public SimplexAsyncTransitStrategy(INetworkConnection con)
     m_OwningConnection = con;
     LastUDPACKReceived = DateTime.MinValue;
     m_TCPSockState = new SockState(null, 0, null);
     m_TCPSockState.AsyncEventArgs = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// 关闭连接
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool Close()
     if (m_State == SockState.Idle)
         if (m_Socket.Connected)
     catch (SocketException e)
         m_State = SockState.Idle;
         SetSockError(e.ErrorCode, e.Message);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// 关闭连接
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool Close()
            if (m_State == SockState.Idle)
            if (m_Socket == null)

                if (m_Socket != null)
                    if (m_Socket.Connected)
                    m_Socket = null;
            catch (SocketException e)
                m_State = SockState.Idle;
                SetSockError(e.ErrorCode, e.ToString());

Esempio n. 4
        // Removes a SocketAsyncEventArgs instance from the pool.
        // returns SocketAsyncEventArgs removed from the pool.
        public SocketAsyncEventArgs Pop()
            lock (this.pool)
                SocketAsyncEventArgs args = null;
                if (pool.Count > 0)
                    args = this.pool.Pop();
                    args = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
                    byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];

                    args.SetBuffer(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                    SockState recState = new SockState(args, buffer.Length, null);
                    recState.IsCached = false;
                    recState.ID = Interlocked.Decrement(ref SockStateID);
                    args.UserToken = recState;
                    recState.BufferBlockOffset = 0;
                    recState.BufferBlockLength = 1024;
                return args;
Esempio n. 5
 /// <summary>
 /// 设置状态
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="state"></param>
 public void SetSockState(SockState state)
     //lock (m_StateLock)
         m_State = state;
         //Log.Trace("state " + m_State.ToString());
Esempio n. 6
        public void AssembleInboundPacket(byte[] buffer, int bytesReceived, SockState state)
                int incomingPointer = 0; // how much of the incoming data have we read

                while (incomingPointer < bytesReceived)
                    if (state.MessageLength == -1) // don't know how long the message is, still need to read the envelope
                        int leftForEnvelope = SockState.EnvelopeLength - state.PacketBufferPointer.Position;
                        int numToCopy = leftForEnvelope;
                        int leftInBlock = bytesReceived - incomingPointer;
                        if (numToCopy > leftInBlock)
                            numToCopy = leftInBlock;

                        Util.Copy(buffer, state.BufferBlockOffset + incomingPointer, state.PacketBuffer, state.PacketBufferPointer.Advance(numToCopy), numToCopy);
                        incomingPointer += numToCopy;

                        if (state.PacketBufferPointer.Position >= SockState.EnvelopeLength)
                            state.MessageLength = BitConverter.ToInt32(state.PacketBuffer, 0);
                            state.PacketTypeID = BitConverter.ToInt32(state.PacketBuffer, 4);
                            state.PacketSubTypeID = BitConverter.ToInt32(state.PacketBuffer, 8);// state.PacketBuffer[8];
                            state.Flags = (PacketFlags)state.PacketBuffer[12];
                            state.PacketBuffer = new byte[state.MessageLength];


                    int bytesNeededToCompleteMessage = state.PacketBuffer.Length - state.PacketBufferPointer.Position;
                    int bytesToRead = bytesNeededToCompleteMessage;
                    if (bytesToRead > bytesReceived - incomingPointer)
                        bytesToRead = bytesReceived - incomingPointer;

                    Util.Copy(buffer, state.BufferBlockOffset + incomingPointer, state.PacketBuffer, state.PacketBufferPointer.Advance(bytesToRead), bytesToRead);
                    incomingPointer += bytesToRead;

                    if (state.PacketBufferPointer.Position >= state.MessageLength)
            catch (Exception readExc)
                Log.LogMsg(readExc.Message + ": Shutting down socket.\r\n" + readExc.StackTrace);
Esempio n. 7
        public bool StartListening(AddressFamily family, int port, Func<IPEndPoint, INetworkConnection> getConMethod)
                    GetConnnection = getConMethod;
                    if (Socket == null)
                        Socket = new System.Net.Sockets.Socket(family, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);
                        Socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReuseAddress, true);
                        Socket.ExclusiveAddressUse = false;
                        if (family == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6)
                            Socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.IPv6, (SocketOptionName)27, 0); // set IPV6Only to false.  enables dual mode socket - V4+v6
                            Socket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.IPv6Any, port));
                            Socket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port));
                    Port = ((IPEndPoint)Socket.LocalEndPoint).Port;

                    m_ListenArgs = new byte[1024];
                    m_ListenerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(DoListen));
                    m_ListenerThread.IsBackground = true;
                    m_ListenerThread.Name = "UDPListenerSimplex Read Thread";

                    m_State = new SockState(null, 1024, null);

                    if (family == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6)
                        m_EndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.IPv6Any, 0);
                        m_EndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);

                catch (Exception e)
                    Log.LogMsg("UDPListenerSimplex - error start listen: " + e.Message);
                    return false;
                Listening = true;
                Log.LogMsg("UDPListenerSimplex - Listening for UDP traffic on port " + port.ToString());
                return true;
Esempio n. 8
 /// <summary>
 /// 设置状态
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="state"></param>
 private void SetSockState(SockState state)
     //lock (m_StateLock)
         m_State = state;
         if (state == SockState.Connected || state == SockState.Connecting)
             mbConnected = true;
         else if (state == SockState.Failed || state == SockState.Idle)
             mbConnected = false;
         //LogSystem.Log("state " , m_State.ToString());
Esempio n. 9
        //If Host is an IP doesn't resolve anything and returns a
        //a 32 bits long IP.
        //If Host isn't an IP then returns vbNull, tries to resolve it
        //in asynchronous way and acts according to enmDestination.
        private int ResolveIfHostname(string Host, DestResolucion enmDestination)
            int functionReturnValue = 0;
            int lngAddress = 0;
            lngAddress = api_inet_addr(Host);

            int lngAsynHandle = 0;
            int lngErrorCode = 0;
            bool blnCancelDisplay = false;
            //if Host isn't an IP
            if (lngAddress == modSocketMaster.INADDR_NONE) {

                functionReturnValue = VariantType.Null;
                m_enmState = SockState.sckResolvingHost;
                Debug.Print("STATE: sckResolvingHost");

                if (AllocateMemory()) {
                    //UPGRADE_ISSUE: ObjPtr function is not supported. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v90/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="367764E5-F3F8-4E43-AC3E-7FE0B5E074E2"'
                    lngAsynHandle = modSocketMaster.ResolveHost(Host, m_lngMemoryPointer, VarPtr.VarPtr(this));

                    if (lngAsynHandle == 0) {
                        m_enmState = SockState.sckError;
                        Debug.Print("STATE: sckError");
                        lngErrorCode = Err().LastDllError;
                        blnCancelDisplay = true;
                        if (Error_Renamed != null) {
                            Error_Renamed(lngErrorCode, modSocketMaster.GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode), 0, "CSocketMaster.ResolveIfHostname", "", 0, blnCancelDisplay);
                        if (blnCancelDisplay == false)
                            Interaction.MsgBox(modSocketMaster.GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode), MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "CSocketMaster.ResolveIfHostname");
                    } else {
                        m_colWaitingResolutions.Add(enmDestination, "R" + lngAsynHandle);
                        Debug.Print("Resolving host " + Host + " with handle " + lngAsynHandle);

                } else {
                    m_enmState = SockState.sckError;
                    Debug.Print("STATE: sckError");
                    Debug.Print("Error trying to allocate memory");
                    Err().Raise(modSocketMaster.sckOutOfMemory, "CSocketMaster.ResolveIfHostname", "Out of memory");


            //if Host is an IP doen't need to resolve anything
            } else {
                functionReturnValue = lngAddress;
            return functionReturnValue;
Esempio n. 10
 // エラー(切断)発生時にステータスの変更とLastErrorを設定するメソッド
 protected void SetException(Exception ex)
     _lastError = string.Format("[{0}] {1}", ex.Source, ex.Message);
     SockState = SockState.Error;
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets called when a send operation resolves.
        /// </summary>
        private void OnSendResolved(SocketAsyncEventArgs args, SockState state)
            //// Log.LogMsg("Testy 13");
                bool isUDP = (state.Flags & PacketFlags.UDP) != 0;
                //Log.LogMsg("==>#### Async SEND Op Completed - #" + ((SockState)args.UserToken).ID.ToString() + "#");
                if (args.SocketError == SocketError.Success)
                    //// Log.LogMsg("Testy 14");
                    if (state.PacketBufferPointer.Position >= state.PacketBuffer.Length)
                        // Done sending packet.
                        //Log.LogMsg("==>Done sending packet. Sent " + state.PacketBufferPointer.Position.ToString() + " bytes.");

                        // done sending packet, see if we have anything in the queue ready to go
                        bool more = false;
                        Queue<NetQItem> sendQ = isUDP ? m_SendQueueUDP : m_SendQueue;
                        lock (sendQ)
                            if (sendQ.Count > 0)
                                NetQItem itm = sendQ.Dequeue();
                                state.PacketBuffer = itm.Data;
                                state.Flags = itm.Flags;
                                more = true;
                                // release the sending lock
                                if (isUDP)
                                    //Log.LogMsg("UDP send queue emptied.");
                                    Interlocked.Exchange(ref m_SendingUDP, 0);
                                    //Log.LogMsg("TCP send queue emptied.");
                                    Interlocked.Exchange(ref m_Sending, 0);

                        if (more)
                            //// Log.LogMsg("Testy 15");
                            SendBuffer(args, state, isUDP);

                        //// Log.LogMsg("Testy 16");
                        // not done sending.  send again.
                        //Log.LogMsg("==>Continuing send.  " + state.PacketBufferPointer.Position.ToString() + " / " + state.PacketBuffer.Length.ToString() + " sent so far.");
                        SendBuffer(args, state, isUDP);
                    //If we are in this else-statement, there was a socket error.
                    OwningConnection.KillConnection("Error sending packet. " + args.SocketError.ToString());
            catch (Exception ex)
                //// Log.LogMsg("Testy 17");
                Log.LogMsg("Failed to ProcessSend. " + ex.Message);
                OwningConnection.KillConnection("Send error. " + ex.Message);
Esempio n. 12
        public void SendData(ref object data)
            byte[] arrData = null;
            //We store the data here before send it

            if (m_enmProtocol == ProtocolConstants.sckTCPProtocol) {
                if (m_enmState != SockState.sckConnected) {
                    Err().Raise(modSocketMaster.sckBadState, "CSocketMaster.SendData", "Wrong protocol or connection state for the requested transaction or request");
            //If we use UDP we create a socket if there isn't one yet
            } else {
                if (!SocketExists())
                if (!BindInternal())
                m_enmState = SockState.sckOpen;
                Debug.Print("STATE: sckOpen");

            //We need to convert data variant into a byte array
            string strdata = null;
            string strArray = null;
            bool blnData = false;
            byte bytData = 0;
            decimal curData = default(decimal);
            System.DateTime datData = default(System.DateTime);
            double dblData = 0;
            short intData = 0;
            int lngData = 0;
            float sngData = 0;
            switch (Information.VarType(data)) {
                case VariantType.String:
                    strdata = Convert.ToString(data);
                    if (Strings.Len(strdata) == 0)

                    arrData = new byte[Strings.Len(strdata)];
                    arrData = System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.Unicode.GetBytes(strdata);
                case VariantType.Array + VariantType.Byte:
                    strArray = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(data);
                    if (Strings.Len(strArray) == 0)

                    arrData = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(strArray);
                case VariantType.Boolean:
                    blnData = Convert.ToBoolean(data);
                    arrData = new byte[modLenB.LenB(blnData)];
                    modSocketMaster.api_CopyMemory(ref arrData[0], ref blnData, modLenB.LenB(blnData));
                case VariantType.Byte:
                    bytData = Convert.ToByte(data);
                    arrData = new byte[modLenB.LenB(bytData)];
                    modSocketMaster.api_CopyMemory(ref arrData[0], ref bytData, modLenB.LenB(bytData));
                case VariantType.Decimal:
                    curData = Convert.ToDecimal(data);
                    arrData = new byte[modLenB.LenB(curData)];
                    modSocketMaster.api_CopyMemory(ref arrData[0], ref curData, modLenB.LenB(curData));
                case VariantType.Date:
                    datData = Convert.ToDateTime(data);
                    arrData = new byte[modLenB.LenB(datData)];
                    modSocketMaster.api_CopyMemory(ref arrData[0], ref datData, modLenB.LenB(datData));
                case VariantType.Double:
                    dblData = Convert.ToDouble(data);
                    arrData = new byte[modLenB.LenB(dblData)];
                    modSocketMaster.api_CopyMemory(ref arrData[0], ref dblData, modLenB.LenB(dblData));
                case VariantType.Short:
                    intData = Convert.ToInt16(data);
                    arrData = new byte[modLenB.LenB(intData)];
                    modSocketMaster.api_CopyMemory(ref arrData[0], ref intData, modLenB.LenB(intData));
                case VariantType.Integer:
                    lngData = Convert.ToInt32(data);
                    arrData = new byte[modLenB.LenB(lngData)];
                    modSocketMaster.api_CopyMemory(ref arrData[0], ref lngData, modLenB.LenB(lngData));
                case VariantType.Single:
                    sngData = Convert.ToSingle(data);
                    arrData = new byte[modLenB.LenB(sngData)];
                    modSocketMaster.api_CopyMemory(ref arrData[0], ref sngData, modLenB.LenB(sngData));
                    Err().Raise(modSocketMaster.sckUnsupported, "CSocketMaster.SendData", "Unsupported variant type.");

            //if there's already something in the buffer that means we are
            //already sending data, so we put the new data in the buffer
            //and exit silently
            if (Strings.Len(m_strSendBuffer) > 0) {
                m_strSendBuffer = m_strSendBuffer + System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(arrData);

            } else {
                m_strSendBuffer = m_strSendBuffer + System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(arrData);

            //send the data
Esempio n. 13
 // エラー(切断)発生時にステータスの変更とLastErrorを設定するメソッド
 protected void SetException(Exception ex)
     _lastError = string.Format("[{0}] {1}", ex.Source, ex.Message);
     SockState  = SockState.Error;
Esempio n. 14
        public void Bind(ref int LocalPort = null, ref string LocalIP = null)
            if (m_enmState != SockState.sckClosed) {
                Err().Raise(modSocketMaster.sckInvalidOp, "CSocketMaster.Bind", "Invalid operation at current state");

            if (BindInternal(LocalPort, LocalIP)) {
                m_enmState = SockState.sckOpen;
                Debug.Print("STATE: sckOpen");
Esempio n. 15
        //Tries to connect to RemoteHost if it was passed, or uses
        //m_strRemoteHost instead. If it is a hostname tries to
        //resolve it first.
        public void Connect_Renamed(ref string RemoteHost = null, ref int RemotePort = null)
            if (m_enmState != SockState.sckClosed) {
                Err().Raise(modSocketMaster.sckInvalidOp, "CSocketMaster.Connect", "Invalid operation at current state");

            if ((RemoteHost != null)) {
                m_strRemoteHost = Convert.ToString(RemoteHost);

            //for some reason we get a GPF if we try to
            //resolve a null string, so we replace it with
            //an empty string
            if (m_strRemoteHost == Constants.vbNullString) {
                m_strRemoteHost = "";

            //check if RemotePort is a number between 1 and 65535
            if ((RemotePort != null)) {
                if (Information.IsNumeric(RemotePort)) {
                    if (Convert.ToInt32(RemotePort) > 65535 | Convert.ToInt32(RemotePort) < 1) {
                        Err().Raise(modSocketMaster.sckInvalidArg, "CSocketMaster.Connect", "The argument passed to a function was not in the correct format or in the specified range.");
                    } else {
                        m_lngRemotePort = Convert.ToInt32(RemotePort);
                } else {
                    Err().Raise(modSocketMaster.sckUnsupported, "CSocketMaster.Connect", "Unsupported variant type.");

            //create a socket if there isn't one yet
            if (!SocketExists())

            //If we are using UDP we just bind the socket and exit
            //silently. Remember UDP is a connectionless protocol.
            if (m_enmProtocol == ProtocolConstants.sckUDPProtocol) {
                if (BindInternal()) {
                    m_enmState = SockState.sckOpen;
                    Debug.Print("STATE: sckOpen");

            //try to get a 32 bits long that is used to identify a host
            int lngAddress = 0;
            lngAddress = ResolveIfHostname(m_strRemoteHost, DestResolucion.destConnect);

            //We've got two options here:
            //1) m_strRemoteHost was an IP, so a resolution wasn't
            //   necessary, and now lngAddress is a 32 bits long and
            //   we proceed to connect.
            //2) m_strRemoteHost was a hostname, so a resolution was
            //   necessary and it's taking place right now. We leave
            //   silently.

            if (lngAddress != VariantType.Null) {
                ConnectToIP(lngAddress, 0);
Esempio n. 16
        //Send buffered data if we are using TCP protocol.
        private void SendBufferedDataTCP()
            byte[] arrData = null;
            int lngBufferLength = 0;
            int lngResult = 0;
            int lngTotalSent = 0;

            int lngErrorCode = 0;
            bool blnCancelDisplay = false;
            int lngTemp = 0;

            while (!(lngResult == modSocketMaster.SOCKET_ERROR | Strings.Len(m_strSendBuffer) == 0)) {
                lngBufferLength = Strings.Len(m_strSendBuffer);

                if (lngBufferLength > m_lngSendBufferLen) {
                    lngBufferLength = m_lngSendBufferLen;
                    arrData = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(Strings.Left(m_strSendBuffer, m_lngSendBufferLen));
                } else {
                    arrData = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(m_strSendBuffer);

                lngResult = api_send(m_lngSocketHandle, ref arrData[0], lngBufferLength, 0);

                if (lngResult == modSocketMaster.SOCKET_ERROR) {
                    lngErrorCode = Err().LastDllError;

                    if (lngErrorCode == modSocketMaster.WSAEWOULDBLOCK) {
                        Debug.Print("WARNING: Send buffer full, waiting...");
                        if (lngTotalSent > 0)
                            if (SendProgress != null) {
                                SendProgress(lngTotalSent, Strings.Len(m_strSendBuffer));
                    } else {
                        m_enmState = SockState.sckError;
                        Debug.Print("STATE: sckError");
                        blnCancelDisplay = true;
                        if (Error_Renamed != null) {
                            Error_Renamed(lngErrorCode, modSocketMaster.GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode), 0, "CSocketMaster.SendBufferedData", "", 0, blnCancelDisplay);
                        if (blnCancelDisplay == false)
                            Interaction.MsgBox(modSocketMaster.GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode), MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "CSocketMaster.SendBufferedData");

                } else {
                    Debug.Print("OK Bytes sent: " + lngResult);
                    lngTotalSent = lngTotalSent + lngResult;
                    if (Strings.Len(m_strSendBuffer) > lngResult) {
                        m_strSendBuffer = Strings.Mid(m_strSendBuffer, lngResult + 1);
                    } else {
                        Debug.Print("OK Finished SENDING");
                        m_strSendBuffer = "";
                        lngTemp = lngTotalSent;
                        lngTotalSent = 0;
                        if (SendProgress != null) {
                            SendProgress(lngTemp, 0);
                        if (SendComplete != null) {

Esempio n. 17
        //Tries to create a socket if there isn't one yet and registers
        //it to the control list.
        //Returns TRUE if it has success
        private bool SocketExists()
            bool functionReturnValue = false;
            functionReturnValue = true;
            int lngResult = 0;
            int lngErrorCode = 0;

            //check if there is a socket already
            bool blnCancelDisplay = false;

            if (m_lngSocketHandle == modSocketMaster.INVALID_SOCKET) {
                //decide what kind of socket we are creating, TCP or UDP
                if (m_enmProtocol == ProtocolConstants.sckTCPProtocol) {
                    lngResult = api_socket(modSocketMaster.AF_INET, modSocketMaster.SOCK_STREAM, modSocketMaster.IPPROTO_TCP);
                } else {
                    lngResult = api_socket(modSocketMaster.AF_INET, modSocketMaster.SOCK_DGRAM, modSocketMaster.IPPROTO_UDP);

                if (lngResult == modSocketMaster.INVALID_SOCKET) {
                    m_enmState = SockState.sckError;
                    Debug.Print("STATE: sckError");
                    Debug.Print("ERROR trying to create socket");
                    functionReturnValue = false;
                    lngErrorCode = Err().LastDllError;
                    blnCancelDisplay = true;
                    if (Error_Renamed != null) {
                        Error_Renamed(lngErrorCode, modSocketMaster.GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode), 0, "CSocketMaster.SocketExists", "", 0, blnCancelDisplay);
                    if (blnCancelDisplay == false)
                        Interaction.MsgBox(modSocketMaster.GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode), MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "CSocketMaster.SocketExists");

                } else {
                    Debug.Print("OK Created socket: " + lngResult);
                    m_lngSocketHandle = lngResult;
                    //set and get some socket options
                    functionReturnValue = modSocketMaster.RegisterSocket(m_lngSocketHandle, VarPtr.VarPtr(this), true);

            return functionReturnValue;
Esempio n. 18
 /// <summary>
 /// Assembles the packet across however many frames it takes
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="data"></param>
 public void AssembleInboundPacket(SocketAsyncEventArgs args, SockState state)
     AssembleInboundPacket(args.Buffer, args.BytesTransferred, state);
Esempio n. 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a packet object, given a raw binary buffer and some misc info
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state"></param>
        public void DeserializePacket(SockState state)
                // at this point, the envelope bytes have been chopped off
                byte[] body = OnPacketDataArrived(state.PacketBuffer, 0, state.PacketBuffer.Length, state.Flags);
                if (body == null || body.Length < 1)
                    KillConnection("Authentication/Encryption Key error.");

                //Log.LogMsg("Deserializing packet type " + state.PacketTypeID.ToString());
                Packet newPacket = CreatePacket(state.PacketTypeID, state.PacketSubTypeID, state.Flags, body);
                newPacket.PacketSubTypeID = state.PacketSubTypeID;
                newPacket.RemoteEndPoint = state.AsyncEventArgs.RemoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint;

                // Send delivery confirmation, check for duplicate packets, etc
                if (OnBeforePacketProcessed(newPacket))
                    // do not ever delay clock sync packets, no matter what. clock sync packets are used to
                    // calculate latencies and to sync game clocks. waiting to respond is not an option, but since
                    // the handler for this packet is deep in the root NetworkConnection hiearchy, it shouldn't
                    // intefere, even with a client that otherwise delays packet handling
                    if (newPacket.PacketTypeID == (int)PacketType.ClockSync)

                    // Determine if the packet should be handled immediately or late
                    else if (ProcessIncomingPacketsImmediately)
                        lock (m_InboxLocker)
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.LogMsg("Exception in DeserializePacket: " + e.Message);
                KillConnection("Deserialize error. " + e.Message);
Esempio n. 20
 public void SetConState(SockState state)
     //Debug.Log("SetconState :" + _state + "--->" + state);
     _state = state;
Esempio n. 21
 /// <summary>
 /// 设置状态
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="state"></param>
 private void SetSockState(SockState state)
     m_State = state;
Esempio n. 22
 public void SetState(SockState state)
Esempio n. 23
        //Send buffered data if we are using UDP protocol.
        private void SendBufferedDataUDP()
            int lngAddress = 0;
            sockaddr_in udtSockAddr = default(sockaddr_in);
            byte[] arrData = null;
            int lngBufferLength = 0;
            int lngResult = 0;
            int lngErrorCode = 0;

            string strTemp = null;
            lngAddress = ResolveIfHostnameSync(m_strRemoteHost, ref strTemp, ref lngErrorCode);

            if (lngErrorCode != 0) {
                m_strSendBuffer = "";

                if (lngErrorCode == modSocketMaster.WSAEAFNOSUPPORT) {
                    Err().Raise(lngErrorCode, "CSocketMaster.SendBufferedDataUDP", modSocketMaster.GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode));
                } else {
                    Err().Raise(modSocketMaster.sckInvalidArg, "CSocketMaster.SendBufferedDataUDP", "Invalid argument");

            var _with3 = udtSockAddr;
            _with3.sin_addr = lngAddress;
            _with3.sin_family = modSocketMaster.AF_INET;
            _with3.sin_port = api_htons(modSocketMaster.UnsignedToInteger(ref ref m_lngRemotePort));

            lngBufferLength = Strings.Len(m_strSendBuffer);

            arrData = System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.Unicode.GetBytes(m_strSendBuffer);

            m_strSendBuffer = "";

            lngResult = api_sendto(m_lngSocketHandle, ref arrData[0], lngBufferLength, 0, ref udtSockAddr, modLenB.LenB(udtSockAddr));

            bool blnCancelDisplay = false;
            if (lngResult == modSocketMaster.SOCKET_ERROR) {
                lngErrorCode = Err().LastDllError;
                m_enmState = SockState.sckError;
                Debug.Print("STATE: sckError");
                blnCancelDisplay = true;
                if (Error_Renamed != null) {
                    Error_Renamed(lngErrorCode, modSocketMaster.GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode), 0, "CSocketMaster.SendBufferedDataUDP", "", 0, blnCancelDisplay);
                if (blnCancelDisplay == false)
                    Interaction.MsgBox(modSocketMaster.GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode), MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "CSocketMaster.SendBufferedDataUDP");
Esempio n. 24
        protected virtual void OnInitialize()
            LastUDPACKReceived = DateTime.MinValue;
            m_TCPSockState = new SockState(null, 0, null);
            m_TCPSockState.AsyncEventArgs = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
            if (!m_IsInitialized)
                NetworkConnection.RegisterPacketCreationDelegate((int)PacketType.PacketGenericMessage, delegate { return new PacketGenericMessage(); });
                NetworkConnection.RegisterPacketCreationDelegate((int)PacketType.LineSecured, delegate { return new PacketLineSecured(); });
                NetworkConnection.RegisterPacketCreationDelegate((int)PacketType.PacketRijndaelExchangeRequest, delegate { return new PacketRijndaelExchangeRequest(); });
                NetworkConnection.RegisterPacketCreationDelegate((int)PacketType.PacketGameServerAccessGranted, delegate { return new PacketGameServerTransferResult(); });
                NetworkConnection.RegisterPacketCreationDelegate((int)PacketType.LoginRequest, delegate { return new PacketLoginRequest(); });
                NetworkConnection.RegisterPacketCreationDelegate((int)PacketType.LoginResult, delegate { return new PacketLoginResult(); });
                NetworkConnection.RegisterPacketCreationDelegate((int)PacketType.Null, delegate { return new PacketNull(); });
                NetworkConnection.RegisterPacketCreationDelegate((int)PacketType.RequestHandoffToServer, delegate { return new PacketRequestHandoffToServerCluster(); });
                NetworkConnection.RegisterPacketCreationDelegate((int)PacketType.RijndaelExchange, delegate { return new PacketRijndaelExchange(); });
                NetworkConnection.RegisterPacketCreationDelegate((int)PacketType.PacketStream, delegate { return new PacketStream(); });
                NetworkConnection.RegisterPacketCreationDelegate((int)PacketType.CharacterListing, delegate { return new PacketCharacterListing(); });
                NetworkConnection.RegisterPacketCreationDelegate((int)PacketType.GenericReply, delegate { return new PacketReply(); });
                NetworkConnection.RegisterPacketCreationDelegate((int)PacketType.ACK, delegate { return new PacketACK(); });
                NetworkConnection.RegisterPacketCreationDelegate((int)PacketType.NATInfo, delegate { return new PacketNATInfo(); });
                NetworkConnection.RegisterPacketCreationDelegate((int)PacketType.ClockSync, delegate { return new PacketClockSync(); });

                m_IsInitialized = true;

            RegisterPacketHandler((int)PacketType.ACK, OnPacketACK);
            RegisterPacketHandler((int)PacketType.ClockSync, OnClockSync);
            RegisterPacketHandler((int)PacketType.PacketStream, ProcessStreamPacket);
            RegisterPacketHandler((int)PacketType.GenericReply, OnPacketGenericReply);

            Roles = new string[0];
            RegisterPacketHandler((int)PacketType.PacketRijndaelExchangeRequest, OnRijndaelExchangeRequest);
            RegisterPacketHandler((int)PacketType.LineSecured, OnLineSecured);
            RegisterPacketHandler((int)PacketType.LoginResult, OnLoginResult);
            RegisterPacketHandler((int)PacketType.PacketGameServerAccessGranted, OnGameServerAccessInfoArrived);
Esempio n. 25
        public void Accept(ref int requestID)
            if (m_enmState != SockState.sckClosed) {
                Err().Raise(modSocketMaster.sckInvalidOp, "CSocketMaster.Accept", "Invalid operation at current state");

            int lngResult = 0;
            sockaddr_in udtSockAddr = default(sockaddr_in);
            int lngErrorCode = 0;

            m_lngSocketHandle = requestID;
            m_enmProtocol = ProtocolConstants.sckTCPProtocol;

            if (!modSocketMaster.IsAcceptRegistered(requestID)) {
                if (modSocketMaster.IsSocketRegistered(requestID)) {
                    Err().Raise(modSocketMaster.sckBadState, "CSocketMaster.Accept", "Wrong protocol or connection state for the requested transaction or request");
                } else {
                    m_blnAcceptClass = true;
                    m_enmState = SockState.sckConnected;
                    Debug.Print("STATE: sckConnected");
                    //UPGRADE_ISSUE: ObjPtr function is not supported. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v90/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="367764E5-F3F8-4E43-AC3E-7FE0B5E074E2"'
                    modSocketMaster.RegisterSocket(m_lngSocketHandle, VarPtr.VarPtr(this), false);

            CSocketMaster clsSocket = null;
            clsSocket = modSocketMaster.GetAcceptClass(requestID);

            lngResult = api_getsockname(m_lngSocketHandle, ref udtSockAddr, ref modLenB.LenB(udtSockAddr));

            if (lngResult == modSocketMaster.SOCKET_ERROR) {
                lngErrorCode = Err().LastDllError;
                Err().Raise(lngErrorCode, "CSocketMaster.Accept", modSocketMaster.GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode));

            } else {
                m_lngLocalPortBind = modSocketMaster.IntegerToUnsigned(ref api_ntohs(udtSockAddr.sin_port));
                m_strLocalIP = modSocketMaster.StringFromPointer(api_inet_ntoa(udtSockAddr.sin_addr));


            GetRemoteInfo(m_lngSocketHandle, ref m_lngRemotePort, ref m_strRemoteHostIP, ref m_strRemoteHost);
            m_enmState = SockState.sckConnected;
            Debug.Print("STATE: sckConnected");

            if (clsSocket.BytesReceived > 0) {

            //UPGRADE_ISSUE: ObjPtr function is not supported. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v90/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="367764E5-F3F8-4E43-AC3E-7FE0B5E074E2"'
            modSocketMaster.Subclass_ChangeOwner(requestID, VarPtr.VarPtr(this));

            if (Strings.Len(m_strRecvBuffer) > 0)
                if (DataArrival != null) {

            if (clsSocket.State == SockState.sckClosing) {
                m_enmState = SockState.sckClosing;
                Debug.Print("STATE: sckClosing");
                if (CloseSck != null) {

            clsSocket = null;
Esempio n. 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets called when a receive operation resolves.  If we were listening for data and the connection
        /// closed, that also counts as a receive operation resolving.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        private void OnReceiveResolved(bool isUDP, byte[] buffer, int bytesReceived, SocketError status, SockState sockState)
                if (!IsAlive && bytesReceived > 0)

                // If there was a socket error, close the connection. This is NOT a normal
                // situation, if you get an error here.
                if (status != SocketError.Success)
                    if (!ShuttingDown)
                        KillConnection("Connection lost! Network receive error: " + status);
                    //Jump out of the ProcessReceive method.

                m_TCPSockState.AsyncEventArgs.RemoteEndPoint = MyTCPSocket.RemoteEndPoint;

                // If no data was received, close the connection. This is a NORMAL
                // situation that shows when the client has finished sending data.
                if (bytesReceived == 0)
                    if (!ShuttingDown)
                        KillConnection("Connection closed by remote host.");


                // restart listening process
                AssembleInboundPacket(buffer, bytesReceived, sockState);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.LogMsg("Error ProcessReceive. " + ex.Message);
                KillConnection("Error receive. " + ex.Message);
Esempio n. 27
        public void CloseSck_Renamed()
            if (m_lngSocketHandle == modSocketMaster.INVALID_SOCKET)

            m_enmState = SockState.sckClosing;
            Debug.Print("STATE: sckClosing");

            m_lngLocalPortBind = 0;
            m_strRemoteHostIP = "";
            m_strRecvBuffer = "";
            m_strSendBuffer = "";
            m_lngSendBufferLen = 0;
            m_lngRecvBufferLen = 0;

            m_enmState = SockState.sckClosed;
            Debug.Print("STATE: sckClosed");
Esempio n. 28
 /// <summary>
 /// Assembles the packet across however many frames it takes
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="data"></param>
 public void AssembleInboundPacket(SocketAsyncEventArgs args, SockState state)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Esempio n. 29
        public void Listen()
            if (m_enmState != SockState.sckClosed & m_enmState != SockState.sckOpen) {
                Err().Raise(modSocketMaster.sckInvalidOp, "CSocketMaster.Listen", "Invalid operation at current state");

            if (!SocketExists())
            if (!BindInternal())

            int lngResult = 0;

            lngResult = api_listen(m_lngSocketHandle, SOMAXCONN);

            int lngErrorCode = 0;
            if (lngResult == modSocketMaster.SOCKET_ERROR) {
                lngErrorCode = Err().LastDllError;
                Err().Raise(lngErrorCode, "CSocketMaster.Listen", modSocketMaster.GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode));
            } else {
                m_enmState = SockState.sckListening;
                Debug.Print("STATE: sckListening");
Esempio n. 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a packet object, given a raw binary buffer and some misc info
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state"></param>
        public void DeserializePacket(SockState state)
                // at this point, the envelope bytes have been chopped off
                byte[] body = OnPacketDataArrived(state.PacketBuffer, 0, state.PacketBuffer.Length, state.Flags);
                if (body == null || body.Length < 1)
                    KillConnection("Authentication/Encryption Key error.");

                //Log.LogMsg("Deserializing packet type " + state.PacketTypeID.ToString());
                Packet newPacket = CreatePacket(state.PacketTypeID, state.PacketSubTypeID, state.Flags, body);
                newPacket.PacketSubTypeID = state.PacketSubTypeID;
                newPacket.RemoteEndPoint = state.AsyncEventArgs.RemoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint;

                // Send delivery confirmation, check for duplicate packets, etc
                if (OnBeforePacketProcessed(newPacket))
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.LogMsg("Exception in DeserializePacket: " + e.Message);
                KillConnection("Deserialize error. " + e.Message);
Esempio n. 31
 protected void Set(SockState sockState, IPEndPoint localAddress, IPEndPoint remoteAddress)
     SockState     = sockState;
     LocalAddress  = localAddress;
     RemoteAddress = remoteAddress;
Esempio n. 32
        //Connect to a given 32 bits long ip
        private void ConnectToIP(int lngRemoteHostAddress, int lngErrorCode)
            bool blnCancelDisplay = false;

            //Check and handle errors
            if (lngErrorCode != 0) {
                m_enmState = SockState.sckError;
                Debug.Print("STATE: sckError");
                blnCancelDisplay = true;
                if (Error_Renamed != null) {
                    Error_Renamed(lngErrorCode, modSocketMaster.GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode), 0, "CSocketMaster.ConnectToIP", "", 0, blnCancelDisplay);
                if (blnCancelDisplay == false)
                    Interaction.MsgBox(modSocketMaster.GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode), MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "CSocketMaster.ConnectToIP");

            //Here we bind the socket
            if (!BindInternal())

            Debug.Print("OK Connecting to: " + m_strRemoteHost + " " + m_strRemoteHostIP);
            m_enmState = SockState.sckConnecting;
            Debug.Print("STATE: sckConnecting");

            //UPGRADE_WARNING: Arrays in structure udtSockAddr may need to be initialized before they can be used. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v90/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="814DF224-76BD-4BB4-BFFB-EA359CB9FC48"'
            sockaddr_in udtSockAddr = default(sockaddr_in);
            int lngResult = 0;

            //Build the sockaddr_in structure to pass it to the connect
            //Winsock API function as an address of the remote host.
            var _with1 = udtSockAddr;
            _with1.sin_addr = lngRemoteHostAddress;
            _with1.sin_family = modSocketMaster.AF_INET;
            _with1.sin_port = api_htons(modSocketMaster.UnsignedToInteger(ref ref m_lngRemotePort));

            //Call the connect Winsock API function in order to establish connection.
            //UPGRADE_ISSUE: LenB function is not supported. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v90/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="367764E5-F3F8-4E43-AC3E-7FE0B5E074E2"'
            lngResult = api_connect(m_lngSocketHandle, ref udtSockAddr, modLenB.LenB(udtSockAddr));

            //Check and handle errors
            if (lngResult == modSocketMaster.SOCKET_ERROR) {
                lngErrorCode = Err().LastDllError;
                if (lngErrorCode != modSocketMaster.WSAEWOULDBLOCK) {
                    if (lngErrorCode == modSocketMaster.WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL) {
                        Err().Raise(modSocketMaster.WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL, "CSocketMaster.ConnectToIP", modSocketMaster.GetErrorDescription(modSocketMaster.WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL));
                    } else {
                        m_enmState = SockState.sckError;
                        Debug.Print("STATE: sckError");
                        blnCancelDisplay = true;
                        if (Error_Renamed != null) {
                            Error_Renamed(lngErrorCode, modSocketMaster.GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode), 0, "CSocketMaster.ConnectToIP", "", 0, blnCancelDisplay);
                        if (blnCancelDisplay == false)
                            Interaction.MsgBox(modSocketMaster.GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode), MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "CSocketMaster.ConnectToIP");
Esempio n. 33
 protected void SetError(String msg)
     _lastError = msg;
     SockState  = SockState.Error;
Esempio n. 34
        //Destroys the socket if it exists and unregisters it
        //from control list.
        private void DestroySocket()
            int lngResult = 0;
            int lngErrorCode = 0;

            if (!(m_lngSocketHandle == modSocketMaster.INVALID_SOCKET)) {

                lngResult = api_closesocket(m_lngSocketHandle);

                if (lngResult == modSocketMaster.SOCKET_ERROR) {
                    m_enmState = SockState.sckError;
                    Debug.Print("STATE: sckError");
                    lngErrorCode = Err().LastDllError;
                    Err().Raise(lngErrorCode, "CSocketMaster.DestroySocket", modSocketMaster.GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode));

                } else {
                    Debug.Print("OK Destroyed socket " + m_lngSocketHandle);
                    m_lngSocketHandle = modSocketMaster.INVALID_SOCKET;


Esempio n. 35
        /// <summary>
        /// We dont usually send everything all at once in the buffer.  This method sends what's in the buffer out in a piece by piece fashion.
        /// </summary>
        private void SendBuffer(SocketAsyncEventArgs args, SockState state, bool isUDP)
            #if !SILVERLIGHT
                //Log.LogMsg("==>$$$$ Async SEND op started - #" + ((SockState)args.UserToken).ID.ToString() + "#");
                if (!OwningConnection.BlockingMode)
                    int toSend = state.PacketBuffer.Length - state.PacketBufferPointer.Position;
                    if (toSend > state.BufferBlockLength)
                        toSend = state.BufferBlockLength;

                    args.SetBuffer(state.BufferBlockOffset, toSend);
                    Util.Copy(state.PacketBuffer, state.PacketBufferPointer.Position, args.Buffer, state.BufferBlockOffset, toSend);

                    Socket socket = OwningConnection.MyTCPSocket;
            #if !SILVERLIGHT
                    if (isUDP)
                        socket = OwningConnection.MyUDPSocket;
                        //Log.LogMsg("UDP Send Target = " + SendTarget.ToString());
                        args.RemoteEndPoint = OwningConnection.UDPSendTarget;
                        if (!socket.SendToAsync(args))
                            //// Log.LogMsg("Testy 7");
                            OnSendResolved(args, state);
                        if (!socket.SendAsync(args))
                            //// Log.LogMsg("Testy 8");
                            OnSendResolved(args, state);
            #if !SILVERLIGHT
                    if (isUDP)
                        //// Log.LogMsg("Testy 9");
                        OwningConnection.MyUDPSocket.SendTo(state.PacketBuffer, OwningConnection.UDPSendTarget);
                        //// Log.LogMsg("Testy 10");
                        OwningConnection.MyTCPSocket.Blocking = true;

                    //// Log.LogMsg("Testy 11");
            catch (Exception e)
                //// Log.LogMsg("Testy 12");
                Log.LogMsg("Error SendBuffer. " + e.Message);
                OwningConnection.KillConnection("Send error. " + e.Message);
Esempio n. 36
        //When the system resolves a hostname in asynchronous way we
        //call this function to decide what to do with the result.
        private void PostResolution(int lngAsynHandle, int lngErrorCode)
            if (m_enmState != SockState.sckResolvingHost)

            DestResolucion enmDestination = default(DestResolucion);

            //find out what the resolution destination was
            //UPGRADE_WARNING: Couldn't resolve default property of object m_colWaitingResolutions.Item(). Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v90/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="6A50421D-15FE-4896-8A1B-2EC21E9037B2"'
            enmDestination = m_colWaitingResolutions["R" + lngAsynHandle];
            //erase that record from the collection since we won't need it any longer
            m_colWaitingResolutions.Remove("R" + lngAsynHandle);

            HOSTENT udtHostent = default(HOSTENT);
            int lngPtrToIP = 0;
            int lngRemoteHostAddress = 0;
            short Count = 0;
            string strIpAddress = null;
            //UPGRADE_WARNING: Lower bound of array arrIpAddress was changed from 1 to 0. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v90/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="0F1C9BE1-AF9D-476E-83B1-17D43BECFF20"'
            byte[] arrIpAddress = new byte[5];
            //if there weren't errors trying to resolve the hostname
            if (lngErrorCode == 0) {

                m_enmState = SockState.sckHostResolved;
                Debug.Print("STATE: sckHostResolved");

                //UPGRADE_ISSUE: LenB function is not supported. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v90/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="367764E5-F3F8-4E43-AC3E-7FE0B5E074E2"'
                //UPGRADE_WARNING: Couldn't resolve default property of object udtHostent. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v90/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="6A50421D-15FE-4896-8A1B-2EC21E9037B2"'
                modSocketMaster.api_CopyMemory(ref udtHostent, ref m_lngMemoryPointer, modLenB.LenB(udtHostent));
                modSocketMaster.api_CopyMemory(ref lngPtrToIP, ref udtHostent.hAddrList, 4);
                modSocketMaster.api_CopyMemory(ref arrIpAddress[1], ref lngPtrToIP, 4);
                modSocketMaster.api_CopyMemory(ref lngRemoteHostAddress, ref lngPtrToIP, 4);

                //free memmory, won't need it any longer

                //We turn the 32 bits long into a readable string.
                //Note: we don't need this string. I put this here just
                //in case you need it.
                for (Count = 1; Count <= 4; Count++) {
                    strIpAddress = strIpAddress + arrIpAddress[Count] + ".";

                strIpAddress = Strings.Left(strIpAddress, Strings.Len(strIpAddress) - 1);

                //Decide what to do with the result according to the destination
                switch (enmDestination) {

                    case DestResolucion.destConnect:
                        ConnectToIP(lngRemoteHostAddress, 0);


            //there were errors trying to resolve the hostname
            } else {

                //free buffer memory

                switch (enmDestination) {

                    case DestResolucion.destConnect:
                        ConnectToIP(VariantType.Null, lngErrorCode);


Esempio n. 37
        //This procedure is called by the WindowProc callback function
        //from the modSocketMaster module. The lngEventID argument is an
        //ID of the network event occurred for the socket. The lngErrorCode
        //argument contains an error code only if an error was occurred
        //during an asynchronous execution.
        private void PostSocket(int lngEventID, int lngErrorCode)
            //handle any possible error
            bool blnCancelDisplay = false;
            if (lngErrorCode != 0) {
                m_enmState = SockState.sckError;
                Debug.Print("STATE: sckError");
                blnCancelDisplay = true;
                if (Error_Renamed != null) {
                    Error_Renamed(lngErrorCode, modSocketMaster.GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode), 0, "CSocketMaster.PostSocket", "", 0, blnCancelDisplay);
                if (blnCancelDisplay == false)
                    Interaction.MsgBox(modSocketMaster.GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode), MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "CSocketMaster.PostSocket");

            //UPGRADE_WARNING: Arrays in structure udtSockAddr may need to be initialized before they can be used. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v90/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="814DF224-76BD-4BB4-BFFB-EA359CB9FC48"'
            sockaddr_in udtSockAddr = default(sockaddr_in);
            int lngResult = 0;
            int lngBytesReceived = 0;

            int lngTempRP = 0;
            string strTempRHIP = null;
            string strTempRH = null;
            switch (lngEventID) {


                case modSocketMaster.FD_CONNECT:

                    //Arrival of this message means that the connection initiated by the call
                    //of the connect Winsock API function was successfully established.

                    Debug.Print("FD_CONNECT " + m_lngSocketHandle);

                    if (m_enmState != SockState.sckConnecting) {
                        Debug.Print("WARNING: Omitting FD_CONNECT");

                    //Get the connection local end-point parameters
                    //UPGRADE_ISSUE: LenB function is not supported. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v90/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="367764E5-F3F8-4E43-AC3E-7FE0B5E074E2"'
                    lngResult = api_getpeername(m_lngSocketHandle, ref udtSockAddr, ref modLenB.LenB(udtSockAddr));

                    if (lngResult == 0) {
                        m_lngRemotePort = modSocketMaster.IntegerToUnsigned(ref api_ntohs(udtSockAddr.sin_port));
                        m_strRemoteHostIP = modSocketMaster.StringFromPointer(api_inet_ntoa(udtSockAddr.sin_addr));

                    m_enmState = SockState.sckConnected;
                    Debug.Print("STATE: sckConnected");
                    if (Connect != null) {


                case modSocketMaster.FD_WRITE:

                    //This message means that the socket in a write-able
                    //state, that is, buffer for outgoing data of the transport
                    //service is empty and ready to receive data to send through
                    //the network.

                    Debug.Print("FD_WRITE " + m_lngSocketHandle);

                    if (m_enmState != SockState.sckConnected) {
                        Debug.Print("WARNING: Omitting FD_WRITE");

                    if (Strings.Len(m_strSendBuffer) > 0) {


                case modSocketMaster.FD_READ:

                    //Some data has arrived for this socket.

                    Debug.Print("FD_READ " + m_lngSocketHandle);

                    if (m_enmProtocol == ProtocolConstants.sckTCPProtocol) {
                        if (m_enmState != SockState.sckConnected) {
                            Debug.Print("WARNING: Omitting FD_READ");

                        //Call the RecvDataToBuffer function that move arrived data
                        //from the Winsock buffer to the local one and returns number
                        //of bytes received.

                        lngBytesReceived = RecvDataToBuffer();

                        if (lngBytesReceived > 0) {
                            if (DataArrival != null) {

                    //UDP protocol
                    } else {

                        if (m_enmState != SockState.sckOpen) {
                            Debug.Print("WARNING: Omitting FD_READ");

                        //If we use UDP we don't remove data from winsock buffer.
                        //We just let the user know the amount received so
                        //he/she can decide what to do.

                        lngBytesReceived = GetBufferLenUDP();

                        if (lngBytesReceived > 0) {
                            if (DataArrival != null) {

                        //Now the buffer is emptied no matter what the user
                        //dicided to do with the received data



                case modSocketMaster.FD_ACCEPT:

                    //When the socket is in a listening state, arrival of this message
                    //means that a connection request was received. Call the accept
                    //Winsock API function in oreder to create a new socket for the
                    //requested connection.

                    Debug.Print("FD_ACCEPT " + m_lngSocketHandle);
                    if (m_enmState != SockState.sckListening) {
                        Debug.Print("WARNING: Omitting FD_ACCEPT");

                    //UPGRADE_ISSUE: LenB function is not supported. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v90/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="367764E5-F3F8-4E43-AC3E-7FE0B5E074E2"'
                    lngResult = api_accept(m_lngSocketHandle, ref udtSockAddr, ref modLenB.LenB(udtSockAddr));

                    if (lngResult == modSocketMaster.INVALID_SOCKET) {
                        lngErrorCode = Err().LastDllError;
                        Err().Raise(lngErrorCode, "CSocketMaster.PostSocket", modSocketMaster.GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode));
                    } else {
                        //We assign a temporal instance of CSocketMaster to
                        //handle this new socket until user accepts (or not)
                        //the new connection

                        //We change remote info before firing ConnectionRequest
                        //event so the user can see which host is trying to

                        lngTempRP = m_lngRemotePort;
                        strTempRHIP = m_strRemoteHostIP;
                        strTempRH = m_strRemoteHost;

                        GetRemoteInfo(lngResult, ref m_lngRemotePort, ref m_strRemoteHostIP, ref m_strRemoteHost);

                        Debug.Print("OK Accepted socket: " + lngResult);
                        if (ConnectionRequest != null) {

                        //we return original info
                        if (m_enmState == SockState.sckListening) {
                            m_lngRemotePort = lngTempRP;
                            m_strRemoteHostIP = strTempRHIP;
                            m_strRemoteHost = strTempRH;

                        //This is very important. If the connection wasn't accepted
                        //we must close the socket.
                        if (modSocketMaster.IsAcceptRegistered(lngResult)) {
                            Debug.Print("OK Closed accepted socket: " + lngResult);


                case modSocketMaster.FD_CLOSE:

                    //This message means that the remote host is closing the conection

                    Debug.Print("FD_CLOSE " + m_lngSocketHandle);

                    if (m_enmState != SockState.sckConnected) {
                        Debug.Print("WARNING: Omitting FD_CLOSE");

                    m_enmState = SockState.sckClosing;
                    Debug.Print("STATE: sckClosing");
                    if (CloseSck != null) {

Esempio n. 38
        //This function retrieves data from the Winsock buffer
        //into the class local buffer. The function returns number
        //of bytes retrieved (received).
        private int RecvDataToBuffer()
            int functionReturnValue = 0;
            byte[] arrBuffer = null;
            int lngBytesReceived = 0;
            string strBuffTemporal = null;

            arrBuffer = new byte[m_lngRecvBufferLen];

            lngBytesReceived = api_recv(m_lngSocketHandle, ref arrBuffer[0], m_lngRecvBufferLen, 0);

            int lngErrorCode = 0;

            if (lngBytesReceived == modSocketMaster.SOCKET_ERROR) {
                m_enmState = SockState.sckError;
                Debug.Print("STATE: sckError");
                lngErrorCode = Err().LastDllError;
                Err().Raise(lngErrorCode, "CSocketMaster.RecvDataToBuffer", modSocketMaster.GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode));

            } else if (lngBytesReceived > 0) {
                strBuffTemporal = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(arrBuffer);
                m_strRecvBuffer = m_strRecvBuffer + Strings.Left(strBuffTemporal, lngBytesReceived);
                functionReturnValue = lngBytesReceived;

            return functionReturnValue;
Esempio n. 39
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets called when a receive operation resolves.  If we were listening for data and the connection
        /// closed, that also counts as a receive operation resolving.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        private void OnReceiveResolved(bool isUDP, byte[] buffer, int bytesReceived, SocketError status, SockState sockState)
            //// Log.LogMsg("==>++++ Async RECEIVE Op Completed - #" + ((SockState)args.UserToken).ID.ToString() + "#");
                if (!OwningConnection.IsAlive && bytesReceived > 0)

                // If there was a socket error, close the connection. This is NOT a normal
                // situation, if you get an error here.
                if (status != SocketError.Success)
                    if (!OwningConnection.ShuttingDown)
                        OwningConnection.KillConnection("Connection lost! Network receive error: " + status);
                    //Jump out of the ProcessReceive method.

                m_TCPSockState.AsyncEventArgs.RemoteEndPoint = OwningConnection.MyTCPSocket.RemoteEndPoint;

                // If no data was received, close the connection. This is a NORMAL
                // situation that shows when the client has finished sending data.
                if (bytesReceived == 0)
                    if (!OwningConnection.ShuttingDown)
                        OwningConnection.KillConnection("Connection closed by remote host.");


                // restart listening process
                OwningConnection.AssembleInboundPacket(buffer, bytesReceived, sockState);
            catch (ThreadAbortException abort)
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.LogMsg("Error ProcessReceive. " + ex.Message);
                OwningConnection.KillConnection("Error receive. " + ex.Message);
Esempio n. 40
 protected void SetError(String msg)
     _lastError = msg;
     SockState = SockState.Error;