Esempio n. 1
        //private static bool ValidateRemoteCertificate(object sender, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors)
        //    return true;
        //    //var certificateToValidate = new X509Certificate2(certificate);

        //    //chain.ChainPolicy.RevocationMode = X509RevocationMode.NoCheck;
        //    //chain.ChainPolicy.RevocationFlag = X509RevocationFlag.ExcludeRoot;
        //    //chain.ChainPolicy.VerificationFlags = X509VerificationFlags.AllowUnknownCertificateAuthority; // We have an untrusted root ca certificate
        //    //chain.ChainPolicy.VerificationTime = DateTime.Now;
        //    //chain.ChainPolicy.UrlRetrievalTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0);

        //    //chain.ChainPolicy.ExtraStore.Add(_clientCert);
        //    //bool isChainValid = chain.Build(certificateToValidate);
        //    //if (!isChainValid)
        //    //{
        //    //    string[] errors = chain.ChainStatus
        //    //        .Select(x => $"{x.StatusInformation.Trim()} ({x.Status})")
        //    //        .ToArray();

        //    //    string certificateErrorsString = "Unknown errors.";
        //    //    if (errors.Length > 0)
        //    //    {
        //    //        certificateErrorsString = string.Join(", ", errors);
        //    //    }

        //    //    throw new Exception("Trust chain did not complete to the known authority anchor. Errors: " + certificateErrorsString);
        //    //}

        //    //// Check if chain contains our root ca certificate
        //    //var valid = chain.ChainElements
        //    //    .Cast<X509ChainElement>()
        //    //    .Any(x => x.Certificate.Thumbprint == _clientCert.Thumbprint);

        //    //return valid;

        private static void HotelPmsClient_Disconnect()
            Logger.Warn("A connect with the hotel's PMS had lost. Try to reconnect");
            var mail = new Smtpmail.SendingMail(Config.SendTo, "A connect with the hotel's PMS had lost.")
                Subj = "Connectin with PMS was dropped"

Esempio n. 2
        private static void _clientMqtt_ConnectionClosed(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var mail = new Smtpmail.SendingMail(Config.SendTo, "A connect with the MQTT's broker has lost.")
                Subj = "Connectin with MQTT was dropped"

            Logger.Warn("--------MQTT Connection closed-----------");
            _clientMqtt.Unsubscribe(new string[] { Config.SubscribeTopic });
            _clientMqtt = null;