public void FourByFour() { StartBotGame(); Settings.BoardDimensions = new Vector2Int(4, 4); SolverParser.Main(_4x4StrategyFile); _gameManager.ResetGameWithNewAgents(new Agent[] { _jingYangPlayer, _jingYangOpponent }); }
public void ThreeByThree() { StartBotGame(); Settings.BoardDimensions = new Vector2Int(3, 3); SolverParser.Main(_3x3StrategyFile); _gameManager.ResetGameWithNewAgents(new Agent[] { _jingYangPlayer, _jingYangOpponent }); }
public void Initialize() { SolverParser.Main(Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/" + _defaultStrategyFile); var name = SolverParser.IssueCommand(; var expectedName = (_isUsingStandaloneExecutable) ? "= jingyang" : "= JY"; if (expectedName != name) { Debug.LogError("Failed to start jingyang player. Instead got: " + name); return; } if (!_isUsingStandaloneExecutable) { //Standalone executables automatically determine boardsize but benzene defaults to 13x13 SolverParser.IssueCommand(BenzeneCommands.boardsize(new Vector2Int(9, 9))); } if (_callback != null) { _callback(new Move(new Vector2Int((Settings.BoardDimensions.x) / 2, (Settings.BoardDimensions.y - 1) / 2))); } }