Esempio n. 1
    public void DoUpdate()
        float value = 0f;

        if (isSetup)
            if (++currIndex == dataLength)
                currIndex = 0;

            try {
                value = (float.Parse(eegData [1, currIndex]) - yOffset) / MAX_AMPLITUDE;
                SomaxisReading reading = new SomaxisReading(int.Parse(eegData [0, currIndex]), value);
                owner.PublishReading(reading, this);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.LogError("Could not generate csv reading data!");

            if (currIndex % 120 == 0)
                Debug.Log("Csv reading data " + currIndex + ": " + eegData [0, currIndex]
                          + ", " + value);
Esempio n. 2
    private void PublishReading(ANT_Response response)
        Debug.Log("Publishing BROADCAST_DATA_0x4E !!!");
        byte[] payload = response.getDataPayload();

        // What the heck is going on here?!
        ushort[] dataArray1 = new ushort[4]
            (ushort)(((int)payload [3] & (int)byte.MaxValue) << 2 | (int)payload [4] >> 6),
            (ushort)(((int)payload [4] & 63) << 4 | (int)payload [5] >> 4),
            (ushort)(((int)payload [5] & 15) << 6 | (int)payload [6] >> 2),
            (ushort)((uint)(((int)payload [6] & 3) << 8) | (uint)payload [7])

        // Why are there 4 readings per sample?
        for (int index = 0; index < 4; index++)
            /* logic to hanle sample history
             * this._gSampleHistorySum -= (uint)this._gSampleHistory [this._gBufferIndex];
             * this._gSampleHistory [this._gBufferIndex] = dataArray1 [index];
             * this._gSampleHistorySum += (uint)this._gSampleHistory [this._gBufferIndex];
             * this._gSampleAverageHistory [this._gBufferIndex] = (ushort)(this._gSampleHistorySum / this._gNumTaps);
             * this._gSampleAverageDifferenceSquaredHistory [this._gBufferIndex] =
             *      (uint)Math.Pow ((double)((int)this._gSampleHistory [this._gBufferIndex]
             *              - (int)this._gSampleAverageHistory [this._gBufferIndex]), 2.0);
             * uint num1 = 0U;
             * foreach (uint num2 in this._gSampleAverageDifferenceSquaredHistory)
             *      num1 += num2;
             * this._gPseudoStandardDeviationHistory [index] = (ushort)Math.Sqrt ((double)num1 / (double)(this._gNumTaps - 1U));
             * this._gBufferIndex = ++this._gBufferIndex % this._gNumTaps;
            SomaxisReading reading = new SomaxisReading(payload [0], dataArray1 [index]);
            owner.PublishReading(reading, this);