// Start is called before the first frame update private void Awake() { canvas = GameObject.Find("Canvas"); //heros = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Hero"); heros = GetHeros(); //HerosJson herosjson = JsonManager.loadFromResource<HerosJson>("hero"); //Debug.Log(herosjson.heros[0].hp); monsters = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Monster"); object[] objSkillButtons = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <Skill_Button>(); skillButtons = new GameObject[objSkillButtons.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < skillButtons.Length; i++) { skillButtons[i] = (objSkillButtons[i] as Skill_Button).gameObject; } Array.Sort(skillButtons, (a, b) => a.name.CompareTo(b.name)); object[] objContainCreture = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <Creture>(); gameObjects = new GameObject[objContainCreture.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < gameObjects.Length; i++) { gameObjects[i] = (objContainCreture[i] as Creture).gameObject; } actionList = new List <GameObject>(gameObjects); actionListSort(); TextAsset t = Resources.Load <TextAsset>("skill.sprite.path"); string json = t.text; SkillJson skillJson = JsonUtility.FromJson <SkillJson>(json); for (int i = 0; i < skillJson.SkillList.Count; i++) { sprites.Add(skillJson.SkillList[i].name, Resources.Load <Sprite>(skillJson.SkillList[i].path)); } }
public static void AddResumeData(ResumeDbContext context, string dateFolder) { try { if (dateFolder[0] == 'd') { ResumeFiles files = new ResumeFiles(dateFolder); // Utilities.LoadType<Resume>(context, files.Resume, writeJson); if (File.Exists(files.Resume)) { Resume resume = Utilities.SerializeYml <Resume>(files.Resume); context.Add(resume); } if (File.Exists(files.Education)) { EducationJson educationJson = Utilities.SerializeYml <EducationJson>(files.Education); IList <Education> educations = educationJson.Educations; AddItems(context, educations); } if (File.Exists(files.Job)) { JobJson jobJson = Utilities.SerializeYml <JobJson>(files.Job); IList <Job> jobs = jobJson.Jobs; AddItems(context, jobs); } if (File.Exists(files.Skill)) { SkillJson skillJson = Utilities.SerializeYml <SkillJson>(files.Skill); IList <Skill> skills = skillJson.Skills; AddItems(context, skills); } if (File.Exists(files.Social)) { SocialJson socialJson = Utilities.SerializeYml <SocialJson>(files.Social); IList <Social> socials = socialJson.Socials; AddItems(context, socials); } if (File.Exists(files.SpokenLanguages)) { SpokenLanguagesJson spokenLanguagesJson = Utilities.SerializeYml <SpokenLanguagesJson>(files.SpokenLanguages); IList <SpokenLanguages> spokenLanguages = spokenLanguagesJson.SpokenLanguages; AddItems(context, spokenLanguages); } context.SaveChanges(); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("##############################"); Console.WriteLine("Resume Data Add Fail"); Console.WriteLine(e); } }
private void HandleSkill(SkillCom skillCom) { //没有技能释放请求 if (skillCom.SkillId <= 0) { return; } //生成一个时间线 if (skillCom.Line == null) { skillCom.Line = TimeLineHelp.CreateTimeLine(); } else { skillCom.Line = TimeLineHelp.AddTimeLine(skillCom.Line); } //重置 skillCom.Line.ReSet(); SkillJson json = GameConfigHelp.GetSkillInfo(skillCom.SkillId); //播放动画 for (int i = 0; i < json.AnimClips.Count; i++) { SkillAnimJson animJson = json.AnimClips[i]; skillCom.Line.AddTrack((float)animJson.Time, 0).OnStart(() => { PlayAnim(skillCom, animJson.AnimName); }); } //播放特效 for (int i = 0; i < json.Effects.Count; i++) { SkillEffectJson effectJson = json.Effects[i]; skillCom.Line.AddTrack((float)effectJson.Time, 0).OnStart(() => { PlayEffect(skillCom, effectJson); }); } //播放音效 for (int i = 0; i < json.Audios.Count; i++) { SkillAudioJson audioJson = json.Audios[i]; skillCom.Line.AddTrack((float)audioJson.Time, 0).OnStart(() => { PlayAudio(skillCom, audioJson.AudioId); }); } //处理数据 HandleSkillData(skillCom, json.Data); //开始播放技能 skillCom.Line.Start(); //重置 skillCom.SkillId = 0; }
public void OnShow(string skillid, int availableSkillPoint, string charid) { skillId = skillid; SkillJson skill = DataManager.Instance.SearchSkillID(skillid); if (skill != null) { icon.sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>(skill.imgPath); nameText.text = skill.name; descriptionText.text = skill.tooltips; } int pos = PlayerManager.Instance.ReturnCharacterPosById(charid); button.interactable = (availableSkillPoint > 0 && !PlayerManager.Instance.Characters[pos].IsSkillLeanred(skillid)) ? true : false; }
public static void Seed(ResumeDbContext context) { AddItems(context, EducationJson.LoadJson("Data/Seed/carlos_resume_educations.json").Educations); AddItems(context, JobJson.LoadJson("Data/Seed/carlos_resume_jobs.json").Jobs); context.Add(Resume.LoadJson("Data/Seed/carlos_resume_about.json")); AddItems(context, SkillJson.LoadJson("Data/Seed/carlos_resume_skills.json").Skills); AddItems(context, SocialJson.LoadJson("Data/Seed/carlos_resume_socials.json").Socials); AddItems(context, SpokenLanguagesJson.LoadJson("Data/Seed/carlos_resume_languages.json").SpokenLanguages); context.SaveChanges(); AddItems(context, ResumeEducationsJson.LoadJson("Data/Seed/carlos_resume_resumeeducations.json").ResumeEducations); AddItems(context, ResumeJobsJson.LoadJson("Data/Seed/carlos_resume_resumejobs.json").ResumeJobs); AddItems(context, ResumeSkillsJson.LoadJson("Data/Seed/carlos_resume_resumeskills.json").ResumeSkills); AddItems(context, ResumeSocialsJson.LoadJson("Data/Seed/carlos_resume_resumesocials.json").ResumeSocials); AddItems(context, ResumeSpokenLanguagesJson.LoadJson("Data/Seed/carlos_resume_resumespokenlanguages.json").ResumeSpokenLanguages); context.SaveChanges(); }
public void UpdateSkill(SkillJson skill) { Level first = skill.Levels.First(); Level last = skill.Levels.Last(); SkillName = first.Name; SkillDescription = ArknightUtil.ReplaceSkillDesc(skill.Levels.First().Description, first.Blackboard, last.Blackboard); SkillType = first.SkillType; SpType = first.SpData.SpType; ChargeTime = first.SpData.MaxChargeTime; MaxChargeTime = last.SpData.MaxChargeTime; SpCost = first.SpData.SpCost; MaxSpCost = last.SpData.SpCost; Increment = first.SpData.Increment; Duration = first.Duration; MaxDuration = last.Duration; RangeId = first.RangeId; }
// 主角攻击 速度10 + 10帧? IEnumerator _playStep(Data_MapBattle_R.StepData stepdata) { BattlePlayer battler = m_players[stepdata.chaBattleId]; if (stepdata.skill == 61010) // 技能1 { Animation attackAnim = battler.gameObject.GetComponent <Animation>(); ActiveAnimation.Play(attackAnim, "attack", AnimationOrTween.Direction.Forward); int iFrameCount = playSkillEffect(battler.transform, 61010); // yield return(new WaitForSeconds(Time.deltaTime * iFrameCount)); Data_MapBattle_R.StepData_Enemy[] enemys = stepdata.enemyChaArr; BattlePlayer enemy = null; for (int i = 0; i < enemys.Length; i++) // 敌人受伤 { enemy = m_players[enemys[i].enemyBattleId]; enemy.ChangeHP(enemys[i].enemyChangeHp); iFrameCount = playSkillEffect(enemy.transform, 61011); // } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(Time.deltaTime * iFrameCount)); } else // 其他技能 { SkillJson skill = Globals.It.SkillJsonMgr.GetSkill(stepdata.skill); int iFrameCount = playSkillEffect(battler.transform, skill.releaseEffect); // yield return(new WaitForSeconds(Time.deltaTime * iFrameCount)); Data_MapBattle_R.StepData_Enemy[] enemys = stepdata.enemyChaArr; BattlePlayer enemy = null; int iTempCount = 0; iFrameCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < enemys.Length; i++) { enemy = m_players[enemys[i].enemyBattleId]; enemy.ChangeHP(enemys[i].enemyChangeHp); iTempCount = playSkillEffect(enemy.transform, skill.effect); // if (iTempCount > iFrameCount) { iFrameCount = iTempCount; } } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(Time.deltaTime * iFrameCount)); } }
private void OnDestroy() { List <SkillJson> skills = new List <SkillJson>(); foreach (var item in skillsList) { SkillJson json = new SkillJson(); json.name = item.Key; foreach (var ite in item.Value) { if (ite is AnimComponent) { if (!json.skills.ContainsKey("动画")) { json.skills.Add("动画", new List <string>()); } json.skills["动画"].Add(ite.name); } if (ite is AudioComponent) { if (!json.skills.ContainsKey("音效")) { json.skills.Add("音效", new List <string>()); } json.skills["音效"].Add(ite.name); } if (ite is EffectsComponent) { if (!json.skills.ContainsKey("特效")) { json.skills.Add("特效", new List <string>()); } json.skills["特效"].Add(ite.name); } } skills.Add(json); } string str = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(skills); File.WriteAllText("Assets/" + gameObject.name + ".txt", str); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); }
public override void Parse(Object asset) { if (asset != null && asset is TextAsset) { TextAsset textAsset = (TextAsset)asset; string sJson = textAsset.text; LitJson.JsonReader jsonR = new LitJson.JsonReader(sJson); LitJson.JsonData jsonD = LitJson.JsonMapper.ToObject(jsonR); int iCount = jsonD.Count; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) // 将解析到的数据放到dict { LitJson.JsonData itemData = jsonD[i]; if (itemData == null) { continue; } SkillJson jsonItem = SkillJson.Parse(itemData); m_jsons.Add(jsonItem.skillId, jsonItem); } Globals.It.BundleMgr.UnLoadBundleLocal(asset); } }
// Start is called before the first frame update public object GetJsonObj(string jsonTag) { object jsonObj = null; switch (jsonTag) { case "enemy": EnemyJson enemyJson = new EnemyJson(); jsonObj = enemyJson.GetEnemyJson(); break; case "skill": SkillJson skillJson = new SkillJson(); jsonObj = skillJson.GetSkillJson(); break; case "buff": BuffJson buffJson = new BuffJson(); jsonObj = buffJson.getBuffJson(); break; } return(jsonObj); }
// Start is called before the first frame update public object getJsonObj(string jsonTag) { object jsonObj = null; switch (jsonTag) { case "monster": MonsterJson monsterJson = new MonsterJson(); jsonObj = monsterJson.getMonsterJson(); break; case "skill": SkillJson skillJson = new SkillJson(); jsonObj = skillJson.getSkillJson(); break; case "buff": BuffJson buffJson = new BuffJson(); jsonObj = buffJson.getBuffJson(); break; } return(jsonObj); }
// 解析技能 public static SkillJson Parse(LitJson.JsonData data) { SkillJson json = new SkillJson(); try { json.weaponRequied = (int)data["weaponRequied"]; json.skillName = (string)data["skillName"]; json.rangeType = (int)data["rangeType"]; json.releaseType = (int)data["releaseType"]; json.levelUpMoney = (int)data["levelUpMoney"]; json.attributeType = (int)data["attributeType"]; json.releaseEffect = (int)data["releaseEffect"]; json.skillId = (int)data["skillId"]; json.throwEffectId = (int)data["throwEffectId"]; json.distanceType = (int)data["distanceType"]; json.releaseCD = (int)data["releaseCD"]; json.expendPower = (int)data["expendPower"]; json.itemRequired = (int)data["itemRequired"]; json.levelRequired = (int)data["levelRequired"]; json.profession = (int)data["profession"]; json.bearEffect = (int)data["bearEffect"]; json.effect = (int)data["effect"]; json.expendHp = (int)data["expendHp"]; json.skillGroup = (int)data["skillGroup"]; json.icon = (int)data["icon"]; json.targetType = (int)data["targetType"]; json.itemCountRequired = (int)data["itemCountRequired"]; json.skillDescript = (string)data["skillDescript"]; json.level = (int)data["level"]; json.type = (int)data["type"]; json.skillType = (int)data["skillType"]; json.aoeEffectId = (int)data["aoeEffectId"]; } catch { } return(json); }