Esempio n. 1
        public static float ReadSingle(IntPtr from, int offset)
            SingleToInt sti = new SingleToInt();

            sti.theInt = Marshal.ReadInt32(from, offset);
Esempio n. 2
        public static void Write(IntPtr to, int offset, float from)
            SingleToInt sti = new SingleToInt();

            sti.theSingle = from;
            Marshal.WriteInt32(to, offset, sti.theInt);
Esempio n. 3
 public static float ReadSingle(IntPtr from, int offset)
     SingleToInt sti = new SingleToInt();
     sti.theInt = Marshal.ReadInt32(from, offset);
     return sti.theSingle;
Esempio n. 4
 public static void Write(IntPtr to, int offset, float from)
     SingleToInt sti = new SingleToInt();
     sti.theSingle = from;
     Marshal.WriteInt32(to, offset, sti.theInt);
Esempio n. 5
        public void CopyOut(IntPtr gapiPtr, int offset)
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, PropertyInvoker <short> > keyVal in propertyContainer.Int16Properties)
                keyVal.Value.Set(Marshal.ReadInt16(gapiPtr, offset + keyVal.Key));

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, PropertyInvoker <ushort> > keyVal in propertyContainer.UInt16Properties)
                keyVal.Value.Set((ushort)Marshal.ReadInt16(gapiPtr, offset + keyVal.Key));

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, PropertyInvoker <int> > keyVal in propertyContainer.Int32Properties)
                keyVal.Value.Set(Marshal.ReadInt32(gapiPtr, offset + keyVal.Key));

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, PropertyInvoker <uint> > keyVal in propertyContainer.UInt32Properties)
                keyVal.Value.Set((uint)Marshal.ReadInt32(gapiPtr, offset + keyVal.Key));

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, PropertyInvoker <long> > keyVal in propertyContainer.Int64Properties)
                keyVal.Value.Set(Marshal.ReadInt64(gapiPtr, offset + keyVal.Key));

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, PropertyInvoker <ulong> > keyVal in propertyContainer.UInt64Properties)
                keyVal.Value.Set((ulong)Marshal.ReadInt64(gapiPtr, offset + keyVal.Key));

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, PropertyInvoker <float> > keyVal in propertyContainer.SingleProperties)
                //IntPtr newPtr = new IntPtr(gapiPtr.ToInt64() + offset + keyVal.Key);
                //keyVal.Value.Set((float)Marshal.PtrToStructure(newPtr, typeof(float)));
                SingleToInt sti = new SingleToInt();
                sti.theInt = Marshal.ReadInt32(gapiPtr, offset + keyVal.Key);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, PropertyInvoker <double> > keyVal in propertyContainer.DoubleProperties)
                //IntPtr newPtr = new IntPtr(gapiPtr.ToInt64() + offset + keyVal.Key);
                //keyVal.Value.Set((double)Marshal.PtrToStructure(newPtr, typeof(double)));
                DoubleToLong dtl = new DoubleToLong();
                dtl.theLong = Marshal.ReadInt64(gapiPtr, offset + keyVal.Key);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, PropertyInvoker <byte> > keyVal in propertyContainer.ByteProperties)
                keyVal.Value.Set(Marshal.ReadByte(gapiPtr, offset + keyVal.Key));

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, PropertyInvoker <char> > keyVal in propertyContainer.CharProperties)
                keyVal.Value.Set((char)Marshal.ReadByte(gapiPtr, offset + keyVal.Key));

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, PropertyInvoker <string> > keyVal in propertyContainer.StringProperties)
                IntPtr stringPtr = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(gapiPtr, offset + keyVal.Key);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, PropertyInvoker <bool> > keyVal in propertyContainer.BoolProperties)
                keyVal.Value.Set(Marshal.ReadByte(gapiPtr, offset + keyVal.Key) != 0);

            // array type[] to gapi sequence<type>

            // jagged array type[][] to gapi sequence<sequence<type>>

            // fixed array type[] to gapi type[n]

            // multi-dim array type[,] to gapi type[][]

            // union
Esempio n. 6
        public void CopyIn(IntPtr gapiPtr, int offset)
            // short to gapi int
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, PropertyInvoker <short> > keyVal in propertyContainer.Int16Properties)
                Marshal.WriteInt16(gapiPtr, offset + keyVal.Key, keyVal.Value.Get());

            // ushort to gapi unsigned int
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, PropertyInvoker <ushort> > keyVal in propertyContainer.UInt16Properties)
                Marshal.WriteInt16(gapiPtr, offset + keyVal.Key, (short)keyVal.Value.Get());

            // int to gapi long
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, PropertyInvoker <int> > keyVal in propertyContainer.Int32Properties)
                Marshal.WriteInt32(gapiPtr, offset + keyVal.Key, keyVal.Value.Get());

            // uint to gapi unsigned long
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, PropertyInvoker <uint> > keyVal in propertyContainer.UInt32Properties)
                Marshal.WriteInt32(gapiPtr, offset + keyVal.Key, (int)keyVal.Value.Get());

            // long to gapi long long
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, PropertyInvoker <long> > keyVal in propertyContainer.Int64Properties)
                Marshal.WriteInt64(gapiPtr, offset + keyVal.Key, keyVal.Value.Get());

            // ulong to gapi unsigned long long
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, PropertyInvoker <ulong> > keyVal in propertyContainer.UInt64Properties)
                Marshal.WriteInt64(gapiPtr, offset + keyVal.Key, (long)keyVal.Value.Get());

            // float
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, PropertyInvoker <float> > keyVal in propertyContainer.SingleProperties)
                // floats are actually Struct Single
                // IntPtr doesn't allow pointer arithmetic, so convert to long and add
                //IntPtr newPtr = new IntPtr(gapiPtr.ToInt64() + offset + keyVal.Key);
                //Marshal.StructureToPtr(keyVal.Value.Get(), newPtr, true);

                SingleToInt sti = new SingleToInt();
                sti.theSingle = keyVal.Value.Get();
                Marshal.WriteInt32(gapiPtr, offset + keyVal.Key, sti.theInt);

            // double
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, PropertyInvoker <double> > keyVal in propertyContainer.DoubleProperties)
                // doubles are actually Struct Double
                // IntPtr doesn't allow pointer arithmetic, so convert to long and add
                //IntPtr newPtr = new IntPtr(gapiPtr.ToInt64() + offset + keyVal.Key);
                //Marshal.StructureToPtr(keyVal.Value.Get(), newPtr, true);

                DoubleToLong dtl = new DoubleToLong();
                dtl.theDouble = keyVal.Value.Get();
                Marshal.WriteInt64(gapiPtr, offset + keyVal.Key, dtl.theLong);

            // byte to gapi octet
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, PropertyInvoker <byte> > keyVal in propertyContainer.ByteProperties)
                Marshal.WriteByte(gapiPtr, offset + keyVal.Key, keyVal.Value.Get());

            // char to gapi char (only 1 byte)
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, PropertyInvoker <char> > keyVal in propertyContainer.CharProperties)
                // Only use the lower 8 bits or lower byte.
                Marshal.WriteByte(gapiPtr, offset + keyVal.Key, (byte)keyVal.Value.Get());

            // string to gapi string
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, PropertyInvoker <string> > keyVal in propertyContainer.StringProperties)
                IntPtr stringPtr = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(keyVal.Value.Get());
                Marshal.WriteIntPtr(gapiPtr, offset + keyVal.Key, stringPtr);

            // bool
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, PropertyInvoker <bool> > keyVal in propertyContainer.BoolProperties)
                Marshal.WriteByte(gapiPtr, offset + keyVal.Key, keyVal.Value.Get() ? (byte)1 : (byte)0);

            // array type[] to gapi sequence<type>

            // jagged array type[][] to gapi sequence<sequence<type>>

            // fixed array type[] to gapi type[n]

            // multi-dim array type[,] to gapi type[][]

            // union