public void EnsureReplacementsNodeWorks()
            var simulations = new Simulations()
                Children = new List <Model>()
                    new Folder()
                        Name     = "Replacements",
                        Children = new List <Model>()
                            new MockWeather()
                                Name      = "Weather",
                                MaxT      = 2,
                                StartDate = DateTime.MinValue

                    new Simulation()
                        Name     = "BaseSimulation",
                        Children = new List <Model>()
                            new MockWeather()
                                Name      = "Weather",
                                MaxT      = 1,
                                StartDate = DateTime.MinValue


            var sim = simulations.Children[1] as Simulation;
            var simulationDescription = new SimulationDescription(sim);

            var newSim  = simulationDescription.ToSimulation();
            var weather = newSim.Children[0] as MockWeather;

            Assert.AreEqual(weather.MaxT, 2);

            // Make sure any property overrides happens after a model replacement.
            simulationDescription.AddOverride(new PropertyReplacement("Weather.MaxT", 3));
            newSim  = simulationDescription.ToSimulation();
            weather = newSim.Children[0] as MockWeather;
            Assert.AreEqual(weather.MaxT, 3);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>Documents the specified model.</summary>
        /// <param name="modelNameToDocument">The model name to document.</param>
        /// <param name="tags">The auto doc tags.</param>
        /// <param name="headingLevel">The starting heading level.</param>
        public void DocumentModel(string modelNameToDocument, List <AutoDocumentation.ITag> tags, int headingLevel)
            Simulation simulation = Apsim.Find(this, typeof(Simulation)) as Simulation;

            if (simulation != null)
                // Find the model of the right name.
                IModel modelToDocument = Apsim.Find(simulation, modelNameToDocument);

                // If not found then find a model of the specified type.
                if (modelToDocument == null)
                    modelToDocument = Apsim.Get(simulation, "[" + modelNameToDocument + "]") as IModel;

                // If the simulation has the same name as the model we want to document, dig a bit deeper
                if (modelToDocument == simulation)
                    modelToDocument = Apsim.ChildrenRecursivelyVisible(simulation).FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name.Equals(modelNameToDocument, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                // If still not found throw an error.
                if (modelToDocument != null)
                    // Get the path of the model (relative to parentSimulation) to document so that
                    // when replacements happen below we will point to the replacement model not the
                    // one passed into this method.
                    string pathOfSimulation      = Apsim.FullPath(simulation) + ".";
                    string pathOfModelToDocument = Apsim.FullPath(modelToDocument).Replace(pathOfSimulation, "");

                    // Clone the simulation
                    SimulationDescription simDescription = new SimulationDescription(simulation);

                    Simulation clonedSimulation = simDescription.ToSimulation();

                    // Now use the path to get the model we want to document.
                    modelToDocument = Apsim.Get(clonedSimulation, pathOfModelToDocument) as IModel;

                    if (modelToDocument == null)
                        throw new Exception("Cannot find model to document: " + modelNameToDocument);

                    // resolve all links in cloned simulation.
                    Links.Resolve(clonedSimulation, true);

                    modelToDocument.IncludeInDocumentation = true;
                    foreach (IModel child in Apsim.ChildrenRecursively(modelToDocument))
                        child.IncludeInDocumentation = true;

                    // Document the model.
                    AutoDocumentation.DocumentModel(modelToDocument, tags, headingLevel, 0, documentAllChildren: true);

                    // Unresolve links.
                    Links.Unresolve(clonedSimulation, true);
        public void EnsurePropertyReplacementsWork()
            var sim = new Simulation()
                Name     = "BaseSimulation",
                Children = new List <Model>()
                    new MockWeather()
                        Name      = "Weather",
                        MaxT      = 1,
                        StartDate = DateTime.MinValue


            var simulationDescription = new SimulationDescription(sim, "CustomName");

            simulationDescription.AddOverride(new PropertyReplacement("Weather.MaxT", 2));

            var newSim = simulationDescription.ToSimulation();

            var weather = newSim.Children[0] as MockWeather;

            Assert.AreEqual(weather.MaxT, 2);
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>Documents the specified model.</summary>
        /// <param name="modelNameToDocument">The model name to document.</param>
        /// <param name="tags">The auto doc tags.</param>
        /// <param name="headingLevel">The starting heading level.</param>
        public void DocumentModel(string modelNameToDocument, List <AutoDocumentation.ITag> tags, int headingLevel)
            Simulation simulation = this.FindInScope <Simulation>();

            if (simulation != null)
                // Find the model of the right name.
                IModel modelToDocument = simulation.FindInScope(modelNameToDocument);

                // If not found then find a model of the specified type.
                if (modelToDocument == null)
                    modelToDocument = simulation.FindByPath("[" + modelNameToDocument + "]")?.Value as IModel;

                // If the simulation has the same name as the model we want to document, dig a bit deeper
                if (modelToDocument == simulation)
                    modelToDocument = simulation.FindAllDescendants().Where(m => !m.IsHidden).ToList().FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name.Equals(modelNameToDocument, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                // If still not found throw an error.
                if (modelToDocument != null)
                    // Get the path of the model (relative to parentSimulation) to document so that
                    // when replacements happen below we will point to the replacement model not the
                    // one passed into this method.
                    string pathOfSimulation      = simulation.FullPath + ".";
                    string pathOfModelToDocument = modelToDocument.FullPath.Replace(pathOfSimulation, "");

                    // Clone the simulation
                    SimulationDescription simDescription = new SimulationDescription(simulation);

                    Simulation clonedSimulation = simDescription.ToSimulation();

                    // Prepare the simulation for running - this perform misc cleanup tasks such
                    // as removing disabled models, standardising the soil, resolving links, etc.
                    FindInScope <IDataStore>().Writer.Stop();
                    // Now use the path to get the model we want to document.
                    modelToDocument = clonedSimulation.FindByPath(pathOfModelToDocument)?.Value as IModel;

                    if (modelToDocument == null)
                        throw new Exception("Cannot find model to document: " + modelNameToDocument);

                    // resolve all links in cloned simulation.
                    Links.Resolve(clonedSimulation, true);

                    // Document the model.
                    AutoDocumentation.DocumentModel(modelToDocument, tags, headingLevel, 0, documentAllChildren: true);

                    // Unresolve links.
                    Links.Unresolve(clonedSimulation, true);
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform the command
        /// </summary>
        public void Do(CommandHistory commandHistory)
            Simulation clonedSimulation = null;
            IEvent     events           = null;

                List <Simulation> sims = new List <Models.Core.Simulation>();
                var sim = new SimulationDescription(simulation);

                events = explorerPresenter.ApsimXFile.GetEventService(clonedSimulation);

                List <ModelDoc> models = new List <ModelDoc>();
                foreach (IModel model in Apsim.ChildrenRecursively(clonedSimulation))
                    ModelDoc newModelDoc = DocumentModel(model);
                    newModelDoc.Name = Apsim.FullPath(model);

                StringWriter  rawXML     = new StringWriter();
                XmlSerializer serialiser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List <ModelDoc>));
                serialiser.Serialize(rawXML, models);

                // Load the XSL transform from the resource
                Stream s         = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("ApsimNG.Resources.DebugDoc.xsl");
                var    transform = new XslCompiledTransform();
                using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(s))

                // Apply the transform to the reader and write it to a temporary file.
                string tempFileName = Path.GetTempFileName();
                string htmlFileName = Path.ChangeExtension(tempFileName, ".html");
                using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(rawXML.ToString())))
                    using (XmlWriter htmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(htmlFileName))
                        transform.Transform(reader, htmlWriter);
                if (clonedSimulation != null)
                    explorerPresenter.ApsimXFile.Links.Unresolve(clonedSimulation, allLinks: true);
        public void EnsureReplacementWithInvalidNameDoesntMatch()
            var simulations = new Simulations()
                Children = new List <Model>()
                    new Folder()
                        Name     = "Replacements",
                        Children = new List <Model>()
                            new MockWeather()
                                Name      = "Dummy name",
                                MaxT      = 2,
                                StartDate = DateTime.MinValue

                    new Simulation()
                        Name     = "BaseSimulation",
                        Children = new List <Model>()
                            new MockWeather()
                                Name      = "Weather",
                                MaxT      = 1,
                                StartDate = DateTime.MinValue


            var sim = simulations.Children[1] as Simulation;
            var simulationDescription = new SimulationDescription(sim);

            var newSim  = simulationDescription.ToSimulation();
            var weather = newSim.Children[0] as MockWeather;

            // Name ('Dummy name') didn't match so property should still be 1.
            Assert.AreEqual(weather.MaxT, 1);
        public void EnsureModelOverrideWork()
            var sim = new Simulation()
                Name     = "BaseSimulation",
                Children = new List <Model>()
                    new MockWeather()
                        Name      = "Weather",
                        MaxT      = 1,
                        StartDate = DateTime.MinValue


            var replacementWeather = new MockWeather()
                Name      = "Weather2",
                MaxT      = 2,
                StartDate = DateTime.MinValue

            var simulationDescription = new SimulationDescription(sim, "CustomName");

            simulationDescription.AddOverride(new ModelReplacement("Weather", replacementWeather));

            var newSim = simulationDescription.ToSimulation();

            Assert.AreEqual(newSim.Name, "CustomName");

            var weather = newSim.Children[0] as MockWeather;

            Assert.AreEqual(weather.MaxT, 2);

            // The name of the new model should be the same as the original model.
            Assert.AreEqual(weather.Name, "Weather");
        public void EnsureSoilIsStandardised()
            var sim = new Simulation()
                Name     = "Simulation",
                Children = new List <Model>()
                    new Soil
                        Children = new List <Model>()
                            new Physical()
                                Thickness = new double[] { 100, 300, 300 },
                                BD        = new double[] { 1.36, 1.216, 1.24 },
                                AirDry    = new double[] { 0.135, 0.214, 0.261 },
                                LL15      = new double[] { 0.27, 0.267, 0.261 },
                                DUL       = new double[] { 0.365, 0.461, 0.43 },
                                SAT       = new double[] { 0.400, 0.481, 0.45 },

                                Children = new List <Model>()
                                    new SoilCrop
                                        Name = "Wheat",
                                        KL   = new double[] { 0.06, 0.060, 0.060 },
                                        LL   = new double[] { 0.27, 0.267, 0.261 }
                            new SoilWater(),
                            new Organic
                                Thickness = new double[] { 100, 300 },
                                Carbon    = new double[] { 2, 1 }
                            new Chemical
                                Thickness = new double[] { 100, 200 },
                                CL        = new double[] { 38, double.NaN }
                            new Sample
                                Thickness = new double[] { 500 },
                                SW        = new double[] { 0.103 },
                                OC        = new double[] { 1.35 },
                                SWUnits   = Sample.SWUnitsEnum.Gravimetric
                            new Sample
                                Thickness = new double[] { 1000 },
                                NO3N      = new double[] { 27 },
                                OC        = new double[] { 1.35 },
                                SWUnits   = Sample.SWUnitsEnum.Volumetric
                            new CERESSoilTemperature(),


            var originalSoil  = sim.Children[0] as Soil;
            var originalWater = originalSoil.Children[0] as Physical;


            var simulationDescription = new SimulationDescription(sim);

            var newSim = simulationDescription.ToSimulation();

            var water             = newSim.Children[0].Children[0] as Physical;
            var soilOrganicMatter = newSim.Children[0].Children[2] as Organic;
            var sample            = newSim.Children[0].Children[4] as Sample;

            // Make sure layer structures have been standardised.
            Assert.AreEqual(water.Thickness, originalWater.Thickness);
            Assert.AreEqual(soilOrganicMatter.Thickness, originalWater.Thickness);
            Assert.AreEqual(sample.Thickness, originalWater.Thickness);

            // Make sure sample units are volumetric.
            Assert.AreEqual(sample.SWUnits, Sample.SWUnitsEnum.Volumetric);