Esempio n. 1
        void ReconstructTopographyByPoints
            Document doc,
            ref Autodesk.Revit.DB.Element element,

            IList <Rhino.Geometry.Point3d> points,
            [Optional] IList <Rhino.Geometry.Curve> regions
            var scaleFactor = 1.0 / Revit.ModelUnits;

            if (scaleFactor != 1.0)
                for (int p = 0; p < points.Count; ++p)
                    points[p] = points[p] * scaleFactor;

                if (regions != null)
                    foreach (var region in regions)

            //if (element is TopographySurface topography)
            //  using (var editScope = new TopographyEditScope(doc, "TopographyByPoints"))
            //  {
            //    editScope.Start(element.Id);
            //    topography.DeletePoints(topography.GetPoints());
            //    topography.AddPoints(points.ToHost().ToList());

            //    foreach (var subRegionId in topography.GetHostedSubRegionIds())
            //      doc.Delete(subRegionId);

            //    editScope.Commit(new Revit.FailuresPreprocessor());
            //  }
                ReplaceElement(ref element, TopographySurface.Create(doc, points.ToHost().ToList()));

            if (element != null && regions != null && regions.Count > 0)
                var curveLoops = regions.Select(region => CurveLoop.Create(region.ToHost().ToList())).ToList();
                SiteSubRegion.Create(doc, curveLoops, element.Id);
        void ReconstructTopographyByPoints
            Document doc,
            ref Autodesk.Revit.DB.Element element,

            IList <Rhino.Geometry.Point3d> points,
            [Optional] IList <Rhino.Geometry.Curve> regions
            var scaleFactor = 1.0 / Revit.ModelUnits;
            var xyz         = points.Select(x => x.ChangeUnits(scaleFactor).ToHost()).ToArray();

            //if (element is TopographySurface topography)
            //  using (var editScope = new TopographyEditScope(doc, "TopographyByPoints"))
            //  {
            //    editScope.Start(element.Id);
            //    topography.DeletePoints(topography.GetPoints());
            //    topography.AddPoints(points.ToHost().ToList());

            //    foreach (var subRegionId in topography.GetHostedSubRegionIds())
            //      doc.Delete(subRegionId);

            //    editScope.Commit(new Revit.FailuresPreprocessor());
            //  }
                ReplaceElement(ref element, TopographySurface.Create(doc, xyz));

            if (element is object && regions?.Count > 0)
                var curveLoops = regions.Select(region => CurveLoop.Create(region.ChangeUnits(scaleFactor).ToHostMultiple().ToArray())).ToArray();
                SiteSubRegion.Create(doc, curveLoops, element.Id);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a new retaining pond.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uiDoc">The document.</param>
        /// <param name="pondRadius">The radius of the pond.</param>
        private void AddNewRetainingPond(UIDocument uiDoc, double pondRadius)
            Document doc = uiDoc.Document;

            // Find toposurfaces
            FilteredElementCollector tsCollector = new FilteredElementCollector(doc);

            IEnumerable <TopographySurface> tsEnumerable = tsCollector.Cast <TopographySurface>().Where <TopographySurface>(ts => !ts.IsSiteSubRegion);
            int count = tsEnumerable.Count <TopographySurface>();

            // If there is only on surface, use it.  If there is more than one, let the user select the target.
            TopographySurface targetSurface = null;

            if (count > 1) // tmp
                targetSurface = SiteUIUtils.PickTopographySurface(uiDoc);
                targetSurface = tsEnumerable.First <TopographySurface>();

            // Pick point and project to plane at toposurface average elevation
            XYZ    point     = SiteUIUtils.PickPointNearToposurface(uiDoc, targetSurface, "Pick point for center of pond.");
            double elevation = point.Z;

            // Add subregion first, so that any previously existing points can be removed to avoid distorting the new region

            // Find material "Water"
            FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(doc);

            Material mat = collector.Cast <Material>().FirstOrDefault <Material>(m => m.Name == "Water");

            // Create subregion curves
            List <Curve> curves = new List <Curve>();

            curves.Add(Arc.Create(point, pondRadius, 0, Math.PI, XYZ.BasisX, XYZ.BasisY));
            curves.Add(Arc.Create(point, pondRadius, Math.PI, 2 * Math.PI, XYZ.BasisX, XYZ.BasisY));

            CurveLoop        curveLoop  = CurveLoop.Create(curves);
            List <CurveLoop> curveLoops = new List <CurveLoop>();


            // All changes are added to one transaction group - will create one undo item
            using (TransactionGroup addGroup = new TransactionGroup(doc, "Add pond group"))

                IList <XYZ> existingPoints = null;
                // Transacton for adding subregion.
                using (Transaction t2 = new Transaction(doc, "Add subregion"))
                    SiteSubRegion region = SiteSubRegion.Create(doc, curveLoops, targetSurface.Id);
                    if (mat != null)
                        region.TopographySurface.MaterialId = mat.Id;

                    // The boundary points for the subregion cannot be deleted, since they are generated
                    // to represent the subregion boundary rather than representing real points in the host.
                    // Get non-boundary points only to be deleted.
                    existingPoints = SiteEditingUtils.GetNonBoundaryPoints(region.TopographySurface);

                    // Average elevation of all points in the subregion to use as base elevation for the pond topography
                    elevation = SiteEditingUtils.GetAverageElevation(region.TopographySurface.GetPoints());

                // Add the topography points to the target surface via edit scope.
                using (TopographyEditScope editScope = new TopographyEditScope(doc, "Edit TS"))

                    // Transaction for points changes
                    using (Transaction t = new Transaction(doc, "Add points"))

                        // Delete existing points first to avoid conflict
                        if (existingPoints.Count > 0)

                        // Generate list of points to add
                        IList <XYZ> points = SiteEditingUtils.GeneratePondPointsSurrounding(new XYZ(point.X, point.Y, elevation - 3), pondRadius);

                    editScope.Commit(new TopographyEditFailuresPreprocessor());
Esempio n. 4
        //converting all of the lists into polygons
        public DataToSiteSubRegion(Document doc, List <ProcessPolygon> Roads, double regionSize, ElementId topographySurfaceId, string fileAddress = "")
            this.opt.OverwriteExistingFile = true;
            this.DocumentFileAddress       = fileAddress;
            _doc = doc;
            this.TopographySurfaceId = topographySurfaceId;
            this.Exponent            = 5;
            this.FailedAttempts      = 0;

            #region Contour treatments
            foreach (ProcessPolygon processedContour in Roads)
                processedContour.RemoveCollinearity(4 * Math.PI / 180);

            #region Setting the sizes of regions
            this.RegionSize = regionSize;
            double minX = Roads[0].ProcessedPolygon[0].X;
            double maxX = Roads[0].ProcessedPolygon[0].X;
            double minY = Roads[0].ProcessedPolygon[0].Y;
            double maxY = Roads[0].ProcessedPolygon[0].Y;
            foreach (ProcessPolygon ProcessedPolygon in Roads)
                foreach (XYZ item in ProcessedPolygon.ProcessedPolygon)
                    minX = (minX > item.X) ? item.X : minX;
                    maxX = (maxX < item.X) ? item.X : maxX;
                    minY = (minY > item.Y) ? item.Y : minY;
                    maxY = (maxY < item.Y) ? item.Y : maxY;
            this.XNumber                 = (int)Math.Ceiling((maxX - minX) / this.RegionSize);
            this.YNumber                 = (int)Math.Ceiling((maxY - minY) / this.RegionSize);
            this.RegionWidth             = (maxX - minX) / this.XNumber;
            this.RegionHeight            = (maxY - minY) / this.YNumber;
            this.ReagionsBoundingBoxes   = new BoundingBoxUV[this.XNumber, this.YNumber];
            this.CanSiteSubregionBeValid = new bool[this.XNumber, this.YNumber];
            for (int i = 0; i < this.XNumber; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < this.YNumber; j++)
                    double min_u = minX + i * this.RegionWidth;
                    double max_u = min_u + this.RegionWidth;
                    double min_v = minY + j * this.RegionHeight;
                    double max_v = min_v + this.RegionHeight;
                    this.ReagionsBoundingBoxes[i, j] = new BoundingBoxUV(min_u, min_v, max_u, max_v);

            #region Checking to see if subregions are projectable on the topography
            this.RayTracerView = this.createView3d();
            for (int i = 0; i < this.XNumber; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < this.YNumber; j++)
                    this.CanSiteSubregionBeValid[i, j] = this.CanSubregionBeValid(this.ReagionsBoundingBoxes[i, j]);

            #region creating intPoint polygons of roads
            Polygons initialRoads = new Polygons();
            foreach (ProcessPolygon XYZPolygon in Roads)
                initialRoads.Add(this.XYZList2Polygon(XYZPolygon.ProcessedPolygon, this.Exponent));
            this.IntRoads = this.XOR(initialRoads);

            #region Subtracting buildings' footprints
            //placeholder: to be completed

            #region Creating the site sub-regions

            for (int i = 0; i < this.XNumber; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < this.YNumber; j++)
                    if (this.CanSiteSubregionBeValid[i, j])
                        bool     visualizePolygons = false;
                        Polygons initialPolygons   = getPolygonsInRegion(i, j, 10);
                        if (initialPolygons.Count > 0)
                            CurveLoops curveLoops = this.PolygonsToCurveLoops(initialPolygons);
                            if (curveLoops.Count > 0)
                                using (Transaction createSubRegions = new Transaction(_doc))
                                    FailureHandlingOptions failOpt = createSubRegions.GetFailureHandlingOptions();
                                    failOpt.SetFailuresPreprocessor(new WarningSwallower());
                                    createSubRegions.Start("Create subregions in site");
                                        SiteSubRegion siteSubRegion = SiteSubRegion.Create(_doc, curveLoops, this.TopographySurfaceId);
                                    catch (Exception)
                                        visualizePolygons = true;
                                if (visualizePolygons)
                                    foreach (Polygon polygon in initialPolygons)
                                        this.Visualize(_doc, polygon, 0.0, this.Exponent);
                                if (this.DocumentFileAddress != "")
                                    _doc.SaveAs(this.DocumentFileAddress, this.opt);
Esempio n. 5
        void CommitInstance
            Document doc, IGH_DataAccess DA, int Iteration,
            IEnumerable <Rhino.Geometry.Point3d> points,
            IEnumerable <Rhino.Geometry.Curve> regions
            var element = PreviousElement(doc, Iteration);

            if (!element?.Pinned ?? false)
                ReplaceElement(doc, DA, Iteration, element);
                    var scaleFactor = 1.0 / Revit.ModelUnits;
                    if (scaleFactor != 1.0)
                        points = points.Select(p => p * scaleFactor);

                        foreach (var region in regions)

                    TopographySurface topography = null;
                    //if (element is TopographySurface topography)
                    //  using (var editScope = new TopographyEditScope(doc, "TopographyByPoints"))
                    //  {
                    //    editScope.Start(element.Id);
                    //    topography.DeletePoints(topography.GetPoints());
                    //    topography.AddPoints(points.ToHost().ToList());

                    //    foreach (var subRegionId in topography.GetHostedSubRegionIds())
                    //      doc.Delete(subRegionId);

                    //    editScope.Commit(new Revit.FailuresPreprocessor());
                    //  }
                        topography = CopyParametersFrom(TopographySurface.Create(doc, points.ToHost().ToList()), element);
                        element    = topography;

                    if (topography != null && regions.Any())
                        var curveLoops = regions.Select(region => CurveLoop.Create(region.ToHost().ToList())).ToList();
                        SiteSubRegion.Create(doc, curveLoops, topography.Id);

                    ReplaceElement(doc, DA, Iteration, element);
                catch (Exception e)
                    AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, e.Message);
                    ReplaceElement(doc, DA, Iteration, null);