public void SirenEntity_Equality_MissingAttributes_ShouldNotBeEqual() { ISirenEntity entity = TestHelpers.GetEntity(); ISirenEntity other = new SirenEntity(); TestHelpers.BidirectionalEquality(entity, other, false); }
public void SirenEntity_Serialize_ExcludesRelClassEntitiesLinksAndActionsIfEmpty() { ISirenEntity entity = new SirenEntity( @class: new[] { "foo" }, rel: new[] { "bar" }, entities: new[] { new SirenEntity() }, links: new[] { new SirenLink(rel: new[] { "self" }, href: new Uri(""), @class: new[] { "class" }) }, actions: new[] { new SirenAction(name: "action-name", href: new Uri(""), @class: new[] { "class" }) } ); string serialized = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(entity); Assert.GreaterOrEqual(serialized.IndexOf("rel", StringComparison.Ordinal), -1); Assert.GreaterOrEqual(serialized.IndexOf("class", StringComparison.Ordinal), -1); Assert.GreaterOrEqual(serialized.IndexOf("entities", StringComparison.Ordinal), -1); Assert.GreaterOrEqual(serialized.IndexOf("links", StringComparison.Ordinal), -1); Assert.GreaterOrEqual(serialized.IndexOf("actions", StringComparison.Ordinal), -1); entity = new SirenEntity(); serialized = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(entity); Assert.AreEqual(-1, serialized.IndexOf("rel", StringComparison.Ordinal)); Assert.AreEqual(-1, serialized.IndexOf("class", StringComparison.Ordinal)); Assert.AreEqual(-1, serialized.IndexOf("entities", StringComparison.Ordinal)); Assert.AreEqual(-1, serialized.IndexOf("links", StringComparison.Ordinal)); Assert.AreEqual(-1, serialized.IndexOf("actions", StringComparison.Ordinal)); }
public void SirenEntity_DeserializesCorrectly() { ISirenEntity sirenEntity = new SirenEntity( properties: new { foo = "bar" }, links: new[] { new SirenLink(rel: new[] { "self" }, href: new Uri(""), @class: new[] { "class" }) }, rel: new[] { "organization" }, @class: new[] { "some-class" }, entities: new[] { new SirenEntity() }, actions: new[] { new SirenAction(name: "action-name", href: new Uri(""), @class: new[] { "class" }) }, title: "Entity title", href: new Uri(""), type: "text/html" ); string serialized = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(sirenEntity); ISirenEntity entity = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SirenEntity>(serialized); Assert.AreEqual("bar", (string); Assert.AreEqual(1, entity.Links.ToList().Count); Assert.Contains("organization", entity.Rel); Assert.Contains("some-class", entity.Class); Assert.AreEqual(1, entity.Entities.ToList().Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, entity.Actions.ToList().Count); Assert.AreEqual("Entity title", entity.Title); Assert.AreEqual("", entity.Href.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual("text/html", entity.Type); }
public static ISirenEntity GetEntity(string title = "title") { ISirenEntity entity = new SirenEntity( title: title, rel: new[] { "rel" }, @class: new[] { "class" }, properties: new { foo = "bar" }, href: new Uri(""), type: "text/html", links: new[] { new SirenLink(rel: new[] { "self" }, href: new Uri(""), @class: new [] { "class" }, type: "text/html", title: "link1"), new SirenLink(rel: new[] { "next" }, href: new Uri(""), @class: new [] { "class" }, type: "text/html", title: "link2"), new SirenLink(rel: new[] { "next" }, href: new Uri(""), @class: new [] { "not-class" }, type: "text/html", title: "link3") }, actions: new[] { new SirenAction(name: "action1", href: new Uri(""), @class: new[] { "class" }), new SirenAction(name: "action2", href: new Uri(""), @class: new[] { "class" }), new SirenAction(name: "action3", href: new Uri(""), @class: new[] { "not-class" }) }, entities: new[] { new SirenEntity(rel: new [] { "child" }, @class: new [] { "class" }, type: "text/html", title: "entity1"), new SirenEntity(rel: new [] { "child" }, @class: new [] { "class" }, type: "text/html", title: "entity2"), new SirenEntity(rel: new [] { "not-child" }, @class: new [] { "class" }, type: "text/xml", title: "entity3") } ); return(entity); }
public void Unparsing_only_links() { // Arrange var doc = new SirenEntity(); doc.Links.Add(new Link("https://localhost/test", new[] { "self", "previous" })); doc.Links.Add(new Link("https://localhost/test2", new[] { "next" }) { Title = "testtitle", Type = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json") }); // Act var jobj = SirenJson.Unparse(doc); // Assert Assert.NotNull(jobj); var links = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <JArray>(jobj[SirenJson.LINKS]); var link0 = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <JObject>(links.Single(x => x[SirenJson.HREF].ToString() == "https://localhost/test")); var link0rels = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <JArray>(link0[SirenJson.RELS]); Assert.Contains("self", link0rels); Assert.Contains("previous", link0rels); var link1 = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <JObject>(links.Single(x => x[SirenJson.HREF].ToString() == "https://localhost/test2")); var link1rels = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <JArray>(link1[SirenJson.RELS]); Assert.Equal("next", link1rels.Single()); Assert.Equal("testtitle", link1[SirenJson.TITLE]); Assert.Equal("application/json", link1[SirenJson.TYPE]); }
public void Unparsing_only_actions() { // Arrange var doc = new SirenEntity(); doc.Actions.Add( new Action("action1", "https://localhost/testaction") { Classes = new[] { "actionclass" }, Fields = new[] { new Field("field1") { Type = FieldType.Button, Value = "value" } }, Method = new HttpMethod("TEST"), Title = "actiontitle", Type = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json") } ); doc.Actions.Add( new Action("action2", "https://localhost/testaction2") ); // Act var jobj = SirenJson.Unparse(doc); // Assert Assert.NotNull(jobj); var actions = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <JArray>(jobj[SirenJson.ACTIONS]); var action1 = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <JObject>(actions.Single(x => x[SirenJson.NAME].ToString() == "action1")); Assert.Equal("https://localhost/testaction", action1[SirenJson.HREF]); var action1classes = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <JArray>(action1[SirenJson.CLASSES]); Assert.Equal("actionclass", action1classes.Single()); Assert.Equal("TEST", action1[SirenJson.METHOD]); Assert.Equal("actiontitle", action1[SirenJson.TITLE]); Assert.Equal("application/json", action1[SirenJson.TYPE]); var fields = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <JArray>(action1[SirenJson.FIELDS]); var field = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <JObject>(fields[0]); Assert.Equal("field1", field[SirenJson.NAME]); Assert.Equal("button", field[SirenJson.TYPE]); Assert.Equal("value", field[SirenJson.VALUE]); var action2 = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <JObject>(actions.Single(x => x[SirenJson.NAME].ToString() == "action2")); Assert.Equal("https://localhost/testaction2", action2[SirenJson.HREF]); Assert.Null(action2[SirenJson.METHOD]); Assert.Null(action2[SirenJson.CLASSES]); Assert.Null(action2[SirenJson.TITLE]); Assert.Null(action2[SirenJson.TYPE]); Assert.Null(action2[SirenJson.FIELDS]); }
public void MatchingHelpers_ThrowsWhenGivenProperties() { ISirenEntity expected = new SirenEntity( properties: new { foo = "bar" } ); ISirenEntity actual = expected; Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => SirenMatchers.Matches(expected, actual, out string _)); }
public void Unparsing_the_empty_entity() { // Arrange var emptyDoc = new SirenEntity(); // Act var jobj = SirenJson.Unparse(emptyDoc); // Assert Assert.NotNull(jobj); Assert.Empty(jobj); }
public static SirenEntity Get(Order order, string siteBase) { var resourceUrl = new Uri(new Uri(siteBase), $"order/{order.OrderNumber}"); var links = new List <Link>() { new Link() { Href = $"{resourceUrl}", Rel = new[] { "self" } } }; var actions = new List <ApiEntity.Action>(); if (order.Status == Order.State.Active) { actions.Add(new ApiEntity.Action() { Name = "cancel-order", HRef = $"{resourceUrl}/cancellation", Method = "POST" }); } if (order.Status == Order.State.Cancelled) { actions.Add(new ApiEntity.Action() { Name = "activate-order", HRef = $"{resourceUrl}/activation", Method = "POST" }); } var orderProperties = new OrderSirenProperties() { Description = order.Description, Id = order.OrderNumber, Status = GetStatus(order.Status), Lines = order.Lines.Select(GetLine).ToList() }; var result = new SirenEntity() { Class = new List <string>() { "order" }, Links = links, Actions = actions, Properties = orderProperties }; return(result); }
public void Unparsing_an_entity_title() { // Arrange var doc = new SirenEntity(); doc.Title = "testtitle"; // Act var jobj = SirenJson.Unparse(doc); // Assert Assert.NotNull(jobj); Assert.Equal("testtitle", jobj[SirenJson.TITLE]); }
public void SirenEntity_Serialized_DoesNotIncludeOptionalParametersIfNull() { ISirenEntity sirenEntity = new SirenEntity(); string serialized = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(sirenEntity); ISirenEntity entity = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SirenEntity>(serialized); Assert.IsEmpty(entity.Class); Assert.IsNull(entity.Properties); Assert.IsEmpty(entity.Entities); Assert.IsEmpty(entity.Links); Assert.IsEmpty(entity.Actions); Assert.IsNull(entity.Title); Assert.IsEmpty(entity.Rel); Assert.IsNull(entity.Href); Assert.IsNull(entity.Type); }
public SirenEntity Build() { SirenEntity entity = new SirenEntity() { Class = _class?.ToArray(), Properties = _properties?.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value), Entities = _subEntityBuilders?.Select(x => x.Build()).ToArray(), Links = _linkBuilders?.Select(x => x.Build()).ToArray(), Actions = _actionBuilders?.Select(x => x.Build()).ToArray(), Title = _title }; if (entity.Actions != null && new HashSet <string>(entity.Actions.Select(x => x.Name)).Count != entity.Actions.Count) { throw new ArgumentException("Action names MUST be unique within the set of actions for an entity."); } return(entity); }
public void Unparse_only_classes() { // Arrange var doc = new SirenEntity(); doc.Classes.Add("person"); doc.Classes.Add("programmer"); // Act var jobj = SirenJson.Unparse(doc); // Assert Assert.NotNull(jobj); var classes = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <JArray>(jobj[SirenJson.CLASSES]); Assert.Equal(2, classes.Count); Assert.Contains("person", classes); Assert.Contains("programmer", classes); }
public void Unparsing_only_entities() { // Arrange var doc = new SirenEntity(); doc.EmbeddedLinks.Add(new EmbeddedLink("https://localhost/testchild", new[] { "child" })); doc.EmbeddedRepresentations.Add( new EmbeddedRepresentation(new[] { "child2" }) { EmbeddedRepresentations = new[] { new EmbeddedRepresentation(new [] { "grandchild" }) } } ); // Act var jobj = SirenJson.Unparse(doc); // Assert Assert.NotNull(jobj); var entities = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <JArray>(jobj[SirenJson.ENTITIES]); var link0 = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <JObject>(entities.Single(x => (x[SirenJson.HREF] ?? "").ToString() == "https://localhost/testchild")); var link0rels = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <JArray>(link0[SirenJson.RELS]); Assert.Equal("child", link0rels.Single()); var rep1 = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <JObject>(entities.Single(x => x[SirenJson.HREF] == null)); var rep1rels = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <JArray>(rep1[SirenJson.RELS]); Assert.Equal("child2", rep1rels.Single()); var rep2 = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <JObject>(rep1[SirenJson.ENTITIES][0]); var rep2rels = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <JArray>(rep2[SirenJson.RELS]); Assert.Equal("grandchild", rep2rels.Single()); }
private ISirenEntity GetEntity() { ISirenEntity entity = new SirenEntity( rel: new [] { "rel" }, @class: new [] { "class" }, links: new [] { new SirenLink(rel: new[] { "self" }, href: new Uri(""), @class: new [] { "class" }, type: "text/html", title: "link1"), new SirenLink(rel: new[] { "next" }, href: new Uri(""), @class: new [] { "class" }, type: "text/html", title: "link2"), new SirenLink(rel: new[] { "next" }, href: new Uri(""), @class: new [] { "not-class" }, type: "text/html", title: "link3") }, actions: new [] { new SirenAction(name: "action1", href: new Uri(""), @class: new[] { "class" }), new SirenAction(name: "action2", href: new Uri(""), @class: new[] { "class" }), new SirenAction(name: "action3", href: new Uri(""), @class: new[] { "not-class" }) }, entities: new [] { new SirenEntity(rel: new [] { "child" }, @class: new [] { "class" }, type: "text/html", title: "entity1"), new SirenEntity(rel: new [] { "child" }, @class: new [] { "class" }, type: "text/html", title: "entity2"), new SirenEntity(rel: new [] { "not-child" }, @class: new [] { "class" }, type: "text/xml", title: "entity3") } ); return(entity); }
public void Unparsing_only_properties() { // Arrange var doc = new SirenEntity(); doc.Properties.Add("prop1", "value1"); doc.Properties.Add("prop_arr", new[] { 42 }); // Act var jobj = SirenJson.Unparse(doc); // Assert Assert.NotNull(jobj); var properties = jobj[SirenJson.PROPERTIES]; Assert.NotNull(properties); Assert.Equal("value1", properties["prop1"]); Assert.IsAssignableFrom <JArray>(properties["prop_arr"]); Assert.Equal(42, properties["prop_arr"][0]); Assert.Null(jobj[SirenJson.LINKS]); Assert.Null(jobj[SirenJson.ENTITIES]); Assert.Null(jobj[SirenJson.CLASSES]); Assert.Null(jobj[SirenJson.TITLE]); }