForApiContract(album.Thumb, thumbPersister);

            if (fields.HasFlag(AlbumOptionalFields.Names))
                Names = album.Names.Select(n => new LocalizedStringContract(n)).ToArray();

            if (fields.HasFlag(AlbumOptionalFields.PVs))
                PVs = album.PVs.Select(p => new PVContract(p)).ToArray();

            if (fields.HasFlag(AlbumOptionalFields.ReleaseEvent))
                ReleaseEvent = album.OriginalReleaseEvent != null ? new ReleaseEventForApiContract(album.OriginalReleaseEvent, languagePreference, ReleaseEventOptionalFields.None, thumbPersister) : null;

            if (fields.HasFlag(AlbumOptionalFields.Tags))
                Tags = album.Tags.ActiveUsages.Select(u => new TagUsageForApiContract(u, languagePreference)).ToArray();

            if (fields.HasFlag(AlbumOptionalFields.Tracks))
                Tracks = album.Songs.Select(s => new SongInAlbumForApiContract(s, languagePreference, songFields)).ToArray();

            if (fields.HasFlag(AlbumOptionalFields.WebLinks))
                WebLinks = album.WebLinks.Select(w => new WebLinkForApiContract(w)).ToArray();

            if (mergeRecord != null)
                MergedTo = mergeRecord.Target.Id;
Esempio n. 22
        public PartialFindResult<RatedSongForUserForApiContract> GetRatedSongs(
            int userId,
            string query = "",
            string tag = null,
            int? artistId = null,
            bool childVoicebanks = false,
            SongVoteRating? rating = null,
            int? songListId = null,
            bool groupByRating = true,
            int start = 0, int maxResults = defaultMax, bool getTotalCount = false,
            SongSortRule? sort = null,
            NameMatchMode nameMatchMode = NameMatchMode.Auto,
            SongOptionalFields fields = SongOptionalFields.None,
            ContentLanguagePreference lang = ContentLanguagePreference.Default)
            maxResults = Math.Min(maxResults, absoluteMax);
            query = FindHelpers.GetMatchModeAndQueryForSearch(query, ref nameMatchMode);

            var queryParams = new RatedSongQueryParams(userId, new PagingProperties(start, maxResults, getTotalCount)) {
                Query = query,
                NameMatchMode = nameMatchMode,
                SortRule = sort ?? SongSortRule.Name,
                ArtistId = artistId ?? 0,
                ChildVoicebanks = childVoicebanks,
                FilterByRating = rating ?? SongVoteRating.Nothing,
                GroupByRating = groupByRating,
                SonglistId = songListId ?? 0,
                Tag = tag

            var songs = queries.GetRatedSongs(queryParams, ratedSong => new RatedSongForUserForApiContract(ratedSong, lang, fields));
            return songs;
Esempio n. 23
        public SongForApiContract GetByPV(
            PVService pvService,
            string pvId,
            SongOptionalFields fields = SongOptionalFields.None,
            ContentLanguagePreference lang = ContentLanguagePreference.Default)
            var song = service.GetSongWithPV(s => new SongForApiContract(s, null, lang, fields), pvService, pvId);

            return song;
Esempio n. 24
 public SongForApiContract(Song song, ContentLanguagePreference languagePreference, SongOptionalFields fields)
     : this(song, null, languagePreference, fields)
Esempio n. 25
 public SongForApiContract[] GetPublishedSongs(int eventId,
                                               SongOptionalFields fields      = SongOptionalFields.None,
                                               ContentLanguagePreference lang = ContentLanguagePreference.Default) => _queries.GetPublishedSongs(eventId, fields, lang);
Esempio n. 26
 public async Task <SongForApiContract[]> GetHighlightedSongs(ContentLanguagePreference languagePreference, SongOptionalFields fields)
     return(await HandleQueryAsync(async session => {
         return (await GetHighlightedSongs(session))
         .Select(s => new SongForApiContract(s, languagePreference, fields))
Esempio n. 27
        public SongForApiContract(Song song, SongMergeRecord mergeRecord, ContentLanguagePreference languagePreference, SongOptionalFields fields)
            ArtistString        = song.ArtistString[languagePreference];
            CreateDate          = song.CreateDate;
            DefaultName         = song.DefaultName;
            DefaultNameLanguage = song.Names.SortNames.DefaultLanguage;
            FavoritedTimes      = song.FavoritedTimes;
            Id            = song.Id;
            LengthSeconds = song.LengthSeconds;
            Name          = song.Names.SortNames[languagePreference];
            PublishDate   = song.PublishDate;
            PVServices    = song.PVServices;
            RatingScore   = song.RatingScore;
            SongType      = song.SongType;
            Status        = song.Status;
            Version       = song.Version;

            if (fields.HasFlag(SongOptionalFields.AdditionalNames))
                AdditionalNames = song.Names.GetAdditionalNamesStringForLanguage(languagePreference);

            if (fields.HasFlag(SongOptionalFields.Albums))
                Albums = song.OnAlbums.Select(a => new AlbumContract(a, languagePreference)).ToArray();

            if (fields.HasFlag(SongOptionalFields.Artists))
                Artists = song.Artists.Select(a => new ArtistForSongContract(a, languagePreference)).ToArray();

            if (fields.HasFlag(SongOptionalFields.Lyrics))
                Lyrics = song.Lyrics.Select(l => new LyricsForSongContract(l)).ToArray();

            if (fields.HasFlag(SongOptionalFields.MainPicture))
                var thumb = song.GetThumbUrl();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(thumb))
                    MainPicture = new EntryThumbForApiContract {
                        UrlThumb = thumb

            if (fields.HasFlag(SongOptionalFields.Names))
                Names = song.Names.Select(n => new LocalizedStringContract(n)).ToArray();

            if (song.HasOriginalVersion)
                OriginalVersionId = song.OriginalVersion.Id;

            if (fields.HasFlag(SongOptionalFields.PVs))
                PVs = song.PVs.Select(p => new PVContract(p)).ToArray();

            if (fields.HasFlag(SongOptionalFields.ReleaseEvent) && song.ReleaseEvent != null)
                ReleaseEvent = new ReleaseEventForApiContract(song.ReleaseEvent, languagePreference, ReleaseEventOptionalFields.None, null, true);

            if (fields.HasFlag(SongOptionalFields.Tags))
                Tags = song.Tags.ActiveUsages.Select(u => new TagUsageForApiContract(u, languagePreference)).ToArray();

            if (fields.HasFlag(SongOptionalFields.ThumbUrl))
                ThumbUrl = song.GetThumbUrl();

            if (fields.HasFlag(SongOptionalFields.WebLinks))
                WebLinks = song.WebLinks.Select(w => new WebLinkForApiContract(w)).ToArray();

            if (mergeRecord != null)
                MergedTo = mergeRecord.Target.Id;
Esempio n. 28
 public SongForApiContract GetSongForApi(int songId, SongOptionalFields fields, ContentLanguagePreference?lang = null)
     return(GetSongWithMergeRecord(songId, (song, r) => new SongForApiContract(song, r, lang ?? PermissionContext.LanguagePreference, fields)));
Esempio n. 29
        public IEnumerable <SongForApiContract> GetTopSongs(
            int?durationHours  = null,
            DateTime?startDate = null,
            TopSongsDateFilterType?filterBy = null,
            SongVocalistSelection?vocalist  = null,
            int maxResults            = 25,
            SongOptionalFields fields = SongOptionalFields.None,
            ContentLanguagePreference languagePreference = ContentLanguagePreference.Default)
            return(queries.HandleQuery(ctx => {
                var query = ctx.Query()
                            .Where(s => !s.Deleted && s.RatingScore > 0)
                            .WhereHasVocalist(vocalist ?? SongVocalistSelection.Nothing);

                if (durationHours.HasValue)
                    var timeSpan = TimeSpan.FromHours(durationHours.Value);
                    DateTime?endDate = null;

                    if (!startDate.HasValue)
                        startDate = DateTime.Now - timeSpan;
                        endDate = startDate + timeSpan;

                    switch (filterBy)
                    case TopSongsDateFilterType.PublishDate: {
                        startDate = startDate?.Date;
                        endDate = endDate?.Date;
                        query = query.WherePublishDateIsBetween(startDate, endDate);

                    case TopSongsDateFilterType.CreateDate: {
                        query = query.Where(s => s.CreateDate >= startDate);

                    case TopSongsDateFilterType.Popularity: {
                        // Sort by number of ratings and hits during that time
                        // Older songs get more hits so value them even less
                        query = query.OrderByDescending(s => s.UserFavorites
                                                        .Where(f => f.Date >= startDate)
                                                        .Sum(f => (int)f.Rating) + (s.Hits.Count(h => h.Date >= startDate) / 100));

                    if (filterBy != TopSongsDateFilterType.Popularity)
                        query = query.OrderByDescending(s => s.RatingScore + (s.Hits.Count / 30));
                    query = query.OrderByDescending(s => s.RatingScore);

                var songs = query

                var contracts = songs
                                .Select(s => new SongForApiContract(s, null, languagePreference, fields))

                return contracts;
Esempio n. 30
        public SongForApiContract GetById(int id, SongOptionalFields fields = SongOptionalFields.None, ContentLanguagePreference lang = ContentLanguagePreference.Default)
            var song = queries.GetSongForApi(id, fields, lang);

Esempio n. 31
 public RelatedSongsContract GetRelated(int id, SongOptionalFields fields = SongOptionalFields.None, ContentLanguagePreference lang = ContentLanguagePreference.Default)
     return(queries.GetRelatedSongs(id, fields, lang));
Esempio n. 32
        public SongForApiContract GetById(int id, SongOptionalFields fields = SongOptionalFields.None, ContentLanguagePreference lang = ContentLanguagePreference.Default)
            var song = service.GetSongWithMergeRecord(id, (s, m) => new SongForApiContract(s, m, lang, fields));

            return song;
Esempio n. 33
 public async Task <IEnumerable <SongForApiContract> > GetHighlightedSongs(
     ContentLanguagePreference languagePreference = ContentLanguagePreference.Default,
     SongOptionalFields fields = SongOptionalFields.None)
     return(await otherService.GetHighlightedSongs(languagePreference, fields));
Esempio n. 34
 public RatedSongForUserForApiContract(FavoriteSongForUser ratedSong, ContentLanguagePreference languagePreference, SongOptionalFields fields)
     this.Rating = ratedSong.Rating;
     this.Song   = new SongForApiContract(ratedSong.Song, null, languagePreference, fields);
		public RatedSongForUserForApiContract(FavoriteSongForUser ratedSong, ContentLanguagePreference languagePreference, SongOptionalFields fields) {
			this.Rating = ratedSong.Rating;
			this.Song = new SongForApiContract(ratedSong.Song, null, languagePreference, fields);

Esempio n. 36
        public SongForApiContract(Song song, SongMergeRecord mergeRecord, ContentLanguagePreference languagePreference, SongOptionalFields fields)
            ArtistString        = song.ArtistString[languagePreference];
            CreateDate          = song.CreateDate;
            DefaultName         = song.DefaultName;
            DefaultNameLanguage = song.Names.SortNames.DefaultLanguage;
            FavoritedTimes      = song.FavoritedTimes;
            Id            = song.Id;
            LengthSeconds = song.LengthSeconds;
            Name          = song.Names.SortNames[languagePreference];
            PVServices    = song.PVServices;
            RatingScore   = song.RatingScore;
            SongType      = song.SongType;
            Status        = song.Status;
            Version       = song.Version;

            if (languagePreference != ContentLanguagePreference.Default || fields.HasFlag(SongOptionalFields.AdditionalNames))
                AdditionalNames = song.Names.GetAdditionalNamesStringForLanguage(languagePreference);

            if (languagePreference != ContentLanguagePreference.Default)
                LocalizedName = song.Names.SortNames[languagePreference];

            if (fields.HasFlag(SongOptionalFields.Albums))
                Albums = song.OnAlbums.Select(a => new AlbumContract(a, languagePreference)).ToArray();

            if (fields.HasFlag(SongOptionalFields.Artists))
                Artists = song.Artists.Select(a => new ArtistForSongContract(a, languagePreference)).ToArray();

            if (fields.HasFlag(SongOptionalFields.Names))
                Names = song.Names.Select(n => new LocalizedStringContract(n)).ToArray();

            if (fields.HasFlag(SongOptionalFields.PVs))
                PVs = song.PVs.Select(p => new PVContract(p)).ToArray();

            if (fields.HasFlag(SongOptionalFields.Tags))
                Tags = song.Tags.Usages.Select(u => new TagUsageForApiContract(u)).ToArray();

            if (fields.HasFlag(SongOptionalFields.ThumbUrl))
                ThumbUrl = VideoServiceHelper.GetThumbUrl(song.PVs.PVs);

            if (fields.HasFlag(SongOptionalFields.WebLinks))
                WebLinks = song.WebLinks.Select(w => new WebLinkContract(w)).ToArray();

            if (mergeRecord != null)
                MergedTo = mergeRecord.Target.Id;
Esempio n. 37
        public SongForApiContract GetById(int id, SongOptionalFields fields = SongOptionalFields.None, ContentLanguagePreference lang = ContentLanguagePreference.Default)
            var song = service.GetSongWithMergeRecord(id, (s, m) => new SongForApiContract(s, m, lang, fields));

Esempio n. 38
        public PartialFindResult<SongForApiContract> GetList(
            string query = "",
            SongType songTypes = SongType.Unspecified,
            string tag = null,
            int? artistId = null,
            ArtistAlbumParticipationStatus artistParticipationStatus = ArtistAlbumParticipationStatus.Everything,
            bool childVoicebanks = false,
            bool onlyWithPvs = false,
            int? since = null,
            [FromUri] ContentLanguageSelections? lyrics = null,
            int? userCollectionId = null,
            EntryStatus? status = null,
            int start = 0, int maxResults = defaultMax, bool getTotalCount = false,
            SongSortRule sort = SongSortRule.Name,
            NameMatchMode nameMatchMode = NameMatchMode.Exact,
            SongOptionalFields fields = SongOptionalFields.None,
            ContentLanguagePreference lang = ContentLanguagePreference.Default)
            query = FindHelpers.GetMatchModeAndQueryForSearch(query, ref nameMatchMode);
            var types = songTypes != SongType.Unspecified ? new[] { songTypes } : new SongType[0];

            var param = new SongQueryParams(query, types, start, Math.Min(maxResults, absoluteMax), false, getTotalCount, nameMatchMode, sort, false, false, null) {
                Tag = tag,
                OnlyWithPVs = onlyWithPvs,
                ArtistId = artistId ?? 0,
                ArtistParticipationStatus = artistParticipationStatus,
                ChildVoicebanks = childVoicebanks,
                TimeFilter = since.HasValue ? TimeSpan.FromHours(since.Value) : TimeSpan.Zero,
                LyricsLanguages = lyrics != null ? lyrics.Value.ToIndividualSelections().ToArray() : null,
                UserCollectionId = userCollectionId ?? 0
            param.Common.EntryStatus = status;

            var artists = service.Find(s => new SongForApiContract(s, null, lang, fields), param);

            return artists;