public void JoinCustom() { /* * There should be only number-inputs */ if (ChannelInput.text != "") { LocalUserData.SetUserName(InputName.text); Dictionary <string, string> data = new Dictionary <string, string> (); data ["name"] = InputName.text; data ["roomnumber"] = ChannelInput.text; /* * TODO: player position will be set from server-side */ Vector3 position = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f); data ["position"] = position.x + "," + position.y + "," + position.z; SocketIOComp.Emit("SERVER:JOINCUSTOM", new JSONObject(data)); HideChannelWindow(); GlobalGameState.DialogueUI.Show(DialogueUIController.DialogueTypes.JoiningRoom); } else { ChannelInputPlaceHolder.text = "Channel number is necessary!"; } }
public void OnClickJoinBtn() { if (InputName.text != "") { LocalUserData.SetUserName(InputName.text); Dictionary <string, string> data = new Dictionary <string, string> (); data ["name"] = InputName.text; /* * TODO: player position will be set from server-side * probably send spawn area from here? */ Vector3 position = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f); data ["position"] = position.x + "," + position.y + "," + position.z; Vector3 rotation = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f); data ["rotation"] = rotation.x + "," + rotation.y + "," + rotation.z; SocketIOComp.Emit("SERVER:JOIN", new JSONObject(data)); GlobalGameState.DialogueUI.Show(DialogueUIController.DialogueTypes.JoiningRoom); } else { InputNamePlaceHolder.text = "Nickname is necessary!"; } }
void UpdateInput() { // rotation //------------------------------------------------------------ // default when there is no position input from player Vector3 newBodyRotation = CharacterObject.transform.rotation.eulerAngles; float yaw = UserInputControl.Yaw(); if (yaw != 0f) { // reminder - Euler(pitch , yaw , roll) newBodyRotation = CharacterObject.transform.rotation.eulerAngles + new Vector3(0f, yaw * Sensitivity * Time.deltaTime, 0f); CharacterObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(newBodyRotation); } Vector3 newPosition = CharacterObject.transform.position; CharacterObject.Rb.MovePosition(CharacterObject.transform.position + CharacterObject.transform.forward * MoveSpeed * Time.deltaTime * BoostValue); newPosition = CharacterObject.transform.position; // network //------------------------------------------------------------ PacketTimer += Time.deltaTime; if (PacketTimer > PacketLimit) { Dictionary <string, string> data = new Dictionary <string, string> (); data ["transform"] = newPosition.x + "," + newPosition.z + "," + newBodyRotation.y; data ["elapsedTime"] = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad.ToString(); SocketIOComp.Emit("SERVER:MOVE", new JSONObject(data)); PacketTimer = 0f; } }
void SendChat(string msg) { Dictionary <string, string> data = new Dictionary <string, string> (); data ["chatmsg"] = msg; SocketIOComp.Emit("SERVER:CHATSEND", new JSONObject(data)); InputMsg.text = ""; }
IEnumerator Connection() { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f)); if (!ServerConnected) { DialogueUI.Show(DialogueUIController.DialogueTypes.ConnectingServer); SocketIOComp.Emit("SERVER:CONNECT"); } StartCoroutine(Connection()); }
public void ResetLobbyState() { GlobalGameState.IsPlayerReady = false; Dictionary <string, string> data = new Dictionary <string, string> (); data ["ready"] = "0"; SocketIOComp.Emit("SERVER:USER_READY", new JSONObject(data)); LeaveGameBtn.gameObject.SetActive(false); JoinGameBtn.gameObject.SetActive(true); }
public void LeaveRoom() { SocketIOComp.Emit("SERVER:LEAVE"); //GlobalGameState.Disconnect (); GlobalGameState.HandleLeaveGame(); GlobalGameState.HideAllUI(); GlobalGameState.LoginUI.Show(); // set spectate cam on! GlobalGameState.SpectateCam.gameObject.SetActive(false); }
void UpdateInput() { // rotation //------------------------------------------------------------ // default when there is no position input from player Vector3 newBodyRotation = CharacterObject.transform.rotation.eulerAngles; float yaw = UserInputControl.Yaw(); //#if UNITY_EDITOR // debug purpose yaw = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"); //#endif if (yaw != 0f) { // reminder - Euler(pitch , yaw , roll) newBodyRotation = CharacterObject.transform.rotation.eulerAngles + new Vector3(0f, yaw * RotationSensitivity * Time.deltaTime, 0f); CharacterObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(newBodyRotation); } Vector3 newPosition = CharacterObject.transform.position; Vector3 targetPosition = newPosition; float smoothTime = 0.3f; if (Bumping) { smoothTime = 0.038f; CharacterObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(Vector3.SmoothDamp(CharacterObject.transform.rotation.eulerAngles, CharacterObject.transform.rotation.eulerAngles + new Vector3(0f, Random.Range(-15f, 15f), 0f), ref refRot, 0.02f)); targetPosition = CharacterObject.transform.position + -CharacterObject.transform.forward * CarCollisionBounceDist * BumpRate; } else { targetPosition = CharacterObject.transform.position + CharacterObject.transform.forward * MoveSpeed * BoostValue; } CharacterObject.transform.position = Vector3.SmoothDamp(CharacterObject.transform.position, targetPosition, ref CurrentVelocity, smoothTime); newPosition = CharacterObject.transform.position; // network //------------------------------------------------------------ PacketTimer += Time.deltaTime; if (PacketTimer > PacketLimit) { Dictionary <string, string> data = new Dictionary <string, string> (); data ["transform"] = newPosition.x + "," + newPosition.z + "," + newBodyRotation.y; data ["elapsedTime"] = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad.ToString(); SocketIOComp.Emit("SERVER:MOVE", new JSONObject(data)); PacketTimer = 0f; } }
private void OnPlayerSetup(SocketIOEvent evt) { Debug.Log("creating character/controller"); CharacterType PlayType = (CharacterType)JsonToInt("type").ToString(), "\""); bool isSimulated = false; Debug.Log("Creating players controller and character:" + PlayType); if (PlayType == CharacterType.Blender) // case blender { GameObject prefab = Instantiate(BlenderControllerPrefab); PlayerBlenderController = prefab.GetComponent <BlenderController> (); PlayerBlenderController.CharacterObject = CreateCharacter(evt, isSimulated, BlenderPrefab) as Blender; Debug.Log("Created Blender:" + PlayerBlenderController.CharacterObject); Blenders.Add(PlayerBlenderController.CharacterObject); // for blender 3rd person cam GameObject cam = Instantiate(ThirdCam, PlayerBlenderController.CharacterObject.transform.position + ThirdCam.transform.position, ThirdCam.transform.rotation); ThirdCamComp = cam.GetComponent <ThirdPersonCamera> (); ThirdCamComp.gameObject.SetActive(true); ThirdCamComp.GetComponent <ThirdPersonCamera>().Setup(PlayerBlenderController.CharacterObject.gameObject); ThirdCamComp.BlenderCamStick = PlayerBlenderController.JoystickCam; } else if (PlayType == CharacterType.Killer) { GameObject prefab = Instantiate(KillerControllerPrefab); PlayerKillerController = prefab.GetComponent <KillerController> (); PlayerKillerController.CharacterObject = CreateCharacter(evt, isSimulated, KillerPrefab) as Killer; Debug.Log("Created Killer:" + PlayerKillerController.CharacterObject); Killers.Add(PlayerKillerController.CharacterObject); // for killer 1st person cam GameObject cam = Instantiate(FirstCam); FirstCamComp = cam.GetComponent <FirstPersonCamera> (); FirstCamComp.gameObject.SetActive(true); FirstCamComp.gameObject.transform.position = PlayerKillerController.CharacterObject.HeadTransform.position; FirstCamComp.gameObject.transform.parent = PlayerKillerController.CharacterObject.HeadTransform; } SocketIOComp.Emit("SERVER:CREATE_FOR_OTHERPLAYER"); // create NPC blenders if (GlobalGameState.IsNPCBlenderMaster) { GlobalMapManager.CreateNPCBlenders(NPCCount); } }
// Update is called once per frame protected override void Update() { base.Update(); if (JoystickRotate && CharacterObject) { // rotation //------------------------------------------------------------ float yaw = JoystickRotate.Yaw(); if (yaw != 0f) { // reminder - Euler(pitch , yaw , roll) Vector3 newBodyRotation = JoystickRotate.BaseBodyRotation + new Vector3(0f, yaw * SensitivityYaw, 0f); CharacterObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(newBodyRotation); Dictionary <string, string> data = new Dictionary <string, string> (); data ["rotation"] = 0 + "," + newBodyRotation.y; data ["elapsedTime"] = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad.ToString(); SocketIOComp.Emit("SERVER:ROTATE_BLENDER", new JSONObject(data)); } // position //------------------------------------------------------------ // TODO: have to get walking animation turn off for local character when they are stuck in the wall and not moving if (movement > 0f) { //Debug.Log (CharacterObject.transform.forward * MoveSpeed * movement * Time.deltaTime); CharacterObject.Rb.MovePosition(CharacterObject.Rb.position + CharacterObject.transform.forward * MoveSpeed * movement * Time.deltaTime); movement -= 1f * Time.deltaTime; Vector3 newPosition = CharacterObject.transform.position; Dictionary <string, string> data = new Dictionary <string, string> (); data ["position"] = newPosition.x + "," + newPosition.y + "," + newPosition.z; data ["elapsedTime"] = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad.ToString(); //Debug.Log ("Attempting move:" + data["rotation"]); SocketIOComp.Emit("SERVER:WALK_BLENDER", new JSONObject(data)); } else { if (CharacterObject.Anim.GetBool("Walk") == true) { CharacterObject.Anim.SetBool("Walk", false); } } } }
private void OnGameState(SocketIOEvent evt) { GameStateEnum gameState = (GameStateEnum)JsonToInt("gamestate").ToString(), "\""); Debug.Log("////////// GAMESTATE CHANGE ////////// ::" + gameState); if (gameState == GameStateEnum.Spectate) { HideAllUI(); LobbyUI.Show(); GameUI.ShowWithOption(GameUIController.GameUIState.Lobby); OnSpectateChangeCamera(gameState); } else if (gameState == GameStateEnum.IsWaitingForGameStart) { HideAllUI(); LobbyUI.Show(); GameUI.ShowWithOption(GameUIController.GameUIState.Lobby); OnSpectateChangeCamera(gameState); } else if (gameState == GameStateEnum.IsPlaying) { HideAllUI(); GameUI.ShowWithOption(GameUIController.GameUIState.InGame); ChatUI.Show(); OnSpectateChangeCamera(gameState); IsNPCBlenderMaster = JsonToBool("npc_master").ToString(), "\""); NPCCount = int.Parse("npc_count").ToString()); SocketIOComp.Emit("SERVER:READY_GAMESTART"); } else if (gameState == GameStateEnum.EndedGame) { HideAllUI(); WinSide winSide = (WinSide)JsonToInt("winside").ToString(), "\""); GameEndUI.SetState(winSide); GameEndUI.Show(); ClearScene(); SocketIOComp.Emit("SERVER:ENDED_GAME"); OnSpectateChangeCamera(gameState); } }
public void LeaveGame(bool IsByPlayerWill) { SocketIOComp.Emit("SERVER:LEAVE_GAME"); //GlobalGameState.Disconnect (); GlobalGameState.HandleLeaveGame(); GlobalGameState.HideAllUI(); if (IsByPlayerWill) { GlobalGameState.LobbyUI.ResetLobbyState(); } GlobalGameState.LobbyUI.Show(); GlobalGameState.GameUI.ShowWithOption(GameUIController.GameUIState.Lobby); // set spectate cam on! GlobalGameState.SpectateCam.gameObject.SetActive(true); }
public void TryKill() { RaycastHit objectHit; Vector3 fwd = CharacterObject.gameObject.transform.forward + new Vector3(0f, 0.5f, 0f); if (Physics.Raycast(CharacterObject.gameObject.transform.position, fwd, out objectHit, KillDist)) { if (objectHit.collider == null || objectHit.collider.gameObject == null) { return; } Blender blender = objectHit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <Blender>(); if (blender != null) { Debug.Log("Killing blender:" +; blender.Kill(; Dictionary <string, string> data = new Dictionary <string, string> (); data ["id"] =; SocketIOComp.Emit("SERVER:KILL_BLENDER", new JSONObject(data)); if (blender.IsNPC) { KillerLife--; KillerLifeUI [KillerLife].gameObject.SetActive(false); LeanTween.value(DamageUI.gameObject, DamageClrStart, DamageClrPeak, .07f).setOnUpdate((Color val) => { DamageUI.color = val; }).setLoopPingPong(1); if (KillerLife == 0) { KillerDie(); } } } } }
IEnumerator PingUpdate() { SocketIOComp.Emit("SERVER:PING"); pingtime = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f)); // check server is connected float lastpongduration = Mathf.Abs(Time.timeSinceLevelLoad - lastpongtime); if (lastpongduration > 4f) { DisconnectBehaviour(); } if (pingdone) { pongtime = pongtime * 1000f; ResponseText.text = (int)pongtime + "ms"; pingdone = false; } StartCoroutine(PingUpdate()); }
public void CreateNPCBlenders(int count) { RandomizeArray(NPCSpawnPointsArray); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Transform t = NPCSpawnPointsArray [i].transform; GameObject npcBlender = Instantiate(GlobalGameState.BlenderNPCPrefab, t.position, t.rotation); string npcid = "npcid_" + i.ToString(); npcBlender.GetComponent <BlenderNPCController> () = npcid; npcBlender.GetComponent <Blender> ().IsNPC = true; Dictionary <string, string> data = new Dictionary <string, string> (); data ["npcid"] = npcid; data ["name"] = npcid; data ["position"] = npcBlender.transform.position.x + "," + npcBlender.transform.position.y + "," + npcBlender.transform.position.z; data ["rotation"] = 0 + "," + npcBlender.transform.position.y; SocketIOComp.Emit("SERVER:BLENDER_NPC_CREATE", new JSONObject(data)); GlobalGameState.BlenderNPCs.Add(npcBlender.GetComponent <Blender>()); } }
// Update is called once per frame protected override void Update() { base.Update(); if (JoystickMove && JoystickCam && CharacterObject) { // debug ray for kill Vector3 fwd = CharacterObject.gameObject.transform.forward + new Vector3(0f, 0.5f, 0f); Debug.DrawRay(CharacterObject.gameObject.transform.position, fwd * KillDist,; float x = JoystickMove.Vertical(); float z = JoystickMove.Horizontal(); float yaw = JoystickCam.Yaw(); float pitch = JoystickCam.Pitch(); bool IsDirtyPlayerPositionOnNetwork = false; bool IsDirtyPlayerRotationOnNetwork = false; //debug //Vector3 forward = CharacterObject.gameObject.transform.forward * 2f; //Debug.DrawRay(CharacterObject.gameObject.transform.position, forward,; GameObject playerGameObject = CharacterObject.gameObject; // position //------------------------------------------------------------ // default when there is no position input from player Vector3 newPosition = playerGameObject.transform.position; if (x != 0f || z != 0f) { newPosition = playerGameObject.transform.position + playerGameObject.transform.forward * x * SensitivityX + playerGameObject.transform.right * z * SensitivityZ; CharacterObject.Rb.MovePosition(newPosition); //playerGameObject.transform.position = newPosition; IsDirtyPlayerPositionOnNetwork = true; } // rotation //------------------------------------------------------------ // default when there is no rotation input from player Vector3 newBodyRotation = playerGameObject.transform.rotation.eulerAngles; Vector3 newHeadRotation = CharacterObject.HeadTransform.localRotation.eulerAngles; if (yaw != 0f || pitch != 0f) { // reminder - Euler(pitch , yaw , roll) newBodyRotation = /*JoystickCam.BaseBodyRotation*/ playerGameObject.transform.rotation.eulerAngles + new Vector3(0f, yaw * SensitivityYaw, 0f); //newHeadRotation = JoystickCam.BaseHeadLocalRotation + new Vector3 (pitch * SensitivityPitch, 0f, 0f); newHeadRotation = JoystickCam.BaseHeadLocalRotation - new Vector3(pitch * SensitivityPitch, 0f, 0f); playerGameObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(newBodyRotation); CharacterObject.HeadTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(newHeadRotation); IsDirtyPlayerRotationOnNetwork = true; } // network //------------------------------------------------------------ if (IsDirtyPlayerPositionOnNetwork || IsDirtyPlayerRotationOnNetwork) { Dictionary <string, string> data = new Dictionary <string, string> (); data ["position"] = newPosition.x + "," + newPosition.y + "," + newPosition.z; data ["rotation"] = newHeadRotation.x + "," + newBodyRotation.y; //Debug.Log ("Attempting move:" + data["position"]); SocketIOComp.Emit("SERVER:MOVE_KILLER", new JSONObject(data)); } } }
void Update() { /* * TODO: this should control any clients NPC's action handle. e.g. eating, attacking and stuff */ if (!GlobalGameState.IsNPCBlenderMaster) { return; } if (GlobalGameState.IsNPCOnSiren && !IsOneRest) { StopCoroutine(routine); routine = null; IsOneRest = true; float nextActionDue = Random.Range(0.5f, 1.5f); Invoke("DoResting", nextActionDue); } else if (!GlobalGameState.IsNPCOnSiren && IsOneRest) { IsOneRest = false; RestartNPCAction(); float nextActionDue = Random.Range(1.5f, 2.5f); Invoke("DoWalking", nextActionDue); } if (Vector3.Distance(navMeshAgent.destination, gameObject.transform.position) < 4f) { navMeshAgent.SetDestination(GetNewDestination()); } float threshold = navMeshAgent.speed * 0.086f; if (navMeshAgent.velocity.magnitude < threshold) { blender.Anim.SetBool("Walk", false); } else if (navMeshAgent.velocity.magnitude > threshold && blender.Anim.GetBool("Walk") == false) { blender.Anim.SetBool("Walk", true); } if (!navMeshAgent.isStopped) { Dictionary <string, string> data = new Dictionary <string, string> (); data ["position"] = gameObject.transform.position.x + "," + gameObject.transform.position.y + "," + gameObject.transform.position.z; data ["elapsedTime"] = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad.ToString(); data ["npcid"] =; SocketIOComp.Emit("SERVER:BLENDER_NPC_MOVE", new JSONObject(data)); } if (prevRot != gameObject.transform.rotation) { Dictionary <string, string> data = new Dictionary <string, string> (); data ["rotation"] = 0 + "," + gameObject.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y; data ["elapsedTime"] = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad.ToString(); data ["npcid"] =; SocketIOComp.Emit("SERVER:BLENDER_NPC_ROTATE", new JSONObject(data)); prevRot = gameObject.transform.rotation; } }
void JoinGame() { SocketIOComp.Emit("SERVER:JOIN"); }