public virtual SnapShot GetSnapShot() { SnapShot snapShot = new SnapShot(); snapShot.BinaryImage = new byte[1000]; return(snapShot); }
public void SnapShot_GetAllValuesMultiLevelData() { IDataContainer A = (DataContainerBase)DataContainerBuilder.Create("A") .Data("A", 1) .Data("B", 2) .Data("C", 3) .DataContainer("AB", b => b .Data("AB1", 1) .Data("AB2", 2)) .Build(); SnapShot snapShot = A.GetSnapShot(); Assert.Equal(5, snapShot.Count()); Assert.Contains("A", snapShot.Keys); Assert.Contains("B", snapShot.Keys); Assert.Contains("C", snapShot.Keys); Assert.Contains("AB.AB1", snapShot.Keys); Assert.Contains("AB.AB2", snapShot.Keys); Assert.Equal(A["A"], snapShot["A"].Value); Assert.Equal(A["B"], snapShot["B"].Value); Assert.Equal(A["C"], snapShot["C"].Value); Assert.Equal(A["AB.AB1"], snapShot["AB.AB1"].Value); Assert.Equal(A["AB.AB2"], snapShot["AB.AB2"].Value); }
public static bool DrinkPotion() { var legendaryPotions = Core.Inventory.Backpack.Where(i => i.InternalName.ToLower().Contains("healthpotion_legendary_")).ToList(); if (legendaryPotions.Any()) { Core.Logger.Verbose(LogCategory.None, "Using Potion", 0); var dynamicId = legendaryPotions.First().AnnId; InventoryManager.UseItem(dynamicId); SpellHistory.RecordSpell(new TrinityPower(SNOPower.DrinkHealthPotion)); SnapShot.Record(); return(true); } var potion = InventoryManager.BaseHealthPotion; if (potion != null) { Core.Logger.Verbose(LogCategory.None, "Using Potion", 0); InventoryManager.UseItem(potion.AnnId); SpellHistory.RecordSpell(new TrinityPower(SNOPower.DrinkHealthPotion)); SnapShot.Record(); return(true); } Core.Logger.Verbose(LogCategory.None, "No Available potions!", 0); return(false); }
public void SnapshotConstructor(long last, long current, bool expected) { var snapShotAfter = new SnapShot <TestEntity>(3); var doesNeedSnapshot = snapShotAfter.DoesNeedSnapshot(last, current); Assert.AreEqual(expected, doesNeedSnapshot); }
void Scroll(int target) { var snapShot = new SnapShot(__counter); _listView.ScrollTo(_itemsList[target], ScrollToPosition.MakeVisible, animated: true); snapShot.Update(); // TEST if (!_listView.IsGroupingEnabled && _listView.CachingStrategy == ListViewCachingStrategy.RecycleElementAndDataTemplate) { if (snapShot.Attached > MaxAttachDelta) { throw new Exception($"Attached Delta: {snapShot.Attached}"); } if (snapShot.Views > MaxViewDelta) { throw new Exception($"Views Delta: {snapShot.Views}"); } if (snapShot.Asks > MaxAskDelta) { throw new Exception($"Asks Delta: {snapShot.Asks}"); } } }
private async Task<SnapShot> CheckDish(string filename) { CheckFood checkFood = new CheckFood(); SnapShot snapShot = await checkFood.IsDishEmptyAsync(filename); return snapShot; }
protected void SerializeDirtyFieldsSnapshot() { if (IsServer) { //server keeps snapshots for the rewind ability ulong timestep = Networker.Time.Timestep; //need to locally produce store the snapshot SnapShot snapshot = new SnapShot() { tick = (long)timestep, position = _position, rotation = _rotation, velocity = _velocity, Health = _Health }; lock (_Snapshots) { _Snapshots.AddLast(snapshot); if (_Snapshots.Count > 5) { Debug.LogFormat("SerializeDirtyFieldsSnapshot: {0} {1} {2} {3}", _Snapshots.Count, _Snapshots.First.Value.tick, timestep, _Snapshots.Last.Value.tick); } } } }
private void SaveSnapShot() { var snapShot = new SnapShot { moves = moves, formulaText = formulaText.text, formula = new Formula(formula), }; for (var x = 0; x < grid.Count; ++x) { for (var y = 0; y < grid[x].Count; ++y) { if (grid[x][y] == null) { continue; } var snapShotData = new SnapShotData { isSelected = grid[x][y].isSelected, value = grid[x][y].GetValue(), position = grid[x][y].GetPosition(), }; snapShot.datas.Add(snapShotData); } } snapShots.Add(snapShot); }
public void ApplySnapshot(SnapShot snapshot) { _position = snapshot.position; _rotation = snapshot.rotation; _velocity = snapshot.velocity; _Health = snapshot.Health; }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("ID,UserId,SnapShotTime")] SnapShot snapShot) { if (id != snapShot.ID) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { _context.Update(snapShot); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!SnapShotExists(snapShot.ID)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(snapShot)); }
private async void Capture() { SnapShot snapShot = new SnapShot(); string rootPath = dataManager.ValidPath(); string filename = DateTime.Now.ToString(ComDef.FILENAME_DATETIMEFORMAT); string imageFullPath = Path.Combine(rootPath, filename) + ComDef.FILEEXTENSION; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageFullPath)) return; #if true ImageSource source = previewImageCtrl.Source; webcam.SaveImageCapture((BitmapSource)source, imageFullPath); image.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(imageFullPath, UriKind.Absolute)); #else BitmapSource bitmapSource = webcam.SaveImageCapture(imageFullPath); image.Source = bitmapSource; #endif snapShot = await CheckDish(imageFullPath); snapShot.CaptureDateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("G"); snapShot.Id = filename; snapShot.Path = imageFullPath; App.snapShotViewModel.Add(snapShot); EnableRecog(false); return; }
public void LoadData() { if (System.IO.File.Exists(ComDef.LOGFILENAME)) { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ComDef.LOGFILENAME, Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8")); while (!sr.EndOfStream) { string data = sr.ReadLine(); string[] dataArray = data.Split(ComDef.SEPARATECHAT); SnapShot snapShot = new SnapShot { Id = dataArray[0], CaptureDateTime = dataArray[1], Path = dataArray[2], Category = dataArray[3], IsEmpty = bool.Parse(dataArray[4]), Accuracy = int.Parse(dataArray[5]), Message = dataArray[6], LoadingTime = float.Parse(dataArray[7]) }; App.snapShotViewModel.Add(snapShot); App.snapShotViewModel.AddAlreadySaved(snapShot); } } else { return; } }
public DbSnapshot(DB db, long height, bool bUndo) { Monitor.Enter(db); this.db = db; this.snapshot = db.CreateSnapshot(); this.batch = new WriteBatch(); this.options = new ReadOptions { FillCache = false, Snapshot = snapshot }; if (bUndo) { Undos = new DbUndo(); Undos.height = height; long.TryParse(db.Get("UndoHeight"), out long UndoHeight); if (UndoHeight + 1 != Undos.height) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"{UndoHeight} heightTotal+1 != Undos.height {Undos.height}"); } } Snap = new DbCache <string>(db, options, batch, Undos, "Snap"); Blocks = new DbCache <Block>(db, options, batch, null, "Blocks"); Heights = new DbCache <List <string> >(db, options, batch, null, "Heights"); Transfers = new DbCache <BlockSub>(db, options, batch, Undos, "Trans"); Accounts = new DbCache <Account>(db, options, batch, Undos, "Accounts"); Contracts = new DbCache <LuaVMScript>(db, options, batch, Undos, "Contracts"); Storages = new DbCache <LuaVMContext>(db, options, batch, Undos, "Storages"); BlockChains = new DbCache <BlockChain>(db, options, batch, Undos, "BlockChain"); StoragesAccount = new DbCache <string>(db, options, batch, Undos, "StgAcc"); ABC = new DbCache <List <string> >(db, options, batch, Undos, "ABC"); List = new DbList <string>(db, options, batch, Undos, "List"); }
/// <summary> /// Sets up the crawl with all the parameters it needs to continue until finished. /// </summary> /// <param name="urlToStart">The valid url to start crawling from</param> /// <param name="maxAttempts">Number of times to try failed pages (not implemented)</param> /// <param name="secondsDelay">Number of seconds to wait between page loads</param> /// <param name="steps">Number of steps away from the urlToStart to transverse before stopping</param> /// <param name="databaseFileName">Name of the file to store data in</param> public void Seed(string urlToStart, int maxAttempts, int secondsDelay, int steps, string databaseFileName) { try { _seedUri = new Uri(urlToStart); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid URI supplied as seed", ex); } if (!_seedUri.IsWellFormedOriginalString() || !_seedUri.IsAbsoluteUri) { throw new ArgumentException("Invliad URI supplied as seed"); } var seedNode = new WebNode { NodeUri = new Uri(urlToStart) }; WebNodes.Add(seedNode); _maxCrawlAttempts = maxAttempts; _secondsDelay = secondsDelay; _maxSteps = steps; var dbSetup = new Database(); dbSetup.ConnectToDatabase(databaseFileName); _snapShot = new SnapShot(databaseFileName); _snapShotId = _snapShot.InsertSnapShot(urlToStart, secondsDelay, steps); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("Id,ImageUrl,CreatedAt,NewsSiteId")] SnapShot snapShot) { if (id != snapShot.Id) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { _context.Update(snapShot); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!SnapShotExists(snapShot.Id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } ViewData["NewsSiteId"] = new SelectList(_context.NewsSites, "Id", "Id", snapShot.NewsSiteId); return(View(snapShot)); }
private void SetInitialSnapshot(SnapShot snapshot) { ClientEntity clientEntity; EntityState state; snap = snapshot; CUtils.PlayerStateToEntityState(snap.playerState, ref clientEntities[snap.playerState.clientIndex].currentState, false); BuildSolidList(); ExecuteNewServerCommands(snap.serverCommandSequence); for (int i = 0; i < snap.numEntities; i++) { state = snap.entities[i]; clientEntity = clientEntities[state.clientNum]; clientEntity.currentState.CopyTo(state); clientEntity.interpolate = false; clientEntity.currentValid = true; // clientEntity.Reset(); ResetEntity(ref clientEntity); CheckEvents(ref clientEntity); } }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a new snapshot module using LVM /// </summary> /// <param name="folders">The list of folders to create snapshots for</param> /// <param name="options">A set of commandline options</param> public LinuxSnapshot(string[] folders, Dictionary<string, string> options) { try { m_entries = new List<KeyValuePair<string,SnapShot>>(); //Make sure we do not create more snapshots than we have to Dictionary<string, SnapShot> snaps = new Dictionary<string, SnapShot>(); foreach (string s in folders) { SnapShot sn = new SnapShot(s); if (!snaps.ContainsKey(sn.DeviceName)) snaps.Add(sn.DeviceName, sn); m_entries.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, SnapShot>(s, snaps[sn.DeviceName])); } m_activeSnapShots = new List<SnapShot>(snaps.Values); //We have all the snapshots that we need, lets activate them foreach (SnapShot s in m_activeSnapShots) s.CreateSnapshotVolume(); } catch { //If something goes wrong, try to clean up try { Dispose(); } catch { } throw; } }
public TruckSteps(ScenarioContext scenarioContext) { this.homePage = new HomePage(); this.automobilePage = new AutomobilePage(); this.snapShot = new SnapShot(); this.truckPage = new TruckPage(); this._scenarioContext = scenarioContext; }
public AutomobileSteps(ScenarioContext scenarioContext) { this.homePage = new HomePage(); this.automobilePage = new AutomobilePage(); this.isuranceData = new IsuranceData(); this.validator = new Validator(); this.snapShot = new SnapShot(); _scenarioContext = scenarioContext; }
private void TransitionSnapshot() { ClientEntity clientEntity; SnapShot oldFrame; int i; if (snap == null) { CLog.Error("TransitionSnapshot: null snap"); } if (nextSnap == null) { CLog.Error("TransitionSnapshot: null nextSnap"); } ExecuteNewServerCommands(nextSnap.serverCommandSequence); for (i = 0; i < snap.numEntities; i++) { clientEntity = clientEntities[snap.entities[i].entityIndex]; clientEntity.currentValid = false; } oldFrame = snap; snap = nextSnap; CUtils.PlayerStateToEntityState(snap.playerState, ref clientEntities[snap.playerState.clientIndex].currentState, false); clientEntities[snap.playerState.clientIndex].interpolate = false; for (i = 0; i < snap.numEntities; i++) { clientEntity = clientEntities[snap.entities[i].entityIndex]; TransitionEntity(ref clientEntity); //记录这个entity最后更新的snapshot的时间 clientEntity.snapShotTime = snap.serverTime; } nextSnap = null; if (oldFrame != null) { PlayerState ops, ps; ops = oldFrame.playerState; ps = snap.playerState; if (((ps.entityFlags ^ ops.entityFlags) ^ EntityFlags.TELEPORT_BIT) != EntityFlags.NONE) { this.thisFrameTeleport = true; } if (demoPlayback || (snap.playerState.pmFlags & PMoveFlags.FOLLOW) == PMoveFlags.NONE || CConstVar.NoPredict || CConstVar.SynchronousClients) { TransitionPlayerState(ps, ref ops); } } }
public override SnapShot GetSnapShot() { string requestUrl = string.Format("{0}/{1}?camera={2}", this.BaseURL, this.SnapShotURL, this.CameraID); SnapShot snapShot = new SnapShot(); snapShot.BinaryImage = GetByterArrayResponseForRequest(requestUrl, null); return(snapShot); }
public override SnapShot GetSnapShotWithResolutionAndCompression(string resolution, string compression) { string requestUrl = string.Format("{0}/{1}?resolution={2}&compression={3}&camera={4}", this.BaseURL, this.SnapShotURL, resolution, compression, this.CameraID); SnapShot snapShot = new SnapShot(); snapShot.BinaryImage = GetByterArrayResponseForRequest(requestUrl, null); return(snapShot); }
private void btn_Apply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SnapShot snap = (SnapShot)this.listSnap.SelectedItem; if (snap == null) { return; } snap.Apply(); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("ID,UserId,SnapShotTime")] SnapShot snapShot) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(snapShot); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(snapShot)); }
public void FastForwardPlayers() { SnapShot sn = _game.Network.Snapshots[_game.Network.Snapshots.Count - 1]; foreach (PlayerSnap psn in sn.PlayerSnap) { Player brp = GetNode(psn.NodeName) as Player; Transform t = brp.GlobalTransform; t.origin = psn.Origin; brp.GlobalTransform = t; } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("Id,ImageUrl,CreatedAt,NewsSiteId")] SnapShot snapShot) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(snapShot); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } ViewData["NewsSiteId"] = new SelectList(_context.NewsSites, "Id", "Id", snapShot.NewsSiteId); return(View(snapShot)); }
private void btn_Take_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.txt_Name.Text == "") { return; } SnapShot snap = new SnapShot(this.txt_Name.Text); snap.Take(); this.listSnap.Items.Add(snap); }
private void btn_Delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SnapShot snap = (SnapShot)this.listSnap.SelectedItem; if (snap == null) { return; } SnapShot.List.Remove(snap); this.listSnap.SelectedIndex = -1; this.listSnap.Items.Remove(snap); }
public virtual void Dispose() { if (snapshot != null) { options?.Dispose(); batch?.Dispose(); snapshot?.Dispose(); options = null; batch = null; snapshot = null; Monitor.Exit(db); } }
private void InterpolatePlayerState(bool grabAngles) { float f; int i; var gamestate = CDataModel.GameState; PlayerState outP = predictedPlayerState; SnapShot prev = gamestate.snap; SnapShot next = gamestate.nextSnap; gamestate.snap.playerState.CopyTo(outP); var cl = CDataModel.GameState.ClActive; if (grabAngles) { UserCmd cmd; int cmdNum = cl.cmdNum; CDataModel.GameState.GetUserCmd(cmdNum, out cmd); PMove.UpdateViewAngles(outP, cmd); } if (gamestate.nextFrameTeleport) { return; } if (next == null || next.serverTime <= prev.serverTime) { return; } f = (float)(gamestate.time - prev.serverTime) / (next.serverTime - prev.serverTime); i = next.playerState.bobCycle; if (i < prev.playerState.bobCycle) { i += 256; } outP.bobCycle = prev.playerState.bobCycle + (int)(f * (i - prev.playerState.bobCycle)); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { outP.origin[i] = prev.playerState.origin[i] * (int)(f * (next.playerState.origin[i] - prev.playerState.origin[i])); if (!grabAngles) { outP.viewangles[i] = CUtils.LerpAngles(prev.playerState.viewangles[i], next.playerState.viewangles[i], f); } outP.velocity[i] = prev.playerState.velocity[i] + f * (next.playerState.velocity[i] - prev.playerState.velocity[i]); } }
public void StartRewind() { ulong timestep = Networker.Time.Timestep; //need to locally produce store the snapshot _RewindSnapshot = new SnapShot() { tick = (long)timestep, position = _position, rotation = _rotation, velocity = _velocity, Health = _Health }; }
public SnapShot(Log log, int index, SnapShot prev) { if (prev.mIndex > index) throw new Exception("Snapshot passed needs to be behind current one"); mIndex = index; Utility.AllocLists li; mAllocListsMutex.WaitOne(); if (mAllocListsLastIndex == prev.mIndex) { li = mAllocLists; mAllocListsMutex.ReleaseMutex(); } else { mAllocListsMutex.ReleaseMutex(); // Populate snapshot with previous snapshot li = new Utility.AllocLists(); for (int i = 0; i < prev.mArray.Count; i++) { int idx = (int)(prev.mArray[i]); uint address = log[idx].address; li.Allocate( address, idx ); } } // Play through allocations till index reached. for (int i = prev.mIndex; i < index; i++) { LogEntry logentry = log[i]; if (logentry.type == 'A') li.Allocate(logentry.address, i); else if (logentry.type == 'F') li.Free(logentry.address); } // Now store as an array mArray = li.GetArray(); mSorted = false; mAllocListsMutex.WaitOne(); mAllocListsLastIndex = index; mAllocLists = li; mAllocListsMutex.ReleaseMutex(); }
public SnapShot(Log log, SnapShot snap, string filter, int size, bool dir) { Utility.AllocLists li = new Utility.AllocLists(); Regex r = new Regex(filter, RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); for (int i = 0, e = snap.Count; i < e; i++) { int logindex = snap[i]; MemManager.Log.LogEntry le = log[logindex]; string name = log.GetString(le.nameString); if ( r.IsMatch(log.GetString(le.nameString)) ) { if(size == 0) li.Allocate(log[logindex].address, logindex); else if(dir==false && le.allocSize >= size) li.Allocate(log[logindex].address, logindex); else if(dir==true && le.allocSize <= size) li.Allocate(log[logindex].address, logindex); } } mArray = li.GetArray(ref mMaxLogIndex); mArray.Sort(); }
public SnapShot(Log log, int index, SnapShot prev, bool diff) { if (prev.mIndex > index) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("Second selection must be on the right hand side of the first one to compare"); //throw new Exception("Snapshot passed needs to be behind current one"); return; } mIndex = index; Utility.AllocLists li; if (!diff) { mAllocListsMutex.WaitOne(); if (mAllocListsLastIndex == prev.mIndex) { li = mAllocLists; mAllocListsMutex.ReleaseMutex(); } else { mAllocListsMutex.ReleaseMutex(); // Populate snapshot with previous snapshot li = new Utility.AllocLists(); for (int i = 0; i < prev.mArray.Count; i++) { int idx = (int)(prev.mArray[i]); uint address = log[idx].address; li.Allocate(address, idx); } } } else li = new MemManager.Utility.AllocLists(); // Play through allocations till index reached. for (int i = prev.mIndex; i < index; i++) { LogEntry logentry = log[i]; if (logentry.type == 'A') li.Allocate(logentry.address, i); else if (logentry.type == 'F') li.Free(logentry.address); } // Now store as an array mArray = li.GetArray(ref mMaxLogIndex); mSorted = false; mAllocListsMutex.WaitOne(); mAllocListsLastIndex = index; mAllocLists = li; mAllocListsMutex.ReleaseMutex(); }
/** * Copy information to object member variables and initialize the menus. */ public void CopyGvInfo(GVstruct input, Log log, SnapShot logSnap, ArrayList allocinfo, int category) { mInfo2Graph = input; mLog = log; mLogSnap = logSnap; mAllocators = allocinfo; mCategories = mLog.GetCategories(); mSelectedCategory = category; // Initialize first time PopulateDropDownMenu(category); PopulateBlockSize(); SelectAppropriateBlockSize(); }
public void NewSnapShot(SnapShot logSnapShot) { mHighlightedLogEntry = -1; // mHighlightLogSnap = null; mLogSnap = logSnapShot; mInfo2Graph = new GVstruct(); for (int i = 0, e = mLogSnap.Count; i < e; i++) { LogEntry le = mLog[mLogSnap[i]]; #if DEBUG if (!(mLowerBound < le.address && le.address < mUpperBound)) System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print( "!! Why this address is not in range?\n"); #endif mInfo2Graph.mMemoryBlockIndex.Add(mLogSnap[i]); } Array.Clear(mMemoryMap, 0, mMemoryMap.Length); UpdateView(true); }
public void UpdateHighlights(SnapShot HSnapShot) { mHighlightedLogEntry = -1; mHighlightLogSnap = HSnapShot; // clear down memory map // Array.Clear(mMemoryMap, 0, mMemoryMap.Length); UpdateView(false); }