public void OFF()//關閉連線(OFF) { Debug.Log("TSB_Stop"); string msg = "#stop$"; SocketApp.SendAll(msg);// do things Debug.Log("send_stop"); stop = true; }
public void Constate1(int windowID) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 20, 150, 25), "OK")) { s = true; Debug.Log("TSB_Activate"); string msg = "#send$"; SocketApp.SendAll(msg); // do things Debug.Log("send_activate"); open = false; } // Make the windows be draggable. GUI.DragWindow(new Rect(0, 0, 10000, 10000)); }
void OnGUI() { GUILayout.Label("pitch: " + TCP_Handler.pitch.ToString("0.00")); GUILayout.Label("roll: " + TCP_Handler.roll.ToString("0.00")); GUILayout.Label("yaw: " + TCP_Handler.yaw.ToString("0.00")); GUILayout.Label("Times: " + (int)time_f / 60 + "m" + (int)time_f % 60 + "s"); GUILayout.Label("connected number: " + SocketApp.TCP_clientList.Count); /*if (GUILayout.Button(TSB_Open, GUILayout.Height(50), GUILayout.Width(50)))//測試按鍵改成圖片用 * { * Debug.Log("TSB_Open"); * FileInfo.loadSettingFile(); * }*/ if (GUILayout.Button("TSB_Open"))//開啟 { Debug.Log("TSB_Open"); FileInfo.loadSettingFile(); } if (GUILayout.Button("TSB_Start"))//開始 { Debug.Log("TSB_Start"); myThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ServerProcess)); myThread.IsBackground = true; myThread.Start(); } GUI.color = Color.gray; if (GUILayout.Button("TSB_CLose"))//關閉 { s = false; //isGet = false; if (myThread != null) { SocketApp.isRun = false; if (myThread.IsAlive) { SocketApp.CloseAll(); TCP_Handler.tcpClose(); //printall("no Loacal IP"); SocketApp.acceptDone.Set(); } Thread.Sleep(100); myThread.Abort(); } if (SocketApp.transMode == (int)SocketApp.Transfer_Mode.M_UDP) { SocketApp.CloseAll(); } } GUI.color = Color.white; if (GUILayout.Button("TSB_Activate"))//啟動連線 { s = true; Debug.Log("TSB_Activate"); string msg = "#send$"; SocketApp.SendAll(msg); // do things Debug.Log("send_activate"); //StartCoroutine("Activate");//註解比較穩定 } GUI.color = Color.gray; if (GUILayout.Button("TSB_Stop"))//暫停 { s = false; Debug.Log("TSB_Stop"); string msg = "#stop$"; SocketApp.SendAll(msg); // do things Debug.Log("send_stop"); } if (GUILayout.Button("Restart")) //整個專案重新開始 { Debug.Log("Restart"); SocketApp.TCP_clientList.Clear(); Application.LoadLevel(Application.loadedLevel); } GUI.color = Color.white; GUILayout.Label(""); GUILayout.Label("connected sensors: "); if (TCP_Handler.SID_List.Count > 0) { foreach (int ID in TCP_Handler.SID_List) { //Debug.Log("sensor ID: " + ID); sensornumber += ID.ToString(); sensornumber += " "; } TCP_Handler.SID_List.Clear(); } GUILayout.Label(sensornumber); //目前連線的sensor if (TCP_Handler.sensor_num_ID.Count > 0 && s == true) //activate後傳值的數量 { foreach (int ID in TCP_Handler.sensor_num_ID) { Debug.Log("sensor ID: " + ID); } } }
void OnGUI() { //(x位置, y位置, x長度, y長度) ///////////////////////////////////////BUTTON/////////////////////////////////////// GUI.Box(new Rect(10, 10, 200, 500), "Button"); ///////////////////////////////連線部分/////////////////////////////// GUI.color =; GUI.Box(new Rect(20, 30, 180, 100), "連線:"); GUI.color = Color.white; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(40, 60, 70, 50), "ON"))//開始連線(ON) { Debug.Log("TSB_Open"); FileInfo.loadSettingFile(); Debug.Log("TSB_Start"); myThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ServerProcess)); myThread.IsBackground = true; myThread.Start(); open = true; } if (SocketApp.TCP_clientList.Count == 3 && open == true)//確定3顆都連線 { GUI.color =; windowCon = GUI.Window(0, windowCon, Constate1, "System Connected!"); GUI.color = Color.white; //StartCoroutine("Activate");//註解比較穩定 } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(115, 60, 70, 50), "OFF"))//關閉連線(OFF) { Debug.Log("TSB_Stop"); string msg = "#stop$"; SocketApp.SendAll(msg);// do things Debug.Log("send_stop"); stop = true; } if (stop == true) { GUI.color =; windowCon = GUI.Window(0, windowCon, Constate2, "System Disconnected?"); GUI.color = Color.white; } ///////////////////////////////讀存檔部分/////////////////////////////// GUI.color =; GUI.Box(new Rect(20, 140, 180, 70), "軌跡紀錄:"); GUI.color = Color.white; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(55, 170, 50, 20), "Save"))//存檔 { savedataflag = true; datastate = "Save"; Debug.Log("save data!!"); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(110, 170, 50, 20), "Load"))//讀檔 { loaddataflag = true; datastate = "Load"; Debug.Log("load data!!"); } ///////////////////////////////遊戲部分/////////////////////////////// GUI.color =; GUI.Box(new Rect(20, 220, 180, 90), "遊戲模式:"); GUI.color = Color.white; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(30, 250, 50, 20), "Mode1"))//模式1 { Time.timeScale = 1; mode_flag = 1; time_b = true; time_f = 0; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(85, 250, 50, 20), "Mode2"))//模式2 { Time.timeScale = 2; mode_flag = 2; time_b = true; time_f = 0; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(140, 250, 50, 20), "Mode3"))//模式3 { Time.timeScale = 3; mode_flag = 3; time_b = true; time_f = 0; } if (gameState == GameState.lost) { GUI.color =; windowWon = GUI.Window(0, windowWon, Gamestate, "You Lost!"); GUI.color = Color.white; } if (gameState == GameState.won) { GUI.color =; windowLost = GUI.Window(1, windowLost, Gamestate, "You Won!"); GUI.color = Color.white; } ///////////////////////////////系統部分/////////////////////////////// GUI.color =; GUI.Box(new Rect(20, 320, 180, 90), "系統相關:"); GUI.color = Color.white; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(40, 350, 70, 20), "Play"))//開始 { StartCoroutine(down()); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(115, 350, 70, 20), "Pause"))//暫停 { Time.timeScale = 0; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(40, 380, 70, 20), "Continue"))//繼續 { Time.timeScale = 1; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(115, 380, 70, 20), "Restart"))//重整 { Debug.Log("Restart"); SocketApp.TCP_clientList.Clear(); Application.LoadLevel(Application.loadedLevel); } ///////////////////////////////////////DATA/////////////////////////////////////// GUI.Box(new Rect(Screen.width - 110, 10, 100, 500), "Data"); ///////////////////////////////系統部分/////////////////////////////// GUI.color =; GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 100, 30, 50, 20), "時間:"); GUI.color = Color.white; switch (mode_flag) { case 1: GUI.TextField(new Rect(Screen.width - 100, 50, 85, 20), "Times: " + (int)time_f / 60 + "m" + (int)time_f % 60 + "s"); break; case 2: GUI.TextField(new Rect(Screen.width - 100, 50, 85, 20), "Times: " + (int)time_f / 2 / 60 + "m" + (int)time_f / 2 % 60 + "s"); break; case 3: GUI.TextField(new Rect(Screen.width - 100, 50, 85, 20), "Times: " + (int)time_f / 3 / 60 + "m" + (int)time_f / 3 % 60 + "s"); break; } GUI.color =; GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 100, 70, 50, 20), "角度:"); GUI.color = Color.white; GUI.TextField(new Rect(Screen.width - 100, 90, 85, 20), "Pitch: " + TCP_Handler.pitch.ToString("0.000")); GUI.TextField(new Rect(Screen.width - 100, 110, 85, 20), "Roll: " + TCP_Handler.roll.ToString("0.000")); GUI.TextField(new Rect(Screen.width - 100, 130, 85, 20), "Yaw: " + TCP_Handler.yaw.ToString("0.000")); ///////////////////////////////連線部分/////////////////////////////// GUI.color =; GUI.Box(new Rect(Screen.width - 105, 160, 90, 110), "連線狀況:"); GUI.color = Color.white; GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 95, 180, 85, 20), "Sensors:"); if (TCP_Handler.SID_List.Count > 0) { foreach (int ID in TCP_Handler.SID_List) { //Debug.Log("sensor ID: " + ID); sensornumber += ID.ToString(); sensornumber += " "; } TCP_Handler.SID_List.Clear(); } GUI.TextField(new Rect(Screen.width - 102, 200, 85, 20), sensornumber); GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 95, 220, 85, 20), "Numbers:"); GUI.TextField(new Rect(Screen.width - 102, 240, 85, 20), SocketApp.TCP_clientList.Count.ToString()); if (TCP_Handler.sensor_num_ID.Count > 0 && s == true)//activate後傳值的數量 { foreach (int ID in TCP_Handler.sensor_num_ID) { Debug.Log("sensor ID: " + ID); } } ///////////////////////////////讀存檔部分/////////////////////////////// GUI.color =; GUI.Box(new Rect(Screen.width - 105, 280, 90, 60), "檔案結果:"); GUI.color = Color.white; GUI.TextField(new Rect(Screen.width - 102, 310, 85, 20), datastate); ///////////////////////////////遊戲部分/////////////////////////////// GUI.color =; GUI.Box(new Rect(Screen.width - 105, 350, 90, 80), "遊戲分數:"); GUI.color = Color.white; GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 100, 370, 85, 20), "Found gems:"); GUI.TextField(new Rect(Screen.width - 102, 390, 85, 20), foundGems + "/" + totalGems); guiNumber.fontSize = 200; guiNumber.normal.textColor =; if (countdownText != "") { GUI.Label(new Rect((Screen.width - 100) / 2 - 100, (Screen.height - 30) / 2, 100, 30), countdownText, guiNumber); } }