Esempio n. 1
 private void Awake()
     if (singleton == null)
         singleton = this;
     else if (singleton != this)
Esempio n. 2
    public RectTransform root; // the root object, the container for all the images
    public Character(string _name, bool enableOnStart = true)
        CharacterManager cm     = CharacterManager.instance;
        GameObject       prefab = Resources.Load("Characters/Character[" + _name + "]") as GameObject; //to locate the ccharacters' files and as a GameObject rather than a normal object
        GameObject       ob     = GameObject.Instantiate(prefab, cm.characterPanel);                   //to respawn the characters into the scene. it is better than having invoke because you can control this easier

        root          = ob.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
        characterName = _name;

        renderers.singleLayerImage = ob.GetComponentInChildren <RawImage>();
        if (isMultiLayerCharacter)
            renderers.cuerpoRenderer    = ob.transform.Find("cuerpoLayer").GetComponent <Image>(); //to get the expresions
            renderers.expresionRenderer = ob.transform.Find("expresionLayer").GetComponent <Image>();

        dialogue = SistemaDeDialogo.instance; //since this class is not a MonoBehavior, it is needed to store a reference point using this
        enabled  = enableOnStart;
Esempio n. 3
    public ELEMENTS elements;                //we use the same name as the class, so we can call it over by using its constructor and also know that this store a point of reference in that clas

    void Awake()
        instance = this; //this assure that this variable will be only use in this scene. I learned this keywork on Javascript