Esempio n. 1
        public void Ctor_ValidIssue_CorrectlyInitialized()
            // Arrange
            var issue = new Sonarlint.Issue
                FilePath  = "path",
                RuleKey   = "rule id",
                StartLine = 111

            // Act
            var result = new DaemonIssueAdapter(issue, "line text", "line hash");

            // Assert

            var filterableResult = (IFilterableIssue)result;

            filterableResult.RuleId.Should().Be("rule id");

            filterableResult.WholeLineText.Should().Be("line text");
            filterableResult.LineHash.Should().Be("line hash");
        public DaemonIssueAdapter(Sonarlint.Issue sonarLintIssue, string wholeLineText, string lineHash)
            SonarLintIssue = sonarLintIssue ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sonarLintIssue));

            this.wholeLineText = wholeLineText;
            this.lineHash      = lineHash;
Esempio n. 3
        public IssueMarker ToMarker(Sonarlint.Issue issue, ITextSnapshot currentSnapshot)
            // SonarLint issues line numbers are 1-based, spans lines are 0-based

            var maxLength = currentSnapshot.Length;

            var startLine = currentSnapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(issue.StartLine - 1);
            int startPos  = startLine.Start.Position + issue.StartLineOffset;

            int endPos;

            if (issue.EndLine == 0 ||       // Special case : EndLine = 0 means "select whole of the start line, ignoring the offset"
                startPos > maxLength)       // Defensive : issue start position is beyond the end of the file. Just select the last line.
                startPos = startLine.Start.Position;
                endPos   = startLine.Start.Position + startLine.Length;
                endPos = currentSnapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(issue.EndLine - 1).Start.Position + issue.EndLineOffset;
                // Make sure the end position isn't beyond the end of the snapshot either
                endPos = Math.Min(maxLength, endPos);

            var start = new SnapshotPoint(currentSnapshot, startPos);
            var end   = new SnapshotPoint(currentSnapshot, endPos);

            return(new IssueMarker(issue, new SnapshotSpan(start, end)));
Esempio n. 4
        public void ToMarker_EndPositionExceedsSnapshotLength()
            // Defensive: handle the issue end position being beyond the end of the snapshot
            // (we have not seen this in practice so far)

            // Arrange
            var issue = new Sonarlint.Issue
                StartLine       = 53,
                StartLineOffset = 2,
                EndLine         = 53,
                EndLineOffset   = 12,

            // The issue is on a single line in this case, but the issue end position
            // is beyond the end of the line.
            var vsLine = new VSLineDescription
                ZeroBasedLineNumber = 52,
                LineLength          = 10,
                LineStartPosition   = 1599

            var textSnapshotMock = CreateSnapshotMock(vsLine, vsLine, 1602);

            // Act
            var result = new IssueConverter()
                         .ToMarker(issue, textSnapshotMock.Object);

            // Assert
            result.Span.Start.Position.Should().Be(1601); // vsLine.LineStartPosition + issue.StartLineOffset
            result.Span.End.Position.Should().Be(1602);   // snapshot length
        public IssueMarker ToMarker(Sonarlint.Issue issue, ITextSnapshot currentSnapshot)
            int startPos = currentSnapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(issue.StartLine - 1).Start.Position + issue.StartLineOffset;
            var start    = new SnapshotPoint(currentSnapshot, startPos);

            int endPos = currentSnapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(issue.EndLine - 1).Start.Position + issue.EndLineOffset;
            var end    = new SnapshotPoint(currentSnapshot, endPos);

            return(new IssueMarker(issue, new SnapshotSpan(start, end)));
Esempio n. 6
        public void ToMarker_Calculates_Span_Positions()
            const int issueStartLine = 3;
            const int issueEndLine   = 4;

            // Arrange
            var issue = new Sonarlint.Issue
                StartLine       = issueStartLine,
                StartLineOffset = 10,
                EndLine         = issueEndLine,
                EndLineOffset   = 20,

            var textSnapshotMock = new Mock <ITextSnapshot>();

            var startLineMock = new Mock <ITextSnapshotLine>();

            startLineMock.SetupGet(x => x.Start)
            .Returns(() => new SnapshotPoint(textSnapshotMock.Object, 35));

            var endLineMock = new Mock <ITextSnapshotLine>();

            endLineMock.SetupGet(x => x.Start)
            .Returns(() => new SnapshotPoint(textSnapshotMock.Object, 47));

            .SetupGet(x => x.Length)
            .Returns(1000);     // some big number to avoid ArgumentOutOfRange exceptions
            .Setup(x => x.GetLineFromLineNumber(issueStartLine - 1))
            .Returns(() => startLineMock.Object);
            .Setup(x => x.GetLineFromLineNumber(issueEndLine - 1))
            .Returns(() => endLineMock.Object);

            // Act
            var result = new IssueConverter()
                         .ToMarker(issue, textSnapshotMock.Object);

            // Assert
            result.Span.Start.Position.Should().Be(45); // first SnapshotPoint.Position + issue.StartLineOffset
            result.Span.End.Position.Should().Be(67);   // second SnapshotPoint.Position + issue.EndLineOffset
Esempio n. 7
        public void ToMarker_StartPositionExceedsSnapshotLength()
            // These values were taken from a real analysis issue
            // Rule "cpp:S113 - no newline at end of file" returns an offset after the end of the file.

            // Arrange
            var issue = new Sonarlint.Issue
                StartLine       = 53,
                StartLineOffset = 2,
                EndLine         = 53,
                EndLineOffset   = 3,

            var firstLine = new VSLineDescription
                ZeroBasedLineNumber = 52,
                LineLength          = 1,
                LineStartPosition   = 1599

            // Second line should not be used in this case
            var secondLine = new VSLineDescription
                ZeroBasedLineNumber = -999,
                LineLength          = -999,
                LineStartPosition   = -999

            var textSnapshotMock = CreateSnapshotMock(firstLine, secondLine, 1600);

            // Act
            var result = new IssueConverter()
                         .ToMarker(issue, textSnapshotMock.Object);

            // Assert
            result.Span.Start.Position.Should().Be(1599); // firstLine.LineStartPosition. Ignore offset because that will take us beyond the end of file
            result.Span.End.Position.Should().Be(1600);   // snapshot length
Esempio n. 8
        public void ToMarker_EndLineIsZero()
            // If issue.EndLine is zero the whole of the start line should be selected

            // Arrange
            var issue = new Sonarlint.Issue
                StartLine       = 22,
                StartLineOffset = 2,
                EndLine         = 0,
                EndLineOffset   = 0,

            var firstLine = new VSLineDescription
                ZeroBasedLineNumber = 21,
                LineLength          = 34,
                LineStartPosition   = 103

            // The second VS line shouldn't be used in this case
            var secondLine = new VSLineDescription
                ZeroBasedLineNumber = 25,
                LineLength          = 100,
                LineStartPosition   = 1010

            var textSnapshotMock = CreateSnapshotMock(firstLine, secondLine);

            // Act
            var result = new IssueConverter()
                         .ToMarker(issue, textSnapshotMock.Object);

            // Assert
            result.Span.Start.Position.Should().Be(103); // firstLine.LineStartPosition. Ignore issue.StartLineOffset in this case
            result.Span.End.Position.Should().Be(137);   // firstLine.LineStartPosition +  firstLine.LineLength
Esempio n. 9
        public void ToMarker_Calculates_Span_Positions()
            // Arrange
            var issue = new Sonarlint.Issue
                StartLine       = 3,
                StartLineOffset = 10,
                EndLine         = 4,
                EndLineOffset   = 20,

            var firstLine = new VSLineDescription
                ZeroBasedLineNumber = 2,
                LineLength          = 10,
                LineStartPosition   = 35

            var secondLine = new VSLineDescription
                ZeroBasedLineNumber = 3,
                LineLength          = 25,
                LineStartPosition   = 47

            var textSnapshotMock = CreateSnapshotMock(firstLine, secondLine);

            // Act
            var result = new IssueConverter()
                         .ToMarker(issue, textSnapshotMock.Object);

            // Assert
            result.Span.Start.Position.Should().Be(45); // firstLine.LineStartPosition + issue.StartLineOffset
            result.Span.End.Position.Should().Be(67);   // secondLine.LineStartPosition + issue.EndLineOffset
 private IssueMarker CreateMarker(Sonarlint.Issue issue) =>
 issueConverter.ToMarker(issue, subjectBuffer.CurrentSnapshot);