private SiteDetails GetDetailsForCollection(Collection collection) { SiteDetails details = PhotoRepository.GetSiteDetails(collection.Site); details.CoverPhotoID = collection.CoverPhoto == null ? details.LastPhotoID : collection.CoverPhoto.ID; return(details); }
/// <summary> /// Walks SiteLink > Quest > Place > QuestMarkers > Target to see if an individual NPC has been placed elsewhere. /// Used only to determine if an individual NPC should be disabled at home location by layout builders. /// Ignores non-individual NPCs. /// </summary> /// <param name="factionID">Faction ID of individual NPC.</param> /// <returns>True if individual has been placed elsewhere, otherwise false.</returns> public bool IsIndividualQuestNPCAtSiteLink(int factionID) { // Check this is a valid individual if (!IsIndividualNPC(factionID)) return false; // Iterate site links foreach (SiteLink link in siteLinks) { // Attempt to get Quest target Quest quest = GetQuest(link.questUID); if (quest == null) continue; // Attempt to get Place target Place place = quest.GetPlace(link.placeSymbol); if (place == null) continue; // Must have target resources SiteDetails siteDetails = place.SiteDetails; QuestMarker marker = siteDetails.questSpawnMarkers[siteDetails.selectedQuestItemMarker]; if (marker.targetResources == null) { Debug.Log("IsIndividualQuestNPCAtSiteLink() found a SiteLink with no targetResources assigned."); continue; } // Check spawn marker at this site for target NPC resource foreach(Symbol target in marker.targetResources) { // Get target resource QuestResource resource = quest.GetResource(target); if (resource == null) continue; // Must be a Person resource if (!(resource is Person)) continue; // Person must be an individual and not at home Person person = (Person)resource; if (!person.IsIndividualNPC || person.IsIndividualAtHome) continue; // Check if factionID match to placed NPC // This means we found an individual placed at site who is not supposed to be at their home location if ( == factionID) return true; } } return false; }
private void AddButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SiteSetup siteSetup = new SiteSetup(); if (siteSetup.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { SiteDetails details = new SiteDetails((SiteName)siteSetup.PokerSites.SelectedItems[0], siteSetup.HandHistoryLocation.Text, siteSetup.TournamentSummaryLocation.Text); PokerSites.Items.Add(details); } }
private void ModifyButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SiteDetails item = (SiteDetails)PokerSites.SelectedItem; SiteSetup siteSetup = new SiteSetup(item); if (siteSetup.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { SiteDetails details = new SiteDetails(((SiteName)siteSetup.PokerSites.SelectedItems[0]), siteSetup.HandHistoryLocation.Text, siteSetup.TournamentSummaryLocation.Text); (PokerSites.Items[PokerSites.SelectedIndex]) = details; } }
public SiteSetup(SiteDetails details) { InitializeComponent(); foreach (SiteName.Values s in Enum.GetValues(typeof(SiteName.Values))) { if (HandHistoryParserFactory.HasHandHistoryParserFactory(s)) { PokerSites.Items.Add(new SiteName(s)); } } HandHistoryLocation.Text = details.HandsLocation; TournamentSummaryLocation.Text = details.TournamentsLocation; }
private void LoadValues() { PokerSites.Items.Clear(); if (Settings.Default.Sites != null) { foreach (string site in Settings.Default.Sites) { SiteDetails details = new SiteDetails(site); PokerSites.Items.Add(details); } } autoUpdate.Checked = Settings.Default.autoUpdate; }
public IActionResult UpdateEvents(SiteDetails siteDetails) { Events eventUpdate = new Events { EventID = siteDetails.EventID, SiteCode = siteDetails.SiteCode, Date = siteDetails.Date, Spaces = siteDetails.Spaces - 1 }; _Context.Events.Update(eventUpdate); _Context.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); }
/// <summary> /// Executes the WorkFlow. /// </summary> /// <param name="crmWorkflowContext">The <see cref="LocalWorkflowContext"/> which contains the /// <param name="executionContext" > <see cref="CodeActivityContext"/> /// </param> /// <remarks> /// For improved performance, Microsoft Dynamics 365 caches WorkFlow instances. /// The WorkFlow's Execute method should be written to be stateless as the constructor /// is not called for every invocation of the WorkFlow. Also, multiple system threads /// could execute the WorkFlow at the same time. All per invocation state information /// is stored in the context. This means that you should not use global variables in WorkFlows. /// </remarks> public override void ExecuteCRMWorkFlowActivity(CodeActivityContext executionContext, LocalWorkflowContext crmWorkflowContext) { if (crmWorkflowContext == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(crmWorkflowContext)); } try { var tracingService = executionContext.GetExtension <ITracingService>(); var context = executionContext.GetExtension <IWorkflowContext>(); var serviceFactory = executionContext.GetExtension <IOrganizationServiceFactory>(); var service = crmWorkflowContext.OrganizationService; var adminService = serviceFactory.CreateOrganizationService(null); tracingService.Trace("In UpdateSharePointMetadata."); var parentEntityName = Parent_Entity_Name.Get(executionContext); var parentLookupName = Parent_Lookup_Name.Get(executionContext); tracingService.Trace("Parent Entity = {0}; Parent Lookup = {1}", parentEntityName, parentLookupName); var customer = Customer.Get(executionContext); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(customer)) { customer = string.Empty; tracingService.Trace("No customer details passed to workflow"); } var siteDetails = SiteDetails.Get(executionContext); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(siteDetails)) { siteDetails = string.Empty; tracingService.Trace("No site details details passed to workflow"); } var permitDetails = PermitDetails.Get(executionContext); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(permitDetails)) { permitDetails = string.Empty; tracingService.Trace("No permit details passed to workflow"); } tracingService.Trace("Customer = {0}; Site = {1}; Permit = {2}", customer, siteDetails, permitDetails); var azureInterface = new AzureInterface(adminService, service, tracingService); azureInterface.UpdateMetaData(new EntityReference(context.PrimaryEntityName, context.PrimaryEntityId), customer, siteDetails, permitDetails); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("An error occurred in Workflow assembly.", ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Query and return all items from the datasource /// </summary> private async void getData(DataSource ds) { //query/return all features var result = await ds.ExecuteQueryAsync(new Query(WhereClause, null, true)); //Create a list to store the returned results List <SiteDetails> items = new List <SiteDetails>(); if (result == null || result.Features == null) { return; } else { foreach (var item in result.Features) { try { //TODO thinking I should just handle the projections here // that way it only happens once rather than on each zoom SiteDetails newItem = new SiteDetails() { f = item.Attributes[ds.ObjectIdFieldName].ToString(), ZoomExtent = item.Geometry.ToJson(), AdditionalFieldsAndValues = createNewFieldList(item), LabelField = (item.Attributes[AdditionalFields.Keys.ToList()[0]] != null) ? item.Attributes[AdditionalFields.Keys.ToList()[0]].ToString() : "", isParentExpandable = UseExpandable }; if (UseExpandable) { if (ds.IsSelectable) { newItem.isExpanded = isItemExpanded(newItem); } } items.Add(newItem); } catch (Exception ex) { //MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } } //bind the items to the control lvSiteDetails.ItemsSource = items; }
public ActionResult <string> NextBest(string currentUrl) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentUrl) || !Uri.TryCreate(currentUrl, UriKind.Absolute, out _)) { return(BadRequest(nameof(currentUrl))); } Task qurryAa = aaRequests.MakeACall_TempAsync(); var siteDetails = new SiteDetails { Url = currentUrl }; siteDetails.LoadDetails(); return(Ok(siteDetails)); }
private void HighlightFeature_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { SiteDetails sd = ((Button)sender).DataContext as SiteDetails; Geometry g = Geometry.FromJson(sd.ZoomExtent); ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.FeatureLayer fl = mapWidget.FindFeatureLayer(dataSource); for (int i = 0; i < fl.Graphics.Count; i++) { client.Graphic feature = fl.Graphics[i]; int featureOid; int.TryParse(feature.Attributes[dataSource.ObjectIdFieldName].ToString(), out featureOid); if (sd.f == featureOid.ToString()) { fl.ClearSelection(); feature.Select(); } } }
public SiteDetails GetSiteDetails(int userId, int siteId) { var siteDetails = new SiteDetails { SiteId = 1, SiteName = "Indirapuram", Location = new Location { Latitude = 22.4343f, Longitude = 27.33432f }, Pump = new Pumps { PumpId = 1, PumpStatus = -1, RAmp = 12, BAmp = 123, YVoltage = 242, RVoltage = 222, BVoltage = 235 }, Motor = new Motor { MotorId = 2, MotorStatus = 0 }, Genset = new Genset { GensetId = 12213, GensetStatus = 1 }, Tank = new Tank { TankId = 123, TankLevelCurrent = 230, TankLevelMax = 500 }, CityName = "Ghaziabad", LastUpdatedTimestamp = "1112312312" }; return(siteDetails); }
public override DataTemplate SelectTemplate(object item, System.Windows.DependencyObject container) { SiteDetails siteItem = item as SiteDetails; var element = container as FrameworkElement; if (siteItem != null) { if (siteItem.isParentExpandable) { return(element.FindResource("ExpanderTemplate") as DataTemplate); } else { return(element.FindResource("ExpanderTemplate2") as DataTemplate); } } else { return(element.FindResource("ExpanderTemplate") as DataTemplate); } }
public IActionResult DeleteSite(SiteDetails siteDetails) { Site deletesite = new Site { SiteCode = siteDetails.SiteCode, Postcode = siteDetails.Postcode, SiteName = siteDetails.SiteName, Tel = siteDetails.Tel, Website = siteDetails.Website }; Address deleteaddress = new Address { Postcode = siteDetails.Postcode, Street = siteDetails.Street, City = siteDetails.City }; _Context.Sites.Remove(deletesite); _Context.Addresses.Remove(deleteaddress); _Context.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Sites", "Home")); }
/// <summary> /// Get a local building in the town player is currently at. /// Throws exception if no valid buildings of specified type are found. /// Example of how this can happen is issuing a quest to a local palace in a town with no palace. /// Use remote palace instead to ensure quest can select from entire region. /// </summary> void SetupLocalSite() { // Get player location DFLocation location = GameManager.Instance.PlayerGPS.CurrentLocation; if (!location.Loaded) { throw new Exception("Tried to setup a local site but player is not in a location (i.e. player in wilderness)."); } // Local dungeons not supported if (p1 == 1) { throw new Exception("Cannot specify a local dungeon place resource. Only use of remote or fixed supported for dungeons."); } // Get list of valid sites SiteDetails[] foundSites = null; if (p2 == -1) { foundSites = CollectQuestSitesOfBuildingType(location, DFLocation.BuildingTypes.AllValid); } else { foundSites = CollectQuestSitesOfBuildingType(location, (DFLocation.BuildingTypes)p2); } // Must have found at least one site if (foundSites == null || foundSites.Length == 0) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Could not find local site with P2={0} in {1}/{2}.", p2, location.RegionName, location.Name)); } // Select a random site from available list int selectedIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, foundSites.Length); siteDetails = foundSites[selectedIndex]; }
private bool isItemExpanded(SiteDetails sd) { try { for (int i = 0; i < lvSiteDetails.Items.Count; i++) { bool isMatch = true; SiteDetails currentSD = (SiteDetails)lvSiteDetails.Items[i]; int cnt = 3; if (currentSD.AdditionalFieldsAndValues.Count < 3) { cnt = currentSD.AdditionalFieldsAndValues.Count; } //only check the first couple of fields for (int ii = 0; ii < cnt; ii++) { //TODO..could be that they just edited the value if (currentSD.AdditionalFieldsAndValues[ii].value != sd.AdditionalFieldsAndValues[ii].value) { isMatch = false; } } if (isMatch) { return(currentSD.isExpanded); } } return(false); } catch (Exception ex) { return(false); } }
public PokerStarsParserFactory(SiteDetails siteDetails) : base(siteDetails) { }
public FullTiltPokerParserFactory(SiteDetails siteDetails) : base(siteDetails) { }
public EntractionParserFactory(SiteDetails siteDetails) : base(siteDetails) { }
public IPokerParserFactory(SiteDetails siteDetails) : base(siteDetails) { }
private void parsingWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { Dictionary <HandHistoryParserFactory, IEnumerable <FileInfo> > factories = new Dictionary <HandHistoryParserFactory, IEnumerable <FileInfo> >(); int totalFiles = 0; foreach (string siteDetailsString in Settings.Default.Sites) { SiteDetails details = new SiteDetails(siteDetailsString); HandHistoryParserFactory parserFactory = HandHistoryParserFactory.GetHandHistoryParserFactory(details); DirectoryInfo info = new DirectoryInfo(details.HandsLocation); IEnumerable <FileInfo> files = info.GetFiles().Where(fi => parserFactory.IsHandHistoryFile(fi) && fi.LastWriteTime > lastUpdate); totalFiles += files.Count(); factories.Add(parserFactory, files); } handsFound = 0; tournamentsFound = 0; float fileProgressInc = 100.0f / totalFiles; int filesProcessed = 0; foreach (HandHistoryParserFactory factory in factories.Keys) { factory.HandHistoryParser.AmountsAsBigBlindMultiples = true; foreach (FileInfo file in factories[factory]) { int byteCount = 0; HandHistory parsedHand = null; TournamentSummary tournamentSummary = null; if (factory.HasTournamentSummaryParser() && File.Exists(factory.GetTournamentFile(file.FullName))) { tournamentSummary = factory.ParseTournamentSummary(file.FullName); DatabaseHandler.Add(tournamentSummary); ++tournamentsFound; } IEnumerable <HandHistory> hands = factory.ParseHandHistories(file.FullName); float totalHands = (float)hands.Count(); int fileHands = 0; foreach (HandHistory hand in hands) { if (parsingWorker.CancellationPending) { break; } try { parsedHand = hand; string tournamentId = parsedHand.GameDescription.TournamentId; if (tournamentSummary != null) { parsedHand.GameDescription.TournamentSummary = tournamentSummary; } DatabaseHandler.Add(parsedHand); byteCount += parsedHand.FullHandHistoryText.Length; ++handsFound; ++fileHands; float progress = (int)((filesProcessed + fileHands / totalHands) * fileProgressInc); parsingWorker.ReportProgress((int)progress); } catch (MongoWriteException ex) { Console.Write("Failed"); } catch (HandParseException ex) { Console.Write("Parsing failed for: " + string.Concat(ex.HandText) + "\n"); } } if (parsingWorker.CancellationPending) { break; } ++filesProcessed; parsingWorker.ReportProgress((int)(filesProcessed * fileProgressInc)); } } parsingWorker.ReportProgress(100); }
public WinningPokerNetworkParserFactory(SiteDetails siteDetails) : base(siteDetails) { }
public void UpdateSite(SiteDetails Details) { CurrentRuntime.Globals["SiteDetails"] = Details; }
public MergeParserFactory(SiteDetails siteDetails) : base(siteDetails) { }
public void UpdateSite(SiteDetails Stats) { Runtime.SetValue("SiteDetails", Stats); }
public WinamaxParserFactory(SiteDetails siteDetails) : base(siteDetails) { }
protected HandHistoryParserFactory(SiteDetails siteDetails) { SiteDetails = siteDetails; }
private void GetSiteDetails() { try { int SiteId = 0; SiteId = Convert.ToInt32(SessionData.Config.SSiteID); if (Session["SiteDetails"] == null || (Session["SiteDetails"] != null && ((SiteDetails)Session["SiteDetails"]).SiteID != SiteId)) { //string Query = "select SiteId,SiteName,FolderPath from Sites where SiteId=" + SiteId + " and UserId=" + int.Parse(oUserData["UserId"].ToString()); string Query = "select S.SiteId,S.SiteName,S.FolderPath,S.FolderPathTool,S.FolderPathFinal,S.DefaultPage from Sites S" + " where S.SiteId=" + SiteId + " and S.UserId=" + "'" + QSVars["CDID"].ToString() + "'"; DataSet oDataSet = new DataSet(); SqlHelper.FillDataset(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["SoConn"].ToString(), CommandType.Text, Query, oDataSet, new string[] { "SiteDetails" }); oSiteDetails.SiteID = int.Parse(oDataSet.Tables["SiteDetails"].Rows[0]["SiteId"].ToString()); oSiteDetails.SiteName = oDataSet.Tables["SiteDetails"].Rows[0]["SiteName"].ToString(); oSiteDetails.FolderPath = oDataSet.Tables["SiteDetails"].Rows[0]["FolderPath"].ToString(); oSiteDetails.FolderPathTool = oDataSet.Tables["SiteDetails"].Rows[0]["FolderPathTool"].ToString(); //Added oSiteDetails.FolderPathFinal = oDataSet.Tables["SiteDetails"].Rows[0]["FolderPathFinal"].ToString(); //Added //oSiteDetails.CustomerName = oDataSet.Tables["SiteDetails"].Rows[0]["CustomerName"].ToString(); oSiteDetails.DefaultPage = oDataSet.Tables["SiteDetails"].Rows[0]["DefaultPage"].ToString(); //oSiteDetails.ToolCodePath = "./Sites/Tool/" + oSiteDetails.SiteID; //Added //oSiteDetails.FinalCodePath = "./Sites/Final/"+oSiteDetails.SiteID; //Added //string strFolderName = Server.MapPath("./Template/"); string[] PagesWithPath = Directory.GetFiles(Server.MapPath(oSiteDetails.FolderPathTool), "*.htm*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); List<string> listPages = new List<string>(); foreach (string PageWithPath in PagesWithPath) { //Path.GetFileName("D:\\WebHutNew\\WebHutNew\\SiteImages\\5\\about.html"); listPages.Add(Path.GetFileName(PageWithPath)); } oSiteDetails.Pages = listPages; Session["SiteDetails"] = oSiteDetails; } else { oSiteDetails = (SiteDetails)Session["SiteDetails"]; } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
public Poker888ParserFactory(SiteDetails details) : base(details) { }
public void UpdateSite(SiteDetails Stats) { Scope.SetVariable("SiteDetails", Stats); }
protected HandHistoryParserFactory(SiteName site) { SiteDetails = new SiteDetails(site); }