Esempio n. 1
        unsafe public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
            if (bindingContext == null)
                bindingContext = new
                    TextButtonStyle = App.Current.Resources["TextButtonStyle"] as Style,
                    BodyText        = App.Current.Resources["BaconReadingBodyParagraphStyle"] as Style,
                    Locator         = App.Current.Resources["Locator"] as ViewModelLocator,
                    StaticCommands  = App.Current.Resources["StaticCommands"]

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value as string))
                    var    startingText = value as string;
                    string markdown     = null;
                    fixed(char *textPtr = startingText)
                        var markdownPtr = SoldOut.MarkdownToXaml((uint)textPtr, (uint)startingText.Length);

                        if (markdownPtr != 0)
                            markdown = new string((char *)markdownPtr);

                    //bad markdown (possibly due to unicode char, just pass it through plain)
                    var noWhiteStartingText = startingText.Replace(" ", "").Replace("\n", "");
                    var noWhiteMarkdown     = markdown.Replace(" ", "").Replace("\n", "").Replace("<paragraph>", "");
                    var isSame = (markdown.Length < "<paragraph></paragraph>".Length) || string.Compare(noWhiteStartingText, 0, noWhiteMarkdown, 0, noWhiteStartingText.Length) == 0;

                    if (isSame)
                        var rtb = new RichTextBox();
                        var pp  = new Paragraph();
                        pp.Inlines.Add(new Run {
                            Text = startingText
                        markdown = markdown.Trim('\n');
                        if (!markdown.EndsWith("</Paragraph>"))
                            var lastParagraph = markdown.LastIndexOf("</Paragraph>");
                            if (lastParagraph != -1)
                                markdown = markdown.Substring(0, lastParagraph + "</Paragraph>".Length) + "<Paragraph>" + markdown.Substring(lastParagraph + "</Paragraph>".Length + 1) + "</Paragraph>";

                        for (int lineBreakPos = markdown.IndexOf("<LineBreak/>", 0); lineBreakPos != -1 && lineBreakPos + "<LineBreak/>".Length + 1 < markdown.Length; lineBreakPos = markdown.IndexOf("<LineBreak/>", lineBreakPos + insertionLength))
                            //unfortnately the renderer doesnt really allow us to  wrap this in a paragrpah properly (For xaml)
                            if (lineBreakPos > -1)
                                var paragraphEnding = markdown.LastIndexOf("</Paragraph>", lineBreakPos);
                                if (paragraphEnding != -1)
                                    markdown = markdown.Insert(paragraphEnding + "</Paragraph>".Length, "<Paragraph>").Insert(lineBreakPos + "<Paragraph>".Length + "<LineBreak/>".Length, "</Paragraph>");
                        //xmlns=\"\" xmlns:view=\"clr-namespace:BaconographyWP8.View\"

                        //var markdown2 = "<Paragraph>Reminds me of <InlineUIContainer><Button><Button.Content>this</Button.Content></Button></InlineUIContainer></Paragraph>";

                        if (!markdown.Contains("<Paragraph>"))
                            markdown = "<Paragraph>" + markdown + "</Paragraph>";

                        var uiElement = XamlReader.Load(string.Format("<RichTextBox xmlns=\"\" xmlns:x=\"\" xmlns:common=\"clr-namespace:BaconographyWP8.Common;assembly=BaconographyWP8\">{0}</RichTextBox>", markdown)) as RichTextBox;
                        uiElement.DataContext = bindingContext;
                    var semiCleanText = value as string;
                    if (semiCleanText != null)
                        semiCleanText = semiCleanText.Replace("&amp;", "&").Replace("&lt;", "<").Replace("&gt;", ">").Replace("&quot;", "\"").Replace("&apos;", "'");
                    return(new TextBlock {
                        Text = semiCleanText, TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap
                return new TextBlock {
                           Text = ""