private void SetCurrentSlopeUI(SlopeLine spl) { var xdata = spl.XData; var s = SlopeData.Combine(xdata.Slopes, xdata.Platforms, true); SetDGVDataSource(spl, s); }
/// <summary> 提取所有的横断面块参照的信息 </summary> public ExternalCmdResult SlopeWalk(DocumentModifier docMdf, SelectionSet impliedSelection) { bool cont; var pl = GetSlopeLine(docMdf.acEditor, out cont); while (cont) { if (pl != null) { // var slpData = SlopeData.FromEntity(pl); var formAddDefinition = new PropertyEditor("边坡参数", slpData); // var res = formAddDefinition.ShowDialog(); if (res == DialogResult.OK) { // var newSlpDa = formAddDefinition.Instance; pl.UpgradeOpen(); // pl.XData = slpData.ToResultBuffer(); pl.DowngradeOpen(); } } // pl = GetSlopeLine(docMdf.acEditor, out cont); } return(ExternalCmdResult.Commit); }
private static double GetCutY(SlopeData slp, SubgradeSection sec, CutMethod method, double value) { double cutY = 0; switch (method) { case CutMethod.从中心向外: if (slp.FillCut) { cutY = sec.GetYFromElev(slp.TopElevation - value); break; } else { cutY = sec.GetYFromElev(slp.BottomElevation + value); break; } case CutMethod.从坡底向上: cutY = sec.GetYFromElev(slp.BottomElevation + value); break; case CutMethod.从坡顶向下: cutY = sec.GetYFromElev(slp.TopElevation - value); break; default: // 按绝对标高 cutY = sec.GetYFromElev(value); break; } return(cutY); }
/// <summary> 将子边坡按指定的交点进行剪切,并返回剪切后的新的子边坡集合 </summary> /// <param name="data"></param> /// <param name="intersSeg"></param> /// <param name="intersPt"></param> public List <Slope> CutSlopeSegment(SlopeData data, Slope intersSeg, Point3d intersPt) { var slopeSegs = data.Slopes; var newSegs = new List <Slope>(); int mainLevel = intersSeg.GetMainLevel(); // 1. 先添加交叉边坡之前的子边坡 int sumBefore = 0; for (int id = 0; id < slopeSegs.Count; id++) { var slp = slopeSegs[id]; if (slp.GetMainLevel() != mainLevel) { newSegs.Add(slp); sumBefore += 1; } else { break; } } // 2. 对交叉处的子边坡进行处理 var sumMainLevel = slopeSegs.Count(r => r.GetMainLevel() == mainLevel); // 此子边坡中已经有多少个更细的子边坡 int subLevelInters = intersSeg.GetSubLevel(); // 分割后,最内侧的子边坡的Index为 n.1,最外侧的子边坡的Index为 n.9, int subL = 1; for (int i = 0; i < sumMainLevel; i++) { // 此循环的过程中改写有一个子边坡与指定的相交边坡是同一个边坡 var seg = slopeSegs[sumBefore + i]; if (seg.GetSubLevel() == subLevelInters) { var seg1 = new Slope(Slope.GetIndex(mainLevel, subL), intersSeg.InnerPoint, intersPt); var seg9 = new Slope(Slope.GetIndex(mainLevel, subL + 1), intersPt, intersSeg.OuterPoint); SetProtectionMethod(intersSeg, seg1, seg9); // newSegs.Add(seg1); newSegs.Add(seg9); subL += 2; } else { seg.SetIndex(mainLevel, subL); newSegs.Add(seg); subL += 1; } } // 修改最后一个的Index // newSegs[sumBefore + sumMainLevel].SetIndex(mainLevel, 9); // 3. 接着添加交叉边坡之后的子边坡 for (int i = sumBefore + sumMainLevel; i < slopeSegs.Count; i++) { newSegs.Add(slopeSegs[i]); } return(newSegs); }
/// <summary> 提取指定边坡集合中的所有的防护形式(挂网喷锚_6 与 挂网喷锚_9 并不会合并) </summary> public static string[] GetProtectionTypes(IEnumerable <SlopeData> slopeDatas) { return(slopeDatas .SelectMany(r => SlopeData.Combine(r.Slopes, r.Platforms, false)) .Select(r => r.ProtectionMethod) .Where(r => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(r)) .Distinct() .ToArray()); }
/// <summary> 在两个相邻的边坡之间计算其每一个子边坡所占的宽度与几何面积 </summary> /// <param name="backStation"></param> /// <param name="backSlope">此属性不会为 null,如果某桩号某一侧没有边坡对象(是几何图形都没有,而不是因为挡墙覆盖而没有)时,则此属性的值为<seealso cref="SlopeData"/>的默认实例对象</param> /// <param name="frontStation">其值可能为null,表示没有此边坡对象(是几何图形都没有,而不是因为挡墙覆盖而没有)</param> /// <param name="frontSlope">此属性不会为 null,如果某桩号某一侧没有边坡对象(是几何图形都没有,而不是因为挡墙覆盖而没有)时,则此属性的值为<seealso cref="SlopeData"/>的默认实例对象</param> public SlopeSegsGeom(double backStation, SlopeData backSlope, double frontStation, SlopeData frontSlope) { _backStation = backStation; _backSlope = backSlope; _frontStation = frontStation; _frontSlope = frontSlope; // _stationWidth = Math.Abs(backStation - frontStation); _middleStation = (backStation + frontStation) / 2; ConstructSlopeSystem(); }
public void SaveGeoMap() { if (activeEditorHexTiles == null) { Debug.LogError("Unable to Save"); return; } else if (activeEditorHexTiles.Count == 0) { Debug.LogError("Unable to Save"); return; } Dictionary <Hex, Material> hexMaterials = new Dictionary <Hex, Material>(); Dictionary <Hex, Sprite> hexSprites = new Dictionary <Hex, Sprite>(); Dictionary <Hex, bool> hexWalkableFlags = new Dictionary <Hex, bool>(); Dictionary <Hex, MapHeight> hexHeights = new Dictionary <Hex, MapHeight>(); Dictionary <Hex, SlopeData> hexSlopeDatas = new Dictionary <Hex, SlopeData>(); foreach (var tile in activeEditorHexTiles) { Hex tileHex = tile.Key; var tileData =; Material tileMaterial = tileData.hexMaterial; Debug.Assert(tileMaterial != null, "Material null on the editor hex data", tileData); Sprite tileSprite = tileData.sprite; Debug.Assert(tileSprite != null, "Sprite null on the editor hex data", tileData); bool tileWalkableFlag = tileData.walkable; MapHeight tileHeight = tileData.heightLevel; SlopeData slopeData = new SlopeData() { isSlope = tileData.isSlope, heightSide_0tr = tileData.heightSide_TopRight, heightSide_1r = tileData.heightSide_Right, heightSide_2dr = tileData.heightSide_DownRight, heightSide_3dl = tileData.heightSide_DownLeft, heightSide_4l = tileData.heightSide_Left, heightSide_5tl = tileData.heightSide_TopLeft }; hexMaterials.Add(tileHex, tileMaterial); hexSprites.Add(tileHex, tileSprite); hexWalkableFlags.Add(tileHex, tileWalkableFlag); hexHeights.Add(tileHex, tileHeight); hexSlopeDatas.Add(tileHex, slopeData); } editingMap.InitMap(hexMaterials, hexSprites, hexWalkableFlags, hexHeights, hexSlopeDatas, mapProportions); //var serializedObj = new UnityEditor.SerializedObject(editingMap); //serializedObj.ApplyModifiedProperties(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(editingMap); }
private static void GetHeightLevels(DoubleSlopeDirection doubleSlopeDirection, SlopeData slopeData, out int bottomLevel, out int upperLevel) { switch (doubleSlopeDirection) { case DoubleSlopeDirection.UDEFINDED: bottomLevel = 0; upperLevel = 0; Debug.LogError("The double slope direction is undefined. You may want to use the simple slope directions instead"); break; case DoubleSlopeDirection.TOP_LEFT: bottomLevel = GeographicTile.GetValueOfHeight(slopeData.heightSide_1r); upperLevel = GeographicTile.GetValueOfHeight(slopeData.heightSide_4l); break; case DoubleSlopeDirection.TOP: bottomLevel = GeographicTile.GetValueOfHeight(slopeData.heightSide_2dr); upperLevel = GeographicTile.GetValueOfHeight(slopeData.heightSide_5tl); break; case DoubleSlopeDirection.TOP_RIGHT: bottomLevel = GeographicTile.GetValueOfHeight(slopeData.heightSide_3dl); upperLevel = GeographicTile.GetValueOfHeight(slopeData.heightSide_0tr); break; case DoubleSlopeDirection.DOWN_RIGHT: bottomLevel = GeographicTile.GetValueOfHeight(slopeData.heightSide_4l); upperLevel = GeographicTile.GetValueOfHeight(slopeData.heightSide_1r); break; case DoubleSlopeDirection.DOWN: bottomLevel = GeographicTile.GetValueOfHeight(slopeData.heightSide_5tl); upperLevel = GeographicTile.GetValueOfHeight(slopeData.heightSide_2dr); break; case DoubleSlopeDirection.DOWN_LEFT: bottomLevel = GeographicTile.GetValueOfHeight(slopeData.heightSide_0tr); upperLevel = GeographicTile.GetValueOfHeight(slopeData.heightSide_3dl); break; default: bottomLevel = 0; upperLevel = 0; Debug.LogError("The double slope direction is undefined. You may want to use the simple slope directions instead"); break; } }
/// <summary> 将一侧边坡中的所有子边坡进行缝合 </summary> /// <param name="slpDt"></param> /// <param name="dir"></param> /// <returns>如果成功缝合,则返回 true,如果此侧边坡中原来就没有被分割,则返回 false</returns> private bool MergeSlope(SlopeData slpDt, MergeProtectionDirection dir) { bool merged = false; var newSlopes = new List <Slope>(); var lastSubSlopeSegs = new List <Slope>(); if (slpDt.Slopes.Count > 0) { int lastMainLevel = slpDt.Slopes[0].GetMainLevel(); foreach (var s in slpDt.Slopes) { if (s.GetMainLevel() != lastMainLevel) { // 先处理上一级子边坡中的所有更细子边坡 if (lastSubSlopeSegs.Count > 0) { var mergedSlope = MergeSubSlopes(lastSubSlopeSegs, slpDt.FillCut, dir); merged = true; newSlopes.Add(mergedSlope); lastSubSlopeSegs = new List <Slope>(); } // lastMainLevel = s.GetMainLevel(); } if (s.GetSubLevel() != 0) { SlopeLine.EraseText(s, _docMdf.acDataBase); lastSubSlopeSegs.Add(s); } else { // 将本级子边坡添加进来 newSlopes.Add(s); } } // 处理最后一级的多个细子边坡 if (lastSubSlopeSegs.Count > 0) { var mergedSlope = MergeSubSlopes(lastSubSlopeSegs, slpDt.FillCut, dir); merged = true; newSlopes.Add(mergedSlope); } } slpDt.Slopes = newSlopes; return(merged); }
/// <summary> 根据两个断面的边坡对象,来计算其各自所占的边坡区域(几何计算,无关于防护方式) </summary> /// <param name="backStation"></param> /// <param name="backSlopeData"></param> /// <param name="frontStation"></param> /// <param name="frontSlopeData"></param> /// <param name="backSlopeInfo"></param> /// <param name="backPlatformInfo"></param> /// <param name="frontSlopeInfo"></param> /// <param name="frontPlatformInfo"></param> private static void ExpandSlope(double backStation, SlopeData backSlopeData, double frontStation, SlopeData frontSlopeData, ref Dictionary <double, SlopeSegInfo> backSlopeInfo, ref Dictionary <double, SlopeSegInfo> backPlatformInfo, ref Dictionary <double, SlopeSegInfo> frontSlopeInfo, ref Dictionary <double, SlopeSegInfo> frontPlatformInfo) { double length; double area; // 1. 从后往前算 var ssg = new SlopeSegsGeom(backStation, backSlopeData, frontStation, frontSlopeData); foreach (var bSlope in backSlopeData.Slopes) { ssg.GetBackSlopeLengthAndArea(bSlope, out length, out area); var ssi = backSlopeInfo[bSlope.Index]; ssi.FrontStation = backStation + length; ssi.FrontArea = area; } foreach (var bPltfm in backSlopeData.Platforms) { ssg.GetBackPlatformLengthAndArea(bPltfm, out length, out area); var ssi = backPlatformInfo[bPltfm.Index]; ssi.FrontStation = backStation + length; ssi.FrontArea = area; } // 2. 从前往后算 ssg = new SlopeSegsGeom(frontStation, frontSlopeData, backStation, backSlopeData); foreach (var fSlope in frontSlopeData.Slopes) { ssg.GetBackSlopeLengthAndArea(fSlope, out length, out area); var ssi = frontSlopeInfo[fSlope.Index]; ssi.BackStation = frontStation - length; ssi.BackArea = area; } foreach (var fPltfm in frontSlopeData.Platforms) { ssg.GetBackPlatformLengthAndArea(fPltfm, out length, out area); var ssi = frontPlatformInfo[fPltfm.Index]; ssi.BackStation = frontStation - length; ssi.BackArea = area; } }
private void ChangeSelectedSlopeProtection(ISlopeSeg baseSeg) { var changedSlp = dgv.Tag as SlopeLine; var changedXdata = changedSlp.XData; var seperateFillCut = checkBox_SeperateFillCut.Checked; // 在统一修改时区分填方与挖方 // foreach (SlopeLine slp in listBox_slopes.SelectedItems) { var xdata = slp.XData; if (!seperateFillCut || changedXdata.FillCut == xdata.FillCut) { var slopes = SlopeData.Combine(slp.XData.Slopes, slp.XData.Platforms, false); foreach (var s in slopes) { if (s.Type == baseSeg.Type && s.Index == baseSeg.Index) { s.ProtectionMethod = baseSeg.ProtectionMethod; } } } } }
/// <summary> 从边坡线所绑定的防护方式的文字对象来设置防护 </summary> public ExternalCmdResult FlushProtection(DocumentModifier docMdf, SelectionSet impliedSelection) { _docMdf = docMdf; SQUtils.SubgradeEnvironmentConfiguration(docMdf); // var allSections = ProtectionUtils.GetAllSections(docMdf); var slopeLines = SQUtils.SelecteExistingSlopeLines(docMdf, left: null, sort: true); // 从文字中提取边坡防护方式的数据 foreach (var slp in slopeLines) { var xdata = slp.XData; var slpSegs = SlopeData.Combine(xdata.Slopes, xdata.Platforms, sort: false); foreach (var s in slpSegs) { SlopeLine.ExtractProtectionFromText(s, _docMdf.acDataBase); } // 将数据保存下来 slp.Pline.UpgradeOpen(); slp.FlushXData(); slp.Pline.DowngradeOpen(); } return(ExternalCmdResult.Commit); }
/// <summary> 构造函数 </summary> /// <param name="station"></param> /// <param name="slopeLine">此参数的值可能为 null ,表示此桩号断面上没有对应边坡 </param> public SlopeExpands(double station, SlopeLine slopeLine, bool onLeft) { // Station = station; SlopeInfo = new Dictionary <double, SlopeSegInfo>(); PlatformInfo = new Dictionary <double, SlopeSegInfo>(); if (slopeLine != null) { XData = slopeLine.XData; } else { XData = new SlopeData(station, onLeft); } // ConstructSlopeSegInfo(); foreach (var sd in XData.Slopes) { SlopeInfo.Add(sd.Index, new SlopeSegInfo(0, 0, 0, 0)); } foreach (var sd in XData.Platforms) { PlatformInfo.Add(sd.Index, new SlopeSegInfo(0, 0, 0, 0)); } }
/// <summary> 根据前后边坡对象构造二维边坡系统 </summary> private void ConstructSlopeSystem() { double backBaseHeight = Math.Abs(_backSlope.RetainingWallHeight); // 后方边坡 double innerLength = backBaseHeight; // 斜坡长度 double outterLength = innerLength; // 斜坡长度 var backSign = _backSlope.FillCut ? -1 : 1; _backSlopePoints = new Dictionary <double, Point2d[]>(); var segs = SlopeData.Combine(_backSlope.Slopes, _backSlope.Platforms, true); foreach (var bs in segs) { if (bs.Type == SlopeSegType.边坡) { outterLength = innerLength + bs.Length; _backSlopePoints.Add(bs.Index, new Point2d[] { new Point2d(_backStation, backSign * innerLength), new Point2d(_backStation, backSign * outterLength) }); innerLength = outterLength; } else { // Point2d[] 数组中两个值是相同的 _backSlopePoints.Add(-bs.Index, new Point2d[] { new Point2d(_backStation, backSign * innerLength), new Point2d(_backStation, backSign * innerLength) }); } } //_maxBackSlopeIndex = _backSlope.Slopes.Count > 0 ? _backSlope.Slopes.Last().Index : 0; // _backEdge = _maxBackSlopeIndex > 0 ? _backSlopePoints[_maxBackSlopeIndex][1] : new Point2d(_backStation, 0); _backEdge = new Point2d(_backStation, backSign * outterLength); // 前方边坡 var frontSign = _frontSlope.FillCut ? -1 : 1; double frontBaseHeight = Math.Abs(_frontSlope.RetainingWallHeight); innerLength = frontBaseHeight; outterLength = innerLength; _frontSlopePoints = new Dictionary <double, Point2d[]>(); segs = SlopeData.Combine(_frontSlope.Slopes, _frontSlope.Platforms, true); foreach (var bs in segs) { if (bs.Type == SlopeSegType.边坡) { outterLength = innerLength + bs.Length; _frontSlopePoints.Add(bs.Index, new Point2d[] { new Point2d(_frontStation, frontSign * innerLength), new Point2d(_frontStation, frontSign * outterLength) }); innerLength = outterLength; } else { // Point2d[] 数组中两个值是相同的 _frontSlopePoints.Add(-bs.Index, new Point2d[] { new Point2d(_frontStation, frontSign * innerLength), new Point2d(_frontStation, frontSign * innerLength) }); } } //_maxFrontSlopeIndex = _frontSlope.Slopes.Count > 0 ? _frontSlope.Slopes.Last().Index : 0; // _frontEdge = _maxFrontSlopeIndex > 0 ? _frontSlopePoints[_maxFrontSlopeIndex][1] : new Point2d(_frontStation, 0); _frontEdge = new Point2d(_frontStation, frontSign * outterLength); // 开口线 _开口线 = new Line2d(_backEdge, _frontEdge); }
/// <summary> 某一个断面边坡中,与指定防护相匹配的子边坡的信息 </summary> /// <param name="sd"></param> /// <param name="se"></param> /// <param name="protectionMethod"></param> /// <param name="matchedSlopes">在此断面中,与指定防护相匹配的子边坡的 Index</param> /// <param name="matchedPlatforms">在此断面中,与指定防护相匹配的子平台的 Index</param> /// <param name="backEdgeStation">在此断面中,指定防护方式所占据的最小的桩号位置</param> /// <param name="frontEdgeStation">在此断面中,指定防护方式所占据的最大的桩号位置</param> /// <param name="area">在此断面中,指定防护方式在断面左右所占据的总面积</param> /// <returns></returns> private ProtectionRange IdentifyProtectionRange(SlopeData sd, SlopeExpands se, string protectionMethod, out List <double> matchedSlopes, out List <double> matchedPlatforms, out double backEdgeStation, out double frontEdgeStation, out double area) { var rg = ProtectionRange.None; matchedSlopes = new List <double>(); matchedPlatforms = new List <double>(); frontEdgeStation = AllStations[0]; backEdgeStation = AllStations[AllStations.Length - 1]; area = 0; // bool allSlopes = sd.Slopes.Count > 0; foreach (var s in sd.Slopes) { if (s.ProtectionMethod != protectionMethod) { allSlopes = false; } else { var ssinfo = se.SlopeInfo[s.Index]; backEdgeStation = Math.Min(backEdgeStation, ssinfo.BackStation); frontEdgeStation = Math.Max(frontEdgeStation, ssinfo.FrontStation); area += ssinfo.BackArea + ssinfo.FrontArea; matchedSlopes.Add(s.Index); } } bool allPlatform = sd.Platforms.Count > 0; foreach (var p in sd.Platforms) { if (p.ProtectionMethod != protectionMethod) { allPlatform = false; } else { var ssinfo = se.PlatformInfo[p.Index]; backEdgeStation = Math.Min(backEdgeStation, ssinfo.BackStation); frontEdgeStation = Math.Max(frontEdgeStation, ssinfo.FrontStation); area += ssinfo.BackArea + ssinfo.FrontArea; matchedPlatforms.Add(p.Index); } } if (allSlopes) { if (allPlatform) { rg = ProtectionRange.AllSection; } else if (matchedPlatforms.Count > 0) { rg = ProtectionRange.AllSlopes | ProtectionRange.PartialPlatforms; } else { rg = ProtectionRange.AllSlopes; } } else if (allPlatform) { if (allSlopes) { rg = ProtectionRange.AllSection; } else if (matchedSlopes.Count > 0) { rg = ProtectionRange.AllPlatforms | ProtectionRange.PartialSlopes; } else { rg = ProtectionRange.AllPlatforms; } } // 说明既没有全边坡,也没有全平台 else if (matchedSlopes.Count > 0 && matchedPlatforms.Count == 0) { rg = ProtectionRange.PartialSlopes; } else if (matchedPlatforms.Count > 0 && matchedSlopes.Count == 0) { rg = ProtectionRange.PartialPlatforms; } else if (matchedPlatforms.Count > 0 && matchedSlopes.Count > 0) { rg = ProtectionRange.PartialPlatforms | ProtectionRange.PartialSlopes; } else { rg = ProtectionRange.None; } return(rg); }
private static void GetTheDirectionAndTypeOfSlope(SlopeData slopeData, out bool isSimpleSlope, out SimpleSlopeDirection simpleSlopeDirection, out DoubleSlopeDirection doubleSlopeDirection) { doubleSlopeDirection = DoubleSlopeDirection.UDEFINDED; simpleSlopeDirection = SimpleSlopeDirection.UNDEFINED; var topRight_h = slopeData.heightSide_0tr; var right_h = slopeData.heightSide_1r; var downRight_h = slopeData.heightSide_2dr; var downLeft_h = slopeData.heightSide_3dl; var left_h = slopeData.heightSide_4l; var topLeft_h = slopeData.heightSide_5tl; bool simple_TopRight = topRight_h != right_h && topRight_h != left_h && left_h == downRight_h && left_h == downLeft_h && right_h == topLeft_h; bool simple_Right = right_h != topRight_h && right_h != left_h && left_h == downLeft_h && left_h == topLeft_h && topRight_h == downRight_h; bool simple_DownRight = downRight_h != right_h && downRight_h != left_h && left_h == topRight_h && left_h == topLeft_h && right_h == downLeft_h; bool simple_DownLeft = downLeft_h != left_h && downLeft_h != right_h && right_h == topRight_h && right_h == topLeft_h && left_h == downRight_h; bool simple_Left = left_h != downLeft_h && left_h != right_h && right_h == topRight_h && right_h == downRight_h && downLeft_h == topLeft_h; bool simple_TopLeft = topLeft_h != left_h && topLeft_h != right_h && right_h == downLeft_h && right_h == downRight_h && left_h == topRight_h; bool double_TopRight = topRight_h == right_h && right_h != downRight_h && right_h != left_h && left_h == downLeft_h && downRight_h == topLeft_h; bool double_DownRight = right_h == downRight_h && right_h != downLeft_h && right_h != left_h && left_h == topLeft_h && downLeft_h == topRight_h; bool double_Down = downRight_h == downLeft_h && downRight_h != right_h && downRight_h != topLeft_h && right_h == left_h && topLeft_h == topRight_h; bool double_DownLeft = downLeft_h == left_h && downLeft_h != downRight_h && downLeft_h != right_h && right_h == topRight_h && downRight_h == topLeft_h; bool double_TopLeft = left_h == topLeft_h && left_h != downLeft_h && left_h != right_h && right_h == downRight_h && downLeft_h == topRight_h; bool double_Top = topLeft_h == topRight_h && topLeft_h != right_h && topLeft_h != downLeft_h && downLeft_h == downRight_h && right_h == left_h; if (simple_TopRight) { simpleSlopeDirection = SimpleSlopeDirection.TOP_RIGHT; isSimpleSlope = true; return; } else if (simple_Right) { simpleSlopeDirection = SimpleSlopeDirection.RIGHT; isSimpleSlope = true; return; } else if (simple_DownRight) { simpleSlopeDirection = SimpleSlopeDirection.DOWN_RIGHT; isSimpleSlope = true; return; } else if (simple_DownLeft) { simpleSlopeDirection = SimpleSlopeDirection.DOWN_LEFT; isSimpleSlope = true; return; } else if (simple_Left) { simpleSlopeDirection = SimpleSlopeDirection.LEFT; isSimpleSlope = true; return; } else if (simple_TopLeft) { simpleSlopeDirection = SimpleSlopeDirection.TOP_LEFT; isSimpleSlope = true; return; } else if (double_TopRight) { doubleSlopeDirection = DoubleSlopeDirection.TOP_RIGHT; isSimpleSlope = false; return; } else if (double_DownRight) { doubleSlopeDirection = DoubleSlopeDirection.DOWN_RIGHT; isSimpleSlope = false; return; } else if (double_Down) { doubleSlopeDirection = DoubleSlopeDirection.DOWN; isSimpleSlope = false; return; } else if (double_DownLeft) { doubleSlopeDirection = DoubleSlopeDirection.DOWN_LEFT; isSimpleSlope = false; return; } else if (double_TopLeft) { doubleSlopeDirection = DoubleSlopeDirection.TOP_LEFT; isSimpleSlope = false; return; } else if (double_Top) { doubleSlopeDirection = DoubleSlopeDirection.TOP; isSimpleSlope = false; return; } else { throw new System.Exception($"The slope tile doest't have a valid format! it's values are; \n" + $"Top right:{ topRight_h}\nRight:{right_h}\nDown right:{downRight_h}\nDown left:{downLeft_h}\nLeft:{left_h}\nTop left:{topLeft_h}"); } }