handleSlice() public method

public handleSlice ( GameObject results ) : void
results GameObject
return void
    public GameObject[] shatter(GameObject go, int steps)
        Sliceable priorSliceable = go.GetComponent <Sliceable>();

        List <GameObject> l = new List <GameObject>();


        List <GameObject> l2 = l;

        for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++)
            l2 = new List <GameObject>(l.Count * 2);

            Vector4 shatterPlane = (Vector4)Random.insideUnitSphere;

            foreach (GameObject go2 in l)
                l2.AddRange(_splitByPlane(go2, shatterPlane, true, false));

            l = l2;

        GameObject[] results = l2.ToArray();

        if (priorSliceable != null)

Esempio n. 2
    public GameObject[] splitByPlane(GameObject go, Vector4 plane, bool destroyOriginal)
        if (go.GetComponentInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>() != null)
            return(splitByPlaneRD(go, plane, destroyOriginal));

        Sliceable sliceable = ensureSliceable(go);

        if (!sliceable.currentlySliceable)
            GameObject[] result = { go };


        InfillConfiguration[] ourInfills = sliceable.infillers.Length > 0 ? sliceable.infillers : infills;

        MeshCache c = null;

            MeshFilter filter = getMeshFilter(sliceable);

            Mesh m = filter.sharedMesh;

            if (m == null)

            if (meshCaches != null && meshCaches.ContainsKey(m))
                c = meshCaches[m];

                //The mesh cache will be directly modified under the assumption that this will be discarded shortly
                //and thus picked up by the GC. It will grow in size; it will not shrink. Thus we do not want to
                //operate on the original, semi-persistent mesh caches that were preloaded on boot. Instead, we want
                //to make a clone.

                if (c.wasPreloaded)
                    c = c.clone();
                c = cacheFromGameObject(sliceable, true);
        if (c == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("Turbo Slicer cannot find mesh filter in object '" + go.name + "' in scene '" + Application.loadedLevelName + "'! Only objects featuring a mesh filter can be sliced.");

            GameObject[] result = { go };


        int submeshCount = c.indices.Length;

        //We're going to create two new tentative meshes which contain ALL original vertices in order,
        //plus room for new vertices. Not all of these copied vertices will be addressed, but copying them
        //over eliminates the need to remove doubles and do an On^2 search.

        TurboList <int>[] _frontIndices = new TurboList <int> [submeshCount];
        TurboList <int>[] _backIndices  = new TurboList <int> [submeshCount];

        PlaneTriResult[] sidePlanes = new PlaneTriResult[c.vertices.Count];
            Vector3[] vertices = c.vertices.array;

            for (int i = 0; i < sidePlanes.Length; i++)
                sidePlanes[i] = getSidePlane(ref vertices[i], ref plane);

        for (int j = 0; j < submeshCount; j++)
            int initialCapacityIndices = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)c.indices[j].Length * factorOfSafetyIndices);

            _frontIndices[j] = new TurboList <int>(initialCapacityIndices);
            _backIndices[j]  = new TurboList <int>(initialCapacityIndices);

            int[] _indices = c.indices[j];

            TurboList <int> frontIndices = _frontIndices[j];
            TurboList <int> backIndices  = _backIndices[j];
            TurboList <int> splitPending = new TurboList <int>(initialCapacityIndices);

            int[] indices = new int[3];

            for (int i = 0; i < _indices.Length;)
                indices[0] = _indices[i++];
                indices[1] = _indices[i++];
                indices[2] = _indices[i++];

                // compute the side of the plane each vertex is on
                PlaneTriResult r1 = sidePlanes[indices[0]];
                PlaneTriResult r2 = sidePlanes[indices[1]];
                PlaneTriResult r3 = sidePlanes[indices[2]];

                if (r1 == r2 && r1 == r3)                   // if all three vertices are on the same side of the plane.
                    if (r1 == PlaneTriResult.PTR_FRONT)     // if all three are in front of the plane, then copy to the 'front' output triangle.

            InfillConfiguration ifc = null;

            if (j < c.mats.Length)
                Material mat = c.mats[j];

                foreach (InfillConfiguration _ifc in ourInfills)
                    if (_ifc.material == mat)
                        ifc = _ifc;

            splitTriangles(plane, splitPending.ToArray(), c, ifc, frontIndices, backIndices);

        GameObject[] results;

        bool onlyHaveOne = true;

        for (int i = 0; i < c.indices.Length; i++)
            onlyHaveOne &= _frontIndices[i].Count == 0 || _backIndices[i].Count == 0;

        if (onlyHaveOne)
            //Do nothing
            results    = new GameObject[1];
            results[0] = go;
            MeshCache frontCache = new MeshCache();
            frontCache.vertices = c.vertices;
            if (sliceable.channelNormals)
                frontCache.normals = c.normals;
            frontCache.UVs  = c.UVs;
            frontCache.mats = c.mats;

            MeshCache backCache = new MeshCache();
            backCache.vertices = c.vertices;
            if (sliceable.channelNormals)
                backCache.normals = c.normals;
            backCache.UVs  = c.UVs;
            backCache.mats = c.mats;

            frontCache.indices = new int[submeshCount][];
            backCache.indices  = new int[submeshCount][];
            for (int i = 0; i < submeshCount; i++)
                frontCache.indices[i] = _frontIndices[i].ToArray();
                backCache.indices[i]  = _backIndices[i].ToArray();

            Vector3[] geoSubsetOne, geoSubsetTwo;
            Vector3[] normalsSubsetOne = null, normalsSubsetTwo = null;
            Vector2[] uvSubsetOne, uvSubsetTwo;
            int[][]   indexSubsetOne, indexSubsetTwo;

            indexSubsetOne = new int[submeshCount][];
            indexSubsetTwo = new int[submeshCount][];

            //Perfect subset will inflate the array list size if needed to the exact figure. So if we estimate 0,
            //and there is 1 submesh, than we will have 1 allocation, and this is optimal. Estimation can only help
            //if we have THREE or more submeshes, which is a silly scenario for anyone concerned about performance.
            int estimateOne = 0, estimateTwo = 0;

            TurboList <Vector3>
            _geoSubsetOne = null, _geoSubsetTwo = null,
                _normalSubsetOne = null, _normalSubsetTwo = null;

            TurboList <Vector2>
            _uvSubsetOne = null, _uvSubsetTwo = null;

            _geoSubsetOne = new TurboList <Vector3>(estimateOne);
            _geoSubsetTwo = new TurboList <Vector3>(estimateTwo);

            if (sliceable.channelNormals)
                _normalSubsetOne = new TurboList <Vector3>(estimateOne);
                _normalSubsetTwo = new TurboList <Vector3>(estimateTwo);

            _uvSubsetOne = new TurboList <Vector2>(estimateOne);
            _uvSubsetTwo = new TurboList <Vector2>(estimateTwo);

            int transferTableMaximumKey = c.vertices.Count;

            int[] transferTableOne = new int[transferTableMaximumKey];
            int[] transferTableTwo = new int[transferTableMaximumKey];

            for (int i = 0; i < transferTableOne.Length; i++)
                transferTableOne[i] = -1;
            for (int i = 0; i < transferTableTwo.Length; i++)
                transferTableTwo[i] = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < submeshCount; i++)
                perfectSubset(_frontIndices[i], c.vertices, c.normals, c.UVs, out indexSubsetOne[i], _geoSubsetOne, _normalSubsetOne, _uvSubsetOne, ref transferTableOne);

            for (int i = 0; i < submeshCount; i++)
                perfectSubset(_backIndices[i], c.vertices, c.normals, c.UVs, out indexSubsetTwo[i], _geoSubsetTwo, _normalSubsetTwo, _uvSubsetTwo, ref transferTableTwo);

            geoSubsetOne = _geoSubsetOne.ToArray();
            geoSubsetTwo = _geoSubsetTwo.ToArray();
            if (sliceable.channelNormals)
                normalsSubsetOne = _normalSubsetOne.ToArray();
                normalsSubsetTwo = _normalSubsetTwo.ToArray();
            uvSubsetOne = _uvSubsetOne.ToArray();
            uvSubsetTwo = _uvSubsetTwo.ToArray();

            //Note that we do not explicitly call recalculate bounds because (as per the manual) this is implicit in an
            //assignment to vertices whenever the vertex count changes from zero to non-zero.

            Mesh frontMesh = new Mesh();
            Mesh backMesh  = new Mesh();

            GameObject frontObject, backObject;

            createResultObjects(go, sliceable, false, plane, out frontObject, out backObject);

            getMeshFilter(frontObject.GetComponent <Sliceable>()).mesh = frontMesh;
            getMeshFilter(backObject.GetComponent <Sliceable>()).mesh  = backMesh;

            frontMesh.vertices = geoSubsetOne;
            backMesh.vertices  = geoSubsetTwo;

            if (sliceable.channelNormals)
                frontMesh.normals = normalsSubsetOne;
                backMesh.normals  = normalsSubsetTwo;
            frontMesh.uv = uvSubsetOne;
            backMesh.uv  = uvSubsetTwo;

            frontMesh.subMeshCount = submeshCount;
            backMesh.subMeshCount  = submeshCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < submeshCount; i++)
                frontMesh.SetTriangles(indexSubsetOne[i], i);
                backMesh.SetTriangles(indexSubsetTwo[i], i);

            if (meshCaches != null)
                if (go.GetComponent <DeletionCallback>() == null)
                    frontObject.AddComponent <DeletionCallback>();
                    backObject.AddComponent <DeletionCallback>();

                DeletionCallback frontCallback = frontObject.GetComponent <DeletionCallback>();
                DeletionCallback backCallback  = backObject.GetComponent <DeletionCallback>();

                frontCallback.deletionListener = new DeletionOccurred(this.releaseCacheByMesh);
                backCallback.deletionListener  = new DeletionOccurred(this.releaseCacheByMesh);

                frontCallback.mesh = frontMesh;
                backCallback.mesh  = backMesh;

                meshCaches[frontMesh] = frontCache;
                meshCaches[backMesh]  = backCache;
                DeletionCallback frontCallback = frontObject.GetComponent <DeletionCallback>();
                DeletionCallback backCallback  = backObject.GetComponent <DeletionCallback>();

                if (frontCallback != null)

                if (backCallback != null)

            if (destroyOriginal)

            results    = new GameObject[2];
            results[0] = frontObject;
            results[1] = backObject;

            if (sliceable != null && sliceable.refreshColliders)
                foreach (GameObject r in results)
                    Collider collider = r.collider;

                    if (collider != null)
                        if (collider is BoxCollider)
                            r.AddComponent <BoxCollider>();
                        else if (collider is SphereCollider)
                            r.AddComponent <SphereCollider>();
                        else if (collider is MeshCollider)
                            MeshCollider mc = (MeshCollider)collider;

                            bool isFront = r == frontObject;

                            Mesh mesh = isFront ? frontMesh : backMesh;

                            mc.sharedMesh = mesh;

            if (sliceable != null)
