Esempio n. 1
 public override void Put(byte prefix, byte[] key, byte[] value)
     db.Put(WriteOptions.Default, SliceBuilder.Begin(prefix).Add(key), value);
Esempio n. 2
 public override void PutSync(byte prefix, byte[] key, byte[] value)
     db.Put(new WriteOptions {
         Sync = true
     }, SliceBuilder.Begin(prefix).Add(key), value);
Esempio n. 3
 public static void Put(this WriteBatch batch, byte prefix, ISerializable key, ISerializable value)
     batch.Put(SliceBuilder.Begin(prefix).Add(key), value.ToArray());
Esempio n. 4
        static WalletIndexer()
            string path = Path.GetFullPath($"Index_{Settings.Default.Magic:X8}");

            db = DB.Open(path, new Options {
                CreateIfMissing = true
            if (db.TryGet(ReadOptions.Default, SliceBuilder.Begin(DataEntryPrefix.SYS_Version), out Slice value) && Version.TryParse(value.ToString(), out Version version) && version >= Version.Parse("2.5.4"))
                ReadOptions options = new ReadOptions {
                    FillCache = false
                foreach (var group in db.Find(options, SliceBuilder.Begin(DataEntryPrefix.IX_Group), (k, v) => new
                    Height = k.ToUInt32(1),
                    Id = v.ToArray()
                    UInt160[] accounts = db.Get(options, SliceBuilder.Begin(DataEntryPrefix.IX_Accounts).Add(group.Id)).ToArray().AsSerializableArray <UInt160>();
                    indexes.Add(group.Height, new HashSet <UInt160>(accounts));
                    foreach (UInt160 account in accounts)
                        accounts_tracked.Add(account, new HashSet <CoinReference>());
                foreach (Coin coin in db.Find(options, SliceBuilder.Begin(DataEntryPrefix.ST_Coin), (k, v) => new Coin
                    Reference = k.ToArray().Skip(1).ToArray().AsSerializable <CoinReference>(),
                    Output = v.ToArray().AsSerializable <TransactionOutput>(),
                    State = (CoinState)v.ToArray()[60]
                    coins_tracked.Add(coin.Reference, coin);
                WriteBatch  batch   = new WriteBatch();
                ReadOptions options = new ReadOptions {
                    FillCache = false
                using (Iterator it = db.NewIterator(options))
                    for (it.SeekToFirst(); it.Valid(); it.Next())
                batch.Put(SliceBuilder.Begin(DataEntryPrefix.SYS_Version), Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString());
                db.Write(WriteOptions.Default, batch);
            Thread thread = new Thread(ProcessBlocks)
                IsBackground = true,
                Name         = $"{nameof(WalletIndexer)}.{nameof(ProcessBlocks)}"

Esempio n. 5
 public static T Get <T>(this Database db, ReadOptions options, byte prefix, ISerializable key) where T : class, ISerializable, new()
     return(db.Get(options, SliceBuilder.Begin(prefix).Add(key)).ToArray().AsSerializable <T>());
Esempio n. 6
 public static T Get <T>(this Database db, ReadOptions options, byte prefix, ISerializable key, Func <Slice, T> resultSelector)
     return(resultSelector(db.Get(options, SliceBuilder.Begin(prefix).Add(key))));
Esempio n. 7
 public static void Delete(this WriteBatch batch, byte prefix, ISerializable key)
Esempio n. 8
        private void ProcessBlock(Block block, HashSet <UInt160> accounts, WriteBatch batch)
            foreach (Transaction tx in block.Transactions)
                HashSet <UInt160> accounts_changed = new HashSet <UInt160>();
                for (ushort index = 0; index < tx.Outputs.Length; index++)
                    TransactionOutput output = tx.Outputs[index];
                    if (accounts_tracked.ContainsKey(output.ScriptHash))
                        CoinReference reference = new CoinReference
                            PrevHash  = tx.Hash,
                            PrevIndex = index
                        if (coins_tracked.TryGetValue(reference, out Coin coin))
                            coin.State |= CoinState.Confirmed;
                            coins_tracked.Add(reference, coin = new Coin
                                Reference = reference,
                                Output    = output,
                                State     = CoinState.Confirmed
                        batch.Put(SliceBuilder.Begin(DataEntryPrefix.ST_Coin).Add(reference), SliceBuilder.Begin().Add(output).Add((byte)coin.State));
                foreach (CoinReference input in tx.Inputs)
                    if (coins_tracked.TryGetValue(input, out Coin coin))
                        if (coin.Output.AssetId.Equals(Blockchain.GoverningToken.Hash))
                            coin.State |= CoinState.Spent | CoinState.Confirmed;
                            batch.Put(SliceBuilder.Begin(DataEntryPrefix.ST_Coin).Add(input), SliceBuilder.Begin().Add(coin.Output).Add((byte)coin.State));
                            batch.Delete(DataEntryPrefix.ST_Coin, input);
                switch (tx)
                case MinerTransaction _:
                case ContractTransaction _:
#pragma warning disable CS0612
                case PublishTransaction _:
#pragma warning restore CS0612

                case ClaimTransaction tx_claim:
                    foreach (CoinReference claim in tx_claim.Claims)
                        if (coins_tracked.TryGetValue(claim, out Coin coin))
                            batch.Delete(DataEntryPrefix.ST_Coin, claim);

#pragma warning disable CS0612
                case EnrollmentTransaction tx_enrollment:
                    if (accounts_tracked.ContainsKey(tx_enrollment.ScriptHash))

                case RegisterTransaction tx_register:
                    if (accounts_tracked.ContainsKey(tx_register.OwnerScriptHash))

#pragma warning restore CS0612
                    foreach (UInt160 hash in tx.Witnesses.Select(p => p.ScriptHash))
                        if (accounts_tracked.ContainsKey(hash))
                if (accounts_changed.Count > 0)
                    foreach (UInt160 account in accounts_changed)
                        batch.Put(SliceBuilder.Begin(DataEntryPrefix.ST_Transaction).Add(account).Add(tx.Hash), false);
                    WalletTransaction?.Invoke(null, new WalletTransactionEventArgs
                        Transaction     = tx,
                        RelatedAccounts = accounts_changed.ToArray(),
                        Height          = block.Index,
                        Time            = block.Timestamp
Esempio n. 9
        private void Persist(Block block)
            WriteBatch batch = new WriteBatch();
            DbCache <UInt160, AccountState>        accounts         = new DbCache <UInt160, AccountState>(db, DataEntryPrefix.ST_Account, batch);
            DbCache <UInt256, UnspentCoinState>    unspentcoins     = new DbCache <UInt256, UnspentCoinState>(db, DataEntryPrefix.ST_Coin, batch);
            DbCache <UInt256, SpentCoinState>      spentcoins       = new DbCache <UInt256, SpentCoinState>(db, DataEntryPrefix.ST_SpentCoin, batch);
            DbCache <ECPoint, ValidatorState>      validators       = new DbCache <ECPoint, ValidatorState>(db, DataEntryPrefix.ST_Validator, batch);
            DbCache <UInt256, AssetState>          assets           = new DbCache <UInt256, AssetState>(db, DataEntryPrefix.ST_Asset, batch);
            DbCache <UInt160, ContractState>       contracts        = new DbCache <UInt160, ContractState>(db, DataEntryPrefix.ST_Contract, batch);
            DbCache <StorageKey, StorageItem>      storages         = new DbCache <StorageKey, StorageItem>(db, DataEntryPrefix.ST_Storage, batch);
            DbMetaDataCache <ValidatorsCountState> validators_count = new DbMetaDataCache <ValidatorsCountState>(db, DataEntryPrefix.IX_ValidatorsCount);
            CachedScriptTable script_table = new CachedScriptTable(contracts);
            long amount_sysfee             = GetSysFeeAmount(block.PrevHash) + (long)block.Transactions.Sum(p => p.SystemFee);

            batch.Put(SliceBuilder.Begin(DataEntryPrefix.DATA_Block).Add(block.Hash), SliceBuilder.Begin().Add(amount_sysfee).Add(block.Trim()));
            foreach (Transaction tx in block.Transactions)
                batch.Put(SliceBuilder.Begin(DataEntryPrefix.DATA_Transaction).Add(tx.Hash), SliceBuilder.Begin().Add(block.Index).Add(tx.ToArray()));
                unspentcoins.Add(tx.Hash, new UnspentCoinState
                    Items = Enumerable.Repeat(CoinState.Confirmed, tx.Outputs.Length).ToArray()
                foreach (TransactionOutput output in tx.Outputs)
                    AccountState account = accounts.GetAndChange(output.ScriptHash, () => new AccountState(output.ScriptHash));
                    if (account.Balances.ContainsKey(output.AssetId))
                        account.Balances[output.AssetId] += output.Value;
                        account.Balances[output.AssetId] = output.Value;
                    if (output.AssetId.Equals(GoverningToken.Hash) && account.Votes.Length > 0)
                        foreach (ECPoint pubkey in account.Votes)
                            validators.GetAndChange(pubkey, () => new ValidatorState(pubkey)).Votes += output.Value;
                        validators_count.GetAndChange().Votes[account.Votes.Length - 1] += output.Value;
                foreach (var group in tx.Inputs.GroupBy(p => p.PrevHash))
                    Transaction tx_prev = GetTransaction(ReadOptions.Default, group.Key, out int height);
                    foreach (CoinReference input in group)
                        unspentcoins.GetAndChange(input.PrevHash).Items[input.PrevIndex] |= CoinState.Spent;
                        TransactionOutput out_prev = tx_prev.Outputs[input.PrevIndex];
                        AccountState      account  = accounts.GetAndChange(out_prev.ScriptHash);
                        if (out_prev.AssetId.Equals(GoverningToken.Hash))
                            spentcoins.GetAndChange(input.PrevHash, () => new SpentCoinState
                                TransactionHash   = input.PrevHash,
                                TransactionHeight = (uint)height,
                                Items             = new Dictionary <ushort, uint>()
                            }).Items.Add(input.PrevIndex, block.Index);
                            if (account.Votes.Length > 0)
                                foreach (ECPoint pubkey in account.Votes)
                                    ValidatorState validator = validators.GetAndChange(pubkey);
                                    validator.Votes -= out_prev.Value;
                                    if (!validator.Registered && validator.Votes.Equals(Fixed8.Zero))
                                validators_count.GetAndChange().Votes[account.Votes.Length - 1] -= out_prev.Value;
                        account.Balances[out_prev.AssetId] -= out_prev.Value;
                switch (tx)
#pragma warning disable CS0612
                case RegisterTransaction tx_register:
                    assets.Add(tx.Hash, new AssetState
                        AssetId    = tx_register.Hash,
                        AssetType  = tx_register.AssetType,
                        Name       = tx_register.Name,
                        Amount     = tx_register.Amount,
                        Available  = Fixed8.Zero,
                        Precision  = tx_register.Precision,
                        Fee        = Fixed8.Zero,
                        FeeAddress = new UInt160(),
                        Owner      = tx_register.Owner,
                        Admin      = tx_register.Admin,
                        Issuer     = tx_register.Admin,
                        Expiration = block.Index + 2 * 2000000,
                        IsFrozen   = false

#pragma warning restore CS0612
                case IssueTransaction _:
                    foreach (TransactionResult result in tx.GetTransactionResults().Where(p => p.Amount < Fixed8.Zero))
                        assets.GetAndChange(result.AssetId).Available -= result.Amount;

                case ClaimTransaction _:
                    foreach (CoinReference input in ((ClaimTransaction)tx).Claims)
                        if (spentcoins.TryGet(input.PrevHash)?.Items.Remove(input.PrevIndex) == true)

#pragma warning disable CS0612
                case EnrollmentTransaction tx_enrollment:
                    validators.GetAndChange(tx_enrollment.PublicKey, () => new ValidatorState(tx_enrollment.PublicKey)).Registered = true;

#pragma warning restore CS0612
                case StateTransaction tx_state:
                    foreach (StateDescriptor descriptor in tx_state.Descriptors)
                        switch (descriptor.Type)
                        case StateType.Account:
                            ProcessAccountStateDescriptor(descriptor, accounts, validators, validators_count);

                        case StateType.Validator:
                            ProcessValidatorStateDescriptor(descriptor, validators);

#pragma warning disable CS0612
                case PublishTransaction tx_publish:
                    contracts.GetOrAdd(tx_publish.ScriptHash, () => new ContractState
                        Script             = tx_publish.Script,
                        ParameterList      = tx_publish.ParameterList,
                        ReturnType         = tx_publish.ReturnType,
                        ContractProperties = (ContractPropertyState)Convert.ToByte(tx_publish.NeedStorage),
                        Name        = tx_publish.Name,
                        CodeVersion = tx_publish.CodeVersion,
                        Author      = tx_publish.Author,
                        Email       = tx_publish.Email,
                        Description = tx_publish.Description

#pragma warning restore CS0612
                case InvocationTransaction tx_invocation:
                    using (StateMachine service = new StateMachine(block, accounts, assets, contracts, storages))
                        ApplicationEngine engine = new ApplicationEngine(TriggerType.Application, tx_invocation, script_table, service, tx_invocation.Gas);
                        engine.LoadScript(tx_invocation.Script, false);
                        if (engine.Execute())
                        ApplicationExecuted?.Invoke(this, new ApplicationExecutedEventArgs(tx_invocation, service.Notifications.ToArray(), engine));
                foreach (UInt160 hash in tx.Outputs.Select(p => p.ScriptHash).Distinct())
                    ContractState contract = contracts.TryGet(hash);
                    if (contract == null)
                    using (StateMachine service = new StateMachine(block, accounts, assets, contracts, storages))
                        ApplicationEngine engine = new ApplicationEngine(TriggerType.ApplicationR, tx, script_table, service, Fixed8.Zero);
                        engine.LoadScript(contract.Script, false);
                        using (ScriptBuilder sb = new ScriptBuilder())
                            engine.LoadScript(sb.ToArray(), false);
                        if (engine.Execute())
            accounts.DeleteWhere((k, v) => !v.IsFrozen && v.Votes.Length == 0 && v.Balances.All(p => p.Value <= Fixed8.Zero));
            unspentcoins.DeleteWhere((k, v) => v.Items.All(p => p.HasFlag(CoinState.Spent)));
            spentcoins.DeleteWhere((k, v) => v.Items.Count == 0);
            batch.Put(SliceBuilder.Begin(DataEntryPrefix.SYS_CurrentBlock), SliceBuilder.Begin().Add(block.Hash).Add(block.Index));
            db.Write(WriteOptions.Default, batch);
            current_block_height = block.Index;
Esempio n. 10
 protected override IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <TKey, TValue> > FindInternal(byte[] key_prefix)
     return(db.Find(options, SliceBuilder.Begin(prefix).Add(key_prefix), (k, v) => new KeyValuePair <TKey, TValue>(k.ToArray().AsSerializable <TKey>(1), v.ToArray().AsSerializable <TValue>())));
Esempio n. 11
 private void OnAddHeader(Header header, WriteBatch batch)
     while ((int)header.Index - 2000 >= stored_header_count)
         using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
             using (BinaryWriter w = new BinaryWriter(ms))
                 batch.Put(SliceBuilder.Begin(DataEntryPrefix.IX_HeaderHashList).Add(stored_header_count), ms.ToArray());
         stored_header_count += 2000;
     batch.Put(SliceBuilder.Begin(DataEntryPrefix.DATA_Block).Add(header.Hash), SliceBuilder.Begin().Add(0L).Add(header.ToArray()));
     batch.Put(SliceBuilder.Begin(DataEntryPrefix.SYS_CurrentHeader), SliceBuilder.Begin().Add(header.Hash).Add(header.Index));
Esempio n. 12
        public LevelDBBlockchain(string path)
            Version version;
            Slice   value;

            db = DB.Open(path, new Options {
                CreateIfMissing = true
            if (db.TryGet(ReadOptions.Default, SliceBuilder.Begin(DataEntryPrefix.SYS_Version), out value) && Version.TryParse(value.ToString(), out version) && version >= Version.Parse("2.7.4"))
                ReadOptions options = new ReadOptions {
                    FillCache = false
                value = db.Get(options, SliceBuilder.Begin(DataEntryPrefix.SYS_CurrentBlock));
                UInt256 current_header_hash = new UInt256(value.ToArray().Take(32).ToArray());
                this.current_block_height = value.ToArray().ToUInt32(32);
                uint current_header_height = current_block_height;
                if (db.TryGet(options, SliceBuilder.Begin(DataEntryPrefix.SYS_CurrentHeader), out value))
                    current_header_hash   = new UInt256(value.ToArray().Take(32).ToArray());
                    current_header_height = value.ToArray().ToUInt32(32);
                foreach (UInt256 hash in db.Find(options, SliceBuilder.Begin(DataEntryPrefix.IX_HeaderHashList), (k, v) =>
                    using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(v.ToArray(), false))
                        using (BinaryReader r = new BinaryReader(ms))
                                Index = k.ToArray().ToUInt32(1),
                                Hashes = r.ReadSerializableArray <UInt256>()
                }).OrderBy(p => p.Index).SelectMany(p => p.Hashes).ToArray())
                    if (!hash.Equals(GenesisBlock.Hash))
                if (stored_header_count == 0)
                    Header[] headers = db.Find(options, SliceBuilder.Begin(DataEntryPrefix.DATA_Block), (k, v) => Header.FromTrimmedData(v.ToArray(), sizeof(long))).OrderBy(p => p.Index).ToArray();
                    for (int i = 1; i < headers.Length; i++)
                else if (current_header_height >= stored_header_count)
                    for (UInt256 hash = current_header_hash; hash != header_index[(int)stored_header_count - 1];)
                        Header header = Header.FromTrimmedData(db.Get(options, SliceBuilder.Begin(DataEntryPrefix.DATA_Block).Add(hash)).ToArray(), sizeof(long));
                        header_index.Insert((int)stored_header_count, hash);
                        hash = header.PrevHash;
                WriteBatch  batch   = new WriteBatch();
                ReadOptions options = new ReadOptions {
                    FillCache = false
                using (Iterator it = db.NewIterator(options))
                    for (it.SeekToFirst(); it.Valid(); it.Next())
                db.Write(WriteOptions.Default, batch);
                db.Put(WriteOptions.Default, SliceBuilder.Begin(DataEntryPrefix.SYS_Version), GetType().GetTypeInfo().Assembly.GetName().Version.ToString());
            thread_persistence          = new Thread(PersistBlocks);
            thread_persistence.Name     = "LevelDBBlockchain.PersistBlocks";
            thread_persistence.Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal;
Esempio n. 13
        public override bool ContainsTransaction(UInt256 hash)
            Slice value;

            return(db.TryGet(ReadOptions.Default, SliceBuilder.Begin(DataEntryPrefix.DATA_Transaction).Add(hash), out value));
Esempio n. 14
 private static void ProcessBlock(Block block, HashSet <UInt160> accounts, WriteBatch batch)
     foreach (Transaction tx in block.Transactions)
         HashSet <UInt160> accounts_changed = new HashSet <UInt160>();
         for (ushort index = 0; index < tx.Outputs.Length; index++)
             TransactionOutput output = tx.Outputs[index];
             if (accounts_tracked.ContainsKey(output.ScriptHash))
                 CoinReference reference = new CoinReference
                     PrevHash  = tx.Hash,
                     PrevIndex = index
                 if (coins_tracked.TryGetValue(reference, out Coin coin))
                     coin.State |= CoinState.Confirmed;
                     coins_tracked.Add(reference, coin = new Coin
                         Reference = reference,
                         Output    = output,
                         State     = CoinState.Confirmed
                 batch.Put(SliceBuilder.Begin(DataEntryPrefix.ST_Coin).Add(reference), SliceBuilder.Begin().Add(output).Add((byte)coin.State));
         foreach (CoinReference input in tx.Inputs)
             if (coins_tracked.TryGetValue(input, out Coin coin))
                 if (coin.Output.AssetId.Equals(Blockchain.GoverningToken.Hash))
                     coin.State |= CoinState.Spent | CoinState.Confirmed;
                     batch.Put(SliceBuilder.Begin(DataEntryPrefix.ST_Coin).Add(input), SliceBuilder.Begin().Add(coin.Output).Add((byte)coin.State));
                     batch.Delete(DataEntryPrefix.ST_Coin, input);
         if (tx is ClaimTransaction ctx)
             foreach (CoinReference claim in ctx.Claims)
                 if (coins_tracked.TryGetValue(claim, out Coin coin))
                     batch.Delete(DataEntryPrefix.ST_Coin, claim);
         if (accounts_changed.Count > 0)
             foreach (UInt160 account in accounts_changed)
                 batch.Put(SliceBuilder.Begin(DataEntryPrefix.ST_Transaction).Add(account).Add(tx.Hash), false);
             BalanceChanged?.Invoke(null, new BalanceEventArgs
                 Transaction     = tx,
                 RelatedAccounts = accounts_changed.ToArray(),
                 Height          = block.Index,
                 Time            = block.Timestamp
Esempio n. 15
 public static IEnumerable <T> Find <T>(this Database db, ReadOptions options, byte prefix) where T : class, ISerializable, new()
     return(Find(db, options, SliceBuilder.Begin(prefix), (k, v) => v.ToArray().AsSerializable <T>()));
        /// <summary>
        /// Python has three protocols for slicing:
        ///    Simple Slicing x[i:j]
        ///    Extended slicing x[i,j,k,...]
        ///    Long Slice x[start:stop:step]
        /// The first maps to __*slice__ (get, set, and del).  
        ///    This takes indexes - i, j - which specify the range of elements to be
        ///    returned.  In the slice variants both i, j must be numeric data types.  
        /// The 2nd and 3rd are both __*item__.  
        ///    This receives a single index which is either a Tuple or a Slice object (which 
        ///    encapsulates the start, stop, and step values) 
        /// This is in addition to a simple indexing x[y].
        /// For simple slicing and long slicing Python generates Operators.*Slice.  For
        /// the extended slicing and simple indexing Python generates a Operators.*Item
        /// action.
        /// Extended slicing maps to the normal .NET multi-parameter input.  
        /// So our job here is to first determine if we're to call a __*slice__ method or
        /// a __*item__ method.  
        /// </summary>
        private static DynamicMetaObject/*!*/ MakeIndexerOperation(DynamicMetaObjectBinder/*!*/ operation, PythonIndexType op, DynamicMetaObject/*!*/[]/*!*/ types, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion) {
            string item, slice;
            DynamicMetaObject indexedType = types[0].Restrict(types[0].GetLimitType());
            PythonContext state = PythonContext.GetPythonContext(operation);
            BuiltinFunction itemFunc = null;
            PythonTypeSlot itemSlot = null;
            bool callSlice = false;
            int mandatoryArgs;

            GetIndexOperators(op, out item, out slice, out mandatoryArgs);

            if (types.Length == mandatoryArgs + 1 && IsSlice(op) && HasOnlyNumericTypes(operation, types, op == PythonIndexType.SetSlice)) {
                // two slice indexes, all int arguments, need to call __*slice__ if it exists
                callSlice = BindingHelpers.TryGetStaticFunction(state, slice, indexedType, out itemFunc);
                if (itemFunc == null || !callSlice) {
                    callSlice = MetaPythonObject.GetPythonType(indexedType).TryResolveSlot(state.SharedContext, slice, out itemSlot);

            if (!callSlice) {
                // 1 slice index (simple index) or multiple slice indexes or no __*slice__, call __*item__, 
                if (!BindingHelpers.TryGetStaticFunction(state, item, indexedType, out itemFunc)) {
                    MetaPythonObject.GetPythonType(indexedType).TryResolveSlot(state.SharedContext, item, out itemSlot);

            // make the Callable object which does the actual call to the function or slot
            Callable callable = Callable.MakeCallable(state, op, itemFunc, itemSlot);
            if (callable == null) {
                return errorSuggestion ?? MakeUnindexableError(operation, op, types, indexedType, state);

            // prepare the arguments and make the builder which will
            // call __*slice__ or __*item__
            DynamicMetaObject[] args;
            IndexBuilder builder;
            if (callSlice) {
                // we're going to call a __*slice__ method, we pass the args as is.

                builder = new SliceBuilder(types, callable);

                // slicing is dependent upon the types of the arguments (HasNumericTypes) 
                // so we must restrict them.
                args = ConvertArgs(types);
            } else {
                // we're going to call a __*item__ method.
                builder = new ItemBuilder(types, callable);
                if (IsSlice(op)) {
                    // we need to create a new Slice object.
                    args = GetItemSliceArguments(state, op, types);
                } else {
                    // no need to restrict the arguments.  We're not
                    // a slice and so restrictions are not necessary
                    // here because it's not dependent upon our types.
                    args = (DynamicMetaObject[])types.Clone();

                    // but we do need to restrict based upon the type
                    // of object we're calling on.
                    args[0] = types[0].Restrict(types[0].GetLimitType());


            return builder.MakeRule(operation, state, args);
        /// <summary>
        /// Python has three protocols for slicing:
        ///    Simple Slicing x[i:j]
        ///    Extended slicing x[i,j,k,...]
        ///    Long Slice x[start:stop:step]
        /// The first maps to __*slice__ (get, set, and del).  
        ///    This takes indexes - i, j - which specify the range of elements to be
        ///    returned.  In the slice variants both i, j must be numeric data types.  
        /// The 2nd and 3rd are both __*item__.  
        ///    This receives a single index which is either a Tuple or a Slice object (which 
        ///    encapsulates the start, stop, and step values) 
        /// This is in addition to a simple indexing x[y].
        /// For simple slicing and long slicing Python generates Operators.*Slice.  For
        /// the extended slicing and simple indexing Python generates a Operators.*Item
        /// action.
        /// Extended slicing maps to the normal .NET multi-parameter input.  
        /// So our job here is to first determine if we're to call a __*slice__ method or
        /// a __*item__ method.  
        private static DynamicMetaObject/*!*/ MakeIndexerOperation(OperationBinder/*!*/ operation, DynamicMetaObject/*!*/[]/*!*/ types) {
            SymbolId item, slice;
            DynamicMetaObject indexedType = types[0].Restrict(types[0].GetLimitType());
            BinderState state = BinderState.GetBinderState(operation);
            BuiltinFunction itemFunc = null;
            PythonTypeSlot itemSlot = null;
            bool callSlice = false;
            int mandatoryArgs;
            string op = operation.Operation;

            GetIndexOperators(op, out item, out slice, out mandatoryArgs);

            if (types.Length == mandatoryArgs + 1 && IsSlice(op) && HasOnlyNumericTypes(operation, types, op == StandardOperators.SetSlice)) {
                // two slice indexes, all int arguments, need to call __*slice__ if it exists
                callSlice = BindingHelpers.TryGetStaticFunction(state, slice, indexedType, out itemFunc);
                if (itemFunc == null || !callSlice) {
                    callSlice = MetaPythonObject.GetPythonType(indexedType).TryResolveSlot(state.Context, slice, out itemSlot);

            if (!callSlice) {
                // 1 slice index (simple index) or multiple slice indexes or no __*slice__, call __*item__, 
                if (!BindingHelpers.TryGetStaticFunction(state, item, indexedType, out itemFunc)) {
                    MetaPythonObject.GetPythonType(indexedType).TryResolveSlot(state.Context, item, out itemSlot);

            // make the Callable object which does the actual call to the function or slot
            Callable callable = Callable.MakeCallable(state, op, itemFunc, itemSlot);
            if (callable == null) {
                return TypeError(operation, "'{0}' object is unsubscriptable", indexedType);

            // prepare the arguments and make the builder which will
            // call __*slice__ or __*item__
            DynamicMetaObject[] args;
            IndexBuilder builder;
            if (callSlice) {
                // we're going to call a __*slice__ method, we pass the args as is.

                builder = new SliceBuilder(types, callable);
                args = ConvertArgs(types);
            } else {
                // we're going to call a __*item__ method.
                builder = new ItemBuilder(types, callable);
                if (IsSlice(op)) {
                    // we need to create a new Slice object.
                    args = GetItemSliceArguments(state, op, types);
                } else {
                    // we just need to pass the arguments as they are
                    args = ConvertArgs(types);

            return builder.MakeRule(state, args);