// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline. public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, SituatorContext context) { loggerFactory.AddConsole(Configuration.GetSection("Logging")); loggerFactory.AddDebug(); if (env.IsDevelopment()) { app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); } else { app.UseExceptionHandler("/Home/Error"); } app.UseFileServer(); using (var serviceScope = app.ApplicationServices.GetRequiredService <IServiceScopeFactory>().CreateScope()) { serviceScope.ServiceProvider.GetService <SituatorContext>().Database.EnsureDeleted(); serviceScope.ServiceProvider.GetService <SituatorContext>().Database.Migrate(); serviceScope.ServiceProvider.GetService <SituatorContext>().EnsureSeedData(); } app.UseMvc(routes => { routes.MapRoute( name: "default", template: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}"); }); }
public VideosController(IHostingEnvironment environment, SituatorContext context) { _environment = environment; _context = context; UPLOADS_PATH = Path.Combine(_environment.WebRootPath, "uploads"); }
public static void EnsureSeedData(this SituatorContext context) { var empathy = context.Skills.Add(new Skill { Name = "Empathy" }).Entity; var reactivity = context.Skills.Add(new Skill { Name = "Reactivity" }).Entity; var aggressivity = context.Skills.Add(new Skill { Name = "Aggressivity" }).Entity; var leadership = context.Skills.Add(new Skill { Name = "Leadership" }).Entity; var energetic = context.Skills.Add(new Skill { Name = "Energetic" }).Entity; var course = new Course { Category = "Education", Description = "...", Title = "This is a Course" }; var rootNode = new Node { IsRoot = true, Text = "Team building course", VideoUrl = "/", Course = course, Scores = new List <Score> { new Score { Skill = empathy, Point = 0 }, new Score { Skill = reactivity, Point = 0 }, new Score { Skill = aggressivity, Point = 0 }, new Score { Skill = leadership, Point = 0 }, new Score { Skill = energetic, Point = 0 } }, PositionX = 350, PositionY = 50 }; var NodeA = context.Nodes.Add(new Node { IsRoot = false, IsLeaf = true, Text = "Choice: A", VideoUrl = "/", Course = course, Scores = new List <Score> { new Score { Skill = empathy, Point = 3 }, new Score { Skill = reactivity, Point = 6 }, new Score { Skill = aggressivity, Point = 4 }, new Score { Skill = leadership, Point = 2 }, new Score { Skill = energetic, Point = 1 } }, PositionX = 200, PositionY = 200 }).Entity; var NodeB = context.Nodes.Add(new Node { IsRoot = false, IsLeaf = true, Text = "Choice: B", VideoUrl = "/", Course = course, Scores = new List <Score> { new Score { Skill = empathy, Point = 4 }, new Score { Skill = reactivity, Point = 7 }, new Score { Skill = aggressivity, Point = 4 }, new Score { Skill = leadership, Point = 2 }, new Score { Skill = energetic, Point = 8 } }, PositionX = 350, PositionY = 200 }).Entity; var NodeC = context.Nodes.Add(new Node { IsRoot = false, IsLeaf = true, Text = "Choice C", VideoUrl = "/", Course = course, Scores = new List <Score> { new Score { Skill = empathy, Point = 0 }, new Score { Skill = reactivity, Point = 5 }, new Score { Skill = aggressivity, Point = 5 }, new Score { Skill = leadership, Point = 4 }, new Score { Skill = energetic, Point = 1 } }, PositionX = 500, PositionY = 200 }).Entity; var NodeAA = context.Nodes.Add(new Node { IsRoot = false, IsLeaf = true, Text = "Choice AA", VideoUrl = "/", Course = course, Scores = new List <Score> { new Score { Skill = empathy, Point = 1 }, new Score { Skill = reactivity, Point = 4 }, new Score { Skill = aggressivity, Point = 2 }, new Score { Skill = leadership, Point = 2 }, new Score { Skill = energetic, Point = 1 } }, PositionX = 200, PositionY = 400 }).Entity; var NodeAB = context.Nodes.Add(new Node { IsRoot = false, IsLeaf = true, Text = "Choice AB", VideoUrl = "/", Course = course, Scores = new List <Score> { new Score { Skill = empathy, Point = 8 }, new Score { Skill = reactivity, Point = 0 }, new Score { Skill = aggressivity, Point = 0 }, new Score { Skill = leadership, Point = 1 }, new Score { Skill = energetic, Point = 2 } }, PositionX = 350, PositionY = 400 }).Entity; var NodeAC = context.Nodes.Add(new Node { IsRoot = false, IsLeaf = true, Text = "Choice AC", VideoUrl = "/", Course = course, Scores = new List <Score> { new Score { Skill = empathy, Point = 0 }, new Score { Skill = reactivity, Point = 1 }, new Score { Skill = aggressivity, Point = 0 }, new Score { Skill = leadership, Point = 2 }, new Score { Skill = energetic, Point = 8 } }, PositionX = 500, PositionY = 400 }).Entity; var relations = new NodeRelation[] { new NodeRelation { Parent = rootNode, Child = NodeA }, new NodeRelation { Parent = rootNode, Child = NodeB }, new NodeRelation { Parent = rootNode, Child = NodeC }, new NodeRelation { Parent = NodeA, Child = NodeAA }, new NodeRelation { Parent = NodeA, Child = NodeAB }, new NodeRelation { Parent = NodeA, Child = NodeAC } }; foreach (var rel in relations) { context.NodeRelations.Add(rel); } course.Nodes.Add(rootNode); course.Nodes.Add(NodeA); course.Nodes.Add(NodeB); course.Nodes.Add(NodeC); course.Nodes.Add(NodeAA); course.Nodes.Add(NodeAB); course.Nodes.Add(NodeAC); context.SaveChanges(); }
public NodesController(SituatorContext context) { _context = context; }
public CoursesController(SituatorContext context) { _context = context; }
public NodeRelationsController(SituatorContext context) { _context = context; }
public ScoresController(SituatorContext context) { _context = context; }
public SkillsController(SituatorContext context) { _context = context; }