public bool ToIdle(Idle idle, Jumping jumping, Crouching crouching, Sliding sliding)
     return(idle.IsIdle() &&
            !jumping.IsJumping() &&
            (!crouching.IsCrouching && !crouching.Rising) &&
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        // update movespeed so equillibrium speed = expected movespeed
        WR_script    = GetComponent <WallRunning>();
        controller   = GetComponent <CharacterController>();
        slide_script = GetComponent <Sliding>();
        velocity     = new Vector3(1f, 0f, -1f);

        isWallRunning = false;
        isSliding     = false;
        isSprinting   = false;
        landed        = false;

        checkpointPos    = transform.position;
        checkpointPos.y += 1f;
Esempio n. 3
        public override void InitializeFromXml(XElement e)
            Clustered = null != e.Element("cluster");
            e         = e.Element("logon");

            if (null != e)
                e = e.Element("token");
            if (null != e)
                CookieName = e.Attr("cookie", CookieName);
                LeaseTime  = e.Attr("leasetime", LeaseTime.ToString()).ToInt();
                SlideTime  = e.Attr("slidetime", SlideTime.ToString()).ToInt();
                Sliding    = e.Attr("slide", Sliding.ToString()).ToBool();
                Secure     = e.Attr("secure", Secure.ToString()).ToBool();
                Domain     = e.Attr("domain");
    public void Execute(Player player)
        Rigidbody rb = player.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

        rb.velocity = new Vector3(player.speed, 0, 0);
        // Put all key checks into State functions - this gets run every frame the state is active - no need for switch
        if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.W))
            Standing standing = new Standing();
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
            LongJump lJump = new LongJump();
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S))
            Sliding slide = new Sliding();
Esempio n. 5
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //We're supposed to be on the same gameobject as the PlayerMove,
        //CharacterMotor etc, so lets get them as reference!
        m_playerMove = GetComponent<PlayerMove>();
        m_characterMotor = GetComponent<CharacterMotor>();
        DoDamage = GetComponent<DealDamage>();
        m_Sliding = GetComponent<Sliding>();
        m_rigidBody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();

        //Did you even make a PunchBox? Or you were lazy and didn't make one?
        if (!PunchHitBox)
            GameObject GameObjectPunchHitBox = new GameObject();
            PunchHitBox = GameObjectPunchHitBox.AddComponent<BoxCollider>();
            GameObjectPunchHitBox.GetComponent<Collider>().isTrigger = true;
            GameObjectPunchHitBox.transform.parent = transform;
            //Let's place it a little but farther away from us.
            GameObjectPunchHitBox.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f);
            //It should Ignore Raycast so let's put it on layer 2.
            GameObjectPunchHitBox.layer = 2;
            Debug.LogWarning("You were too lazy to make a PunchHitBox so I made one for you, happy?", GameObjectPunchHitBox);

        //Also lets turn off our PunchHitBox, we'll only turn that on while punching
        //so the Grabbing script doesn't get confused with it.
        //PunchHitBox.enabled = false;
    private void Awake()
        Player player = FindObjectOfType <Player>();

        _characterController = GetComponent <CharacterController>();
        _stateHelper         = new PlayerMovementStateMachineHelper();
        _stateMachine        = new BaseStateMachine();
        _playerLookVars      = new PlayerLookVars();

        // Hook into the BaseStateMachine OnStateChanged event
        _stateMachine.OnStateChanged += HandleStateChanged;

        // Prepare our StateParams for passing to all of our states
        _stateParams                 = new StateParams();
        _stateParams.Velocity        = _velocity;
        _stateParams.GravityOverride = defaultGravity;

        // Create our states
        Idle        idle        = new Idle(player);
        Walking     walking     = new Walking(player);
        Sprinting   sprinting   = new Sprinting(player);
        Jumping     jumping     = new Jumping(player);
        WallRunning wallRunning = new WallRunning(player, defaultGravity);
        Crouching   crouching   = new Crouching(player);
        Sliding     sliding     = new Sliding(player);

        // Create our state transitions
        // Any -> Idle
        _stateMachine.AddAnyTransition(idle, () => _stateHelper.ToIdle(idle, jumping, crouching, sliding));
        // Any -> Jumping
        _stateMachine.AddAnyTransition(jumping, () => _stateHelper.ToJump(jumping, _isWallRunning, _stateParams.WallJumped));

        // Idle -> Walking
        _stateMachine.AddTransition(idle, walking, () => walking.IsWalking());
        // Walking -> Sprinting
        _stateMachine.AddTransition(walking, sprinting, () => PlayerInput.Instance.ShiftDown);
        // Sprinting -> Walking
        _stateMachine.AddTransition(sprinting, walking, () => !sprinting.IsStillSprinting());

        // Idle -> Crouching
        _stateMachine.AddTransition(idle, crouching, () => PlayerInput.Instance.CrouchDown);
        // Walking -> Crouching
        _stateMachine.AddTransition(walking, crouching, () => PlayerInput.Instance.CrouchDown);
        // Crouching -> Walking
        _stateMachine.AddTransition(crouching, walking, () => _stateHelper.CrouchToWalk(crouching, walking));
        // Crouching -> Sprinting
        _stateMachine.AddTransition(crouching, sprinting, () => _stateHelper.CrouchToSprint(crouching));
        // Sprinting -> Sliding (Crouching)
        _stateMachine.AddTransition(sprinting, sliding, () => PlayerInput.Instance.CrouchDown);

        // Jumping -> Sliding
        _stateMachine.AddTransition(jumping, sliding, () => _stateHelper.JumpToSlide(jumping));
        // Jumping -> Sprinting
        _stateMachine.AddTransition(jumping, sprinting, () => _stateHelper.JumpToSprint(jumping, _preserveSprint));
        // Jumping -> Walking
        _stateMachine.AddTransition(jumping, walking, () => _stateHelper.JumpToWalk(jumping, walking, _preserveSprint));
        // Jumping -> Wall Running
        _stateMachine.AddTransition(jumping, wallRunning, () => _isWallRunning);

        // Wall Running -> Sprinting
        _stateMachine.AddTransition(wallRunning, jumping, () => _stateHelper.WallRunToSprint(jumping, _isWallRunning, _preserveSprint));
        // Wall Running -> Walking
        _stateMachine.AddTransition(wallRunning, jumping, () => _stateHelper.WallRunToWalk(jumping, walking, _isWallRunning));

        // Default to Idle
        _stateParams = _stateMachine.SetState(idle, _stateParams);