Esempio n. 1
        protected void btnSignInBand_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SiteDCDataContext _siteContext = new SiteDCDataContext();
            string            message      = "Band email and passwored do not match.";
            int    BandKey     = 0;
            string strBandName = "";

            //First: test the email is in data base
            bool blnNotEmailFlag = true;
            bool blnNoMatchFlag  = true;
            var  queryBnads      = from b in _siteContext.TBands
                                   select b;

            foreach (TBand bndBand in queryBnads)
                if (bndBand.strEmail == txtEmail.Text)
                    blnNotEmailFlag = false;
                    if (bndBand.strPassword == txtPassword.Text)
                        blnNoMatchFlag = false;
                        BandKey        = bndBand.intBandID;
                        strBandName    = bndBand.strBandName;


            if (blnNotEmailFlag == false && blnNoMatchFlag == false)
                if (BandKey > 0)
                    message = "Welcome back " + strBandName;

                    //TODO For now there is no home page
                    //Response.Redirect("/Admin/?pk=" + BandKey + "&message=" + Server.UrlEncode(message));

                    //So sending to modify product page
                    // Response.Redirect("/Admin/Products.aspx?&message=" + Server.UrlEncode(message));
                    if (DataHelper.ValidateUser(txtEmail.Text, txtPassword.Text))
                        //Response.Redirect("/Admin/Products.aspx?&message=" + Server.UrlEncode(message));
                        Response.Redirect("/Admin/Default.aspx?&message=" + Server.UrlEncode(message));
                    Response.Write("There was an error retrieving band information");
            else//If one of the flag is still true - there is a problem
                //Name used
Esempio n. 2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //A connection to the database to be used when geting or updatinh data            SiteDCDataContext _siteContext = new SiteDCDataContext();
            SiteDCDataContext _siteContext = new SiteDCDataContext();

            //A tool that we use to bild the html fof each data item comig in from the database
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            //int intProductId = 1;

            var queryProducts = from c in _siteContext.TProducts
                                // where c.intProductID == intProductId
                                select c;


            if (queryProducts.Count() > 0)
                int intCount = 1;
                sb.Append("<div class='column-left'><div class='col-md-12'><hr /></div></div>");

                foreach (TProduct prod in queryProducts)
                    sb.Append("<div class='column-left' style='padding-bottom: 10px;text-align:left;'>");

                    sb.Append("<div style='text-align:left;' class='row'>");
                    sb.Append("<div class='col-md-2'>");
                    if (prod.strImageLink != "" && intCount == 1)
                        sb.Append("<img src='../" + prod.strImageLink + "' class='img-responsive' style='display: block !important;margin-left: auto !important;margin-right: auto !important; '" + " />");
                    if (prod.strImageLink != "" && intCount != 1)
                        sb.Append("<img src='../" + prod.strImageLink + "' class='img-responsive''" + " />");

                    sb.Append("<div style='text-align:left;' class='col-md-6'>" + prod.strProductName + "</div>");
                    sb.Append("<div class='col-md-4'>");

                    sb.Append("<div class='row'><div class='col-md-12'><hr /></div></div>");
                    intCount += 1;
                sb.Append("<div class='row'><div class='col-md-12'>No products in this category are currently available.</div></div>");

            ltrProducts.Text = sb.ToString();
        protected void btnSignInCustomer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SiteDCDataContext _siteContext = new SiteDCDataContext();
            string            message      = "Customer email and password do not match.";
            string            cart         = Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["cart"]);
            int    CustomerKey             = 0;
            string strCustomerName         = "";

            //First: test the email is in data base
            bool blnNotEmailFlag = true;
            bool blnNoMatchFlag  = true;
            var  queryCustomers  = from c in _siteContext.TCustomers
                                   select c;

            foreach (TCustomer cstCustomer in queryCustomers)
                if (cstCustomer.strEmail == txtEmail.Text)
                    blnNotEmailFlag = false;
                    if (cstCustomer.strPassword == txtPassword.Text)
                        blnNoMatchFlag  = false;
                        CustomerKey     = cstCustomer.intCustomerID;
                        strCustomerName = cstCustomer.strLastName + cstCustomer.strLastName;


            if (blnNotEmailFlag == false && blnNoMatchFlag == false)
                if (CustomerKey > 0)
                    message = "Welcome back " + strCustomerName;

                    if (DataHelper.ValidateCustomer(txtEmail.Text, txtPassword.Text))
                        Response.Redirect("/Customer/Default?cart=" + Server.UrlEncode(cart), false);
                    Response.Write("There was an error retrieving customer information");
            else//If one of the flag is still true - there is a problem
                //Name used
Esempio n. 4
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //cart memory
            string cart = Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["cart"]);

            if (cart != "" && cart != null)
                hdnPassedCartItemsVariable.Value = cart;

            SiteDCDataContext _siteContent = new SiteDCDataContext();

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            var queryBandsProducts = (from b in _siteContent.TBands
                                      join p in _siteContent.TProducts
                                      on b.intBandID equals p.intBandID
                                      where _siteContent.TProducts.Any()
                                      orderby b.intBandID
                                      select b).Distinct();


            var queryBands = from b in _siteContent.TBands
                             orderby b.strBandName
                             select b;

            sb.Append("<div class='row'>");
            foreach (var item in queryBandsProducts)
                sb.Append("<div class='col-md-3'><a href='/Products/Product-Details/?cart=" + cart + "&ck=" + item.intBandID + "&ct=" + item.strBandName.Replace(" ", "-").Replace("&", "and") + "' title='" + item.strBandName + "'><div class='resource-box'>");

                // MDE - Placeholder until we setup band image (if we get to it)
                //string newFileDirectory = Request.PhysicalApplicationPath.ToString() + "Uploads\\Products\\category-" + item.ID + ".jpg";

                //if (File.Exists(newFileDirectory))
                //    sb.Append("<img src='/Uploads/Products/category-" + item.ID + ".jpg' class='img-responsive alt='" + item.MenuName + "' />");
                //    sb.Append("<img src='/Uploads/Products/box-na.jpg' class='img-responsive alt='" + item.MenuName + "' />");

                sb.Append("<strong>" + item.strBandName + "</strong></div></a></div></br>"); //added </br> so list runs down page.//EH 12.04.2019

            ltrBands.Text = sb.ToString();
Esempio n. 5
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            lblMessage.Text = Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["message"]);
            int intBandID = 0;

            if (HttpContext.Current.Session["UserDetails"] != null)
                UserDetails ud = HttpContext.Current.Session["UserDetails"] as UserDetails;

                intBandID = ud.UserKey;

            SiteDCDataContext _siteContent = new SiteDCDataContext();

            var queryProducts = from p in _siteContent.TProducts

                                orderby p.intProductID

                                where p.intBandID == intBandID &&
                                p.intIsDeleted == 0 || p.intIsDeleted == null
                                select p;


            StringBuilder tl = new StringBuilder();

            tl.Append("<table class='table table-condensed'>");
            tl.Append("<tr><th colspan='3' class='alignright'><strong><a style='font-size:18px;' href='/Admin/ModifyProduct.aspx'>add Product &nbsp; <i class='fa fa-plus fa-lg'></i></a></strong></th></tr>");

            if (queryProducts.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var item in queryProducts)
                    tl.Append("<tr><td><strong>" + item.strProductName + "</strong></td><td><strong>" + "</strong></td><td style='width: 300px;'><div class='pull-right'><strong><a href='/Admin/ModifyProduct.aspx?pk=" + item.intProductID + "'>Edit Product <i class='fa fa-pencil-square-o fa-lg'></i></a> &nbsp; | &nbsp; <a href ='/Admin/ModifyProduct.aspx?pk=" + item.intProductID + "&a=d' class='delete' data-confirm='Are you sure to delete this product?'>Delete Product <i class='fa fa-trash fa-lg'></i></a></strong></div></td></tr>");
                tl.Append("<tr><td colspan='3'>&nbsp;</td></tr>");
                tl.Append("<tr><td colspan='3'>No Content currently available.</td></tr>");


            lblProducts.Text = tl.ToString();
Esempio n. 6
        protected void btnUpdateCustomerAccount_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int intCustomer = 0;

            if (HttpContext.Current.Session["UserDetails"] != null)
                UserDetails ud = HttpContext.Current.Session["UserDetails"] as UserDetails;

                intCustomer = ud.UserKey;

            string message  = "";
            string strTitle = txtLastName.Text + txtFirstName.Text;

            SiteDCDataContext _siteContext = new SiteDCDataContext();

            if (intCustomer > 0)
                var queryCustomer = from c in _siteContext.TCustomers
                                    where c.intCustomerID == intCustomer
                                    select c;

                foreach (TCustomer cst in queryCustomer)
                    cst.strFirstName = txtFirstName.Text;
                    cst.strLastName  = txtLastName.Text;
                    cst.strPassword  = txtPassword.Text;
                    cst.strEmail     = txtEmail.Text;
                    cst.strPhone     = txtPhone.Text;
                    int intState = 1;
                    int intGeder = 1;
                    //MDE Added convert to int for ddlState
                    intState        = Convert.ToInt32(ddlState.SelectedValue);
                    intGeder        = Convert.ToInt32(ddlGender.SelectedValue);
                    cst.intStateID  = intState;
                    cst.intGenderID = intGeder;
                    cst.strCity     = txtCity.Text;
                    cst.strAddress  = txtAddress.Text;
                    cst.strZip      = txtZip.Text;


                message = strTitle + " account information has been updated.";

            Response.Redirect("/Customer/Default.aspx?&message=" + Server.UrlEncode(message));
Esempio n. 7
        public static UserDetails GetCustomerDetails(int UserKey)
            UserDetails       ud           = new UserDetails();
            SiteDCDataContext _siteContext = new SiteDCDataContext();

            var queryUsers = from u in _siteContext.TCustomers
                             orderby u.strLastName
                             where u.intCustomerID == UserKey
                             select u;

            foreach (TCustomer user in queryUsers)
                ud.UserKey     = user.intCustomerID;
                ud.isValidUser = true;
                ud.Username    = user.strEmail;
                ud.Name        = user.strLastName + user.strLastName;
                ud.IsBand      = false;

Esempio n. 8
        public static bool ValidateUser(string Username, string Password)
            SiteDCDataContext _siteContext = new SiteDCDataContext();
            bool validUser = false;

            var queryUsers = from u in _siteContext.TBands
                             where u.strEmail == Username && u.strPassword == Password
                             select u;

            if (queryUsers.Count() > 0)
                foreach (TBand user in queryUsers)

                    validUser = true;

Esempio n. 9
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                SiteDCDataContext _siteContext = new SiteDCDataContext();

                int intBandID = 0;
                if (HttpContext.Current.Session["UserDetails"] != null)
                    UserDetails ud = HttpContext.Current.Session["UserDetails"] as UserDetails;

                    intBandID = ud.UserKey;

                var queryBand = from b in _siteContext.TBands
                                where b.intBandID == intBandID
                                select b;

                foreach (TBand band in queryBand)
                    txtBandName.Text       = band.strBandName;
                    txtEmail.Text          = band.strEmail;
                    txtPassword.Text       = band.strPassword.ToString();
                    txtPhone.Text          = band.strPhone;
                    ddlState.SelectedValue = band.intStateID.ToString();
                    txtCity.Text           = band.strCity;
                    txtAddress.Text        = band.strAddress;
                    txtZip.Text            = band.strZip;
                    //ltrHeaderImagePath.Text = band.strHeaderImage;
                    ltrBackgroundImagePath.Text = band.strBackroundImage;
Esempio n. 10
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //cart memory
            string cart = Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["cart"]);

            if (cart != "" && cart != null)
                hdnPassedCartItemsVariable.Value = cart;

            SiteDCDataContext _siteContext = new SiteDCDataContext();
            StringBuilder     sb           = new StringBuilder();

            int CategoryKey = 0;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["ck"]))
                CategoryKey = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ck"]);

            if (CategoryKey != 0)
                var queryBand = (from b in _siteContext.TBands
                                 where b.intBandID == CategoryKey
                                 select b).First();

                StringBuilder sbimg = new StringBuilder();

                // MDE - Commented out custom band header image
                //foreach (var name in queryBands)
                //    ltrBandName.Text = name.strBandName;
                //    sbimg.Append("/" + name.strHeaderImage);

                //imgBand.ImageUrl = sbimg.ToString();

                var queryProducts = from p in _siteContext.TProducts
                                    where p.intBandID == CategoryKey && p.intIsDeleted == 0
                                    join tp in _siteContext.TTypes
                                    on p.intTypeID equals tp.intTypeID
                                    join tbp in _siteContext.TBaseTypes
                                    on tp.intBaseTypeID equals tbp.intBaseTypeID
                                    orderby tp.intBaseTypeID
                                    select new { p, tp, tbp };

                var queryBandsProducts = from b in _siteContext.TBands
                                         join p in _siteContext.TProducts
                                         on b.intBandID equals p.intBandID
                                         where p.intBandID == CategoryKey
                                         orderby p.intTypeID
                                         select new { b, p };


                string strBandName = "";
                //int intBandNameCount = 1;
                foreach (var item in queryBandsProducts)
                    strBandName = item.b.strBandName;

                    //if (intBandNameCount == 1)
                    //    sb.Append("<h1><strong>Home page for: </strong>" + strBandName + "</h1><h2>Products for Sale:" + "</h2>");
                    //intBandNameCount += 1;
                if (queryProducts.Count() > 0)
                    sb.Append("<div class='oneBandsProductPAGE'>");
                    sb.Append("<h1 class='ecBantTitle'>" + queryBand.strBandName + "</h1>");

                    if (queryBand.strBackroundImage != "")
                        sb.Append("<img class='OneBandOnly_BacroundImage' src='/" + queryBand.strBackroundImage + "'  >");

                    sb.Append("<div style='margin-top:75px;'>");
                    sb.Append("<div class='row'style='margin-left:40px;'>");

                    //sb.Append("<div class='row'><div class='col-md-12'><hr /></div></div>");
                    int intPreviousBaseType = queryProducts.First().tbp.intBaseTypeID;
                    int intCurrentBaseType  = queryProducts.First().tbp.intBaseTypeID;

                    foreach (var prod in queryProducts)
                        //Only products with image will be displayed in page to customer
                        if (prod.p.strImageLink == "" || prod.p.strImageLink == null)
                        intCurrentBaseType = prod.tbp.intBaseTypeID;
                        if (intCurrentBaseType != intPreviousBaseType)
                            intPreviousBaseType = intCurrentBaseType;

                            sb.Append("<div class='row'style='margin-left:40px;'>");
                        sb.Append(" <img style='display:inline; margin-right:100px;' title=' " + prod.p.strProductName + "' class='image-responsive saleImage' src='/" + prod.p.strImageLink + "' runat='server' onclick='addToCart(" + prod.p.intProductID + "," + prod.p.intTypeID + ",\"" + prod.p.strImageLink + "\"," + prod.p.decBandPrice + "," + 1 + ")'" + "/>");
                        sb.Append("<p style='display:inline; z-index:15; color:darkred;position:relative; top:90px; right:200px; background-color:white; font-weight:bold;'>$ ");
                    sb.Append("<div class='row'><div class='col-md-12'>No products for this band are currently available.</div></div>");

                ltrOneBandProducts.Text = sb.ToString();
                sb.Append("<div class='row'><div class='col-md-12'>Band key was not provided</div></div>");
Esempio n. 11
        protected void btnUpdateBandAccount_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int intBandID = 0;

            if (HttpContext.Current.Session["UserDetails"] != null)
                UserDetails ud = HttpContext.Current.Session["UserDetails"] as UserDetails;

                intBandID = ud.UserKey;

            string message  = "";
            string strTitle = txtBandName.Text;

            string sOldHeaderPath     = "";
            string sOldBackgroundPath = "";

            SiteDCDataContext _siteContext = new SiteDCDataContext();

            if (intBandID > 0) // Update the Product
                var queryBand = from b in _siteContext.TBands
                                where b.intBandID == intBandID
                                select b;

                foreach (TBand band in queryBand)
                    //todo  This is not getting the new information FROM the textboxes
                    // MDE - Fixed
                    band.strBandName = txtBandName.Text;
                    band.strEmail    = txtEmail.Text;
                    band.strPassword = txtPassword.Text;
                    band.strPhone    = txtPhone.Text;
                    int intState = 1;
                    //MDE Added convert to int for ddlState
                    intState        = Convert.ToInt32(ddlState.SelectedValue);
                    band.intStateID = intState;
                    band.strCity    = txtCity.Text;
                    band.strAddress = txtAddress.Text;
                    band.strZip     = txtZip.Text;

                    sOldBackgroundPath = band.strBackroundImage;

                    band.strHeaderImage    = sOldHeaderPath;
                    band.strBackroundImage = sOldBackgroundPath;


                message = strTitle + " account information has been updated.";

            string newFileDirectory = Request.PhysicalApplicationPath.ToString() + "Uploads\\Bands\\" + intBandID + "\\";

            //string newBandHeaderPath = "";

            if (!Directory.Exists(newFileDirectory))

            //if ((BandHeaderImage.HasFile) && (BandHeaderImage.PostedFile.ContentType.ToLower() == "image/jpeg"))
            //    if (sOldBackgroundPath.Length > 0)
            //    {

            //        string OldDocumentFilePath = Request.PhysicalApplicationPath.ToString() + sOldBackgroundPath.Replace("/", "\\");

            //        if (File.Exists(OldDocumentFilePath))
            //        {
            //            File.Delete(OldDocumentFilePath);
            //        }
            //    }

            //    if (sOldHeaderPath.Length > 0)
            //    {

            //        string OldDocumentFilePath2 = Request.PhysicalApplicationPath.ToString() + sOldHeaderPath.Replace("/", "\\");

            //        if (File.Exists(OldDocumentFilePath2))
            //        {
            //            File.Delete(OldDocumentFilePath2);
            //        }
            //    }

            //    string newFileName = BandHeaderImage.FileName;

            //    string newFilePath = newFileDirectory + newFileName;

            //    BandHeaderImage.PostedFile.SaveAs(newFilePath);

            //    newBandHeaderPath = "Uploads/Bands/" + intBandID + "/" + BandHeaderImage.FileName;


            //if (newBandHeaderPath.Length > 0)
            //    var queryBands = from b in _siteContext.TBands
            //                     where b.intBandID == intBandID
            //                     select b;

            //    foreach (TBand tband in queryBands)
            //    {
            //        tband.strHeaderImage = newBandHeaderPath;
            //    }

            //    _siteContext.SubmitChanges();

            string newBandBackgroundPath = "";

            if (!Directory.Exists(newFileDirectory))

            if ((BandBackgroundImage.HasFile) && (BandBackgroundImage.PostedFile.ContentType.ToLower() == "image/jpeg"))
                if (sOldBackgroundPath.Length > 0)
                    string OldDocumentFilePath = Request.PhysicalApplicationPath.ToString() + sOldBackgroundPath.Replace("/", "\\");

                    if (File.Exists(OldDocumentFilePath))

                string newFileName = BandBackgroundImage.FileName;

                string newFilePath = newFileDirectory + newFileName;


                newBandBackgroundPath = "Uploads/Bands/" + intBandID + "/" + BandBackgroundImage.FileName;
                newBandBackgroundPath = sOldBackgroundPath;

            if (newBandBackgroundPath.Length > 0)
                var queryBands = from b in _siteContext.TBands
                                 where b.intBandID == intBandID
                                 select b;

                foreach (TBand tband in queryBands)
                    tband.strBackroundImage = newBandBackgroundPath;


            Response.Redirect("/Admin/Default.aspx?&message=" + Server.UrlEncode(message));
Esempio n. 12
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                SiteDCDataContext _siteContext = new SiteDCDataContext();

                int intBandID = 0;
                if (HttpContext.Current.Session["UserDetails"] != null)
                    UserDetails ud = HttpContext.Current.Session["UserDetails"] as UserDetails;

                    intBandID = ud.UserKey;

                string Action   = Request.QueryString["a"];
                int    EventKey = 0;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["pk"]))
                    EventKey = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["pk"]);

                if (Action == "d")
                    if (EventKey > 0) // Delete a event.
                        var queryEvents = from ev in _siteContext.TEvents
                                          where ev.intEventID == EventKey && ev.intBandID == intBandID

                                          select ev;


                    Response.Redirect("/admin/events.aspx?message=" + Server.UrlEncode("Event has been deleted."));

                if (EventKey == 0)
                    btnUpdateProduct.Text = "Add";
                    FormHeader.Text       = "Add a Event";
                    btnUpdateProduct.Text = "Update";
                    FormHeader.Text       = "Update a Event";

                    var queryEvents = from ev in _siteContext.TEvents
                                      where ev.intEventID == EventKey && ev.intBandID == intBandID

                                      select ev;

                    foreach (TEvent events in queryEvents)
                        EventTitle.Text       = events.strEventName;
                        ltrImagePath.Text     = events.strImageUrl;
                        txtEventLocation.Text = events.strLocation;
                        txtPrice.Text         = events.decEntryPrice.ToString();
                        lblDate.Text          = events.dtmDate.ToString();
Esempio n. 13
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //lblMessage.Text = Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["message"]);
            int intBandID = 0;

            if (HttpContext.Current.Session["UserDetails"] != null)
                UserDetails ud = HttpContext.Current.Session["UserDetails"] as UserDetails;

                intBandID = ud.UserKey;

            SiteDCDataContext _siteContent = new SiteDCDataContext();
            StringBuilder     tl           = new StringBuilder();

            //Ceating- Report all sales string

            var queryAllSales = from s in _siteContent.VCustomersPurchases
                                orderby s.intCustomerPurchaseID
                                where s.intBandID == intBandID
                                select s;


            tl.Append("<div class='DivBorderTableWrappCustomer' style='margin-bottom:60px;'>");
            tl.Append("<table class='ReportTable'>");

            tl.Append("<tr class='reportTableHeader'>");

            tl.Append("<th class='tableDataHeaders'>#Sale</th>");
            tl.Append("<th class='tableDataHeaders'>Total</th>");
            tl.Append("<th class='tableDataHeaders'>Product</th>");
            tl.Append("<th class='tableDataHeaders'>Price</th>");
            tl.Append("<th class='tableDataHeaders'>#Units</th>");
            tl.Append("<th class='tableDataHeaders'>Product Total</th>");
            tl.Append("<th class='tableDataHeaders cusnameTHeader'>Last Name</th>");
            tl.Append("<th class='tableDataHeaders cusnameTHeader'>First Name</th>");
            tl.Append("<th class='tableDataHeaders'>Date</th>");



            if (queryAllSales.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var sale in queryAllSales)

                    tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnCustomer'>" + sale.intCustomerPurchaseID + " </td>");
                    tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnCustomer'>$" + sale.Purchase_Total + " </td>");

                    tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnCustomer  customerName'>" + sale.strProductName + " </td>");
                    tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnCustomer  customerName'>$" + sale.decMomentPurchaseUnitPrice + " </td>");
                    tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnCustomer  customerName'>" + sale.intProductPurchaseCount + " </td>");
                    tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnCustomer customerTotal'>$" + sale.decProductTotal + " </td>");
                    tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnCustomer'>" + sale.strLastName + " </td>");
                    tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnCustomer'>" + sale.strFirstName + " </td>");
                    tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnCustomer'>" + sale.dtmDateTime + " </td>");

                tl.Append("<tr><td colspan='9'>No Content currently available.</td></tr>");


            lblAllSales.Text = tl.ToString();
Esempio n. 14
        protected void btnUpdateProduct_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int intBandID = 0;

            if (HttpContext.Current.Session["UserDetails"] != null)
                UserDetails ud = HttpContext.Current.Session["UserDetails"] as UserDetails;

                intBandID = ud.UserKey;

            string message    = "";
            int    ProductKey = 0;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["pk"]))
                ProductKey = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["pk"]);

            string  strTitle        = ProductTitle.Text;
            int     intQuantity     = Int32.Parse(txtQuantity.Text);
            decimal decPrice        = Decimal.Parse(txtPrice.Text);
            decimal decBandPrice    = Decimal.Parse(txtPriceForBand.Text);
            string  sOldProductPath = "";

            // Get values of dropdowns and store in variable
            int intGender   = Convert.ToInt32(ddlGender.SelectedValue);
            int intColor    = Convert.ToInt32(ddlColor.SelectedValue);
            int intSize     = Convert.ToInt32(ddlSize.SelectedValue);
            int intBaseType = Convert.ToInt32(ddlProductBaseType.SelectedValue);

            SiteDCDataContext _siteContext = new SiteDCDataContext();

            if (ProductKey > 0) // Update the Product
                var queryProducts = from p in _siteContext.TProducts
                                    where p.intProductID == ProductKey && p.intBandID == intBandID
                                    select p;

                // MDE Join for getting types joined to products
                var queryProductsandTypes = from p in _siteContext.TProducts
                                            where p.intProductID == ProductKey && p.intBandID == intBandID
                                            join t in _siteContext.TTypes
                                            on p.intTypeID equals t.intTypeID
                                            select new { p, t };

                foreach (var prod in queryProductsandTypes)
                    prod.p.strProductName     = strTitle;
                    sOldProductPath           = prod.p.strImageLink;
                    prod.p.strImageLink       = sOldProductPath;
                    prod.p.decBandPrice       = decPrice;
                    prod.p.intAmountAvialable = intQuantity;
                    prod.p.decCostToBand      = decBandPrice;
                    prod.p.intBandID          = intBandID;
                    prod.p.intTypeID          = prod.t.intTypeID;
                    prod.p.intIsDeleted       = 0;

                    // update type table
                    prod.t.intGenderID   = intGender;
                    prod.t.intColorID    = intColor;
                    prod.t.intBaseTypeID = intBaseType;
                    prod.t.intSizeID     = intSize;


                message = strTitle + " has been updated.";
            else // Add a Product
                //add new entry to ttypes
                TType type = new TType();
                type.intBaseTypeID = intBaseType;
                type.intColorID    = intColor;
                type.intGenderID   = intGender;
                type.intSizeID     = intSize;
                type.strQrCode     = "";
                type.intIsDeleted  = 0;

                TProduct prod = new TProduct();

                prod.strProductName     = strTitle;
                prod.strImageLink       = "";
                prod.decBandPrice       = decPrice;
                prod.decCostToBand      = decBandPrice;
                prod.intAmountAvialable = intQuantity;
                prod.intIsDeleted       = 0;
                prod.intBandID          = intBandID;
                // Get the ID of the TType entry we just created
                prod.intTypeID    = type.intTypeID;
                prod.intSortLevel = 10;



                ProductKey = prod.intProductID;

                message = strTitle + " has been added.";
            string newFileDirectory = Request.PhysicalApplicationPath.ToString() + "Uploads\\Products\\" + ProductKey + "\\";
            string newProductPath   = "";

            if (!Directory.Exists(newFileDirectory))

            if ((ProductImage.HasFile) && (ProductImage.PostedFile.ContentType.ToLower() == "image/jpeg"))
                if (sOldProductPath.Length > 0)
                    string OldDocumentFilePath = Request.PhysicalApplicationPath.ToString() + sOldProductPath.Replace("/", "\\");

                    if (File.Exists(OldDocumentFilePath))
                string newFileName = ProductImage.FileName;

                string newFilePath = newFileDirectory + newFileName;


                newProductPath = "Uploads/Products/" + ProductKey + "/" + ProductImage.FileName;
                newProductPath = sOldProductPath;

            if (newProductPath.Length > 0)
                var queryProducts = from p in _siteContext.TProducts
                                    where p.intProductID == ProductKey
                                    select p;

                foreach (TProduct prod in queryProducts)
                    prod.strImageLink = newProductPath;


            Response.Redirect("/Admin/Products.aspx?message=" + Server.UrlEncode(message));
Esempio n. 15
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                SiteDCDataContext _siteContext = new SiteDCDataContext();

                int intBandID = 0;
                if (HttpContext.Current.Session["UserDetails"] != null)
                    UserDetails ud = HttpContext.Current.Session["UserDetails"] as UserDetails;

                    intBandID = ud.UserKey;

                string Action     = Request.QueryString["a"];
                int    ProductKey = 0;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["pk"]))
                    ProductKey = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["pk"]);

                if (Action == "d")
                    if (ProductKey > 0) // Delete a product.
                        var queryProducts = (from p in _siteContext.TProducts
                                             where p.intProductID == ProductKey

                                             select p).First();

                        queryProducts.intIsDeleted = 1;


                    Response.Redirect("/admin/products.aspx?message=" + Server.UrlEncode("Product has been deleted."));

                var queryProductsandTypes = from p in _siteContext.TProducts
                                            where p.intProductID == ProductKey && p.intBandID == intBandID
                                            join t in _siteContext.TTypes
                                            on p.intTypeID equals t.intTypeID
                                            orderby t.intBaseTypeID
                                            select new { p, t };

                //  Populate the Drop Down Box for basetype
                var queryProductTypes = from type in _siteContext.TBaseTypes
                                        where type.intIsDeleted == 0
                                        orderby type.intBaseTypeID
                                        select type;

                ddlProductBaseType.DataTextField  = "strBaseType";
                ddlProductBaseType.DataValueField = "intBaseTypeID";
                ddlProductBaseType.DataSource     = queryProductTypes;
                //ddlProductBaseType.SelectedIndex = queryProductsandTypes.First().t.intBaseTypeID-1;

                //  Populate the Drop Down Box for color
                var queryColors = from color in _siteContext.TColors
                                  where color.intIsDeleted == 0
                                  orderby color.intColorID
                                  select color;

                ddlColor.DataTextField  = "strColor";
                ddlColor.DataValueField = "intColorID";
                ddlColor.DataSource     = queryColors;
                //ddlColor.SelectedIndex = queryProductsandTypes.First().t.intColorID - 1;

                //  Populate the Drop Down Box for Size
                var querySize = from size in _siteContext.TSizes
                                where size.intIsDeleted == 0
                                orderby size.intSizeID
                                select size;

                ddlSize.DataTextField  = "strFullSize";
                ddlSize.DataValueField = "intSizeID";
                ddlSize.DataSource     = querySize;

                //  //  Populate the Drop Down Box for Gender
                var queryGender = from gender in _siteContext.TGenders
                                  where gender.intIsDeleted == 0
                                  orderby gender.intGenderID
                                  select gender;

                ddlGender.DataTextField  = "strGender";
                ddlGender.DataValueField = "intGenderID";
                ddlGender.DataSource     = queryGender;
                //ddlGender.SelectedIndex = queryProductsandTypes.First().t.intGenderID - 1;

                if (ProductKey == 0)
                    btnUpdateProduct.Text = "Add";
                    FormHeader.Text       = "Add a Product";
                    btnUpdateProduct.Text = "Update";
                    FormHeader.Text       = "Update a Product";

                    var queryProducts = from p in _siteContext.TProducts
                                        where p.intProductID == ProductKey && p.intBandID == intBandID
                                        select p;

                    //var queryType = from

                    foreach (var prod in queryProductsandTypes)
                        ProductTitle.Text = prod.p.strProductName;
                        ltrImagePath.Text = prod.p.strImageLink;

                        txtPrice.Text        = prod.p.decBandPrice.ToString();
                        txtPriceForBand.Text = prod.p.decCostToBand.ToString();
                        txtQuantity.Text     = prod.p.intAmountAvialable.ToString();

                        ddlColor.SelectedIndex           = prod.t.intColorID - 1;
                        ddlGender.SelectedIndex          = prod.t.intGenderID - 1;
                        ddlProductBaseType.SelectedIndex = prod.t.intBaseTypeID - 1;
                        ddlSize.SelectedIndex            = prod.t.intSizeID - 1;

                    //foreach (TProduct prod in queryProducts)
                    //    ProductTitle.Text = prod.strProductName;
                    //    ltrImagePath.Text = prod.strImageLink;

                    //    txtPrice.Text = prod.decBandPrice.ToString();
                    //    txtPriceForBand.Text = prod.decCostToBand.ToString();
                    //    txtQuantity.Text = prod.intAmountAvialable.ToString();
Esempio n. 16
        protected void LinkButtonPurchase_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string message        = "";
            string messageSold    = "";
            string messageNotSold = "";

            SiteDCDataContext _siteContext = new SiteDCDataContext();

            foreach (Hashtable htProd in productArrayList)
                if (htProd.ContainsKey("Id"))
                    if (htProd.ContainsKey("Amount"))
                        var queryProduct = (from c in _siteContext.TProducts
                                            where c.intProductID == Convert.ToInt32(htProd["Id"])
                                            select c).First();

                        var queryEvent = from ev in _siteContext.TEvents
                                         where ev.intBandID == intBandID &&
                                         ev.dtmDate == dtmTodayDate
                                         select ev;

                        //ben 12_9
                        //if (queryProduct != null && queryEvent != null)

                        if (queryProduct != null)
                            if (queryProduct.intAmountAvialable >= Convert.ToInt32(htProd["Amount"]))
                                //Removing amount from inventory
                                queryProduct.intAmountAvialable -= Convert.ToInt32(htProd["Amount"]);

                                if (queryEvent.Count() > 0)
                                    queryEvent.First().decEventSales += Convert.ToDecimal(htProd["Amount"]) * Convert.ToDecimal(htProd["Price"]);
                                //ben 12_9
                                ////Adding amount sold in this sale from booth to event sales
                                //queryEvent.decEventSales += Convert.ToDecimal(htProd["Amount"])* Convert.ToDecimal(htProd["Price"]);

                                messageSold += Convert.ToInt32(htProd["Amount"]) + " " + queryProduct.strProductName + " sold!.";

                            else //If not enough in inventory for product
                            {    //sellig all products accept the one which there is not have enough in inventory
                                messageNotSold += "We only have" + queryProduct.intAmountAvialable + queryProduct.strProductName + ".";
            message = "Purchase proccesed:" + messageSold + messageNotSold;

            Response.Redirect("/Admin/BoothSalePoint.aspx?message=" + Server.UrlEncode(message));

            //string strUrl = "../Admin/BoothSalePoint.aspx?message=Purchase complete.";
            //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "script", "alert ('Sale Complete')", true);
Esempio n. 17
        protected void btnSignUpBand_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SiteDCDataContext _siteContext = new SiteDCDataContext();

            //First: test the band name is not being used
            bool blnNameFlag = false;
            //test the custome eamil is not being used
            bool blnEmailFlag = false;
            var  queryBnads   = from b in _siteContext.TBands

                                select b;

            foreach (TBand bndBand in queryBnads)
                if (bndBand.strBandName == txtBandName.Text)
                    blnNameFlag = true;
                if (bndBand.strEmail == txtEmail.Text)
                    blnEmailFlag = true;

            if (blnNameFlag == true)
                //Name used
                Response.Write("The band name is already used.");
                Response.Write("<script>alert('The band name is already used.')</script>");
            else if (blnEmailFlag == true)
                //Name used
                //Response.Write("This email is already used.");
                // MDE - Trying javascript alert
                Response.Write("<script>alert('This email is already used.')</script>");
                string message = "";

                string strMusicLink = "";

                string strBandName = txtBandName.Text;
                string strPassword = txtPassword.Text;
                string strPhone    = txtPhone.Text;
                string strEmail    = txtEmail.Text;
                string strCity     = txtCity.Text;
                string strAddress  = txtAddress.Text;
                string strZip      = txtZip.Text;

                int intState = 1;
                //MDE Added convert to int for ddlState
                intState = Convert.ToInt32(ddlState.SelectedValue);

                TBand band = new TBand();

                band.strBandName  = strBandName;
                band.strPassword  = strPassword;
                band.strPhone     = strPhone;
                band.strEmail     = strEmail;
                band.intStateID   = intState;
                band.strCity      = strCity;
                band.strMusicLink = strMusicLink;
                band.strAddress   = strAddress;
                band.strZip       = strZip;
                string newBandBackgroundPath = "";

                band.strHeaderImage    = "";
                band.strBackroundImage = newBandBackgroundPath;
                band.strTeamPassword   = "";



                int BandKey = band.intBandID;

                string newFileDirectory = Request.PhysicalApplicationPath.ToString() + "Uploads\\Bands\\" + band.intBandID + "\\";
                //string newBandHeaderPath = "";

                if (!Directory.Exists(newFileDirectory))
                if ((BandBackgroundImage.HasFile) && (BandBackgroundImage.PostedFile.ContentType.ToLower() == "image/jpeg"))
                    string newFileName = BandBackgroundImage.FileName;

                    string newFilePath = newFileDirectory + newFileName;


                    newBandBackgroundPath  = "Uploads/Bands/" + BandKey + "/" + BandBackgroundImage.FileName;
                    band.strBackroundImage = newBandBackgroundPath;

                message = "Band " + band.strBandName + " has registered.";

                //string newFileDirectory = Request.PhysicalApplicationPath.ToString() + "Uploads\\Bands\\" + BandKey + "\\";
                //string newBandHeaderPath = "";

                //if (!Directory.Exists(newFileDirectory))
                //    Directory.CreateDirectory(newFileDirectory);

                //if ((BandHeaderImage.HasFile) && (BandHeaderImage.PostedFile.ContentType.ToLower() == "image/jpeg"))
                //    string newFileName = BandHeaderImage.FileName;

                //    string newFilePath = newFileDirectory + newFileName;

                //    BandHeaderImage.PostedFile.SaveAs(newFilePath);

                //    newBandHeaderPath = "Uploads/Bands/" + BandKey + "/" + BandHeaderImage.FileName;


                //if (newBandHeaderPath.Length > 0)
                //    var queryBands = from b in _siteContext.TBands
                //                        where b.intBandID == BandKey
                //                        select b;

                //    foreach (TBand tband in queryBands)
                //    {
                //        tband.strHeaderImage = newBandHeaderPath;
                //    }

                //    _siteContext.SubmitChanges();

                //string newBandBackgroundPath = "";

                //if (!Directory.Exists(newFileDirectory))
                //    Directory.CreateDirectory(newFileDirectory);

                //if ((BandHeaderImage.HasFile) && (BandHeaderImage.PostedFile.ContentType.ToLower() == "image/jpeg"))
                //    string newFileName = BandHeaderImage.FileName;

                //    string newFilePath = newFileDirectory + newFileName;

                //    BandHeaderImage.PostedFile.SaveAs(newFilePath);

                //    newBandBackgroundPath = "Uploads/Bands/" + BandKey + "/" + BandHeaderImage.FileName;


                //if (newBandBackgroundPath.Length > 0)
                //    var queryBands = from b in _siteContext.TBands
                //                     where b.intBandID == BandKey
                //                     select b;

                //    foreach (TBand tband in queryBands)
                //    {
                //        tband.strBackroundImage = newBandBackgroundPath;
                //    }

                //    _siteContext.SubmitChanges();

                //Response.Redirect("/Admin/Defaults.aspx?message=" + Server.UrlEncode(message));

                //MDE - changed redirect to the band login page
                Response.Redirect("/BandSignIn.aspx?message=" + Server.UrlEncode(message));
Esempio n. 18
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                SiteDCDataContext _siteContext = new SiteDCDataContext();

                int intCustomerID = 0;
                if (HttpContext.Current.Session["UserDetails"] != null)
                    UserDetails ud = HttpContext.Current.Session["UserDetails"] as UserDetails;

                    intCustomerID = ud.UserKey;

                var queryCustomer = from c in _siteContext.TCustomers
                                    where c.intCustomerID == intCustomerID
                                    select c;

                foreach (TCustomer custumer in queryCustomer)
                    txtFirstName.Text      = custumer.strFirstName;
                    txtLastName.Text       = custumer.strLastName;
                    txtPassword.Text       = custumer.strPassword.ToString();
                    txtPhone.Text          = custumer.strPhone;
                    txtEmail.Text          = custumer.strEmail;
                    ddlState.SelectedValue = custumer.intStateID.ToString();
                    txtCity.Text           = custumer.strCity;
                    txtAddress.Text        = custumer.strAddress;
                    txtZip.Text            = custumer.strZip;
                    ddlGender.Text         = custumer.intGenderID.ToString();

                //Building the customer orders string
                StringBuilder tl = new StringBuilder();

                var queryCustomerOrders = _siteContext.VCustomersPurchases
                                          .Where(x => x.intCustomerID == intCustomerID)
                                          .OrderBy(x => x.intCustomerPurchaseID)
                                          .GroupBy(x => new { x.intCustomerPurchaseID, x.strProductName, x.decMomentPurchaseUnitPrice, x.intProductPurchaseCount, x.decProductTotal, x.Purchase_Total, x.dtmDateTime })
                                          .Select(x => new { PurchaseId = x.Key.intCustomerPurchaseID, ProductName = x.Key.strProductName, Price = x.Key.decMomentPurchaseUnitPrice, Amount = x.Key.intProductPurchaseCount, ProductTotal = x.Key.decProductTotal, Total = x.Key.Purchase_Total, Date = x.Key.dtmDateTime })

                tl.Append("<div class='CustomerDivBorderTableWrapp'>");
                tl.Append("<table class='CustomerReportTable'>");
                tl.Append("<caption class='tableCaption'>Orders</caption >");
                tl.Append("<tr class='reportTableHeader'>");

                tl.Append("<th class='CustomerTableDataHeaders C_med'>#Purchase</th>");
                tl.Append("<th class='CustomerTableDataHeaders C_large'>Product Name</th>");
                tl.Append("<th class='CustomerTableDataHeaders C_med'>Price</th>");
                tl.Append("<th class='CustomerTableDataHeaders C_small'>#Units</th>");
                tl.Append("<th class='CustomerTableDataHeaders C_med'>Product Total</th>");
                tl.Append("<th class='CustomerTableDataHeaders C_med'>Purchase Total</th>");
                tl.Append("<th class='CustomerTableDataHeaders'>Date</th>");


                if (queryCustomerOrders.Count() > 0)
                    foreach (var order in queryCustomerOrders)
                        tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnCustomerGray'>" + order.PurchaseId + " </td>");
                        tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnCustomer productName'>" + order.ProductName + " </td>");
                        tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnCustomer'>$" + order.Price + " </td>");
                        tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnCustomer'>" + order.Amount + " </td>");
                        tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnCustomer productTotal'>$" + order.ProductTotal + " </td>");
                        tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnCustomerGray'>$" + order.Total + " </td>");
                        tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnCustomerGray'>" + order.Date.Month + "/" + order.Date.Day + "/" + order.Date.Year + " </td>");
                    tl.Append("<tr><td colspan='7'>No Content currently available.</td></tr>");


                lblCustomerOrders.Text = tl.ToString();

                //cart memory
                string cart = Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["cart"]);
                if (cart != "" && cart != null)
                    hdnPassedCartItemsVariable.Value = cart;
Esempio n. 19
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //cart memory
            string cart = Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["cart"]);

            if (cart != "" && cart != null)
                hdnPassedCartItemsVariable.Value = cart;

            SiteDCDataContext _siteContext = new SiteDCDataContext();
            StringBuilder     sb           = new StringBuilder();

            var queryProducts = from p in _siteContext.TProducts
                                select p;


            if (queryProducts.Count() > 0)
                int intCount = 1;
                // MDE this linq to sql query does a join - joining the intBandID from tables TBands and TProducts
                var queryBandsProducts = from b in _siteContext.TBands

                                         join p in _siteContext.TProducts

                                         on b.intBandID equals p.intBandID
                                         where p.intIsDeleted == 0
                                         orderby p.intBandID
                                         select new { b, p };

                if (queryBandsProducts.Count() > 0)
                    string strBandName             = "";
                    int    intBandID               = 1;
                    int    intPreviousBandID       = 1;
                    bool   blnFirstTimeThroughLoop = true;
                    bool   blnNewBandDetected      = false;

                    // This loop will loop through each product from the queryBands query we made
                    foreach (var item in queryBandsProducts)
                        //Only products with image will be displayed in page to user
                        if (item.p.strImageLink == "" || item.p.strImageLink == null)

                        // MDE - item.p refrers to the 'p' in the 'select new {b, p}' part of the linq query. p represents products
                        // we are setting the variable intBandID equal to the band ID of the item in the current loop
                        intBandID = item.p.intBandID;

                        // We are checking to see if a new bandID  has been detected by seeing if the Band ID of the current loop does NOT equal the BandID of the previous loop

                        if (intBandID != intPreviousBandID && blnFirstTimeThroughLoop == false)
                            blnNewBandDetected = true;
                            intCount           = 1;

                        if (blnNewBandDetected == true)

                        if (intCount > 4)

                        if (blnFirstTimeThroughLoop == true)
                            sb.Append("<div class='row ImageRow'>");

                            // MDE - Get the band name from the current loop
                            //strBandName = item.b.strBandName;

                            //sb.Append("<h1 class='ecBantTitle'> <strong>" + strBandName + " </strong></h1>");
                            strBandName = item.b.strBandName;

                            sb.Append("<h1 class='ecBantTitle'><a id='band" + intBandID + "' style='color:darkred;' href='/Products/Product-Details/?ck=" + item.b.intBandID + "'>" + strBandName + "</a></h1>");

                            //ben 12/4
                            if (item.b.strBackroundImage != "")
                                sb.Append("<img class='BacroundECommerceImages' src='..\\" + item.b.strBackroundImage + "'  >");

                        //Ben 12/4 changed
                        //if (intBandID != intPreviousBandID)
                        if (intBandID != intPreviousBandID && blnFirstTimeThroughLoop == false)
                            sb.Append("<div class='row ImageRow'>");

                            //// MDE - Get the band name from the current loop
                            strBandName = item.b.strBandName;
                            //// MDE - Show the band name and a header 'Products for Sale'
                            sb.Append("<h1 class='ecBantTitle'><a id='band" + intBandID + "' style='color:darkred;' href='/Products/Product-Details/?ck=" + item.b.intBandID + "'>" + strBandName + "</a></h1>");

                            if (item.b.strBackroundImage != "")
                                sb.Append("<img class='BacroundECommerceImages' src='..\\" + item.b.strBackroundImage + "'  >");

                        if (blnNewBandDetected == true)
                            blnNewBandDetected = false;
                        // MDE - Here is where the product details and image are displayed

                        if (item.p.strImageLink != "")
                            sb.Append("<div class='OneImage'>");

                            sb.Append(" <img style='display:inline;' title=' " + item.p.strProductName + "' class='image-responsive saleImage' src='../" + item.p.strImageLink + "' runat='server' onclick='addToCart(" + item.p.intProductID + "," + item.p.intTypeID + ",\"" + item.p.strImageLink + "\"," + item.p.decBandPrice + "," + 1 + ")'" + "/>");

                            sb.Append("<p> ");
                            // MDE - added line for prod title - and created class (css is in site.css, very bottom)
                            //sb.Append("<span >" + item.p.strProductName + ": </span> ");

                            sb.Append("$" + item.p.decBandPrice);


                        intCount += 1;
                        if (intCount > 4)

                        blnFirstTimeThroughLoop = false;
                        intPreviousBandID       = intBandID;

                sb.Append("<div class='row'><div class='col-md-12'>No products in this category are currently available.</div></div>");

            ltrProducts.Text = sb.ToString();

            // MDE  - check if querystring contains a message from sign in page - and then show it in a javascript alert box.
            string strMessage = "";

            if (Request.QueryString["message"] != null)

                strMessage = Request.QueryString["message"].ToString();

            if (strMessage != "")
                Response.Write("<script>alert('" + strMessage + "')</script>");
                //ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock((sender as Control), this.GetType(), "alert", strMessage, true);
Esempio n. 20
        protected void ButtonCustomerPurchase_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string            message        = "";
            string            messageSold    = "";
            string            messageNotSold = "";
            int               intLoopCount   = 0;
            SiteDCDataContext _siteContext   = new SiteDCDataContext();

            foreach (Hashtable htProd in productArrayList)
                if (htProd.ContainsKey("Id"))
                    if (htProd.ContainsKey("Amount"))
                        intLoopCount += 1;

                        var queryProduct = (from p in _siteContext.TProducts
                                            where p.intProductID == Convert.ToInt32(htProd["Id"])
                                            select p).First();

                        if (intLoopCount == 1)
                            var quryMaxPurchaseNumber = (from p in _siteContext.TCustomerPurchases
                                                         select p.intPurchaseNumber).Max();

                            intNewPurchaseNumber = quryMaxPurchaseNumber + 1;

                            //this is for the intire purchas with a total that represents the sum of all products available
                            TCustomerPurchase customerPurchase = new TCustomerPurchase();

                            customerPurchase.intCustomerID     = intCustomerID;
                            customerPurchase.intPurchaseNumber = intNewPurchaseNumber;

                            customerPurchase.decTotal = 0; //This will be added for each product
                                                           //indevedualy in case any product is not available

                            customerPurchase.dtmDateTime = dtmTodayDate;
                            //customerPurchase.intIsDeleted = 0;



                        if (queryProduct != null)
                            if (queryProduct.intAmountAvialable >= Convert.ToInt32(htProd["Amount"]))
                                var quryCretedCustomerPurchase = (from p in _siteContext.TCustomerPurchases
                                                                  where p.intCustomerID == intCustomerID &&
                                                                  p.intPurchaseNumber == intNewPurchaseNumber
                                                                  select p).First();

                                intNewCustomerPurchaseID = quryCretedCustomerPurchase.intCustomerPurchaseID;

                                //this is for one product in the purcahse
                                TCustomerPurchaseProduct customerPurchaseProduct = new TCustomerPurchaseProduct();

                                customerPurchaseProduct.intCustomerPurchaseID      = intNewCustomerPurchaseID;
                                customerPurchaseProduct.intProductID               = Convert.ToInt32(htProd["Id"]);
                                customerPurchaseProduct.decMomentPurchaseUnitPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(htProd["Price"]);
                                customerPurchaseProduct.intProductPurchaseCount    = Convert.ToInt32(htProd["Amount"]);
                                customerPurchaseProduct.decProductTotal            = customerPurchaseProduct.decMomentPurchaseUnitPrice * Convert.ToDecimal(customerPurchaseProduct.intProductPurchaseCount);
                                customerPurchaseProduct.strMomentPurchaseIMG       = Convert.ToString(htProd["Image"]);
                                customerPurchaseProduct.intIsDeleted               = 0;


                                //Removing amount from inventory
                                queryProduct.intAmountAvialable -= Convert.ToInt32(htProd["Amount"]);

                                //if (intLoopCount > 1)

                                quryCretedCustomerPurchase.decTotal += Convert.ToDecimal(htProd["Amount"]) * Convert.ToDecimal(htProd["Price"]);
                                //    //Adding amount sold in this sale to  TCustomerPurchase
                                //    customerPurchase.decTotal += Convert.ToDecimal(htProd["Amount"]) * Convert.ToDecimal(htProd["Price"]);


                                messageSold += Convert.ToInt32(htProd["Amount"]) + " " + queryProduct.strProductName + " sold!.";

                            else //If not enough in inventory for product
                            {    //sellig all products accept the one which there is not have enough in inventory
                                messageNotSold += "We only have" + queryProduct.intAmountAvialable + queryProduct.strProductName + ".";

            message = "Purchase proccesed:" + messageSold + messageNotSold;

            Response.Redirect("/Customer/Default.aspx?message=" + Server.UrlEncode(message));

            //string strUrl = "../Admin/BoothSalePoint.aspx?message=Purchase complete.";
            //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "script", "alert ('Sale Complete')", true);
Esempio n. 21
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //lblMessage.Text = Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["message"]);
            int intBandID = 0;

            if (HttpContext.Current.Session["UserDetails"] != null)
                UserDetails ud = HttpContext.Current.Session["UserDetails"] as UserDetails;

                intBandID = ud.UserKey;

            SiteDCDataContext _siteContent = new SiteDCDataContext();

            //Ceating- Report yearly string

            var querySalesByYear = _siteContent.VCustomersPurchases
                                   .Where(x => x.intBandID == intBandID)
                                   .OrderByDescending(x => x.dtmDateTime.Year)
                                   .GroupBy(x => x.dtmDateTime.Year)
                                   .Select(x => new{ Total = x.Sum(b => b.decProductTotal), Year = x.Key })

            StringBuilder tl = new StringBuilder();

            tl.Append("<div class='DivBorderTableWrapp'>");
            tl.Append("<table class='ReportTable'>");
            tl.Append("<tr class='reportTableHeader'><th colspan='2'>Year</th></tr>");

            if (querySalesByYear.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var saleYear in querySalesByYear)
                    tl.Append("<tr><td class='datecolumn'>" + saleYear.Year + " </td><td class='reportAmount'>    $" + saleYear.Total + "</td></tr>");
                tl.Append("<tr><td colspan='2'>No Content currently available.</td></tr>");


            lblSalesByYear.Text = tl.ToString();

            //Ceating- Monthly string
            var querySalesByMonth = _siteContent.VCustomersPurchases
                                    .Where(x => x.intBandID == intBandID)
                                    .OrderByDescending(x => x.dtmDateTime)
                                    .GroupBy(x => new { x.dtmDateTime.Year, x.dtmDateTime.Month })
                                    .Select(x => new { Total = x.Sum(b => b.decProductTotal), Year = x.Key.Year, Month = x.Key.Month })

            tl.Append("<div class='DivBorderTableWrapp'>");
            tl.Append("<table class='ReportTable'>");
            tl.Append("<tr class='reportTableHeader'><th colspan='2'>Month</th></tr>");

            if (querySalesByMonth.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var saleMonth in querySalesByMonth)
                    tl.Append("<tr><td class='datecolumn'>" + saleMonth.Year + "-" + saleMonth.Month + " </td><td class='reportAmount'>    $" + saleMonth.Total + "</td></tr>");
                tl.Append("<tr><td colspan='2'>No Content currently available.</td></tr>");


            lblSalesByMonth.Text = tl.ToString();
        protected void btnSignUpCustomer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SiteDCDataContext _siteContext = new SiteDCDataContext();

            //First: test the custome eamil is not being used
            bool blnEmailFlag   = false;
            var  queryCustomers = from c in _siteContext.TCustomers

                                  select c;

            foreach (TCustomer cstCustomer in queryCustomers)
                if (cstCustomer.strEmail == txtEmail.Text)
                    blnEmailFlag = true;

            if (blnEmailFlag == true)
                //Name used
                //Response.Write("This email is already used.");
                // MDE - Trying javascript alert
                Response.Write("<script>alert('This email is already used.')</script>");
                string message = "";

                string strFirstName = txtFirstName.Text;
                string strLastName  = txtLastName.Text;
                string strPassword  = txtPassword.Text;
                string strPhone     = txtPhone.Text;
                string strEmail     = txtEmail.Text;
                string strCity      = txtCity.Text;
                string strAddress   = txtAddress.Text;
                string strZip       = txtZip.Text;

                int intState = 1;
                //MDE Added convert to int for ddlState
                intState = Convert.ToInt32(ddlState.SelectedValue);
                int intGender = 1;

                //MDE added Convert to int for ddlGender
                intGender = Convert.ToInt32(ddlGender.SelectedValue);

                TCustomer customer = new TCustomer();

                customer.strFirstName = strFirstName;
                customer.strLastName  = strLastName;
                customer.strPassword  = strPassword;
                customer.strPhone     = strPhone;
                customer.strEmail     = strEmail;
                customer.strCity      = strCity;
                customer.strAddress   = strAddress;
                customer.strZip       = strZip;

                customer.intStateID  = intState;
                customer.intGenderID = intGender;



                int CustomeKey = customer.intCustomerID;

                // MDE added a space between first and last name
                message = "Customer " + customer.strFirstName + " " + customer.strLastName + " has registered.";

                //So sending to modify product page
                //Response.Redirect("/Default.aspx?&message=" + Server.UrlEncode(message));

                //MDE do the redirect, Show sucess message - code to show message is in default.aspx - it requests the querystring.

                Response.Redirect("/CustomerSignIn.aspx?message=" + Server.UrlEncode(message));
Esempio n. 23
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //lblMessage.Text = Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["message"]);
            int intBandID = 0;

            if (HttpContext.Current.Session["UserDetails"] != null)
                UserDetails ud = HttpContext.Current.Session["UserDetails"] as UserDetails;

                intBandID = ud.UserKey;

            SiteDCDataContext _siteContent = new SiteDCDataContext();

            //Ceating- Report by type string

            var querySalesByTypes = from sbc in _siteContent.VCustomersPurchases
                                    .Where(x => x.intBandID == intBandID)
                                    .GroupBy(x => new { x.strBaseType })
                                    .Select(x => new { Total = x.Sum(b => b.decProductTotal), Count = x.Sum(c => c.intProductPurchaseCount), x.Key.strBaseType })
                                    .OrderBy(x => x.strBaseType)
                                    select sbc;

            StringBuilder tl = new StringBuilder();

            tl.Append("<div class='DivBorderTableWrappProduct'>");
            tl.Append("<table class='ReportTable'>");
            tl.Append("<tr class='reportTableHeader'>");
            tl.Append("<th class='tableDataHeaders'>Type</th>");
            tl.Append("<th class='tableDataHeaders'>Total</th>");
            tl.Append("<th class='tableDataHeaders'>Av. Price</th>");
            tl.Append("<th class='tableDataHeaders'>#Units</th>");
            tl.Append("<th class='tableDataHeaders'>Selected</th>");

            int    intCount        = 0;
            string strFirsBaseType = "";

            if (querySalesByTypes.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var prod in querySalesByTypes)
                    intCount += 1;
                    string radioButtonId = "radio" + intCount.ToString();


                    tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnProduct productType '>" + prod.strBaseType + " </td>");
                    tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnProduct productTotal'>$" + prod.Total + " </td>");
                    tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnProduct productAvrege'>$" + Math.Round((prod.Total / prod.Count), 2) + " </td>");
                    tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnProduct productAmount'>" + prod.Count + " </td>");

                    if (hdnSelecteType.Value.ToString() == "")
                        if (intCount == 1)
                            tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnProduct TypeSelected'><input id='" + radioButtonId + "' onclick='radioOnClick(\"" + radioButtonId + "\",\"" + prod.strBaseType + "\")' type = 'radio' name = 'basetype' checked value = '" + prod.strBaseType + "'>" + prod.strBaseType + "</td>");
                            //tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnProduct productAmount'><asp:RadioButton ID=\"" + prod.strBaseType + "\"  runat = \"server\" GroupName = \"BaseType\" Text = \"" + prod.strBaseType + "\" OnClick=\"btnUpdateBandAccount_Click\"/></td>");
                            strFirsBaseType = prod.strBaseType;
                            tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnProduct TypeSelected'><input id='" + radioButtonId + "' onclick='radioOnClick(\"" + radioButtonId + "\",\"" + prod.strBaseType + "\")' type = 'radio' name = 'basetype' value = '" + prod.strBaseType + "'>" + prod.strBaseType + "</td>");
                            //tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnProduct productAmount'><asp:RadioButton ID=\"" + prod.strBaseType + "\"  runat = \"server\" GroupName = \"BaseType\" Text = \"" + prod.strBaseType + "\" OnClick=\"btnUpdateBandAccount_Click\"/></td>");
                        if (hdnSelecteType.Value.ToString() == prod.strBaseType)
                            tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnProduct TypeSelected'><input id='" + radioButtonId + "' onclick='radioOnClick(\"" + radioButtonId + "\",\"" + prod.strBaseType + "\")' type = 'radio' name = 'basetype' checked value = '" + prod.strBaseType + "'>" + prod.strBaseType + "</td>");
                            //tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnProduct productAmount'><asp:RadioButton ID=\"" + prod.strBaseType + "\"  runat = \"server\" GroupName = \"BaseType\" Text = \"" + prod.strBaseType + "\" OnClick=\"btnUpdateBandAccount_Click\"/></td>");
                            strFirsBaseType = prod.strBaseType;
                            tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnProduct TypeSelected'><input id='" + radioButtonId + "' onclick='radioOnClick(\"" + radioButtonId + "\",\"" + prod.strBaseType + "\")' type = 'radio' name = 'basetype' value = '" + prod.strBaseType + "'>" + prod.strBaseType + "</td>");
                            //tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnProduct productAmount'><asp:RadioButton ID=\"" + prod.strBaseType + "\"  runat = \"server\" GroupName = \"BaseType\" Text = \"" + prod.strBaseType + "\" OnClick=\"btnUpdateBandAccount_Click\"/></td>");

                tl.Append("<tr><td colspan='5'>No Content currently available.</td></tr>");


            lblSalesByTypes.Text = tl.ToString();

            if (hdnSelecteType.Value.ToString() == "")
Esempio n. 24
        protected void btnUpdateProduct_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int intBandID = 0;

            if (HttpContext.Current.Session["UserDetails"] != null)
                UserDetails ud = HttpContext.Current.Session["UserDetails"] as UserDetails;

                intBandID = ud.UserKey;

            string message  = "";
            int    EventKey = 0;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["pk"]))
                EventKey = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["pk"]);

            string   strTitle    = EventTitle.Text;
            string   strLocation = txtEventLocation.Text;
            DateTime dtmDate     = calEventDate.SelectedDate;

            decimal decPrice = Decimal.Parse(txtPrice.Text);

            string sOldProductPath = "";

            SiteDCDataContext _siteContext = new SiteDCDataContext();

            if (EventKey > 0) // Update the Product
                var queryEvents = from ev in _siteContext.TEvents
                                  where ev.intEventID == EventKey && ev.intBandID == intBandID

                                  select ev;

                foreach (var events in queryEvents)
                    events.strEventName  = strTitle;
                    sOldProductPath      = events.strImageUrl;
                    events.strImageUrl   = sOldProductPath;
                    events.decEntryPrice = decPrice;
                    events.dtmDate       = dtmDate;
                    events.strLocation   = strLocation;
                    events.intBandID     = intBandID;


                message = strTitle + " has been updated.";
            else // Add a Product
                TEvent events = new TEvent();

                events.strEventName  = strTitle;
                events.strImageUrl   = "";
                events.decEntryPrice = decPrice;
                events.dtmDate       = dtmDate;
                events.strLocation   = strLocation;
                events.intBandID     = intBandID;



                EventKey = events.intEventID;

                message = strTitle + " has been added.";
            string newFileDirectory = Request.PhysicalApplicationPath.ToString() + "Uploads\\Events\\" + EventKey + "\\";
            string newProductPath   = "";

            if (!Directory.Exists(newFileDirectory))

            if ((ProductImage.HasFile) && (ProductImage.PostedFile.ContentType.ToLower() == "image/jpeg"))
                if (sOldProductPath.Length > 0)
                    string OldDocumentFilePath = Request.PhysicalApplicationPath.ToString() + sOldProductPath.Replace("/", "\\");

                    if (File.Exists(OldDocumentFilePath))
                string newFileName = ProductImage.FileName;

                string newFilePath = newFileDirectory + newFileName;


                newProductPath = "Uploads/Events/" + EventKey + "/" + ProductImage.FileName;
                newProductPath = sOldProductPath;

            if (newProductPath.Length > 0)
                var queryEvents = from p in _siteContext.TEvents
                                  where p.intEventID == EventKey
                                  select p;

                foreach (TEvent events in queryEvents)
                    events.strImageUrl = newProductPath;


            Response.Redirect("/Admin/Events.aspx?message=" + Server.UrlEncode(message));
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //lblMessage.Text = Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["message"]);
            int intBandID = 0;

            if (HttpContext.Current.Session["UserDetails"] != null)
                UserDetails ud = HttpContext.Current.Session["UserDetails"] as UserDetails;

                intBandID = ud.UserKey;

            SiteDCDataContext _siteContent = new SiteDCDataContext();

            //Ceating- Report yearly string

            var querySalesByCustomer = from sbc in _siteContent.VCustomersPurchases
                                       .Where(x => x.intBandID == intBandID)
                                       .GroupBy(x => new { x.intCustomerID, x.strLastName, x.strFirstName, x.strStateName, x.strCity, x.strAddress, x.strEmail, x.strPhone })
                                       .Select(x => new { Total = x.Sum(b => b.decProductTotal), x.Key.intCustomerID, x.Key.strLastName, x.Key.strFirstName, x.Key.strStateName, x.Key.strCity, x.Key.strAddress, x.Key.strEmail, x.Key.strPhone, })
                                       .OrderByDescending(x => x.Total)
                                       select sbc;

            StringBuilder tl = new StringBuilder();

            tl.Append("<div class='DivBorderTableWrappCustomerLeft' style='margin-bottom:60px;'>");
            tl.Append("<table class='ReportTable'>");
            tl.Append("<caption style='color:darkblue; font-size:42px;'>Sales by Customer</caption>");

            tl.Append("<tr class='reportTableHeader'>");

            tl.Append("<th class='tableDataHeaders cusnameTHeader'>Last Name</th>");
            tl.Append("<th class='tableDataHeaders cusnameTHeader'>First Name</th>");
            tl.Append("<th class='tableDataHeaders'>Total</th>");
            tl.Append("<th class='tableDataHeaders'>State</th>");
            tl.Append("<th class='tableDataHeaders'>City</th>");
            tl.Append("<th class='tableDataHeaders'>Address</th>");
            tl.Append("<th class='tableDataHeaders'>Email</th>");
            tl.Append("<th class='tableDataHeaders'>Phone</th>");
            tl.Append("<th class='tableDataHeaders'>Selected</th>");



            int intCount      = 0;
            int intCustomerId = 0;

            if (querySalesByCustomer.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var cus in querySalesByCustomer)
                    intCount += 1;
                    string radioButtonId = "radio" + intCount.ToString();


                    tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnCustomer customerName'>" + cus.strLastName + " </td>");
                    tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnCustomer customerName'>" + cus.strFirstName + " </td>");
                    tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnCustomer customerTotal'>$" + cus.Total + " </td>");
                    tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnCustomer'>" + cus.strStateName + " </td>");
                    tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnCustomer'>" + cus.strCity + " </td>");
                    tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnCustomer cusAddress'>" + cus.strAddress + " </td>");
                    tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnCustomer'>" + cus.strEmail + " </td>");
                    tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnCustomer'>" + cus.strPhone + " </td>");

                    if (hdnSelectedCustomer.Value.ToString() == "")
                        if (intCount == 1)
                            tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnProduct TypeSelected'><input id='" + radioButtonId + "' onclick='radioOnClick(\"" + radioButtonId + "\",\"" + cus.intCustomerID + "\")' type = 'radio' name = 'customerID' checked value = '" + cus.intCustomerID + "'>" + cus.strLastName + "," + cus.strFirstName + "</td>");
                            intCustomerId = cus.intCustomerID;
                            tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnProduct TypeSelected'><input id='" + radioButtonId + "' onclick='radioOnClick(\"" + radioButtonId + "\",\"" + cus.intCustomerID + "\")' type = 'radio' name = 'customerID' value = '" + cus.intCustomerID + "'>" + cus.strLastName + "," + cus.strFirstName + "</td>");
                        if (hdnSelectedCustomer.Value.ToString() == cus.intCustomerID.ToString())
                            tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnProduct TypeSelected'><input id='" + radioButtonId + "' onclick='radioOnClick(\"" + radioButtonId + "\",\"" + cus.intCustomerID + "\")' type = 'radio' name = 'customerID' checked value = '" + cus.intCustomerID + "'>" + cus.strLastName + "," + cus.strFirstName + "</td>");
                            intCustomerId = cus.intCustomerID;
                            tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnProduct TypeSelected'><input id='" + radioButtonId + "' onclick='radioOnClick(\"" + radioButtonId + "\",\"" + cus.intCustomerID + "\")' type = 'radio' name = 'customerID' value = '" + cus.intCustomerID + "'>" + cus.strLastName + "," + cus.strFirstName + "</td>");

                tl.Append("<tr><td colspan='7'>No Content currently available.</td></tr>");


            lblSalesByCustomer.Text = tl.ToString();

            if (hdnSelectedCustomer.Value.ToString() == "")
Esempio n. 26
        //protected void btnUpdateBandAccount_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //    populateOneTypeTable(sender.ToString());

        protected void populateOneTypeTable(string strBaseType)
            //lblMessage.Text = Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["message"]);
            int intBandID = 0;

            if (HttpContext.Current.Session["UserDetails"] != null)
                UserDetails ud = HttpContext.Current.Session["UserDetails"] as UserDetails;

                intBandID = ud.UserKey;

            SiteDCDataContext _siteContent = new SiteDCDataContext();

            //Checking that basetype is in database
            bool blnFlagNoMatch = true;
            var  queryBaseTypes = from bt in _siteContent.TBaseTypes
                                  select bt;

            foreach (var bstp in queryBaseTypes)
                if (bstp.strBaseType == strBaseType)
                    blnFlagNoMatch = false;

            //Basetype is in database
            if (blnFlagNoMatch == false)
                var querySalesByProduct = from sbc in _siteContent.VCustomersPurchases
                                          .Where(x => x.intBandID == intBandID && x.strBaseType == strBaseType)
                                          .GroupBy(x => new { x.intProductID, x.strProductName, Average = (x.decProductTotal / x.intProductPurchaseCount), x.strImageLink })
                                          .Select(x => new { Total = x.Sum(b => b.decProductTotal), Count = x.Sum(c => c.intProductPurchaseCount), x.Key.strProductName, x.Key.strImageLink })
                                          select sbc;

                StringBuilder tl = new StringBuilder();
                tl.Append("<div class='DivBorderTableWrappProduct'>");
                tl.Append("<table class='ReportTable'>");
                tl.Append("<tr class='reportTableHeader'>");
                tl.Append("<th class='tableDataHeaders'>Product</th>");
                tl.Append("<th class='tableDataHeaders'>Total</th>");
                tl.Append("<th class='tableDataHeaders'>Price</th>");
                tl.Append("<th class='tableDataHeaders'>#Units</th>");
                tl.Append("<th class='tableDataHeaders'>Image Link</th>");

                int intCount = 0;
                if (querySalesByProduct.Count() > 0)
                    foreach (var prod in querySalesByProduct)
                        intCount += 1;

                        tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnProduct productType '>" + prod.strProductName + " </td>");
                        tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnProduct productTotal'>$" + prod.Total + " </td>");
                        tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnProduct productAvrege'>$" + Math.Round((prod.Total / prod.Count), 2) + " </td>");
                        tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnProduct productAmount'>" + prod.Count + " </td>");
                        tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnProduct'>" + prod.strImageLink + " </td>");
                        //if (intCount == 1)
                        //    tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnProduct TypeSelected'><input onclick='radioOnClick(\"" + prod.strBaseType + "\")' type = 'radio' name = 'basetype' checked value = '" + prod.strBaseType + "'>" + prod.strBaseType + "</td>");
                        //    //tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnProduct productAmount'><asp:RadioButton ID=\"" + prod.strBaseType + "\"  runat = \"server\" GroupName = \"BaseType\" Text = \"" + prod.strBaseType + "\" OnClick=\"btnUpdateBandAccount_Click\"/></td>");

                        //    tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnProduct TypeSelected'><input onclick='radioOnClick(\"" + prod.strBaseType + "\")' type = 'radio' name = 'basetype' value = '" + prod.strBaseType + "'>" + prod.strBaseType + "</td>");
                        //    //tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnProduct productAmount'><asp:RadioButton ID=\"" + prod.strBaseType + "\"  runat = \"server\" GroupName = \"BaseType\" Text = \"" + prod.strBaseType + "\" OnClick=\"btnUpdateBandAccount_Click\"/></td>");
                    tl.Append("<tr><td colspan='5'>No Content currently available.</td></tr>");


                lblProductSalesByType.Text = tl.ToString();
Esempio n. 27
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //lblMessage.Text = Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["message"]);
            int intBandID = 0;

            if (HttpContext.Current.Session["UserDetails"] != null)
                UserDetails ud = HttpContext.Current.Session["UserDetails"] as UserDetails;

                intBandID = ud.UserKey;

            SiteDCDataContext _siteContent = new SiteDCDataContext();

            // *added user entered low threshhold variable //EH 11.29.19
            int intQuantity = Convert.ToInt32(hdnThreshold.Value);

            if (intQuantity <= 0)
                intQuantity = 50;

            //Ceating- Low Inventory String
            var queryProducts = from p in _siteContent.TProducts

                                orderby p.intProductID
                                where p.intBandID == intBandID &&
                                p.intAmountAvialable <= intQuantity && p.intIsDeleted == 0
                                select p;


            StringBuilder tl = new StringBuilder();

            tl.Append("<div class='DivBorderTableWrapp'>");
            tl.Append("<tr class='bandHomeTableH'><th colspan='2'>Low Inventory</th></tr>");

            if (queryProducts.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var item in queryProducts)
                    tl.Append("<tr><td class='productLow'> <a href = '/Admin/ModifyProduct.aspx?pk=" + item.intProductID + "' >" + item.strProductName + "</a>" + " </td><td class='warning'>" + item.intAmountAvialable + "</td></tr>");
                tl.Append("<tr><td colspan='2'>&nbsp;</td></tr>");
                tl.Append("<tr><td colspan='2'>No Content currently available.</td></tr>");


            //based on  *added user entered low threshhold //EH 11.29.19
            tl.Append("<form action = '#' onsubmit = 'return inputOutfocus(this);'style='font-size:14px;'>");
            tl.Append("<label for='Threshold'>Threshold:</label>");
            tl.Append("<input type='text' id='Threshold' name='Threshold' runat='server' value='" + intQuantity.ToString() + "' onchange='changeNum()'/>");


            lblLowInventory.Text = tl.ToString();

            //Ceating- Sales String
            int intEventCount   = 0;
            var queryLastEvents = from E in _siteContent.TEvents

                                  orderby E.dtmDate descending
                                  where E.dtmDate <= DateTime.Now &&
                                  E.dtmDate.Year == DateTime.Now.Year &&    //This year only

                                  E.intBandID == intBandID
                                  select E;


            tl.Append("<div class='DivBorderTableWrapp'>");
            tl.Append("<tr class='bandHomeTableH'><th colspan='2'>Latest Sales</th></tr>");

            if (queryLastEvents.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var LastEvents in queryLastEvents)
                    intEventCount += 1;
                    if (intEventCount > 3)
                    tl.Append("<tr><td class='bandNaeSales'> <a href ='' >" + LastEvents.strEventName + "</a></td><td style='color:#7575a3'>$ " + Convert.ToInt32(LastEvents.decEventSales) + " </td></tr>");
                tl.Append("<tr><td colspan='2'>&nbsp;</td></tr>");

            int  intCostomerPurchaseCount   = 0;
            int  intCurrentPurchaseID       = 0;
            bool blnFirstLoop               = true;
            var  queryLastCustomerPurchases = from CP in _siteContent.VCustomersPurchases
                                              orderby CP.dtmDateTime descending
                                              where CP.intBandID == intBandID
                                              select CP;


            if (queryLastCustomerPurchases.Count() > 0)
                intCurrentPurchaseID = queryLastCustomerPurchases.First().intCustomerPurchaseID;

                foreach (var purc in queryLastCustomerPurchases)
                    if (blnFirstLoop == false)
                        if (intCurrentPurchaseID == purc.intCustomerPurchaseID)
                            intCurrentPurchaseID      = purc.intCustomerPurchaseID;
                            intCostomerPurchaseCount += 1;
                        blnFirstLoop              = false;
                        intCostomerPurchaseCount += 1;

                    if (intCostomerPurchaseCount > 3)

                    tl.Append("<tr><td class='bandNaeSales'> <a href ='' >" + purc.strLastName + ", " + purc.strFirstName + "</a></td><td style='color:#7575a3'>$ " + Convert.ToInt32(purc.Purchase_Total) + " </td></tr>");

                tl.Append("<tr><td colspan='2'>&nbsp;</td></tr>");

            if (queryLastCustomerPurchases.Count() <= 0 && queryLastEvents.Count() <= 0)
                tl.Append("<tr><td colspan='2'>No Content currently available.</td></tr>");


            lblSales.Text = tl.ToString();

            //Ceating- Reports String

            tl.Append("<div class='DivBorderTableWrapp'>");
            tl.Append("<tr class='bandHomeTableH'><th >Reports</th></tr>");

            tl.Append("<tr><td class='reports'> <a href ='/Admin/Reports/AllSales/' >All Sales</a></d></tr>");

            tl.Append("<tr><td class='reports'>&nbsp;</td></tr>");

            tl.Append("<tr><td class='reports'> <a href ='/Admin/Reports/SalesByCustomer/' >Sales by Customer</a></td></tr>");
            tl.Append("<tr><td class='reports'> <a href ='/Admin/Reports/SalesByProduct/' >Sales by Product</a></d></tr>");

            tl.Append("<tr><td class='reports'>&nbsp;</td></tr>");

            tl.Append("<tr><td class='reports'> <a href ='/Admin/Reports/ByYearMonth/' >By Year/Month</a></td></tr>");


            lblReports.Text = tl.ToString();

            //Ceating- Upcoming Events String

            var queryEvents = from E in _siteContent.TEvents

                              orderby E.dtmDate
                              where E.dtmDate >= DateTime.Now &&
                              E.intBandID == intBandID
                              select E;


            tl.Append("<div class='DivBorderTableWrapp'>");
            tl.Append("<tr class='bandHomeTableH'><th colspan='2'>Upcoming Events</th></tr>");

            if (queryEvents.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var Event in queryEvents)
                    tl.Append("<tr><td class='upcomming'> <a href ='' >" + Event.strEventName + "</a></td><td style='color:#7575a3'>" + Event.dtmDate.Month + "/" + Event.dtmDate.Day + " </td></tr>");
                tl.Append("<tr><td colspan='2'>&nbsp;</td></tr>");
                tl.Append("<tr><td colspan='2'>No Content currently available.</td></tr>");


            lblUpcoming.Text = tl.ToString();
Esempio n. 28
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int intBandID = 0;

            lblMessage.Text = Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["message"]);

            if (HttpContext.Current.Session["UserDetails"] != null)
                UserDetails ud = HttpContext.Current.Session["UserDetails"] as UserDetails;

                intBandID = ud.UserKey;

            string strMessage = "";

            if (Request.QueryString["message"] != null)

                strMessage = Request.QueryString["message"].ToString();

            if (strMessage != "")
                Response.Write("<script>alert('" + strMessage + "')</script>");

            //string strUrl = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;

            //int index1 = strUrl.LastIndexOf('/');

            //strUrl = strUrl.Substring(0, index1);
            //index1 += 1;
            //strUrl = strUrl.Substring(0, index1);

            //A connection to the database to be used when geting or updatinh data
            SiteDCDataContext _siteContext = new SiteDCDataContext();

            //A tool that we use to bild the html fof each data item comig in from the database
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            var queryProducts = from p in _siteContext.TProducts
                                where p.intBandID == intBandID && p.intIsDeleted == 0
                                join tp in _siteContext.TTypes
                                on p.intTypeID equals tp.intTypeID
                                join tbp in _siteContext.TBaseTypes
                                on tp.intBaseTypeID equals tbp.intBaseTypeID
                                orderby tp.intBaseTypeID
                                select new { p, tp, tbp };

            //get band object with ID for background images EH 12.11.2019
            var queryBand = (from b in _siteContext.TBands
                             where b.intBandID == intBandID
                             select b).First();


            if (queryProducts.Count() > 0)
                sb.Append("<div class='BoothProductPAGE'>");
                //sb.Append("<h1 class='ecBantTitle'>" + queryBand.strBandName + "</h1>");

                if (queryBand.strBackroundImage != "")
                    sb.Append("<img class='Booth_BackgroundImage' src='/" + queryBand.strBackroundImage + "'  >");

                sb.Append("<div style='margin-top:25px;'>");
                sb.Append("<div class='row'style='margin-left:40px;'>");

                //sb.Append("<div class='row'><div class='col-md-12'><hr /></div></div>");
                int intPreviousBaseType = queryProducts.First().tbp.intBaseTypeID;
                int intCurrentBaseType  = queryProducts.First().tbp.intBaseTypeID;

                foreach (var prod in queryProducts)
                    //Only products with image will be displayed in page to customer
                    if (prod.p.strImageLink == "" || prod.p.strImageLink == null)
                    intCurrentBaseType = prod.tbp.intBaseTypeID;
                    if (intCurrentBaseType != intPreviousBaseType)
                        intPreviousBaseType = intCurrentBaseType;

                        sb.Append("<div class='row'style='margin-left:40px;'>");
                    sb.Append(" <img style='display:inline; margin-right:100px;' title=' " + prod.p.strProductName + "' class='image-responsiveBooth saleImageBooth' src='/" + prod.p.strImageLink + "' runat='server' onclick='addToCart(" + prod.p.intProductID + "," + prod.p.intTypeID + ",\"" + prod.p.strImageLink + "\"," + prod.p.decBandPrice + "," + 1 + ")'" + "/>");
                    sb.Append("<p style='display:inline; z-index:15; color:darkred;position:relative; top:7px; right:200px; background-color:white; font-weight:bold;'>$ ");
                sb.Append("<div class='row'><div class='col-md-12'>No products for this band are currently available.</div></div>");

            ltrProducts.Text += sb.ToString();
        protected void populateOneCustomerPurchases(int intCustomerId)
            //lblMessage.Text = Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["message"]);
            int intBandID = 0;

            if (HttpContext.Current.Session["UserDetails"] != null)
                UserDetails ud = HttpContext.Current.Session["UserDetails"] as UserDetails;

                intBandID = ud.UserKey;

            SiteDCDataContext _siteContent = new SiteDCDataContext();

            //Checking that basetype is in database
            bool blnFlagNoMatch = true;
            var  queryuCustomer = from ct in _siteContent.TCustomers
                                  select ct;

            foreach (var c in queryuCustomer)
                if (c.intCustomerID == intCustomerId)
                    blnFlagNoMatch = false;

            //Basetype is in database
            if (blnFlagNoMatch == false)
                var queryCustomerPurchases = from cos in _siteContent.VCustomersPurchases
                                             orderby cos.intCustomerPurchaseID
                                             where cos.intBandID == intBandID &&
                                             cos.intCustomerID == intCustomerId
                                             select cos;

                StringBuilder tl = new StringBuilder();
                tl.Append("<div class='DivBorderTableWrappProduct'>");
                tl.Append("<table class='ReportTable'>");
                tl.Append("<caption style='color:darkblue; font-size:38px;'>" + queryCustomerPurchases.First().strLastName + "," + queryCustomerPurchases.First().strFirstName + "</caption>");
                tl.Append("<tr class='reportTableHeader'>");
                tl.Append("<th class='CustomerTableDataHeaders C_med'>#Purchase</th>");
                tl.Append("<th class='CustomerTableDataHeaders C_large'>Product Name</th>");
                tl.Append("<th class='CustomerTableDataHeaders C_med'>Price</th>");
                tl.Append("<th class='CustomerTableDataHeaders C_small'>#Units</th>");
                tl.Append("<th class='CustomerTableDataHeaders C_med'>Product Total</th>");
                tl.Append("<th class='CustomerTableDataHeaders C_med'>Purchase Total</th>");
                tl.Append("<th class='CustomerTableDataHeaders'>Date</th>");

                int intCount = 0;
                if (queryCustomerPurchases.Count() > 0)
                    foreach (var prod in queryCustomerPurchases)
                        intCount += 1;

                        tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnCustomerGray'>" + prod.intCustomerPurchaseID + " </td>");
                        tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnCustomer productName'>" + prod.strProductName + " </td>");
                        tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnCustomer'>$" + prod.decMomentPurchaseUnitPrice + " </td>");
                        tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnCustomer'>" + prod.intProductPurchaseCount + " </td>");
                        tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnCustomer productTotal'>$" + prod.decProductTotal + " </td>");
                        tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnCustomerGray'>$" + prod.Purchase_Total + " </td>");
                        tl.Append("<td class='datecolumnCustomerGray'>" + prod.dtmDateTime + " </td>");

                    tl.Append("<tr><td colspan='7'>No Content currently available.</td></tr>");


                lblSelectedCustomerPurchases.Text = tl.ToString();