internal void MaxY_ReturnsExpectedResult()
            // Arrange
            var function = SingletonFunction.Create(1);

            // Act
            var result = function.MaxY;

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(UnitInterval.One(), result);
        internal void UpperBound_ReturnsExpectedResult()
            // Arrange
            var function = SingletonFunction.Create(1);

            // Act
            var result = function.UpperBound;

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(1, result);
        internal void GetMembership_VariousInputs_ReturnsExpectedResult(double x, double input, double expected)
            // Arrange
            var function = SingletonFunction.Create(x);

            // Act
            var result = function.GetMembership(input);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(UnitInterval.Create(expected), result);
Esempio n. 4
        private CustomResource CreateGrpcTargetGroup(Vpc vpc, Dictionary <string, object> properties)
            // CustomResource Lambda for TargetGroup support ProtocolVersion Grpc
            var targetGroupEventHandler = new SingletonFunction(this, "grpc-targetgroup", new SingletonFunctionProps
                Uuid = "4ddd3cf8-0a1b-43ee-994e-c15a2ffe1bd2",
                Code = Code.FromAsset(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "lambda"), new Amazon.CDK.AWS.S3.Assets.AssetOptions
                    AssetHashType = AssetHashType.OUTPUT,
                    Bundling      = new BundlingOptions
                        Image   = Runtime.NODEJS_12_X.BundlingDockerImage,
                        User    = "******",
                        Command = new[]
                            string.Join(" && ", new []
                                "cp -au src package.json yarn.lock /tmp",
                                "cd /tmp",
                                "npm install --global yarn",
                                "yarn install",
                                "yarn -s esbuild src/lambda/target-group.ts --bundle --platform=node --target=node12 --outfile=/asset-output/index.js",
                Runtime       = Runtime.NODEJS_12_X,
                Handler       = "index.handler",
                MemorySize    = 512,
                Timeout       = Duration.Minutes(10),
                InitialPolicy = new[] { new PolicyStatement(new PolicyStatementProps
                        Actions   = new [] { "elasticloadbalancing:*" },
                        Resources = new [] { "*" },
                    }) },
            var provider = new Provider(this, "customProvider", new ProviderProps
                OnEventHandler = targetGroupEventHandler,
            var grpcTargetGroupResource = new CustomResource(this, "grpc-target-group-lambda", new CustomResourceProps
                ServiceToken = provider.ServiceToken,
                Properties   = properties,

Esempio n. 5
        internal void FuzzySetCollection_WhenUpperBoundLessThanHighestBoundOfFunctions_Throws()
            // Arrange
            var fuzzySet1 = new FuzzySet("set1", TrapezoidalFunction.Create(1, 2, 3, 4));
            var fuzzySet2 = new FuzzySet("set1", SingletonFunction.Create(1));

            var fuzzySetCollection = new List <FuzzySet> {
                fuzzySet1, fuzzySet2

            // Act
            // Assert
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => new LinguisticVariable("test", fuzzySetCollection, 1, 3));
Esempio n. 6
        internal void FuzzySetCollection_WhenLowerBoundGreaterThanUpperBound_Throws()
            // Arrange
            var fuzzySet1 = new FuzzySet("set1", SingletonFunction.Create(1));
            var fuzzySet2 = new FuzzySet("set1", SingletonFunction.Create(1));

            var fuzzySetCollection = new List <FuzzySet> {
                fuzzySet1, fuzzySet2

            // Act
            // Assert
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => new LinguisticVariable("test", fuzzySetCollection, 1, 0));
Esempio n. 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a <see cref="LinguisticVariable"/> representing fan speed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>
 /// The <see cref="LinguisticVariable"/>.
 /// </returns>
 public static LinguisticVariable PumpSpeed()
     return(new LinguisticVariable(
                new List <FuzzySet>
         new FuzzySet(TestKit.PumpSpeed.Off, SingletonFunction.Create(0)),
         new FuzzySet(TestKit.PumpSpeed.VeryLow, TrapezoidalFunction.CreateWithLeftEdge(1, 200)),
         new FuzzySet(TestKit.PumpSpeed.Low, TriangularFunction.Create(0, 500, 1000)),
         new FuzzySet(TestKit.PumpSpeed.Moderate, TriangularFunction.Create(500, 1000, 2000)),
         new FuzzySet(TestKit.PumpSpeed.High, TriangularFunction.Create(3000, 3500, 4000)),
         new FuzzySet(TestKit.PumpSpeed.VeryHigh, TrapezoidalFunction.CreateWithRightEdge(3500, 4999)),
         new FuzzySet(TestKit.PumpSpeed.AtLimit, SingletonFunction.Create(5000))
Esempio n. 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a <see cref="LinguisticVariable"/> representing water temperature.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>
 /// The <see cref="LinguisticVariable"/>.
 /// </returns>
 public static LinguisticVariable WaterTemp()
     return(new LinguisticVariable(
                new List <FuzzySet>
         new FuzzySet(TestKit.WaterTemp.Frozen, SingletonFunction.Create(0)),
         new FuzzySet(TestKit.WaterTemp.Freezing, TriangularFunction.Create(0, 5, 10)),
         new FuzzySet(TestKit.WaterTemp.Cold, TrapezoidalFunction.Create(5, 10, 15, 20)),
         new FuzzySet(TestKit.WaterTemp.Warm, TrapezoidalFunction.Create(15, 25, 35, 40)),
         new FuzzySet(TestKit.WaterTemp.Hot, TrapezoidalFunction.Create(35, 60, 80, 100)),
         new FuzzySet(TestKit.WaterTemp.Boiling, TrapezoidalFunction.CreateWithRightEdge(95, 100))
        private InferenceSystem SetupInferenceSystem(byte minLuma, byte maxLuma, byte meanLuma)
            var lumaIn  = new LinguisticVariable("LumaIn", minLuma, maxLuma);
            var lumaOut = new LinguisticVariable("LumaOut", 0, 255);

            var darkFunction = new TrapezoidalFunction(minLuma, meanLuma, TrapezoidalFunction.EdgeType.Right);
            var darkSet      = new FuzzySet("Dark", darkFunction);

            var mediumFunction = new TrapezoidalFunction(minLuma, meanLuma, maxLuma);
            var mediumSet      = new FuzzySet("Medium", mediumFunction);

            var lightFunction = new TrapezoidalFunction(meanLuma, maxLuma, TrapezoidalFunction.EdgeType.Left);
            var lightSet      = new FuzzySet("Light", lightFunction);


            var whiteFunction = new SingletonFunction(255);
            var whiteSet      = new FuzzySet("White", whiteFunction);

            var blackFunction = new SingletonFunction(0);
            var blackSet      = new FuzzySet("Black", blackFunction);

            var grayFunction = new SingletonFunction(128);
            var graySet      = new FuzzySet("Gray", grayFunction);


            var database = new Database();


            var inferenceSystem = new InferenceSystem(database, new CogDefuzzifier());

            inferenceSystem.NewRule("Rule 1", "IF LumaIn IS Dark THEN LumaOut is Black");
            inferenceSystem.NewRule("Rule 2", "IF LumaIn IS Medium THEN LumaOut is Gray");
            inferenceSystem.NewRule("Rule 3", "IF LumaIn IS Light THEN LumaOut is White");
