Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Run all child simulations with the given optimal values,
        /// and store the results in the given checkpoint name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="checkpointName">Name of the checkpoint.</param>
        /// <param name="optimalValues">Changes to be applied to the models.</param>
        /// <param name="fileName">Name of the apsimx file run by the optimiser.</param>
        private void RunSimsWithOptimalValues(string fileName, string checkpointName, IEnumerable <CompositeFactor> optimalValues)
            IDataStore storage = FindInScope <IDataStore>();

            // First, clone the simulations (we don't want to change the values
            // of the parameters in the original file).
            Simulations clonedSims = FileFormat.ReadFromFile <Simulations>(fileName, out List <Exception> errors);

            if (errors != null && errors.Count > 0)
                throw errors[0];

            // Apply the optimal values to the cloned simulations.
            clonedSims = EditFile.ApplyChanges(clonedSims, optimalValues);

            DataStore clonedStorage = clonedSims.FindChild <DataStore>();

            clonedStorage.CustomFileName = storage.FileName;

            // Run the child models of the cloned CroptimizR.
            Runner runner = new Runner(clonedSims);

            errors = runner.Run();
            if (errors != null && errors.Count > 0)
                throw errors[0];
            storage.Writer.SetCheckpointShowGraphs(checkpointName, true);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Attach inherited class additional presenters is needed
        /// </summary>
        public void AttachExtraPresenters(CLEMPresenter clemPresenter)
            //UI Results
                ActivityLedgerGridView ledgerView = new ActivityLedgerGridView(clemPresenter.View as ViewBase);
                ReportView             rv         = new ReportView(clemPresenter.View as ViewBase);
                ViewBase reportView = new ViewBase(rv, "");

                Model report = clemPresenter.Model as Model;

                Simulations simulations = report.FindAncestor <Simulations>();
                if (simulations != null)
                    dataStore = simulations.FindChild <IDataStore>();

                DataStorePresenter          dataStorePresenter    = new DataStorePresenter();
                ActivityLedgerGridPresenter activityGridPresenter = new ActivityLedgerGridPresenter();
                Simulation simulation = report.FindAncestor <Simulation>();
                Zone       paddock    = report.FindAncestor <Zone>();

                if (paddock != null)
                    dataStorePresenter.ZoneFilter = paddock;

                if (simulation != null)
                    if (simulation.Parent is Experiment)
                        dataStorePresenter.ExperimentFilter = simulation.Parent as Experiment;
                        dataStorePresenter.SimulationFilter = simulation;

                dataStorePresenter.Attach(dataStore, reportView, clemPresenter.ExplorerPresenter);
                activityGridPresenter.CreateHtml     = (clemPresenter.Model as ReportActivitiesPerformed).CreateHTML;
                activityGridPresenter.ModelReport    = report as Report;
                activityGridPresenter.ModelName      = report.Name;
                activityGridPresenter.SimulationName = simulation.Name;
                activityGridPresenter.ZoneName       = paddock.Name;
                activityGridPresenter.Attach(dataStore, ledgerView, clemPresenter.ExplorerPresenter);
                dataStorePresenter.tableDropDown.SelectedValue = report.Name;

                (clemPresenter.View as CLEMView).AddTabView("Display", ledgerView);
                clemPresenter.PresenterList.Add("Display", activityGridPresenter);

                (clemPresenter.View as CLEMView).AddTabView("Data", reportView);
                clemPresenter.PresenterList.Add("Data", dataStorePresenter);
            catch (Exception err)
Esempio n. 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Create an <see cref="ApsimServer" /> instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="file">.apsimx file to be run.</param>
 public ApsimServer(GlobalServerOptions options)
     this.options = options;
     sims         = FileFormat.ReadFromFile <Simulations>(options.File, e => throw e, false);
     sims.FindChild <Models.Storage.DataStore>().UseInMemoryDB = true;
     runner    = new Runner(sims);
     jobRunner = new ServerJobRunner();
Esempio n. 4
        public void EnsureDataIsNotWrittenTwice()
            Simulations sims    = Utilities.GetRunnableSim();
            Simulation  sim     = sims.FindChild <Simulation>();
            Summary     summary = sim.FindChild <Summary>();

            // Write 2 messages to the DB during StartOfSimulation.
            string        message1 = "message 1";
            string        message2 = "A slightly longer message";
            string        message3 = "Written in OnCompleted";
            SummaryWriter writer   = new SummaryWriter();

            writer.AddMessage("[Clock].StartOfSimulation", message1);
            writer.AddMessage("[Clock].StartOfSimulation", message2);
            writer.AddMessage("[Simulation].Completed", message3);

            Structure.Add(writer, sim);

            Runner           runner = new Runner(sims);
            List <Exception> errors = runner.Run();

            if (errors != null && errors.Count > 0)
                throw errors[0];

            IDataStore storage  = sims.FindChild <IDataStore>();
            DataTable  messages = storage.Reader.GetData("_Messages");

            // Clock will write its own "Simulation terminated normally" message.
            Assert.AreEqual(5, messages.Rows.Count);

            // The first row will be a warning caused by the lack of a
            // microclimate model.

            Assert.AreEqual(message1, messages.Rows[1][6]);
            Assert.AreEqual(message2, messages.Rows[2][6]);

            // The fourth row should not be written by SummaryWriter.
            Assert.AreNotEqual(writer.Name, messages.Rows[3]["ComponentName"]);

            // The fifth will be the "Simulation terminated normally" message.
            Assert.AreEqual(message3, messages.Rows[4][6]);
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Attach the model (report) and the view (IReportView)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The report model object</param>
        /// <param name="view">The view object</param>
        /// <param name="explorerPresenter">The explorer presenter</param>
        public void Attach(object model, object view, ExplorerPresenter explorerPresenter)
              = model as Report;
            this.explorerPresenter = explorerPresenter;
            this.view                    = view as IReportView;
            this.intellisense            = new IntellisensePresenter(view as ViewBase);
            intellisense.ItemSelected   += OnIntellisenseItemSelected;
            this.view.VariableList.Mode  = EditorType.Report;
            this.view.EventList.Mode     = EditorType.Report;
            this.view.VariableList.Lines = report.VariableNames;
            this.view.EventList.Lines    = report.EventNames;
            this.view.GroupByEdit.Text   = report.GroupByVariableName;
            this.view.VariableList.ContextItemsNeeded     += OnNeedVariableNames;
            this.view.EventList.ContextItemsNeeded        += OnNeedEventNames;
            this.view.GroupByEdit.IntellisenseItemsNeeded += OnNeedVariableNames;
            this.view.VariableList.TextHasChangedByUser   += OnVariableNamesChanged;
            this.view.EventList.TextHasChangedByUser      += OnEventNamesChanged;
            this.view.GroupByEdit.Changed += OnGroupByChanged;
            this.view.SplitterChanged     += OnSplitterChanged;
            this.view.SplitterPosition     = Configuration.Settings.ReportSplitterPosition;
            this.explorerPresenter.CommandHistory.ModelChanged += OnModelChanged;
            this.view.TabChanged += OnChangeTab;

            Simulations simulations = report.FindAncestor <Simulations>();

            if (simulations != null)
                dataStore = simulations.FindChild <IDataStore>();

            //// TBI this.view.VariableList.SetSyntaxHighlighter("Report");

            dataStorePresenter = new DataStorePresenter();
            Simulation simulation = report.FindAncestor <Simulation>();
            Experiment experiment = report.FindAncestor <Experiment>();
            Zone       paddock    = report.FindAncestor <Zone>();

            // Only show data which is in scope of this report.
            // E.g. data from this zone and either experiment (if applicable) or simulation.
            if (paddock != null)
                dataStorePresenter.ZoneFilter = paddock;
            if (experiment != null)
                dataStorePresenter.ExperimentFilter = experiment;
            else if (simulation != null)
                dataStorePresenter.SimulationFilter = simulation;

            dataStorePresenter.Attach(dataStore, this.view.DataStoreView, explorerPresenter);
            this.view.TabIndex =;
Esempio n. 6
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public void AttachExtraPresenters(CLEMPresenter clemPresenter)
                bool   parentOfReport = false;
                Report report         = clemPresenter.Model as Report;
                if (report is null)
                    report         = clemPresenter.Model.FindChild <Report>();
                    parentOfReport = true;

                rv = new ReportView(clemPresenter.View as ViewBase);
                ViewBase reportView = new ViewBase(rv, "");

                dataStorePresenter = new DataStorePresenter(new string[] { (parentOfReport)? (clemPresenter.Model as IModel).Name:report.Name });

                Simulations simulations = report.FindAncestor <Simulations>();
                if (simulations != null)
                    dataStore = simulations.FindChild <IDataStore>();

                Simulation simulation = report.FindAncestor <Simulation>();
                Experiment experiment = report.FindAncestor <Experiment>();
                Zone       paddock    = report.FindAncestor <Zone>();

                IModel zoneAnscestor = report.FindAncestor <Zone>();

                // Only show data which is in scope of this report.
                // E.g. data from this zone and either experiment (if applicable) or simulation.
                if (paddock != null)
                    dataStorePresenter.ZoneFilter = paddock;
                if (zoneAnscestor is null & experiment != null)
                    // allows the inner reports of the base simulation to be displayed
                    // when an experiment is being undertaken
                    // otherwise reports are considered child of experiment and will only display experiment results.
                    dataStorePresenter.ExperimentFilter = experiment;
                else if (simulation != null)
                    dataStorePresenter.SimulationFilter = simulation;

                dataStorePresenter.Attach(dataStore, reportView, clemPresenter.ExplorerPresenter);

                // Attach the view to display data
                clem = clemPresenter.View as CLEMView;
                clem.AddTabView("Data", reportView);
                clemPresenter.PresenterList.Add("Data", this);
        /// <summary>Get a list of cultivars for crop.</summary>
        /// <param name="crop">The crop.</param>
        /// <returns>A list of cultivars.</returns>
        public static string[] GetCultivarNames(IPlant crop)
            Simulations  simulations  = (crop as IModel).FindAncestor <Simulations>();
            Replacements replacements = simulations.FindChild <Replacements>();

            if (replacements == null)

            IPlant replacementCrop = replacements.FindChild((crop as IModel).Name) as IPlant;

            if (replacementCrop != null)

            // Check for cultivar folders under replacements.
            List <string> cultivarNames = crop.CultivarNames.ToList();

            foreach (CultivarFolder cultivarFolder in (crop as IModel).FindAllChildren <CultivarFolder>())
                IModel replacementFolder = replacements.FindChild(cultivarFolder.Name);
                if (replacementFolder != null)
                    // If we find a matching cultivar folder under replacements, remove
                    // all cultivar names added by this folder in the official plant
                    // model, and add the cultivar names added by the matching cultivar
                    // folder under replacements.
                    foreach (IModel cultivar in cultivarFolder.FindAllDescendants <Cultivar>())

                        // If the cultivar has memo children, then the memo text will
                        // be appended to the cultivar name after a vertical bar |.
                        // Technically, there could be a cultivar x and x|y, but the UI
                        // will prevent users from doing this, so the user would really
                        // just be digging their own hole at this point.
                        cultivarNames.RemoveAll(c => c.StartsWith(cultivar.Name + "|"));

                    foreach (Alias alias in cultivarFolder.FindAllDescendants <Alias>())
                        cultivarNames.RemoveAll(c => c.StartsWith(alias.Name + "|"));

                    foreach (IModel cultivar in replacementFolder.FindAllDescendants <Cultivar>())
Esempio n. 8
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public void AttachExtraPresenters(CLEMPresenter clemPresenter)
                Report report = clemPresenter.model as Report;

                ReportView rv         = new ReportView(clemPresenter.view as ViewBase);
                ViewBase   reportView = new ViewBase(rv, "");

                DataStorePresenter dataStorePresenter = new DataStorePresenter(new string[] { report.Name });

                Simulations simulations = report.FindAncestor <Simulations>();
                if (simulations != null)
                    dataStore = simulations.FindChild <IDataStore>();

                Simulation simulation = report.FindAncestor <Simulation>();
                Experiment experiment = report.FindAncestor <Experiment>();
                Zone       paddock    = report.FindAncestor <Zone>();

                // Only show data which is in scope of this report.
                // E.g. data from this zone and either experiment (if applicable) or simulation.
                if (paddock != null)
                    dataStorePresenter.ZoneFilter = paddock;

                if (experiment != null)
                    dataStorePresenter.ExperimentFilter = experiment;
                else if (simulation != null)
                    dataStorePresenter.SimulationFilter = simulation;

                dataStorePresenter.Attach(dataStore, reportView, clemPresenter.explorerPresenter);

                // Attach the view to display data
                clem = clemPresenter.view as CLEMView;
                clem.AddTabView("Data", reportView);
                clemPresenter.presenterList.Add("Data", this);

                //clem.TabSelected += Refresh;
            catch (Exception err)
        /// <summary>Attach the model (report) and the view (IReportView)</summary>
        public void Attach(object model, object view, ExplorerPresenter explorerPresenter)
              = model as Report;
            this.explorerPresenter = explorerPresenter;
            this.view = view as IReportActivityLedgerView;

            this.explorerPresenter.CommandHistory.ModelChanged += OnModelChanged;

            Simulations simulations = report.FindAncestor <Simulations>();

            if (simulations != null)
                dataStore = simulations.FindChild <IDataStore>();

            dataStorePresenter    = new DataStorePresenter();
            activityGridPresenter = new ActivityLedgerGridPresenter();
            Simulation simulation = report.FindAncestor <Simulation>();
            Zone       paddock    = report.FindAncestor <Zone>();

            if (paddock != null)
                dataStorePresenter.ZoneFilter = paddock;
            if (simulation != null)
                if (simulation.Parent is Experiment)
                    dataStorePresenter.ExperimentFilter = simulation.Parent as Experiment;
                    dataStorePresenter.SimulationFilter = simulation;

            dataStorePresenter.Attach(dataStore, this.view.DataStoreView, explorerPresenter);
            activityGridPresenter.ModelName      =;
            activityGridPresenter.SimulationName = simulation.Name;
            activityGridPresenter.ZoneName       = paddock.Name;
            activityGridPresenter.Attach(dataStore, this.view.DisplayView, explorerPresenter);
            dataStorePresenter.tableDropDown.SelectedValue =;
Esempio n. 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Run a command received from a given connection manager.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="command">Command to be run.</param>
 /// <param name="connection">Connection on which we received the command.</param>
 protected virtual void RunCommand(ICommand command, IConnectionManager connection)
         // Clone the simulations object before running the command.
         var timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();
         command.Run(runner, jobRunner, sims.FindChild <Models.Storage.IDataStore>());
         WriteToLog($"Command ran in {timer.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");
     catch (Exception err)
         if (options.Verbose)
         connection.OnCommandFinished(command, err);
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>Get a list of Phase Names for life Cycle</summary>
        /// <param name="crop">The crop.</param>
        /// <returns>A list of Phase Names.</returns>
        private string[] GetPhaseNames(LifeCycle lifeCycle)
            if (lifeCycle.LifeCyclePhaseNames.Length == 0)
                Simulations  simulations  = (lifeCycle as IModel).FindAncestor <Simulations>();
                Replacements replacements = simulations.FindChild <Replacements>();
                if (replacements != null)
                    LifeCycle replacementLifeCycle = replacements.FindChild((lifeCycle as IModel).Name) as LifeCycle;
                    if (replacementLifeCycle != null)

            return(new string[0]);
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>Get a list of cultivars for crop.</summary>
        /// <param name="crop">The crop.</param>
        /// <returns>A list of cultivars.</returns>
        private string[] GetCultivarNames(IPlant crop)
            if (crop.CultivarNames.Length == 0)
                Simulations  simulations  = (crop as IModel).FindAncestor <Simulations>();
                Replacements replacements = simulations.FindChild <Replacements>();
                if (replacements != null)
                    IPlant replacementCrop = replacements.FindChild((crop as IModel).Name) as IPlant;
                    if (replacementCrop != null)

            return(new string[0]);
Esempio n. 13
        public void TestEditing()
            string configFile = Path.GetTempFileName();

            File.WriteAllLines(configFile, new[]
                // Modify an array
                "[Report].VariableNames = x,y,z",

                // Modify a date - try a few different formats.
                "[Clock].StartDate = 2000-01-01",
                "[Clock].EndDate = 2000-01-10T00:00:00",

                // Modify a string
                "[Weather].FileName = fdsa.met",
                @"[Weather2].FullFileName = jkl.met",

                // Replace a model with a model from another file.
                $"[Weather3] = {extFile}",
                $"[Weather4] = {extFile};[w2]",

                // Change a property of a resource model.
                "[Wheat].Leaf.Photosynthesis.RUE.FixedValue = 0.4",

                // Change a property of a manager script.
                "[Manager].Script.Amount = 1234",

                // Set an entire array.
                "[Physical].BD = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5",

                // Modify a single element of an array.
                "[Physical].AirDry[2] = 6",

                // Modify multiple elements of an array.
                "[Physical].LL15[3:4] = 7",

            Simulations file = EditFile.Do(fileName, configFile);

            var report = file.FindInScope <Models.Report>();

            string[] variableNames = new[] { "x", "y", "z" };
            Assert.AreEqual(variableNames, report.VariableNames);

            IModel sim = file.FindChild <Simulation>();

            // Use an index-based lookup to locate child models.
            // When we replace an entire model, we want to ensure
            // that the replacement is inserted at the correct index.

            Clock clock = sim.Children[0] as Clock;

            Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2000, 1, 1), clock.StartDate);
            Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2000, 1, 10), clock.EndDate);

            var weather = sim.Children[3] as Models.Climate.Weather;

            Assert.AreEqual("Weather", weather.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual("fdsa.met", weather.FileName);

            var weather2 = sim.Children[4] as Models.Climate.Weather;

            Assert.AreEqual("Weather2", weather2.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(@"jkl.met", weather2.FileName);

            // Weather3 and Weather4 should have been
            // renamed to w1 and w2, respectively.
            var weather3 = sim.Children[5] as Models.Climate.Weather;

            Assert.AreEqual("w1", weather3.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual("w1.met", weather3.FileName);

            var weather4 = sim.Children[6] as Models.Climate.Weather;

            Assert.AreEqual("w2", weather4.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual("w2.met", weather4.FileName);

            // The edit file operation should have changed RUE value to 0.4.
            var wheat = sim.Children[2].Children[2] as Plant;
            var rue   = wheat.Children[6].Children[4].Children[0] as Constant;

            Assert.AreEqual(0.4, rue.FixedValue);

            double amount = (double)sim.FindByPath("[Manager].Script.Amount")?.Value;

            Assert.AreEqual(1234, amount);

            Physical physical = sim.Children[2].Children[4] as Physical;

            Assert.AreEqual(new double[5] {
                1, 2, 3, 4, 5
            }, physical.BD);
            Assert.AreEqual(new double[5] {
                0, 6, 0, 0, 0
            }, physical.AirDry);
            Assert.AreEqual(new double[5] {
                0, 0, 7, 7, 0
            }, physical.LL15);
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Run the apsim server. This will block the calling thread.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void Run()
                WriteToLog($"Starting server...");
                using (IConnectionManager conn = CreateConnection())
                    while (true)
                            WriteToLog("Waiting for connections...");
                            WriteToLog("Client connected to server.");
                            ICommand command;
                            while ((command = GetCommand(conn)) != null)
                                WriteToLog($"Received {command}");
                                    RunCommand(command, conn);
                                catch (IOException)
                                    // Broken pipe is handled further down.
                                catch (Exception error)
                                    // Other exceptions will usually be triggered by a
                                    // problem executing the command. This shouldn't cause
                                    // the server to crash.
                                    // todo : custom exception type for comamnd failures?
                                    WriteToLog($"{command} ran with errors:");

                            WriteToLog($"Connection closed by client.");

                            // If we don't want to keep the server alive we can exit now.
                            // Otherwise we will go back and wait for another connection.
                            if (!options.KeepAlive)
                        catch (IOException err)
                            WriteToLog("Pipe is broken. Closing connection...");
                sims?.FindChild <Models.Storage.IDataStore>()?.Close();
Esempio n. 15
        public void TestEditing()
            string configFile = Path.GetTempFileName();

            File.WriteAllLines(configFile, new[]
                // Modify an array
                "[Report].VariableNames = x,y,z",

                // Modify a date - try a few different formats.
                "[Clock].StartDate = 2000-01-01",
                "[Clock].EndDate = 2000-01-10T00:00:00",

                // Modify a string
                "[Weather].FileName = fdsa.met",
                @"[Weather2].FullFileName = jkl.met",

                // Replace a model with a model from another file.
                $"[Weather3] = {extFile}",
                $"[Weather4] = {extFile};[w2]",

                // Change a property of a resource model.
                "[Wheat].Leaf.Photosynthesis.RUE.FixedValue = 0.4",

                // Change a property of a manager script.
                "[Manager].Script.Amount = 1234",

                // Set an entire array.
                "[Physical].BD = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5",

                // Modify a single element of an array.
                "[Physical].AirDry[2] = 6",

                // Modify multiple elements of an array.
                "[Physical].LL15[3:4] = 7",

            string models = typeof(IModel).Assembly.Location;
            string args   = $"{fileName} /Edit {configFile}";

            var proc = new ProcessUtilities.ProcessWithRedirectedOutput();

            proc.Start(models, args, Path.GetTempPath(), true, writeToConsole: true);

            // Children of simulation are, in order:
            // Clock, summary, zone, Weather, Weather2, w1, w2
            Assert.AreEqual(null, proc.StdOut);
            Assert.AreEqual(null, proc.StdErr);

            Simulations file = FileFormat.ReadFromFile <Simulations>(fileName, out List <Exception> errors);

            if (errors != null && errors.Count > 0)
                throw errors[0];

            var report = file.FindInScope <Models.Report>();

            string[] variableNames = new[] { "x", "y", "z" };
            Assert.AreEqual(variableNames, report.VariableNames);

            IModel sim = file.FindChild <Simulation>();

            // Use an index-based lookup to locate child models.
            // When we replace an entire model, we want to ensure
            // that the replacement is inserted at the correct index.

            Clock clock = sim.Children[0] as Clock;

            Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2000, 1, 1), clock.StartDate);
            Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2000, 1, 10), clock.EndDate);

            var weather = sim.Children[3] as Models.Climate.Weather;

            Assert.AreEqual("Weather", weather.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual("fdsa.met", weather.FileName);

            var weather2 = sim.Children[4] as Models.Climate.Weather;

            Assert.AreEqual("Weather2", weather2.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(@"jkl.met", weather2.FileName);

            // Weather3 and Weather4 should have been
            // renamed to w1 and w2, respectively.
            var weather3 = sim.Children[5] as Models.Climate.Weather;

            Assert.AreEqual("w1", weather3.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual("w1.met", weather3.FileName);

            var weather4 = sim.Children[6] as Models.Climate.Weather;

            Assert.AreEqual("w2", weather4.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual("w2.met", weather4.FileName);

            // The edit file operation should have changed RUE value to 0.4.
            var wheat = sim.Children[2].Children[2] as Plant;
            var rue   = wheat.Children[6].Children[4].Children[0] as Constant;

            Assert.AreEqual(0.4, rue.FixedValue);

            double amount = (double)sim.FindByPath("[Manager].Script.Amount")?.Value;

            Assert.AreEqual(1234, amount);

            Physical physical = sim.Children[2].Children[4] as Physical;

            Assert.AreEqual(new double[5] {
                1, 2, 3, 4, 5
            }, physical.BD);
            Assert.AreEqual(new double[5] {
                0, 6, 0, 0, 0
            }, physical.AirDry);
            Assert.AreEqual(new double[5] {
                0, 0, 7, 7, 0
            }, physical.LL15);