Esempio n. 1
        public void NetTest6_SocketAddressBasic()
            Random random = new();

            for (int i = 0; i <= 30; i++)
                int[] IPInts =

                Debug.WriteLine($"Random IP {IPInts[0]}.{IPInts[1]}.{IPInts[2]}.{IPInts[3]}");

                IPAddress address = new(
                    + IPInts[1] * 256
                    + IPInts[2] * 256 * 256
                    + IPInts[3] * 256 * 256 * 256);

                int portInt = random.Next(65536);

                IPEndPoint ipEndpoint1 = new(address, portInt);

                SocketAddress socketAddress1 = ipEndpoint1.Serialize();
                SocketAddress socketAddress2 = ipEndpoint1.Serialize();

                Assert.NotNull(socketAddress1, "socketAddress1 is null");
                Assert.NotNull(socketAddress2, "socketAddress2 is null");

                Type typeOfSocketAddress = socketAddress1.GetType();
                Assert.IsType(typeOfSocketAddress, Type.GetType("System.Net.SocketAddress"), "socketAddress1 Type is incorrect");

                typeOfSocketAddress = socketAddress2.GetType();
                Assert.IsType(typeOfSocketAddress, Type.GetType("System.Net.SocketAddress"), "socketAddress2 Type is incorrect");

                Assert.Equal(socketAddress1.ToString(), socketAddress2.ToString(), "ToString returns differently for same data");

                Assert.Equal(socketAddress1.GetHashCode(), socketAddress2.GetHashCode(), $"GetHashCode returns differently for same data");
                Assert.True(socketAddress1.Family == AddressFamily.InterNetwork, "socketAddress1 Family is incorrect");
                Assert.True(socketAddress2.Family == AddressFamily.InterNetwork, "socketAddress2 Family is incorrect");

                // Recreate a different Socket
                socketAddress2 = new SocketAddress(AddressFamily.Chaos, 8);

                Assert.NotEqual(socketAddress1.GetHashCode(), socketAddress2.GetHashCode(), "GetHashCode returns same for "
                                + socketAddress1.ToString() + " " + socketAddress1.GetHashCode()
                                + " as " + socketAddress2.ToString() + " " + socketAddress2.GetHashCode());
Esempio n. 2
        public MFTestResults NetTest6_SocketAddressBasic()
            /// <summary>
            /// 1. Creates 30 Random IPs between and
            /// 2. Verifies that they can be constructed as SocketAddress
            /// 3. Verifies that they have the correct data (GetAddressBytes)
            /// 4. Verifies ToString and GetHashcode
            /// </summary>
            bool testResult = true;

                Random random = new Random();
                for (int i = 0; i <= 30; i++)
                    int[] IPInts = { random.Next(256), random.Next(256),
                                     random.Next(256), random.Next(128) };
                    Log.Comment("Random IP " + IPInts[0] + "." + IPInts[1]
                                + "." + IPInts[2] + "." + IPInts[3]);
                    IPAddress address = new IPAddress((long)(
                                                          + IPInts[1] * 256
                                                          + IPInts[2] * 256 * 256
                                                          + IPInts[3] * 256 * 256 * 256));
                    int           portInt        = random.Next(65536);
                    IPEndPoint    ipEndpoint1    = new IPEndPoint(address, portInt);
                    SocketAddress socketAddress1 = ipEndpoint1.Serialize();
                    SocketAddress socketAddress2 = ipEndpoint1.Serialize();
                    if (socketAddress1 == null)
                        throw new Exception("socketAddress1 is null");
                    if (socketAddress2 == null)
                        throw new Exception("socketAddress2 is null");

                    Type typeOfSocketAddress = socketAddress1.GetType();
                    if (typeOfSocketAddress != Type.GetType("System.Net.SocketAddress"))
                        throw new Exception("socketAddress1 Type is incorrect");
                    typeOfSocketAddress = socketAddress2.GetType();
                    if (typeOfSocketAddress != Type.GetType("System.Net.SocketAddress"))
                        throw new Exception("socketAddress2 Type is incorrect");

                    if (socketAddress1.ToString() != socketAddress2.ToString())
                        throw new Exception("ToString returns differently for same data");

                    //21295	GetHashCode returns differently for cloned data
                    if (socketAddress1.GetHashCode() != socketAddress2.GetHashCode())
                        throw new Exception("GetHashCode returns differently for same data");

                    if (socketAddress1.Family != AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
                        throw new Exception("socketAddress1 Family is incorrect");

                    if (socketAddress2.Family != AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
                        throw new Exception("socketAddress2 Family is incorrect");

                     * Pending Resolution of 17428
                     * Log.Comment("Recreating socketAddress2 with new data");
                     * int portInt2 = portInt % 2 + 1;
                     * long addressLong2 = (long)(
                     *  (IPInts[0] % 2 + 1)
                     + (IPInts[1] % 2 + 1) * 256
                     + (IPInts[2] % 2 + 1) * 256 * 256
                     + (IPInts[3] % 2 + 1) * 256 * 256 * 256);
                     + IPEndPoint ipEndpoint2 = new IPEndPoint(addressLong2, portInt2);
                     + socketAddress2 = ipEndpoint2.Serialize();
                     + socketAddress2.Family = AddressFamily.Chaos;
                    socketAddress2 = new SocketAddress(AddressFamily.Chaos, 8);
                    if (socketAddress1.GetHashCode() == socketAddress2.GetHashCode())
                        throw new Exception("GetHashCode returns same for "
                                            + socketAddress1.ToString()
                                            + " as " + socketAddress2.ToString());

                    if (socketAddress1.ToString() == socketAddress2.ToString())
                        throw new Exception("ToString returns same for different data");
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Comment("Caught exception: " + e.Message);
                testResult = false;
            return(testResult ? MFTestResults.Pass : MFTestResults.KnownFailure);