public async void TestLargeNumberOfVersionsPerformance()
            // Test the performance of writing and reading a single document with a large number of versions.
            // CosmosDb emulator setup
            // - 2000 RU/s collection
            // - Rate limiting.
            // Current performance
            // - 2nd write: 0.04 sec
            // - 1000th write: 0.04 sec
            // - Read: 0.04 sec
            // The current implementation does not work when thrashed with lower RU/s due to the RU cost of
            // the read and write operations. There is a timeout waiting for retries. An improved
            // implementation should be considered to lower the cost of versioned read and write against
            // latest documents. E.g., a @latest flag would solve this issue.

            const int collectionRuLimit = 2000;
            const int numberOfVersions  = 1000;

            var configManager = new ServiceDbConfigManager("TestService");
            var dbAccess      = await CreateDbAccess(configManager, collectionRuLimit);

            var dbAccessProvider = new TestDocumentDbAccessProvider(dbAccess);

            var store = new LargeDocumentStore(dbAccessProvider);

            var attachment = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LargeDocument>(File.ReadAllText("TestData/LargeDocument.json"));

            var document = new SmallDocumentWithLargeAttachment();

            document.Id = Guid.NewGuid();

            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();


            for (var i = 0; i < numberOfVersions; i++)

                await store.UpsertDocument(document, attachment);

                TestOutputHelper.WriteLine("Write={0}", sw.Elapsed);

            var result = await store.GetSmallDocument(document.Id);

            TestOutputHelper.WriteLine("Read={0}", sw.Elapsed);

        public async void TestLargeDocumentAsAttachmentWithMultipleVersionsPerformance()
            // Test the performance of writing and reading a single document with multiple versions and attachment data.
            // CosmosDb emulator setup
            // - 1000 RU/s collection.
            // - Rate limiting.
            // Current performance
            // - Write: 1.9sec
            // - Read: 0.1sec

            const int numberOfVersions = 20;

            var configManager = new ServiceDbConfigManager("TestService");
            var dbAccess      = await CreateDbAccess(configManager);

            var dbAccessProvider = new TestDocumentDbAccessProvider(dbAccess);

            var store = new LargeDocumentStore(dbAccessProvider);

            var attachment = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LargeDocument>(File.ReadAllText("TestData/LargeDocument.json"));

            var document = new SmallDocumentWithLargeAttachment();

            document.Id = Guid.NewGuid();

            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();


            // The same document is stored multiple times to simulate multiple versions.
            for (var i = 0; i < numberOfVersions; i++)
                await store.UpsertDocument(document, attachment);

            TestOutputHelper.WriteLine("Write={0}", sw.Elapsed);


            var result = await store.GetSmallDocumentAttachment(document.Id);

            TestOutputHelper.WriteLine("Read={0}", sw.Elapsed);

            public async Task UpsertDocument(SmallDocumentWithLargeAttachment doc, LargeDocument attachment)
                var upsertResult = await StoreClient.UpsertDocumentAsync(doc, _smallMapping, new OperationOptions());

                await StoreClient.CreateAttachmentAsync(doc, upsertResult.DocumentVersion, _attachmentMapping, attachment);