Esempio n. 1
    void Start()
        SongObjectScript song = findSong();

        audioSource = song.GetAudioSource();

        // Process audio as it plays
        if (realTimeSamples)
            realTimeSpectrum             = new float[1024];
            realTimeSpectralFluxAnalyzer = new SpectralFluxAnalyzer();
            realTimePlotController       = GameObject.Find("RealtimePlot").GetComponent <NoteGenerator> ();

            this.sampleRate = AudioSettings.outputSampleRate;

        // Preprocess entire audio file upfront
        if (preProcessSamples)
            preProcessedSpectralFluxAnalyzer = new SpectralFluxAnalyzer();
            preProcessedPlotController       = GameObject.Find("PreprocessedPlot").GetComponent <NoteGenerator>();

            // Need all audio samples.  If in stereo, samples will return with left and right channels interweaved
            // [L,R,L,R,L,R]
            multiChannelSamples = new float[audioSource.clip.samples * audioSource.clip.channels];
            numChannels         = audioSource.clip.channels;
            numTotalSamples     = audioSource.clip.samples;
            clipLength          = audioSource.clip.length;

            // We are not evaluating the audio as it is being played by Unity, so we need the clip's sampling rate
            this.sampleRate = audioSource.clip.frequency;

            audioSource.clip.GetData(multiChannelSamples, 0);
            Debug.Log("GetData done");

            Thread bgThread = new Thread(this.getFullSpectrumThreaded);

            Debug.Log("Starting Background Thread");
Esempio n. 2
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
            song                 = findSong();            // Finds SongObject in scene
            BPM                  = song.GetBPM();         // Gets selected Song's BPM
            songLength           = song.GetAudioLength(); // Gets the song's length in seconds
            secondsPerBeat       = 60f / BPM;             // Calculates Seconds per Beat
            noteSpawnPositions   = new Vector3[] { noteOneSpawn, noteTwoSpawn, noteThreeSpawn };
            startDelay           = song.GetStartDelay();
            difficultyMultiplier = song.GetDifficultyMultiplier();
            Debug.Log("START A");
        catch (System.Exception e)
        { // Catch for when song doesn't load, spawn objects with no sound (testing purposes only)
            BPM                  = 60f;
            songLength           = 60f;
            secondsPerBeat       = 60f / BPM; // Calculates Seconds per Beat
            noteSpawnPositions   = new Vector3[] { noteOneSpawn, noteTwoSpawn, noteThreeSpawn };
            difficultyMultiplier = 4;
            Debug.Log("START B");

        plotPoints = new List <Transform>();

        float localWidth = transform.Find("Point/BasePoint").localScale.x;

        // -n/2...0...n/2
        for (int i = 0; i < displayWindowSize; i++)
            //Instantiate point
            Transform t = (Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/Point"), transform) as GameObject).transform;

            // Set position
            float pointX = (displayWindowSize / 2) * -1 * localWidth + i * localWidth;
            t.localPosition = new Vector3(pointX, t.localPosition.y, t.localPosition.z);

Esempio n. 3
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
         song = findSong();
         BPM  = song.GetBPM();               // Gets selected Song's BPM
         songLength = song.GetAudioLength(); // Gets the song's length in seconds
         secsPerBeat          = 60f / BPM;   // Calculates Seconds per Beat
         noteSpawnPositions   = new Vector3[] { noteOneSpawn, noteTwoSpawn, noteThreeSpawn };
         startDelay           = song.GetStartDelay();
         difficultyMultiplier = song.GetDifficultyMultiplier();
         StartCoroutine(SpawnNote()); // Starts spawning Method
     } catch (Exception e) {          // Catch for when song doesn't load, spawn objects with no sound (testing purposes only)
         BPM                  = 60f;
         songLength           = 60f;
         secsPerBeat          = 60f / BPM; // Calculates Seconds per Beat
         noteSpawnPositions   = new Vector3[] { noteOneSpawn, noteTwoSpawn, noteThreeSpawn };
         difficultyMultiplier = 4;
         StartCoroutine(SpawnNote()); // Starts spawning Method