Esempio n. 1
        public void Can_I_Get_Sms_List_With_Condition()
            var conditions = new SmsMessageListOptions();
            conditions.PageSize = 5;

            var smsListWithCondition = Client.GetSmsMessages(conditions);

            Assert.Equal(conditions.PageSize, smsListWithCondition.PageSize);
Esempio n. 2
        public void Can_I_Get_Sms_List_With_DateSentComparation()
            var conditions = new SmsMessageListOptions();
            conditions.DateSent = new DateTime(2012, 8, 3);
            conditions.DateSentComparison = ComparisonType.GreaterThanOrEqualTo;

            var smsListWithCondition = Client.GetSmsMessages(conditions);

            foreach (var sms in smsListWithCondition.SmsMessages)
                Console.WriteLine("sms sid : {0} date: {1}", sms.Sid, sms.DateSent);

Esempio n. 3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // First we need to create TelApi Rest client. To do so, we need to provide accountSid, and authToken.
            var telApi = new TelAPIRestClient(AccountSid, AuthToken);
            // Also there is another way of creating TelApi Rest client with TelAPIConfiguration interface.
            // Check DefaultTelAPIConfiguration class for exammple
            // var telApi = new TelAPIRestClient(new DefaultTelAPIConfiguration());

            // First we will get our Telapi account information
            var account = telApi.GetAccount();
            Console.WriteLine("Account Sid     : {0}", account.Sid);
            Console.WriteLine("Account Balance : {0}", account.AccountBalance);
            Console.WriteLine("Account Created : {0}", account.DateCreated);
            Console.WriteLine("Account Status  : {0}", account.Status);


            // Now we will try to send our first SMS message using TelAPI service.
            // It's always good to decorate all API calls with the try / catch block
            // so that we can catch any exception if something wrong occurs.

                var sms = telApi.SendSmsMessage(PhoneNumberFrom, PhoneNumberTo, "Hello from TelApi.");
                Console.WriteLine("SMS Sid  : {0}", sms.Sid);
                Console.WriteLine("SMS Cost : {0}", sms.Price);
                Console.WriteLine("SMS Sent : {0}", sms.DateSent);
                Console.WriteLine("SMS Type : {0}", sms.Direction);
            catch (TelAPIException ex)
                //If something wrong happens we will catch Telapi exception and print it out
                Console.WriteLine("Error message         : {0}", ex.Message);                


            // We can also get all SMS messages that we SENT and RECEIVED from TelApi service.
            // We can also filter list with some Sms message options using SmsMessageListOptions() class
            // We will ask for all SMS that we sent or received today.

            Console.WriteLine("SMS Messages List");
            var messageOptions = new SmsMessageListOptions();
            messageOptions.DateSent = DateTime.Today;

            var messages = telApi.GetSmsMessages(messageOptions);
            foreach (var m in messages.SmsMessages)
                Console.WriteLine("From : {0}  To : {1}   Body : {2}", m.From, m.To, m.Body);                

            // Also we can make calls with just one method call.
            // We need to provide number from which we will make call (our Telapi purchased number)
            // and number which we will call. Also valid URL is needed where Telapi will send some call data

            var call = telApi.MakeCall(PhoneNumberFrom, PhoneNumberTo, "");
            Console.WriteLine("Call Sid     : {0}", call.Sid);            
            Console.WriteLine("Call Status  : {0}", call.Status.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("Call Created : {0}", call.DateCreated);


            // We can do various task on calls like sending digits, voice effects, interrupt or hangup call
            // We can also RECORD call which we will do in the next lines. We will wait some time, before turning recording ON
            // Then after another SLEEP we will turn OFF recording

                var startRecord = telApi.RecordCall(call.Sid, true);
            catch (TelAPIException ex)
                //If something wrong happens we will catch Telapi exception and print it out
                Console.WriteLine("Error message         : {0}", ex.Message);                


                var stopRecord = telApi.RecordCall(call.Sid, false);
            catch (TelAPIException ex)
                //If something wrong happens we will catch Telapi exception and print it out
                Console.WriteLine("Error message         : {0}", ex.Message);                


            // Now we will hangup our call using HangupCall(). Also you can hangup call using
            // InterruptCall() method and specify the reason of interruption

            var hangupCall = telApi.HangupCall(call.Sid);
            Console.WriteLine("Hangup Call Sid      : {0}", hangupCall.Sid);
            Console.WriteLine("Hangup Call Duration : {0}", hangupCall.Duration);
            Console.WriteLine("Hangup Call Status   : {0}", hangupCall.Status.ToString());

            // We also can query TelApi service for avaliable phone number which we want to purchase.
            // We can also filter that list with various parameters
            // For example we will query for all avaliable US numbers

            var numbers = telApi.GetAvailablePhoneNumbers("US");
            foreach (var a in numbers.AvailablePhoneNumbers)
                Console.WriteLine("Avaliable Phone Number : {0}", a.PhoneNumber);                


            // There is also options to query our own TelApi numbers that we purchased            
            var incomingNumbers = telApi.GetIncomingPhoneNumbers();
            foreach (var i in incomingNumbers.IncomingPhoneNumbers)
                Console.WriteLine("Incoming Phone Number : {0}", i.PhoneNumber);


            // Telapi service provide us with Transcribing feauture. That means
            // that we can provide some external audio Url which Telapi will transcribe for us
            // and save result on our account which then we can get using TelApi api

            var transcribe = telApi.TranscribeAudio("");
            Console.WriteLine("Transcribe Sid     : {0}", transcribe.Sid);
            Console.WriteLine("Transcribe Started : {0}", transcribe.DateCreated);
            Console.WriteLine("Transcribe Status  : {0}", transcribe.Status.ToString());


            // If we want to find some information about Phone or Landline numbers
            // we can use Carrier and CNAM lookup using TelApi service
            var resultCarrier = telApi.CarrierLookup(PhoneNumberFrom);
            foreach (var carrier in resultCarrier.CarrierLookups)
                Console.WriteLine("Carrier Name         : {0}", carrier.Carrier);
                Console.WriteLine("Carrier Country      : {0}", carrier.Country);
                Console.WriteLine("Carrier Lookup Price : {0}", carrier.Price);    

            var resultCnam = telApi.CNAMLookup(PhoneNumberFrom);
            foreach (var cnam in resultCnam.CNAMDips)
                Console.WriteLine("CNAM Body : {0}", cnam.Body);    
            // The End :)
            Console.WriteLine("The end :)");