public async void SetupWirelessAP(object sender, EventArgs e)

            App.wirelessconfig.Password = this.PasswordEntry.Text;

            var publicKey = await SoftAPConfig.GetPublicKeyAsync();

            var configureresult = await SoftAPConfig.SetConfigureAPAsync(0, ssidlist.Where(l => l.SSID == App.wirelessconfig.SSID).First(), App.wirelessconfig.Password, publicKey);

            if (configureresult == 0)
                await SoftAPConfig.SetConnectAPAsync(0);

        public async Task RefreshWirelessAPList()

                this.ssidlist = await SoftAPConfig.GetScanAPsAsync();

                this.WirelessAPList.ItemsSource = this.ssidlist.Select(x => x.SSID);
                await DisplayAlert("Refresh error", "Could not get wireless networks - are you connected to the Ambient device?", "OK");

Esempio n. 3
        private async void GetPhotonWiFiAsync()
            PhotonWiFiListBox.DataContext = null;
            LoadWiFiProgress.IsActive     = true;
            int maxRetries = 5;
            List <SoftAPScanAP> setupScanAPs = null;

            for (int tries = 0; tries < maxRetries; ++tries)
                if (setupScanAPs == null)
                    setupScanAPs = await SoftAPConfig.GetScanAPsAsync();

            LoadWiFiProgress.IsActive     = false;
            PhotonWiFiListBox.DataContext = setupScanAPs;
        private async void ConfigureDeviceAsync() // STEP 1
            Step1ProgressRing.IsActive = true;
            Step1Grid.Visibility       = Visibility.Visible;

            int result = await SoftAPConfig.SetConfigureAPAsync(configurIndex, SoftAPConfig.SoftAPData.ScanAP, SoftAPConfig.SoftAPData.Password, SoftAPConfig.SoftAPData.PublicKey);

            Step1ProgressRing.IsActive = false;
            Step1Checkmark.Visibility  = Visibility.Visible;

            if (result == 0)
        private async void ConnectDeviceAsync() // STEP 2
            Step2ProgressRing.IsActive = true;
            Step2Grid.Visibility       = Visibility.Visible;

            int result = await SoftAPConfig.SetConnectAPAsync(configurIndex);

            Step2ProgressRing.IsActive = false;
            Step2Checkmark.Visibility  = Visibility.Visible;

            if (result == 0)
        private async Task <bool> VerifyPhotonConnectionAsync(ConnectionProfile connectionProfile)
            PhotonNetworkTextBlock.Text = connectionProfile.ProfileName;
            ProgressBar.IsIndeterminate = true;
            int setClaimCode = -1;
            int maxRetries   = 5;

            for (int tries = 0; tries < maxRetries; ++tries)
                if (SoftAPConfig.SoftAPData.Version == null)
                    SoftAPConfig.SoftAPData.Version = await SoftAPConfig.GetVersionAsync();
                if (SoftAPConfig.SoftAPData.DeviceId == null)
                    SoftAPConfig.SoftAPData.DeviceId = await SoftAPConfig.GetDeviceIdAsync();
                if (SoftAPConfig.SoftAPData.PublicKey == null)
                    SoftAPConfig.SoftAPData.PublicKey = await SoftAPConfig.GetPublicKeyAsync();
                if (setClaimCode == -1)
                    setClaimCode = await SoftAPConfig.SetClaimCodeAsync(SoftAPConfig.SoftAPData.ClaimCode);

            ProgressBar.IsIndeterminate = false;

            if (SoftAPConfig.SoftAPData.Version == null ||
                SoftAPConfig.SoftAPData.DeviceId == null ||
                SoftAPConfig.SoftAPData.PublicKey == null ||
                setClaimCode == -1)

Esempio n. 7
        public async void Start()
                _iconFile = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///IoTOnboardingService/icon72x72.png"));

                var connectionProfiles = NetworkInformation.GetConnectionProfiles();
                foreach (var profile in connectionProfiles)
                    if (profile.IsWlanConnectionProfile)
                        lock (_stateLock)
                            _state = OnboardingState.ConfiguredValidated;

                // read configuration
                var configResult = await ReadConfig();

                if (!configResult.Item1)
                    // for some reason config file doesn't seem to be OK
                    // => reset config and try another time
                    await ResetConfig();

                    configResult = await ReadConfig();

                    if (!configResult.Item1)
                        throw new System.IO.InvalidDataException("Invalid configuration");
                _ajOnboardingConfig = configResult.Item2;
                _softAPConfig       = configResult.Item3;

                bool monitorOk = await MonitorConfigFile();

                if (!monitorOk)
                    throw new System.Exception("Unable to monitor configuration file for changes.  Unexpected.");

                // If everything is disabled, then there's nothing to do.
                if ((_softAPConfig.enabled == false) && (_ajOnboardingConfig.enabled == false))

                // create softAP
                if (_softAccessPoint == null &&
                    (_softAPConfig.enabled ||
                    // The following builds up an Access Point SSID from information available to the IotOnboarding Task
                    // If AllJoyn is enabled, then we must add AJ_ to the start of the SSID
                    // If a Soft AP SSID value is specified in the configuration settings, then we will add that next
                    // Finally we add the Soft AP's MAC Address to the end.  Note that if a device does not have a WiFi adapter,
                    // this _mac value will be a forced to the onboardingDevice ID GUID created the first time this app runs
                    // Examples:  AllJoyn enabled, Wifi:        AJ_SoftAPSsid_<MACADDRESS>
                    //            AllJoyn disabled, Wifi:       SoftAPSsid_<MACADDRESS>
                    //            AllJoyn disabled, No Wifi:    SoftAPSsid_<8Chars_of_Onboarding_GUID>

                    string prefix = "";
                    string suffix = "_" + _mac;
                    string ssid   = "";

                    if (_ajOnboardingConfig.enabled)
                        prefix = SOFTAP_SSID_AJONBOARDING_PREFIX;

                    // SSID examples:  AJ_SoftAPSsid_AABBCCDDEEFF
                    ssid             = prefix + _softAPConfig.ssid + suffix;
                    _softAccessPoint = new OnboardingAccessPoint(ssid, _softAPConfig.password, _onboardingDeviceId);

                // create AllJoyn related things
                if (_busAttachment == null &&
                    _busAttachment = new AllJoynBusAttachment();
                    _busAttachment.AboutData.DefaultDescription  = _ajOnboardingConfig.defaultDescription + " MAC: " + _mac;
                    _busAttachment.AboutData.DefaultManufacturer = _ajOnboardingConfig.defaultManufacturer;
                    _busAttachment.AboutData.ModelNumber         = _ajOnboardingConfig.modelNumber;
                    _onboardingProducer         = new OnboardingProducer(_busAttachment);
                    _onboardingProducer.Service = this;

                    if (_ajOnboardingConfig.presharedKey.Length == 0)

                    _busAttachment.CredentialsRequested             += CredentialsRequested;
                    _busAttachment.CredentialsVerificationRequested += CredentialsVerificationRequested;
                    _busAttachment.AuthenticationComplete           += AuthenticationComplete;

                    _iconProducer         = new IconProducer(_busAttachment);
                    _iconProducer.Service = this;

                if (_deviceWatcher == null)
                    var accessStatus = await WiFiAdapter.RequestAccessAsync();

                    if (accessStatus == WiFiAccessStatus.Allowed)
                        _deviceWatcher          = DeviceInformation.CreateWatcher(WiFiAdapter.GetDeviceSelector());
                        _deviceWatcher.Added   += this.HandleAdapterAdded;
                        _deviceWatcher.Removed += this.HandleAdapterRemoved;

            catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 8
        private async Task <Tuple <bool, AJOnboardingConfig, SoftAPConfig> > ReadConfig()
            bool retVal = true;

            AJOnboardingConfig ajOnboardCfg = new AJOnboardingConfig();
            SoftAPConfig       softAPCfg    = new SoftAPConfig();

                // get config file from app folder
                var         localFolder = ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;
                StorageFile configFile;
                if (await localFolder.TryGetItemAsync(CONFIG_FILE_NAME) == null)
                    // config file doesn't exist => copy it from the app package
                    var installedLocation = Package.Current.InstalledLocation;
                    var pkgFile           = await installedLocation.GetFileAsync(CONFIG_FILE_NAME);

                    configFile = await pkgFile.CopyAsync(localFolder);
                    configFile = await localFolder.GetFileAsync(CONFIG_FILE_NAME);

                var xmlConfig = await XmlDocument.LoadFromFileAsync(configFile);

                // SoftAP config
                var xmlNode    = xmlConfig.SelectSingleNode(NODE_SOFTAPENABLE);
                var tempString = GetXmlNodeValue(xmlNode);
                if (tempString == "true")
                    softAPCfg.enabled = true;
                    softAPCfg.enabled = false;
                xmlNode            = xmlConfig.SelectSingleNode(NODE_SOFTAPSSIDTEMPLATE);
                softAPCfg.ssid     = GetXmlNodeValue(xmlNode);
                xmlNode            = xmlConfig.SelectSingleNode(NODE_SOFTAPPASSWORD);
                softAPCfg.password = GetXmlNodeValue(xmlNode);

                // AllJoyn Onboarding config
                xmlNode    = xmlConfig.SelectSingleNode(NODE_ALLJOYNONBOARDINGENABLE);
                tempString = GetXmlNodeValue(xmlNode);
                if (tempString == "true")
                    ajOnboardCfg.enabled = true;
                    ajOnboardCfg.enabled = false;
                xmlNode = xmlConfig.SelectSingleNode(NODE_DEFAULTDESCRIPTIONTEMPLATE);
                ajOnboardCfg.defaultDescription = GetXmlNodeValue(xmlNode);
                xmlNode = xmlConfig.SelectSingleNode(NODE_DEFAULTMANUFACTURER);
                ajOnboardCfg.defaultManufacturer = GetXmlNodeValue(xmlNode);
                xmlNode = xmlConfig.SelectSingleNode(NODE_MODELNUMBER);
                ajOnboardCfg.modelNumber = GetXmlNodeValue(xmlNode);

                // For backwards compatbility with original config file.  If the AllJoyn PSK is not found,
                // default to the ECDHE_NULL authentication method
                xmlNode = xmlConfig.SelectSingleNode(NODE_ALLJOYNPSK);
                if (xmlNode == null)
                    ajOnboardCfg.presharedKey = "";
                    ajOnboardCfg.presharedKey = GetXmlNodeValue(xmlNode);
            catch (Exception)
                retVal = false;

            return(new Tuple <bool, AJOnboardingConfig, SoftAPConfig>(retVal, ajOnboardCfg, softAPCfg));